Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Understandable George, we all do what we gotta do. And we are neither less nor more for it. It is the realizations that count, and if we are wise about it, they never stop coming.
Each time a person posts a negative comment (and the given return post), synergistic sells 2-4-10 more fuses
Got to keep thing honest, the gullible will buy it regardless.

Cheers George
fuses are also a thing that can be slipped past the significant other so they tend to sell fairly well with bringing about 'hidden', out of sight  upgrades.

But don't worry, she's got you covered.

That ordinary looking glasses case in her purse has a $600 pair of Armani sunglasses that she puts on when she's driving around and seeing friends.

The irony is that it is like Andrew Singer of Sound By Singer once said (quote originates elsewhere) "I don’t care what they say about me, as long as they say about me".

In other words, all positive and all negative comments create sales for The Synergistic fuses and other audiophile fuses.

Each time a person posts a negative comment (and the given return post), synergistic sells 2-4-10 more fuses to those who witness the fuse fight club thread, and it’s spread in the under current of the audio world.

As the French will say: " Succès de scandale ", translated "Success from scandal".
This concept is echoed by the phrase, "there is no such thing as bad publicity"

3,936 posts and counting....
The irony is that it is like Andrew Singer of Sound By Singer once said (quote originates elsewhere) "I don’t care what they say about me, as long as they say about me".

In other words, all positive and all negative comments create sales for The Synergistic fuses and other audiophile fuses.

Each time a person posts a negative comment (and the given return post), synergistic sells 2-4-10 more fuses to those who witness the fuse fight club thread, and it’s spread in the under current of the audio world.

Synergistic can’’t reasonably step in and say it, so I’ll say it for them:

"All you negative posters, Synergistic thanks you from the bottom of their heart."

Just the way things work, it is....
It uses a triple layer design with 2 new proprietary components
And a partridge in a pear tree.
Outstanding thanks for the insight.

This is all fusers need to know.
All potential fusers need to remember that fuses deteriorate with age from switch on surges (as pictured), and they just need to be replaced with good quality $2 fuse of the same value, as Almarg linked to.  

Cheers George

Regarding complex organics, there are some cable manufacturers who prefer natural materials  (paper, silk or cotton) rather than synthetic material for insulation/dielectric. No doubt that other factors matter as well. 
Hey wolf - it's definitely Benedictine and Brandy.
But having Bandy over certainly provides a whole
new dimension to listening pleasure.
Both the above are so far above fuse considerations.
I agree regarding vibrations, in fact I appreciates all the internal vibrations the music provides.
Showing your son these posts would be a form of child abuse if he was a bit younger, but the possible damage to his psyche seems cruel even at this age. B&B…bed and breakfast or Benedictine and Brandy? And who IS Brandy and why is she still here? I digress…I do wonder if jmcgrogan2 is serious...hard science indeed, if by "hard" he means inexplicable. I was thinking (!) recently about the vibration that might reach my fuses…my speakers are well in front of the gear rack, rarely particularly loud enough to vibrate the fuses, and I think vibration is sort of everywhere anyway…so I hereby declare that fuse vibration is a non issue, which should free up the time some waste with obsessive gear vibration remedies. Again, this declaration is meant to make the world a better place as, clearly, I’m a giver.
Showed my 26 year old son some of this threads -
for fun,of course. His only comment was these guys 
definitely need another drink.Time for my B&B. Cheers
Complex organics can sometimes make a better dielectric. Only part of the story at hand.
Wolfie and George!!!
Have either of you tried the new Beeswax Super High Definition (SHD) Fuse from Audio Magic???!!!
It uses  a triple layer design with 2 new proprietary components to make the fuse even quieter with a better transfer of current and relocation of the Bees Wax inside of the fuse for better stability!!!!
I makes for a very organic flavor sounding fuse which retains it's details and dynamics somehow!! 

Stunning scientific breakthrough!!!
Hard science with unquestionable results!!!
Charles ...

Very happy that you are enjoying the music I sent. 

My friend Robert came over for a listening session tonight. He used to room with a guy who had thousands of 78's. Robert took the time to go through the collection and record onto CD the best of the best. That's what we listened to tonight. The best was a cut from a 78 recorded by Gerry Mulligan and Chet Baker. Super fine. 

