Should I replace my 20-year-old Hovland Radia Amp?

I recently upgraded my speakers to Sonus Faber Olympica Nova V. My preamp is a relatively new Pass XP-30. Ditto my VPI Prime Signature turntable and Moon 280 D streamer. My phono preamp is an older ARC PH-7. 

About 20 years ago a friend asked me to help him buy a new system. We took three days and drove all over Southern California. He purchased Wilson Sophia speakers. The dealer recommended the Hovland Radia amp. The Radia was the only solid state amp Hovland ever made. The company cliams it took ten years to perfect it. We tested the Radia against a few other very good amps and both liked it. Several years ago my friend passed away and I inherited the Radia.

Paul Bolin describes the attributes of the amp in a 2004 review much better than I could : "[The] Radia was a delight to listen to in virtually all respects. It consistently displayed a light, limber touch with images and timbres. Dimensionality was surprisingly and delightfully tubelike in its solidity and freedom from too-sharp, unnatural-sounding ultra-definition. The point source of each instrument's body was clearly discernible, but didn't exist in highlighted isolation from the air around it or the sound of the recording venue. The Hovland's overall resolution of detail was very good, bordering on the truly exceptional, and there was never any sense of resolution for its own sake. It always maintained a holistic sense of continuity, embracing all aspects of the music and knitting together the disparate parts of the recorded experience."

I was fifty-eight when I took that three-day jaunt with my friend who purchased a fairly expensive stereo system. I am now 78 and do not have the energy to go looking all over L.A. for a new amp. I could, however, go to a few dealers. The one closest to me carries Macintosh amps. 

My question is this: could the superb Hovland Radia now be so out-of-date that I should seriously think about replacing it? Or just "love the one I'm with"?


If the Hovland Radia sounds good then it is good no need to replace it unless it stops working.

  • If you’re curious, find an amp from a local dealer that allows home auditions that you think sounds really good, and see for yourself. Then when you compare you will know.

I would like the idea of demoing an amp in my house except it would take weeks. When I got the Hovland Radia I compared it to my McCormack DNA-1 upgraded to what they called their gold level. It was like a new amp. The McCormack threw a lovely wall-to-wall wash of music. When I first compared it to the Hovland Radia, I liked the McCormack better. I went back and forth for many weeks until I heard the Hovland's ability to produce inner detail that the McCormack lacked. The McCormack did not have the depth of the Hovland, and who could expect it to? Even with the upgrade the McCormack cost 1/2 as much.

I don't think a dealer would loan me an amp for weeks. I could go into the dealer who sold me the SF Olympica Novas and ask to hear the speakera on one of his Macintoshes. The Macontosh sounded silky and sweet when I demoed the speakers, but an amp needs to be more than that. It needs to have good bass and musical attacks and a decent amount of slam. Plus a lot of inner detail. 

I wonder if somebody knows the best that could be gotten out of an amp 20 years ago versus what companies can get out of their amps now. For example, class D is new, but I have not heard a class D amp I like. They have whallop and can even be smooth, but they do not seem to have a lot of air. So, I guess I would be wondering if standard A/B amps have improved so much that I would surely be lacking something from a 20 year old model.

The problem usually with age of capacitors. Like it or not, 20 years is a long time for a typical cap. So you may either recap the amp or get a new one.

When I got the amp one channel went out after about six hours. I took it to a high-end audio technician. He charged me $800 dollars and said he'd replaced the bad parts. I hate to say that I know little about electronics. I really don't know the difference between a resistor and a capacitor. And I have no idea what he replaced. Perhaps he recapped the amp? It sounds very good to my ear. If he did recap it, would there be anything different in terms of electronics between a new Macintosh amp for example and the Hovland which apparently was made with the best parts available twenty years ago?

Power output:

125Wpc into 8 ohms 

200Wpc into 4 ohms

So this is what you're talking about, got it.  I gotta say, it's an attractive piece when it comes to industrial design.  Stating the obvious, a Hovland preamp back in the day would be logical.  I happen to have a late production HP-100 in my stash; I love that preamp.  It is very musical.  Anyways...

