Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Have you tried plugging it in elsewhere to see if the buzz goes away?

Is the buzz coming from the MPC itself or through the system?

I would think if the MPC itself is buzzing then it probably needs repaired. Mine are dead silent.
The MPC should not make any noise. Try it in an outlet all its own and see if it goes away while playing music. If not, it needs to be replaced and I would call Synergistic right away for a replacement.
Thanks for the advice. The buzz definitely comes from the MPC itself, I'll experiment a bit during the weekend (other receptacle, other source etc.) and report back.
Tried some MIT Magnum MA cabling and the Tesla Accelerator stuff again....the Morrow cabling has gotten even better over time. If your serious about getting the best sound, you must try morrow's for the 60 day trial period. Unless your into the cult of the month club (I was victim), Morrow Audio offers ultimate cabling for Monster cable prices:O)
Dave b,were it not so much trouble and had I not had so much prior experience with cabling, I might try the Morrow cables, but frankly I have no reason to trust your judgment. I have never before had the dynamics, soundstage realism, and low noise that I have had with the Apex Tesla SR cabling versus cabling many times as expensive.

Your comments about "cult of the month club" have no merit.
Here here. This thread has been going strong for nearly three years now. I too have tried cables across a wide spectrum and none have been anything like Tesla- and that goes for Daves old love MIT.

I am putting together a system for my brother so perhaps I'll have a shoot out. You never know but I doubt a passive cable can match SR,'s Active shielding.
Shellie, please do try the Morrow MA4's and SP4's. Make sure they are burned in by Mike and/or have 400hrs plus playing time on them. They blew away the MIT Magnum MA and Transparent Reference stuff as well.
I'll do that. So the Morrow blew away MIT MA and Transparent Reference huh? So does Tesla at the Accelerator / Acoustic level depending on the system- in fact the Apex level cables were much better then the Transparent Opus MM in my reference system so your new fav flav has some serious competition.
Promised to give feedback on my loud MPC: Turning plug and MPC in all possible constellations did not help, nor did plugging the MPC into a wall receptacle. Only when I moved it to the Tidal system that is fed through the PS Premier did it almost (but not entirely) go away. "Almost" means I have to move my ear next to the MPC. In the Zu system where I have no power conditioner, I managed to suppress the noise to a fainter level (meaning I can hear it when I kneel next to the power bar) by means of a Kemp SNS plug. It is certainly not noticeable when playing music, but I still wonder if I could do something more. A Tesla Power Cell would help, I'm sure, but that looks like (financial) overkill for this second system.
Karelfd, the wall wart in the MPC is just a garden variety 300mA 24V transformer that you can buy for about $15 online. I've had a couple of them burn out, and after once buying the real deal replacement for an idiotic price, I just replace them by cutting the wire and splicing in a new transformer. So, perhaps you can try a replacement transformer and see if that stops the noise.

I don't think the little pyramid sticker has an audible effect on the sound!
Der, If the MPC is installed upside down, it will affect the active shielding. Not sure if that would make it humm though.
Of course. With the pyramid upside down, standing there on its little point, the shielding is sure to become unstable, eventually toppling over and ending up, oh, I'd say about 120 degrees out of phase. I would not expect a hum, though. Maybe a little THUNK when the pyramid topples onto is side.

These cables are excellent in my system, but I think it is coincidence...I just cannot believe in their "technology". Not since they began selling those little teacups, using tubes to power the little blue lights, allegedly zapping things with a gadget from a spooky movie, and invoking "quantum tunneling" (I do indeed know what that is, and I assure you it isn't happening), all the while saying nothing at all about how their cables are configured or what they might be made of. I guess I need to forgive myself for being stooged and sell them as a matter of principle.
Actually Der.... plugging in the MPC right side up is a matter of polarity... and as for what the cables are made of.... that info is on their website.
I have schuko plugs, so I had the possibility to experiment with polarity of both the cable itself as well as the MPC. Unfortunately, that was not conclusive. Presently, I lean towards Tbg's idea concerning DC. I'll try one more thing: unplug every other electric appliance in the apartment. Meanwhile, I'll also contact SR directly.
Thanks for your input, guys.
"The MPCs output dc not ac."

