Anyone know what size fuse is in a ARC REF 5 preamp?
I think it is a Slo-Blo T 3.15A 250V, but I don't know whether it is small (5 X 20) or large (6.3 X 32).
Al, right you are...again! Thanks! The resolution on my photo was not good enough to make out that 5A Fuse on the top line, but you are correct, it is clearly legible in the manual once zoomed in. So it is a 5A, not a 3.15A Slo-Blow
That seems pretty high for a preamp, doesn't it?
However, this still does not tell me if it is a small or large fuse. Anyone?
Thanks Al!!!
5 amp 1 1/4" (large) slo-blow.
Thank you. |
@jond , my thinking was based on the fact that my VAC 160iSE integrated amp (86 wpc) also uses a 5A fuse. It made me think that a 5A fuse on a preamp was a bit high, but I am no expert.
As @oregonpapa noted, the REF 3 uses a 3A fuse, and the REF 5 uses a 5A fuse. Makes me wonder if the new REF 6 will use a 6A fuse..... ;^)
So, with a money back guarantee, as Donald Trump says to his Black audiences: "What do you have to lose?"
and....we're back on politics again.....sigh. Why do some folks struggle so much to open their mouths without sticking their whole foot in it? |
Dave, you should share that link with your friend randy-11. |
The Indians just tied the Cubs in the 8th inning. This has the making of a classic 7th game.
Sounds like a wold game. It's a shame it comes on too late for us East Coasters. It was 5-1 when I went to bed. I have to get up for work at 4:45 AM EST. Just as well, my "team" lost. |
I guess that Ohio State showed that they did not belong there. I wonder if that will have any weight in the future, next time that the selection committee considers a non-conference champion to place in the final 4.
Ohio State was impressive early, but was really leaking oil coming down the stretch. Losing to PSU, and barely escaping Michigan and Michigan State.
Clemson vs Bama should be a good match-up. It's a shame it's on too late for us East Coasters who have to get up early for work to watch. I'm sure I will see a replay eventually.
Charles, Urban Meyer is a great coach, no doubt. He just didn't have the horses this year, after losing so much talent to the NFL draft last year. 3 of the top 10 picks, and 5 picks in the 1st round were OSU players. You just don't replace players like Ezekiel Elliot and Joey Bosa so easily.
Rose Bowl saved an otherwise boring bowl season. Unfortunately, my team, PSU, lost.
Cheers, John |
Scarbrough WAS Bama's offense. Once he left the game it was up to the defense to hold on. Give Clemson credit, that is one hell of a defense to come back on and win, and they did it. Great game, even though, as with the Rose Bowl, the team I was rooting for lost again.
No doubt that Clemson/Alabama matched up the two best teams in the country! |
I don't consider you a troll, and you're welcome here as
far as I'm concerned. I do, however, wonder what keeps you coming back
to this thread?
I've often wondered that myself tommylion. mapman has 14,286 posts, 238 posts on this thread alone. Now I know that folks who HATE Howard Stern listen to his show and blow a gasket everyday, just as some who HATE The View do the same. I'm often baffled why someone is attracted to view, listen, even seek out something that irritates them so much. Why DO people seek out things that they know will bother them?
That is a mystery to me. Life is too short. |
Frank relax, no one takes wolfie seriously. He is more like a chihuahua, nipping at people's heels, than a wolf.
There are bitter, jealous people on any forum, not just Audiogon. Best just to ignore them and enjoy the music.
Cheers, John
Hey, I got an idea how to end all of this "Taste Great" /"Less Filling", fuse works great/ no it does not debate!!
Let's talk politics and/or religion!!!! ;^)
Or maybe setup another forum for non-believers, like Audio Asylum does with Propeller Head Plaza. |
3,500, have we solved the mystery of the fuse yet? SMDH.
"At the risk of alienating anyone I will repeat for the umpty umpth time" that fuses are NOT part of the signal path and have zero…and I mean zero…effect on the signal when performing properly.
Thanks so much for reassuring me. Your wisdom means the world to me. |
Unfortunately what we have here is just another situation where some folks just can’t hear the difference. It happens all the time. It happens with many tweaks, especially the more controversial or preposterous tweaks, you know the ones I’m talking about. Things like Mpingo disc, green pen, holographic foil, intelligent chip, tiny bowl resonators, you know, things that either don’t APPEAR to be in the audio path OR actually AREN'T IN THE AUDIO PATH. It's frequently a pretty obvious case of the Backfire Effect, I.e., the more you try to convince someone he’s wrong the more convinced he is that he’s right. Moreover, some folks have invested a lot of energy defending their position, years. Is that a self fulfilling prophecy or what?
+1, well said geoff ! "Expectation bias" works for the naysayers as well. If you do not expect to hear a difference, you won't. If I don't spend money on it, it cannot possibly work, for I am a genius!! ;^) |
Jolly good entertainment here fellas! I have to hand it to you all! Over 3750 posts, and it's still like watching the Monty Python Flying Circus " Argument Sketch". "Look, I came here for an argument". "Oh, I'm sorry, this is abuse". |
Have any of you fuse proponents looked up "expectation bias" probably makes more sense to believe in the Easter bunny
Sure, have you fuse opponents looked up "expectation bias"? It works both ways you know. If you do not expect to hear differences, you won't. |
Wolfie and George!!! Have either of you tried the new Beeswax Super High Definition (SHD) Fuse from Audio Magic???!!! It uses
a triple layer design with 2 new proprietary components to make the fuse even quieter with a better transfer of current and relocation of the Bees Wax inside of the fuse for better stability!!!! I makes for a very organic flavor sounding fuse which retains it's details and dynamics somehow!!