I noticed you have an excellent 3-box preamp in a Pass Labs XP-30.  I had the predecessor, the 3-box X0.2 model.  This next thing is important, when I paired that to my Pass Aleph 1.2 (single ended class A, 200 wpc into 8 ohms), it was pure magic. I thought that was a mediocre amp until the Pass Pre landed in my rack.  Then, once the amp was on for about 45 minutes - bam!  It would catch it's second wind, sprint off and that wonderful glow and lit from within musicality along with that glorious midrange would just rope you in and command your attention.  It was a jaw dropping moment for me because I had tried 2 or 3 other pre's and was about to give up on that Aleph 1.2.  

You must, I repeat you must buy a Pass amp, preferably in the XA-xxx.5 or the XA-xxx.8 and mate that to your Pass XP-30 preamp.  The current generation of Class A amps is the ".8" series.  I listened to both the XA-200.5 and the XA-200.8 monos.  I bought the ".5" mono amps.  Perhaps being $20K less expensive has something to do with my choice but to my nit picky ear, there is something about the ".5's" warmth and liquid midrange that just snags my attention.  It is hard to explain, it has this wholesome-ness and I guess that certain inner glow that the .8 does not muster-up as well.  Okay, the .8 though, in short, it is the better amp holistically.  The greater air and separation plus captivating pin point position of singers and instruments emanating from a black 3D space is pretty satisfying though.  The .5 does not lack in bass, but the .8 is better in that deep bass that anchors music down and gives it that certain foundation.  

As usual, too wordy.  Sorry.  In less words man, you must try a Pass Class A amp.  The symmetry of having that Pass preamp+amp combo, ya have to hear it to believe it.  You'll also be floored how black the negative 3D space is, and when the singing starts and instruments come in, it is something else.  There, I said it.  At least try a Pass Class A amps; you'll be glad ya did.  Lastly, Pass gear cold is good, but Pass gear when it's roasty-toasty hot, it is something to behold.  Have a prosperous & Happy New Year!  




Simple answer, yes, I would give something new a try if you are curious. Pass or Coda would be good candidates. 

My 2 cents, if they're worth that much since I have no personal experience with any of the components involved:

The Sonus Fabers have three 12" woofers on each side and an impedance curve that dips below 3 ohms in the treble range.

The Hovland amp pushes 125wpc at 8 ohms and a modest 200wpc at 4 ohms.

On paper at least, it seems reasonable to wonder whether the Hovland can provide enough current to meet the Sonus Fabers' needs / preferences. They wouldn't be the first big speakers that sound fine in front of 75wpc tube amps, but only come alive when mated with high-current amps that maintain their composure below 2 ohms.


See if you can audition an Audio Research Ref 160 or VSi 75. Perfect match for your speakers and preamp. 

Thank you all for your thoughtful responses.

Devinplombier, my SF Olympica Nova V speakers have three 7" woofers. I would like a bit more power, but I would say the Hovland handles them pretty well. Hovland is not known for its bass--more for its liquid, magic mids and highs. But I wouldn't replace the amp simply for more power, although I would like something more in the 200 wpc into 8 ohms range. 

Lucky-dog777, thank you for your detailed response. I did a bit of research on Pass amps. The X250.8 sells for $10,500 and puts out puts out 250 wpc into 8 ohms. Is that what you were talking about or something more expensive? I don't think I'd go over $10k and even that would take some fancy dancing with my wife. 

After doing some research into Hovland after one of their preamps came into the used market locally i would say sell it and buy a Pass amp to match your preamp. Hovland had some strange ideas and practices not based in engineering in anyway.


Hello B-Dog!

I noticed something in your original post that is pretty important in selecting amps, and that is their weight.  B-Dog, you're 78, which is fantastic!  At the same time, we all lose some strength as we age.  My Pass XA-200.5's, it can be a boat anchor at 160 pounds.  In short, I'm going to provide some info, and I need you to decide how you're going to get it where it needs to be.  For now, I say this, nothing is worth hurting yourself, and I mean throwing your back, or worse yet, dropping your amp on yourself because you lost the "handle" on it.  Okay, now some amp weights: 

1. 100 lbs - Pass X260.8 Monos (1 amp per channel so 2 amps) 

2. 100 lbs - Pass XA-100.5 Monos (2 amps) 

3. 62 lbs - Pass XA-60.5 Monos (2 amps) 

4. 88 lbs - Pass XA-60.8 Monos (2 amps)

5. 127 lbs - Pass X350.8 Stereo Amp (single chassis) 

6. 105 lbs - Esoteric S-02 Stereo Amp (single chassis)

Pass X260.8 Amps - $9,000.00


Pass XA-100.5 - $7,000.00

Me!  I have a pair I'm trying to sell.  I'm in CA also.  


