So, I bought a Chord Hugo what?

Hello all!

Today, I ordered a Chord Hugo TT2 DAC from my local dealer...should be able to pick it up late next week.  It will be fed by a Bluesound Vault 2 that I'm using to stream Tidal and Qobuz, as well as play my ripped CD collection.  

As the TT2 is definitely several orders of magnitude better than the on-board DAC of the Vault, I now have a quandary regarding what my next upgrade step should be.  So, if you could only make one more upgrade, would you get the Chord M Scaler, which from everything I'm reading/hearing is the ideal pairing for the TT2 and takes it to near reference-class Dave levels?  Or, would you upgrade the streamer, since the TT2 is only as good as the files/data you're feeding it?

For reference, the rest of my system consists of Audio Research's LS7 line stage, PH3 phono stage and (2) D240MKII amps running as monoblocks.  Speakers are Kef Blade Twos (non-Meta versions) and my turntable is a Technics SL-1210GAE.

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions!



I own a TT2 and an M-scaler, connected to an Innuos Pulse streamer (and Innuos PhoenixUSB reclocker). Incredible sound in my system. I doubt I’ll ever upgrade again.

@ghdprentice I’ll give you an example from literally few days ago…

I have and really like my Audience FrontRow speaker cables. They’re just phenomenal. So I decided to try the FrontRow XLRs in place of my Nordost Tyr 2. The results were not what I hoped for! So I’m keeping the Tyr 2 and sending the FrontRow XLRs back. Just not a good synergy. Did I enjoy disconnecting and connecting the cables? I did enjoy disconnecting the Audience XLRs and connecting my Tyr 2 back, yep.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with pursuing an improvement and miss

ing the mark is unfortunately sometimes part of the process. Buying with return policy or buying used when ready for next upgrade reduces the risk of taking a big loss.

Oh and just in the beginning of the year…I tried a Marantz SA10 SACD player as player and USB DAC for my Aurender N200 and man that thing is 100% the worst component I ever had in my system. Synergy or personal preference not sure but I yanked it out after giving it and myself several days of listening, sold it and had a celebration cigar. Was it a mistake? No. It was an experience, something that can’t be replaced by reading reviews and Audiogon posts.


Alright I’m done ranting now…LOL



I tried to word that carefully. The first five to seven years of audiophilia I had a number of disappointments . The grainy used preamp, the lean - dull sounding (highly rated) tape deck… the 75 pound massive Yamaha power amp that had little current, the high end interconnects that made my system sound tinny and harsh (it conveyed what the components were producing). But after I got my feet on the ground, learned how to read reviews, experience with components and only made big jumps in investment… bad or marginal experiences went away.


Thanks for bringing that up. I should have included the details.

If you found nirvana with sliced bread, I have no issues with it.

You think an audio system is like bread, such as sliced bread? Huh? What’s your system - sour dough? Perhaps you prefer "wry" bread? I think you need a better analogy.

But hey - thanks for letting me know you have no objection to the way I’ve assembled my audio system.

That’s awesome @cleeds congratulations!

My system evolved in a major way in the last 10 years. To get to where it is now meant trying many amps, preamps, DACs, streamers, speakers, cables and power conditioners. Yeah that’s a lot of

connecting and disconnecting equipment and experimenting and changing and switching and buying and selling

Ultimately, sitting down in front of a system that draws you in musically and emotionally is the goal. Trying different gear is part of the hobby. That’s why there’s a menu in a restaurant so those who want to try a different meal can do so. And it may be disappointing, but could also be amazing. If you found nirvana with sliced bread, I have no issues with it. 

Have a nice day!



I can probably name at least 10 components in the last 10 years that I wanted out of my system faster ...

I've heard of audiophiles such as yourself - they apparently enjoy connecting and disconnecting equipment and experimenting and changing and switching and buying and selling. But I'm with the many who listen before they buy, and that saves a lot of time and energy - although I realize people like you would miss the "fun" of connecting and disconnecting.

I've bought one disappointing product over the last 40 years - an Aurender streamer. I dumped it.