24V, 300mA on the ones I've looked at. Perhaps others are different voltage or current, but all one needs to do is peel the sticker back and look. But in any case replacements are cheap unless one insists on buying one with the Synergistic sticker affixed at the so-called factory.

"as for what the cables are made of.... that info is on their website".

Nah. Searching their website for actual information buried in the vacuous drivel is a hilarious excercise in futility. The only words they use to describe materials are "PMC Silver" and "Silver Matrix". I suppose we know that there is some silver in there, but what of purity? Gauge? Stranded? Solid? Ribbon? Other metals in the "Matrix"? We don't know. Regarding geometry, "Tricon" and "Acoustic" is all they tell us. What in the world is a Tricon? An "Acoustic" geometry? C'mon. To boot, they give us no information at all concerning electrical properties (e.g., impedance, capacitance, inductance).

But ya gotta love the video of the mad scientist turning the knob on the box while the little blue arc zaps the cable. Muahhhahahahahahahah!!!!!
I also looked deeply into the SR website and the info is slim to none, unlike say a Cardas site (they even compare all alternative geometries). This is Voodoo folks and has taken the path of the mystics vs SR's previous attempts.
Voodoo as opposed to? Like what exactly? The first mega power cord success- The Synergistic AC Master Coupler? The first active cables back in the late 90Â’s? X Series? X2? Synergistic Research has NEVER been like other cable companies, never, ever. When other companies trot out more expensive versions of the same design or cable geometry with bigger and better, or more expensive materials as the dividing line, SR stresses system compatibility and careful cable system matching. They have never to my knowledge posted measurements, detailed geometries, or sold the line that their most expensive cables are best for all systems. They have always stressed synergy and matching their cables to your system before making up your mind.

The problem with taking the stance that SR cables or technologies are hokus pokus is the fact it flies in the face of the facts. Simply put their different cables and technologies are demonstrable. Take Active Shielding for example. Listen to a system cabled with Active Synergistic Research cables and then turn off the Active Shielding- do you hear a difference? Now listen to that same system but this time with the new Galileo MPCÂ’s. Again do you hear a difference? Try comparing their old X Series or X2 cables to the new Tesla Series, do you hear a difference? Which cable do you prefer? Which is the better value? Compare the Accelerator to their previous top of the line Designers Reference and Absolute Reference; when was the last time a cable manufacturer released a new line of cables that out performed their old line of cables, at half the cost? Quantum Tunneling a myth? Really? Listen to their rather plain looking Teslaplex and tell me Quantum Tunneling is not a revelation. Now compare the Teslaplex to much more expensive audio jewelry duplexes on the market, which duplex do you prefer? Which has the bigger soundstage? Which is more transparent? More dynamic? The fact you can compare any SR product to any product you may consider BEFORE you buy allows you to make up your mind based on what sounds best to YOU and this speaks volumes.

How about system-cable matching? Have you ever compared an Acoustic Reference IC to an Accelerator IC between your CD player and pre-amp? Did they sound alike? Which would you prefer in a system that has a warmer balance? Which would you prefer in a system that has a leaner balance? Would your choice be based on the interconnect that has the most expensive price tag or would it be based on which cable sounds best to you, in your system? How about power cords? Does the most expensive Tesla power cord automatically sound best when run throughout a system, or do you match different Tesla power cords that complement your different components? How many cable companies (other then Synergistic) routinely try and talk you OUT of buying their most expensive models?