Tommylion, I don’t know which release of the Heifetz/Reiner/CSO recording of the Brahms Violin Concerto you listened to, but can you or anyone else here comment on the Analog Productions/Acoustic Sounds reissue on LP?

-- Al

Thanks for the Audrey Morris recording, she’s good! Very unique style of singing and I like her approach to playing the piano. After listening to "Bistro Ballads " I’m going to seek out more from her. This 1954 recording is really quite intimate with much presence.

Your stereo version of Jo Stafford "Ballad Of The Blues ""-is "much": better than the mono CD remastered version of mine. There’s soul and emotion on your version. Interestingly the "Jo + Jazz " CD is an excellent one for music content and recording quality.

Mel Torme "Swingin On The Moon " captures him in prime form with a terrific big band/string section arrangements. This is top notch Torme. The instrumental solos are really good. There’s an excellent version of "I Wished On The Moon " on this recording. This recording fills my room Frank, a very you are there presentation and very dynamic.

PS ,
Frank it’s a good thing I recorded Dobbs and Hannity 😊😊
I’ve been listening to music all evening.
Thanks Frank.  I hadn't previously known of Erica Morini.

For those who may be interested in but unfamiliar with the Brahms Violin Concerto, here is a relatively recent live performance by the great Itzhak Perlman as soloist, with Daniel Barenboim conducting the Berlin Philharmonic:

-- Al

Another good one is the amazing violinist Erica Morini playing Tchaikovsky's violin concerto. If you can find the Westminister budget reissue on CD it has both the Tchaikovsky concerto and the Brahms concerto on it. Great sound too. Here's the reel to reel tape:
Thanks, Geoff!  I'll try to find it on vinyl, as my Tandberg 3004 cassette deck needs repair (which I've been procrastinating on, as the repair will most likely be quite expensive).

-- Al
If you want to hear how the Heifetz Brahms concerto really sounds you will have to find it on vinyl or cassette. The cassette is sublime. The CD is a pale imitation.
Tommylion 3-22-2017
Just finished listening to Jascha Heifetz playing Brahm’s Violin Concerto with Fritz Reiner and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Amazing! It’s moments like these where all this "audiofool" stuff really pays off.
Must have been wonderful! Brahms is one of my favorite composers (my favorite symphony among those that have ever been written by any composer is probably his No. 1), and Heifetz/Reiner/CSO is certainly an exceptionally distinguished combo. I believe that recording dates from the 1950s. I have several other versions, but not that one. I’ll have to add it to my "buy" list.

-- Al

Just finished listening to Jascha Heifetz playing Brahm's Violin Concerto with Fritz Reiner and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra 😁

Amazing! It's moments like these where all this "audiofool" stuff really pays off.


It's only those unanswerable questions which are worth asking.

I have a very short fuse so don't push me on this or I will blow.  Beeswax all over the place.
On the subject of graphene, I came across this contact enhancer.

Anyone volunteer to be the guinea pig and report back on it? 😉

Is the circuit breaker imbued with cryoed molecules, voltage bombarding "tesla" treatment, or any other soundstage and cello enhancing mojo? If not, why is it better than a fuse? Why is any fuse (that is working properly and in the "proper" direction with perhaps a sweet, fruity filling) better than any other fuse that's working properly? It seems that a circuit breaker would be prone to untreatable contact degradation, or at least harassment from the other, more delicate components in the amp (these components DO talk to each other by the way…it's measurable). I need answers.
I have to come back and cover a slight error I made in my wording. I used the term 're-settable fuses'.

What I really meant was correctly chosen circuit breakers. The kind where you have to go in, in the gear or manually on the back or what not... and re-set it physically and manually.