@ghdprentice I’m impressed. You never bought a component in the last 40-50 years that disappointed you? I can probably name at least 10 components in the last 10 years that I wanted out of my system faster than the rabbits can hump. 
You have a boring audio life. laugh

Congratulations! It’s such a great relief and happy surprise when you spend a lot on a new component and it bests your expectations. Virtually every one of mine over the last forty or fifty years have been like that… hence how addictive the pursuit is.




This should last me quite a while before the dreaded "upgrade-itis" strikes again.

Sometimes this means many months, and other times it means days. wink

congrats, and enjoy!

@audphile1 - Thank you so much for your suggestion re configuring the TT2 in Amp mode versus DAC mode.  In my system, the difference was definitely noticeable and I even got an increase in gain.  Currently, my sweet spot is having the TT2 at -10L on the volume, Low Gain and Filter 1 settings.  I was going back and forth between Filter 1 and Filter 3, but having tubes in my pre-amp made the Filter 3 setting less resolute after a while...just felt there was a smidge less detail and seperation, even though the music was still imminently  good.

Again, Thanks for sharing your really made getting this DAC up and playing well a lot easier and faster.  Happy Listening!


Hello all!

I apologize for only replying back now, but wanted to wait until I finally brought home my Hugo TT2 and got it playing in my system.  Today was the day.  First, let me say "Thank You" for all the responses here...I read every one of them, and I truly appreciate you sharing your thoughts and experiences with me.

Second...this DAC is simply amazing.  I know that my Bluesound Vault 2 isn't a "hi-end" streaming/server solution, but thru this Chord, I am completely blown away by how much better the music sounds!  Yes, the soundstage, imaging, resolution and musicality have all improved by very noticeable amounts, but the most striking aspect was how much more range I'm getting from my Kef Blade Two's.  Prior to the Chord, it's as if I was listening to a lovely quintet playing chamber music to now getting the London Philharmonic in Albert Hall with it.  The presence, sense of slam and depth in the lows and absolute clarity up high have improved at levels I didn't expect...a relief, really, as I was a bit worried that improvements wouldn't justify the cost because, well, digital.  All I can say is that, while the Hugo TT2 is definitely expensive, it has transformed my streaming experience drastically.  To top it off, the build quality, fit-and-finish and feature set are all top class.

As others have suggested, I am going to enjoy my current set-up for a while before getting anything else.  This DAC has made me want to start rediscovering my music file collection as well as all my favorites on Tidal and Qobuz.  This should last me quite a while before the dreaded "upgrade-itis" strikes again. 

Again, I want to thank you all for sharing your input...Be well and Happy Listening!



I have been waiting 3 months for Eversolo to correct bad FW....  too bad because hardware isn't bad .  It's the lack of real support that will eventuality  kill the brand.   

What ever you do, don't get anything eversolo if you plan to use an external dac. 

A caution to Mc and Chord owners.  Eversolo does not recognize mc DA2 card and some Chord DACs.  Some Accuphase too

Try an Eversolo A6.  It's only $900 and competes well with more expensive streamers.  I had a node 2i and went to the A6 and the difference was not small.  I now have the A8 which is in another league dac-wise....but the A6 is a great deal as just a streamer.  App works well too.  The rest of my system is a B&K reference power amp driving Legacy Signature se speakers via Kimber cables.

Post removed 

I had the Qutest for a few years and decided to upgrade. Compared the TT2 + M-scaler to Lab1 dac and MSB Discrete.  What can I say - I'm a big fan of the Chord sound. I'd say the TT2 got me 90% of the improvement and the M-scaler 10%.  Also powering both with the Hypsos Ferrum - definitely an upgrade worth considering.

I'll throw you one more idea. I had an McIntosh MA-8900 integrated and I tried the TT2 as the preamp into the power amp inputs and it was surprising and amazing how much the soundstage improved in width and height. I ended up selling the 8900 and bought the MC-275 and again the soundstage got bigger, but this time also added depth.