I have had many, many different systems over the years cabled by an even wider array of cables. All have been different- tubes, solid-state, class A, class AB, class D, analogue, digital, single-ended, balanced, you name it and IÂ’ve tried/owned it and IÂ’ve cabled them with as many different types of cables from as many different manufacturers. All have allowed me to experience music in different ways, some showing me one part of a recording, say inner detail and air, while others illuminated warmth with rich harmonic structure. Some grabbed my attention with earth shattering dynamics while others seduced me with subtle, before hidden detail and nuance. The problem is I have always wanted to have it ALL. Inner detail, dynamics, precise imaging, massive soundstages, black backgrounds, air, layering and on. So I would build one system, fall in love for a time and then be tempted when I caught a whiff of another with a new charm that my then current system failed to deliver. All this changed when I went with SR Tesla cables; IÂ’d had their X Series in the past and they were very good in some respects but lacking in others so I went elsewhere until I tried Tesla. The more Tesla cables I added to my system, the closer I got to my ideal- the absolute sound I had been striving for. Then as I added Tesla power cords. The picture came into clearer and more vivid focus until every last cable in my system was Active Tesla. I later added a PowerCell 10SE and this was as big a revelation as my original journey to the Tesla series cables had been in the first place. Now IÂ’m experimenting with their new Galileo MPCÂ’s and the Teslaplex and my system continues to improve.

For me Synergistic Research has been the end of one road, and the beginning of a new appreciation and love for music. Judging from the size and scope of this tread IÂ’d say IÂ’m not alone.
If one was to audition a Galileo MPC without a Power cell in the system, where would the best placement be for it? I have all Tesla.
T3 - Quattro
T2 - Pre processor
T2 - Dvd/Blue Ray
Precision AC - Power Amp
T2 - QLS 9
T3 - Subwoofer
Regards Bacardi
Dave_b and Der, I'm afraid one cannot give in credibility to your snide remarks. If you cannot hear the benefits, I'm sorry!

Bacardi, perhaps Ted will answer your question. I have only used them on the PowerCell, speaker wires, and interconnects.
My head hurts just thinking about SR thanks, I've demo'd them enough to know they are not for me. Happy trails:O)
TBG, fair enough, apart from your characterization of my remarks as snide, which I reject, and your insinuations regarding my hearing, which are unsupportable and, ironically, snide. And also with with the understandng that it is YOU that cannot credit my remarks, and that you are only inadvertently saying that your view is ubiquitous. Hmmm. Now it seems that nothing in your post was fair enough. So I take that back.

But I have nothing new to say on the merits, so I'm outta here.
Had to mention, I just read a review of the Apex cables where the reviewer compared them to? Other SR cables. Oh, then they were challenged by the reviewers DIY cables..Oooh Ahhh :=) It's just unfair I tell ya!
What you're doing here is high-jacking a thread started by loyal followers of the new SR cable products. If the cables didn't work for you, so what! Let the guys who own and enjoy these SR products enjoy their camaraderie. Maybe you could start a thread with the title, " Hi, I'm Dave_b, and I love my Morrow cables". Then your fellow owners/users can revel in your new-found cable experience. I have never heard the new SR cables and other accessories in my system, so I can't make a subjective judgement. I think that the SR owner, Ted, has posted a while back that he admits that his web site is lacking in certain information as well as some of his new products.
Tonight I added a fourth Galileo MPC to my system. The first three were: 1) on the PowerCell; 2) on the dac to preamp Apex ics; and 3) on the Apex speaker wires. The fourth went on the Precision Reference ics between the preamp and amp. I merely removed the old MPC and installed the Galileo MPC.

Immediately, I heard a soundstage that was better defined, deeper, and strangely the sound was louder. Nothing else changed! I would like to hear a $15 wallwart do this!

I meant nothing snide about Der's hearing only that if he could not hear the impact on his system, I thought that was unfortunate.
Tbg, I have 3 Galileo MPC's on the way. Are these recommended to be used on all active shields and also power cables? Are you using a Quattro or QLS with a Tesla power cord to run the active shields?
Hope someone here can help..... I have a SR Tesla Plex ( Euro schuko version) and wondering where I can buy a wall socket back box and front plate to fit it as I live in the UK.
I'm currently using a plug adaptor to use the Euro Tesla precision power cable for the Powercell 10SE to the wall. Although I can plug the euro precision PC directly to the UK 3 pin socket with just the L & N connected but worry not having a earth contact might cause something bad to happen.

Lastly, what are your thoughts on the Tesla Plex?