Stunning scientific breakthrough!!! Hard science with unquestionable results!!! |
The irony is that it is like Andrew Singer of Sound By Singer once said (quote originates elsewhere) "I don’t care what they say about me, as long as they say about me".
In other words, all positive and all negative comments create sales for The Synergistic fuses and other audiophile fuses.
Each time a person posts a negative comment (and the given return post), synergistic sells 2-4-10 more fuses to those who witness the fuse fight club thread, and it’s spread in the under current of the audio world.
As the French will say: " Succès de scandale ", translated "Success from scandal". This concept is echoed by the phrase, "there is no such thing as bad publicity" 3,936 posts and counting.... |
Wolfie, who are these "fools" that you keep referencing?
A) The ones blissfully happy enjoying the music of their audio systems?
B) The ones angry and upset at those who are blissfully happy for enjoying the music on their audio systems (because they should not be so happy according to laws of physics)?
It’s hard enough budgeting for one family. You must have the weight of the world on your shoulders trying to budget the whole world on your shoulders.
Also, I've met Dennis Had who is a former and current world class
designer, and a brilliant no nonsense guy who is fun to talk to and
seems to know more than the average forum knucklehead could ever
understand about circuits and sound. A gracious and fun dude.
I agree with all of that, except for the current world class designer part. Dennis is a blast to talk to, and his energy is infectious. Yes, he is very gracious, and fun too! I have a lot of respect for the work he did at Cary. He created some legendary products. However, his current Inspire line leaves a LOT to be desired. Sorry. |
From what I’ve gleaned looking around for reviews, the "Inspire" amps from Dennis Had have been pretty well accepted. I’d be interested to read otherwise since I’m considering a lower powered SE amp in my rig. Jmcgrogan2…feel free to suggest some reviews that helped you form your opinion as I’ll read ’em. I don’t read reviews, I find them to be a waste of time. Too many times I’ve read rave reviews, only to be disappointed. I provide my own reviews. I either like something, or I do not. A few years back I was using a Cary SLP-98P preamp which I liked quite a bit. I found out about Dennis’ Inspire line through threads on a website. I really wanted it to work, as did Dennis Had. He was very helpful, sending different tubes to try, and everything else. In the end, the sound was not good at all. The sound-stage was congested, it never opened up, and the highs and lows were rolled off. Dennis was great to work with all along the way. He even refunded all of my money when I returned the amp after 3 weeks of trying different tube combinations trying to bring it to life. My speakers may have had something to do with it, rated at 90 dB, 8 ohm load (Soliloquy). Certainly not HIGHLY efficient. However, many who raved about this amp had less efficient I still have the utmost respect for Dennis Had. The work he did at Cary was first rate. He is also a first class human being, and a LOT of fun to talk with. His Inspire amp did not work for me, but he certainly tried his best. |
When I tried one of Dennis’ KT88 Fire Bottle amps a couple of years ago, I was told that the transformers in the KT88 would not handle the KT150 tubes. Even back then, Dennis was making amps with different (larger) transformers where he was running KT150 tubes in a SEP design. His recommendation was to buy a KT150 Fire Bottle amp, with the larger transformers, if you wanted to run the KT150 tubes. Hence, upon Dennis’ recommendation, I never tried the KT150 tube in my KT88 Fire Bottle amp.
Of course, as you may know, I had NO success at all with the KT88 Fire Bottle amp with my 90 dB, 8 ohm Soliloquy speakers. I tried the KT88’s and 6V6 output tubes (Dennis’ favorite), but sadly neither worked well at all. I have heard that some folks love Had’s Fire Bottle amps though, so there is much to be said about system synergy and varying tastes.
On the other hand, I have had success with SR Black fuses, so take that for what it’s worth. ;^)
Very possible the Sonist is an easier load and more compatible with SET/SEP amplifiers than the Soliloquy.
Very true Charles, though if I recall correctly, Dennis Had had a hand in the development of the Soliloquy line of speakers. I seem to recall they were also manufactured in North Carolina, and Dennis helped design them so that they had a very stable, 8 ohm load. In fact, here is a quote from a review of the Soliloquy 6.3:
Fixtures at every audio show I've attended, Soliloquy loudspeakers have a growing reputation among my ilk of audiophile -- tube lovers, that is. I understand that Cary Audio's Dennis Had designed the original two Soliloquy speakers, which have been long discontinued, and then sold the rights to the name Soliloquy to the current owner, Bernie Byers, who has bulked out the line. Certainly, 93 dB is more efficient than 90 dB, but I wouldn't think that would be a night and day difference. However, the proof is in the listening. Cheers, John |
I’m sure that @wolf_garcia will be very excited to try out the new SR Blue fuse Dave!!!!
Make sure that you put the fuse in the correct way wolfie!!! |
Feel bad for Tom and new Black owners. New owners.
Well many new Black owners have taken advantage of discount pricing recently. Many dealers have been selling the Black fuses at discounts for the last couple of months. Hence, I am not surprised by this "update". Many dealers, of any product, will sell at discount before a new revision is released. |
For those that are upset about the *new* Blue fuse, and feel cheated for buying the Black fuse.....look at the title of this thread:
"Synergistic Red Fuse"
Yes, there was a Red before the Black, and now a Blue after the Black. I'm sure in the next 10 years we will see a multitude of more colors from SR.
So what? What manufacturer doesn't release new models?
If this offends you, buy a pair of Klipschorns and relax knowing that nothing will ever change. ;)
Personally, I'm good with the Black, I have no urge to "upgrade" to the Blue. Maybe one day if I blow a fuse...Hahahahaha