@arvincastro, my Chord TT2 DAC is the heart of my music streaming system, I use it with a Chord m scaler and a pair of WAVE High Fidelity Storm BNC cables as interconnects. Both the TT2 and m scaler use Sbooster 15-16v linear power supply units. If you’ve got the cleanest power possible running thru your mains, and you’re using a good high-res music source, then adding an m scaler would only be to your benefit IMO because it really enhances the overall listening experience. 

I mothballed Hugo TT 2 and got a Lumin x1 streamer dac.  I think the internal wiring was done really well and now I don't have to deal with a separate dac component and it is sounding a lot better.

I thought about the m scaler and also the Dave but it just was nauseating to deal with all this stuff. The colors on tt2 are cute

Ambulance chasers are an untrustworthy subset of personal injury lawyers more focused on scamming victims out of money than getting justice in their cases.

What is the audio dealer equivalent?

As a "budget" idea to upgrade your current streamer, what about a DDC between your Vault and the Chord? It seems everyone who runs one, be it Singxer, Denafrips, Musician, etc., seems to hear a significant uptick in quality no matter the DAC.

I've owned most of the streamers mentioned here except Innous but my current streamer is an Antipodes CX which is the best I have tried so far. The CX is towards the bottom of the Antipodes range so I can only imagine how good their more expensive streamers are. Also the Antipodes customer service is second to none which can't be said for Aurender although their streamers are good.

I have the Zen MK 3 and I’ve kept my Node 2i, I really like the voicing (not the DAC) of the Node as an alternative to the Innuos both feed into my Denafrips T2 12 and both sound great. The Bluesound OS is good, overall it’s not as good a streamer as my Zen MK 3, but as I said I appreciate its voicing/sound, and I like it as an alternative streamer. I’ve got 2 nice CD transports, they each have their own sound signature, both very good so I kept both, I like sonic options I guess. 

@arvincastro I’ll add, looking at your system, depending on how much you are willing to spend on the next upgrade, your weak links are:

1. Preamp - the LS7 was a pretty good preamp back in its day. However current Audio Research line of preamps is amazing. They’re quiet, dynamic and transparent. Picking up LS28 will help you get the best out if your new DAC

2. Amps - pair the new preamp with a more modern amp, solid state or tube.

3. streamer - you can get away with your current one but use USB into Chord DAC. Let the Chord clock do most of the work. Eventually pick up a good streamer like Innuous or Aurender

I owned ARC LS-15, LS-16, LS-25, Ref1 and had on loan the latest Ref6. The Ref6 is dead quiet for a tubed pre and sounds incredible. You want smooth and big sound with those Kefs.
Just some thoughts…


When you are ready, add an M Scaler.  Makes a substantial improvement to my DAVE.  

I’d upgrade the streamer next.  The Innuos Zen or Zenith Mk3 should be a big upgrade and allow you to burn your CDs into it or maybe even transfer all your stored music directly from the Vault.  Innuos’ Sense app is also excellent so it won’t be a letdown coming from BluOS.  Best of luck.

TT2 when used in DAC mode puts out 2.5v via RCA and 5v via XLR.
I’m using balanced cables. And herein lies the problem - the hot 5v output results in heavy emphasis on bass and drive, muddying up the mids and highs and flattening the soundstage.
To overcome this issue and bring the TT2 sonics to the level that’s acceptable for a DAC in this price range, I changed the configuration and am now using it in AMP mode.

I will share settings that worked for me in my system and I’ll preface this by saying if you’re making changes, it is critical to turn off your source feeding the TT2 and turn off your amplifier. If you switch your TT2 to amp mode while you have your system playing, it is capable of sending a signal to your amp that may damage the amp and speakers - be extra cautious!

Settings that work best in my system using XLR cables with two integrated amplifiers (Boulder 866 and Coda CSiB):

Mode: AMP

Gain: Low G

Volume: attenuated to -7db

It is absolutely key to match your outputs to inputs on impedance and voltage. Impedance on the output with TT2 is low enough to not be of any concern but the high output voltage is puzzling.

Experiment with settings and land on what works best for you in your system.
The TT2 is super quiet when it comes to noise floor and delivers excellent resolution and tone. Music emerges from a completely black backdrop and just floats. If you have equally capable amplification and speakers you will enjoy it even while listening at low levels.