Thanks in advance.
I would think if one would try the new Galileo MPC to put it on the starting end of the system(have no powercell) to the wall Teslaplex, like the T2 on my QLS 9. Or say my power amp Precision AC power cord to Teslaplex....Anyone agree?

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, If most of your components are plugged into the QLS9 then I would start there. If only your Mini couplers are plugged into your QLS9 then maybe that would be a good starting place, but also you Preamp since most of your components would be plugged into that.
Some say the interconnects on your highest quality source component. Others say speaker cables since all the music comes through them.

I am sure wherever you try it , it will be an instant improvement. Mine was.
We will probably end up buying several.
Ozzy. THX for your help. Did you trade your old MPC's for your new Galileo's???

Regards PAUL
Bacardi, No I still have them. Too bad Synergistic doesnt offer a trade in program.
To find an available outlet, I used an old MPC to drive one SR power cord and also my SR D3 digital cord. You don't want to do that! Now it drives two SR power cords and the D3 has its own charger.

This impact of cable chargers just amazes me.
OK, I got (3) Galileo MPC's last week. I'm keeping them and ordering (2) more to power my entire system's active shield using them. I'm opted not to buy a QLS-6 and use the bottom outlets on my powercell 10 SE. I'm trading in my Quattro towards the purchase. I will have a full review on A-gon site in a few weeks. Preliminary review, the volume seemed elevated and a greater sense of air and clarity with less darkness and congestion with 3 installed on Powercell, interconnects and speaker cables. The remaining (2) will go on the rest of my power cords and Rel Spec interconnect.
I've been steadily changing all of my cabling to SR Tesla over the past year. Started with T2 power cords on my Ayre preamp and CDP and a T3 UHC on my Krell amp. Soon afterward bought a Teslaplex (incredible bargain and should be the first purchase before or along with the Tesla power cords).

Next was Accelerator speaker cables and XLR ICs. I agree with Dave b that the Accelerator line (when it is the only Tesla cabling in the system) has a "Gray" sound that tends to wear on you after a while. Too bad he hasn't tried Precision Reference and Apex. Totally different story, plus the Accelerator XLR IC works well when used between preamp and amp combined with the higher-line cables (poor man's Precision Reference?).

Soon afterward, upgraded to Precision Reference speaker cables from the Accelerator (big improvement). Then bought a REL Stadium III and added a REL Spec 2 hi-level cable.

Each addition and upgrade of Tesla cables and power cords was a significant incremental improvement. The only exception was when I tried a Precision AC power cord in place of the T3 UHC on my Krell amp. Although detail, clarity and air were superior with the Precision AC, overall musicality suffered so I quickly sold it off for what I paid for it.

The frequent claim that adding additional Tesla cabling (properly selected to give optimum synergy) yields a "sum is greater than the parts" benefit has definitely proven true in my system.

I recently added a Powercell 10 SE (most significant improvement yet) and a QLS9 for the MPCs. At the same time, I decided to demo an Apex XLR IC and Hologram D in place of the AQ Niagara 72dbs XLR IC and T2 power cord on my Ayre CDP. As expected, the improvement was remarkable, so I decided to buy the Apex and Hologram D in addition to the Powercell and QLS9.

The demo Apex ICs and Hologram D from the dealer did not have the Galileo MPCs, but I ordered four of them with the new cables. One was placed on the Powercell 10SE/Precision AC combo, one on the Precision Reference speaker cables, one on the new Apex XLR ICs, and one on the REL Spec 2 cable. I can assure you that the Galileo MPCs in these four locations made a VERY profound improvement in the sound of my system over the non-Galileo-MPC'd demo cables.

Based on what I am hearing with the Galileo MPCs in place, I would recommend adding them to your existing Tesla ICs and speaker cables before upgrading to higher Tesla lines, just as the Teslaplex is a more sensible early upgrade than moving up the Tesla power cord line from T2 or T3 to Precision AC or Hologram without it.

