
Discussions moonguy has started

Are Lyra Cartridges Repairable to 2nd Owner?21622
Help With System hum, Please521617
Upgrade Superscoutmaster or Buy Classic 3?648719
Powercord on VPI Turntable & SDS ?56959
TT Weight Outer Ring vs VPI Ring102699
Gingko or Symposium Ultra Platform??1656732
Aesthetix Rhea?619413
VPI Super Scoutmaster Cartridge ?2947111
You Still Need, What??458520
interconnects & powercords on subwoofers???92906
Tube Buffer between cdp & pre39143
Audio Prism Gound Control vs Walker HD links??37182
Jeff Beck - Emotion & Commotion?2351016
Jimi Hendrix- Valley's of Neptune46808
RCA and XLR shorting plugs??130768