Some complain about ergonomics, I have no issues there. The LED lit window and volume ball are kind of cool in a dark and can be dimmed. It’s impossible to memorize color to resolution mapping and in any case I can see the resolution of a streamed composition in my streamer app.

So overall awesome DAC! Enjoy!!!

Yes a better server is next a 432evo server does full upscalling rips and stores your cds and offers far superior sound quality over a vault


Dave AND troy


432evo dealers 

I have no experience with Chord stuff, but I recall when the Grimm MU1 was released, some Dave owners stated they no longer heard a difference having their M Scaler in the chain, so they sold the M Scalers. It is twice the price of the M Scaler but if you are thinking of upgrading your streamer anyway it's a thought. 

Curve ball: Here is another idea/option to consider if you have a TT2: PGGB

It was developed from/for Dave owners and they love it. Some others with different DAC's have tried it and found it beneficial. It would definitely answer your "now what" question if you wanted to put a little elbow grease into your files.  cheeky

Audio Bacon did a review of it recently also: PGGB Audio Bacon and he compares it to the M Scaler. 

That’s a nice system! Underserved by the Node I think. As others have said, let it settle in for a bit. Clocking and noise are key factors with digital. If you are using coax, the Node is providing the clock, which is not ideal. If you are using USB the DAC is providing the clock. Try both once things settle. Good digital cables make a huge difference. I just upgraded my USB cable and experienced a huge improvement in clarity and soundstage. 

I purchased a TT2 about six months ago, and my next upgrade was the LTA MZ3, which I primarily use with my Focal Utopia headphone. For me, the TT2 already provided a significant boost in resolution, so I didn't rush into getting an M-Scaler. I might consider it in sometimes this year of next year. In the meantime, I am enjoying the synergy between the TT2 and MZ3. The TT2 delivers very good resolution for me at the moment, while the MZ3 adds a bit of that "tube magic" without the usual heat and lengthy warm-up times—just 15 seconds to get up and running, which is incredibly convenient for a tube amp.

Regarding streamers, I'm currently using Audirvana on a Mac, connected to the TT2 via a Tubulus Concentus USB cable. I had planned to upgrade my streamer next, but I'm holding out for more options with Audirvana Ready support. I prefer to stick with Audirvana because I appreciate its EQ capabilities via plugins. For instance, I usually add a low-frequency shelf filter of 3dB when using the Utopia directly with the TT2, and with the MZ3, I often boost the lows further with an extra 1dB or more.

So, if you're considering your next move, think about what will enhance your listening experience based on your current setup and preferences. For me, the MZ3 has been a great addition. I’m not in a rush to rapidly upgrade my system anymore. I’m content with what I have and happy to enjoy it until I feel the need or the want for further improvements.

Congratulations, I traded in a Cutest about a year ago on the TT2 as well. I also am using a Bluesound Node and am using a Kimber D60 digital cable. I would like to upgrade my streamer before I would add the M Scaler. My dealer has agreed to set an A-B with/without so I can hear the difference.  But as with most people these day, money is sand in the gears of making these changes. 
But again, I am happy for you, I can’t imagine you not enjoying your new DAC. Personally I would get used to it before adding the M Scaler, which I want to hear before I put it on the radar screen. One thought is maybe down the road I’d buy a Dave which the coupled price of the Hugo and the M Scaler are on the outskirts of that same neighborhood. 

Let us know how you like your Chord

I have Aurender N200 driving TT2 via Audioquest Diamond USB cable. 
Actually a really good DAC once you dial in the settings. I’m selling mine by the way….you could have saved couple of bucks…

The Vault is very good .  It was my first streamer.   I replaced it with an Aurender N200 and that is a great unit.  

I still use the Vault in a second system.  I actually was able to copy the Vault's files over the network and put them on the N200's SSD drive. I still use it to rip and use it every day.  

You have a great system that would definitely exploit a better streamer.  Not that a Vault is bad,  but something like an Aurender or Innuos would be a good match with your other gear.