I have read many posts expressing contempt toward the $400 retail price of the Galileo MPCs, and I certainly agree that $400 is a lot of cash for a "wall wart", but the improvement in my already Tesla-loomed system makes it (almost) seem like a bargain. Contrast spending $400 on a Galileo MPC for your Accelerator or Precision Reference ICs/speaker cables with the cost of upgrading them to Apex. BIG DIFFERENCE. Not that I am necessarily asserting that there will be the same improvement from the Galileo MPCs compared to moving up to Apex, only that it is a more reasonable financial step and you WILL hear a wonderful improvement with the Galileo MPCs on your existing Telsa cables. Plus, they can be used with subsequent Tesla cabling upgrades, so it is almost a can't loose decision.

Just my opinion.

Dlcockrum, yours is my experience also. I do wish, however, that the Enigma II would come out allowing all SR cables to be charged from one location and one with a substantial power supply.
I have ordered a Galileo double lead mpc and should receive by early next week. One question on placement in my 5 channel home theater system, without a powercell, placing it on my QLS 9 Precision AC power cord and the Quattro T2? Or my power amp T3 and the Pre amp T2???? Any suggestions???

Regards Bacardi
I have none, Bacardi. I think, Ted Denney might, however. All I can say is to try in different locations.
I replaced IC between my DA Converter and integrated amp with Accelerators am using accelerator speaker cables and T3 power cords on DAC, integrated amps over a year ago. I eventually replaced IC between my DA converter/integrated amp with Apex IC and I could not be happier.
Using T3 on my DAC may be a bit overkilled but I happened to come across used one locally at a very good price so I could not let it pass :)
Anyhow, so I recently ordered Apex speaker cables with Galileo MPC and could not wait to try them out.

Eventually I think I will still need to replace my IC between my phono and integrated amp which is still the Accelerator.

A few questions I have, for possible future upgrade, if I want to add more Galileo, it would make most sense for me to do the T3 power cords to my integrated amp first as that would affect the entire system whether I am using digital or analog. Right now MPCs are just plugged into regular strips but look like everyone seems to recommend using QLS.

As far as mix and match IC/speaker cables, since I am using integrated amp (ASR) with Apex speaker cables, for phono preamp, should I stick with Apex? What would I be giving up if I go with Precision Reference?
Suteetat, bear in mind that the Galileos have two leads. This means that each one can charge two power cords. Just don't use one on both a power cord and an interconnect. I managed to do this on the D3 digital cord and a power cord. It is a no no.

At SR's recommendation, I use the Precision Reference rather than Apex between my line stage and amp. I did try Apex there, and they were right. It is quicker but lacks the depth of soundstage of the Apex.
FWIW there is an enigma for sale here on a'gon. Just search the classifieds for synergistic or for enigma. If I only had the money.
thg, yes, I plan to use one Galileo on 2 T3 (both go to my ASR integrated amp). As far as IC goes, since I have integrated amp, I only need IC between source to integrated amp to go along with Apex speaker cables. In this case, should I stick with Apex?
Actually Tbg, the Galileo MPCs are available in a one lead version. One of these came along with my Hologram D (for extra cost over the standard MPC). I was actually a bit disappointed as I think the two lead model for the same price is the way to go. Even accepting (without question) your input on not mixing power cords with ICs, digital cables, or speaker cables on the same MPC, it would seem that feeding two like cables with one MPC is a good thing considering the cost of the Galileo MPCs and the fact that my just-purchased QLS9 is already full.

I am planning to order yet another Galileo MPC for my pair of Accelerator ICs in the preamp-to-amp position. Has anyone tried the Galileo MPC on Accelerator ICs?

BTW - I absolutely concur with the positive praise of the Apex ICs. Phenomenal.
Thanks for the information. I think I will stick with Apex as well. It is a bit annoying that I can't mix and match cables for two lead Galileo as I have 3 power cords currently and may be a digital cable in the future so 1 Galileo would be better than two :) considering that I would need to 230v version.
Why cant you mix and match??? I'm doing it with a single 2-lead Galileo MPC with my Rel spec interconnect and the T3 power cord going to the sub and it sounds fine. Why should you not mix and match? Does not make sense to me. Save the money and experiment. Order all you Galileos in 2 leads so there is upgrade potential down the road even if you don't need two leads now.