When carefully chosen.. in John's estimation... they sound better than fuses. This is not a thing that can easily be retrofitted and each designer (when designing a given build) makes the choices they do. Ie, not just any circuit breaker but carefully chosen ones. Tested for their levels of sonic malfeasance.
I didn't want to hijack the thread, but just answer to Tommylion and make a parenthesis in the dispute" this can't work" "voodoo" "Synergistic salesman" for a while. Nothing more, and I'll stop here now.
But this not your thread.
I am happy with Synergistic fuses in my amps  and Dac and Beeswax in the pre and phono . I began with SR, but if I had to choose now I would buy all Beeswax I think superiors. That said SR are so good I can be happy as I am.
And what about you and the fuses ? You don't use them : good. Did you ever post something else than copy / paste an opinion and try to ridicule it's author ? You post in many many threads but why don't you make your own ? 
Audiogon forums are not the Geoffkait everyday show
I'm crazy for tubes too but I don't hijack a thread because of that. Here's a novel idea, why don't you start a thread on tubes?

Yes you can, (ha-hum...)
In the pre I have
  • 3 Ecc83 ,
  • 2 E188cc, 
  • 1 12bh7,
  • 1 Ef86  and in the amps I have :
  • 2 Ecc83,
  • 2 Ecc82 in each mono amp (and 12 El34)

if Iinstall Telef everywhere the sound is not good. when I was young and crazy audiophile I tried. Believe me.

Sorry  Franck for trolling a bit but I love tubes. These little things are fascinating.

Whoa! What? Where’s that coming from? I'd opine the opposite is the case.
I have tubes too and I appreciate Telefunken in the pre, but you have to be carefull and don't put them everywhere as the sound can become a bit harsh.
Especially when you don't install good aftermarket fuses.


This thread has become about more than fuses, and I wanted to to share with the good folks here 😀 

I know there are many who have and/or appreciate tube gear.
I recently got a matched pair of Telefunken 12AX7s from from Andy Bowen at Vintage Tube Services. They replaced some Teslas’ (80’s or 90’s vintage) I had been running in my ASL Tulip 2A3 SET amp. The Teslas’ were supposedly made with Telefunken’s tooling, and I thought they sounded pretty good. The real deal Telefunkens blew them away. It’s hard to describe the difference; just more air, sense of space, transparency, detail, involvement & general musical goodness.

If you’d like to find out for yourself the difference really good NOS small signal tubes can make, give Andy a call. If you’ve priced NOS tubes elsewhere, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

On my HT system I have an Marantz SR6004 which has two of these resettable fuses in it. The one on the standby transformer during a power blackout blew, instead of resetting.

It was a pig to replace as it’s down the bottom of the three stacked boards and I had to remove all the boards and that bottom board to solder in a new one. If it was just a fuse in a clamp holder I could have replaced it easy with long nose pliers without removing anything.

How a PTC resettable fuse works

Cheers George
Bryston has no fuses, only a circuit breaker.  Probably from their pro audio lineage where who t f wants to deal with fuses on the gear when it pops, just reset the circuit breaker.  Kind of how houses are no longer built with fuse panels anymore.  
Except Bryston gets a ton of criticism because of how they used to sound and not how they sound now.  Probably more accurate than most products out there but that doesn't fit the audiophile nomenclature.

Fwiw, I own no Bryston gear and do own and can hear the difference between fuses in certain components.  
Imagine, for a moment, some manufacturer going the resettable fuse route. They'd be a year ahead of the competition and have a better sounding product to boot (all things being equal). And, if smart, they'd never mention it and a year up on the competition could be extended. In the meantime, laurels will be laid and glowing reviews published, establishing a foothold, and all this on a building a better, and cheaper mousetrap. Or something like that. :-)

All the best,
 re-settable fuses are yet another example of out of the box thinking.
I believe it's more called progression, and becoming viable ($ wise) for manufactures to finally start using in big numbers, as a few years ago they were way too expensive.

Cheers George 
Apparently, shadorne liked the quote I posted earlier today, in the Cable section. Yeah, it applies here as well:  03-20-2017 12:37pm - I believe Ivor Tiefenbrun(Linn founder) said something along the lines of, " if you haven’t heard it, you have no opinion". That just makes sense, which(to some around here) seems irrelevant.
I’m reminded of an intelligent observation:perhaps by Einstein or Orwell:
"Anyone who thinks they understand (sic) the intention of this thread - most
certainly has absolutely no idea what’s going on".

George and Teo, yes the re-settable fuses are yet another example of out of the box thinking. 
John Curl advocates this one: re-settable fuses

They are starting now becoming industry standard as their prices have come down over the last year or so, they are now much cheaper than a good $2 fuse + the fuse holder, and that is a big fact to manufacturers.
 But there’s no voodoo inside them if you care to investigate.

Cheers George
Teo Audio. I posted the same thing much earlier on. I did in the past use appropriate sized copper lugs in place of fuses and the sound is soooo much better. No fuse sounds the best by far. Just simply avoid them (fuses) by using high quality Heinemann on/off breakers as the power switch.

Common sense tells me that a better quality fuse will sound better than a cheaply made one as no fuse at all sounds the best. I have experimented with all four  - no fuse, copper lug, standard fuse, Synergistic fuse. I have heard the differences. I ask again, why not use a high quality breaker switch? Most gear is built with an on/off switch anyway and a fuse. Eliminate the fuse and yes you still have a switch, but certainly a better overall design by eliminating the fuse. 

This is can be implemented in all manner of designs to better the sound. 

Hi teo_audio,
 Thanks for posting your colorful and very interesting fuse experiences.  You've given examples of what many posters already know,  those darn little electrical things do affect the sound.  As you've noted , each fuse has its own distinct sonic character.  Very easy for many listeners to hear,  no voodoo required either 😊😊
teo_audio, that was the most convincing illustration of why better made fuses can, and do, have a positive effect. It will, however, pass right over the skulls of some here. But not to worry, there'll be a hissy fit of a comeback, 'shortly'.

All the best,
I’ve had those kind of fuses explode (image link in above post) when a 25kv transformer shorted and exploded. they were hit with the full HV from the pole (where the shorted transformer was), with unlimited (power source) amperage. the fuses were in a power room. Behind the closed panel, inside the sealed electrical room, at a large car wash/gas station.

The door to the electrical room was closed, and water-tight sealed, as stated..and behind me.

I could swear I caught a flash, when they went. The room was full of smoke when I opened the door, the fuses were almost vapourized, and the panel was hot. From the one single arching and quick burst. Blew the 50hp 600VAC electric motors at the car wash, as well. Now that’s expensive.. Luckily I was not holding onto anything electrical at the time. It Shut down the whole block.

The Japanese audio companies use and have used SOC fuses for many many years. Why? their fuses cost the manufacturers a little more than some of the better Schurter and cooper/littlefuse/bussman fuses, but are better sounding, overall.

You can open up anything audio or video built in Japan from approx 1975 to 2017, and probably find a Japanese made SOC fuse in the fuseholder.

The other thing to do, and I’m only SUGGESTING, not saying do to go to the hobby shop..a complete hobby shop..and obtain some thin wall brass and copper tubing of appropriate diameter. (1/4" or 5mm depending on fuse size) Then cut one down to the right size.

When you try that you will almost literally crap your pants. It will leave all fuses, great and small, $2 to $400 or whatever, all completely in the dust.

You will like the sound so much that mac trucks tied you your body will not be able to drag you away from leaving things that way. ("NNNoOOOoooooooo..." you will be heard you are forced to put the fuses back in). just leave the brass/copper tubes in there, you will be trying to reason to yourself. It has to be ok, right?

Warning: you can’t. It has to be fused. You’ll have to put the fuse back in. You will refuse. You will balk. It will be one of your most hated moments in the world of audio.

Warning. Once you’ve heard that, there is no turning back. What has been heard, cannot be unheard. You will lament it at every chance. For your entire life of using fused audio gear.  There may be lots of drinking and forgetting involved. "I had a perfect relationship, once", you will be found to be sourly muttering...

For some of you, if not most, it will probably be the biggest positive change you’ve ever encountered. It will RUIN you. The perfect perspective on how bad for audio - fuses actually are.

There is hope, though. John Curl advocates this one: re-settable fuses. He tries to spec gear this way, whenever he is involved. They are as close as you can get to the sound of being legal and fuseless.

What a rip off! That’s obviously a HiFi Tuning Supreme fuse and he’s holding the directional arrow / diode symbol whatever next to his chest.

These fuses are quite a bit more expensive. If you have not tried them then you don’t have an opinion. Logically this must be 1000’s of times better than the very small but quite effective SR fuses.

Notice that the audiophile in the photo has mounted his speaker wires on cable elevators - this guy is clearly an authority to be highly regarded.