Pass X-350.8 - $6,500.00


Esoteric S-02 - $10,500.00

I was unable to find used XA-60.5 or XA-60.8 amps.  I threw in the Esoteric S-02.  That is a very special amp.  I have the previous generation amp, the A-02 and it is a fabulous amp.  Very different from the Pass having a warm midrange/lit from within presentation.  The Esoteric, it is warm leaning, but very precise, detailed and a fast amp.  Anyways, this is just one person's opinion so do with it what you will.  Happy amp hunting!  

Lucky_dog7777, thank you for all that information. My Hovland is a heavy amp and I need help from younger, stronger neighbors to put it on the bottom shelf of my audio racks. I have a terrible back getting worse by the minute. Another problem in testing amps. 

I called the guy who fixed this amp and asked him what he thought about me recapping it. He said don't fix it until it's broken. I think what I have taken out of this discussion is that I will keep my Hovland until it breaks or I can hear deterioration, and then I will look at Pass amps. I'm not going to have a huge budget. Maybe $10K, so hopefully a Pass amp in that price range will sound as good or better than my Hovland.

Thank you for your help.

dekay and glennewick, I enjoyed the post on Hovland and their practices in making amps and preamps. I think I might fall into the kooky audiophile category. My Sonus Faber speakers are tuned by ear, not by specs. Although Paul Bolin gave the Hovland Radia a fantastic review in Sterophile, John Atkins measurements were not nearly as good. 

I've been an audiophile for a long time and I've learned to trust my ears. When the Sonus Faber speakers were demoed they were compared to a similarly priced Vienna Acoustics speaker. I could hear that the Vienna Acoustics speaker was cleaner and probably would have measured better. But I fell in love with the Sonus Faber speakers. Audiophiles usually fall on one side of this argument or another. I go by how equipment sounds to me.

I think the Paul Bolin review, which I posted in part under my first post, is right on. Hovland made a fantastic amp. I've decided to keep it until I can hear a deterioration or until it breaks. Then I'll audition Pass amps.

Thank you for weighing in.

If you change your mind and decide to replace it, give GanFet Class D amps a go.

Much lighter weight, more power efficient and gobs of power to potentially open up those woofers for a smoother, more powerful bass than managed by your current amp.

@thecarpathian are you running Ganfet these days?

I added latest Class D audio GanFet model last month. Very impressed!

Class D Audio Ganfet

@mapman ,

Hey, map. No, still running A/B, but I’m looking hard at the GanFets and also the Rogue Pharaoh2 Class D (with the Ncore I believe) if I go the integrated route. I was actually just looking at the one you referenced. Saw a used one for $600. Hard to pass up at that price or new for that matter, plus your endorsement. Then I’d match it with one of two Athena’s- either Denafrips Athena 12, or Rogue Athena. Reading nothing but good things about all three. Plus I have gobs of nos 12au7’s if I go for the Pharaoh 2. But I’ve been reading if you go Class D, GanFet is the ticket, but I’m guessing implementation plays a big role in that.


@thecarpathian Check specific model #. Older and newer models look similar. I got the the Premium GaN 6.5 which is the latest. Used may be a good buy just older. GaN amps are still relatively new so I would expect improvements as newer models come out. The 6.5 is a winner all around.

I have Hypex ncore also in a Cambridge evo 150. Also very good but much different sound. Heard original Pharoah a few years back. Nice sounding tube hybrid. I’m using the GaN with a Schit Freya S. No tubes. That’s just me.

I'm also thinking of selling all my tubes and going all solid state if I decide against the Pharaoh and their Athena.

This review of the older model helped convince me to try the newer.  

I agree with the reviewers assessment in the sound categories rated.  Very helpful!


Class D Audio GaN amp review


Thanks, I’ll check it out. Would prefer to go with the latest model.

Or do I simplify and look at GanFet integrateds. Ugh, this hobby is exasperating!

@thecarpathian I can’t think of many ganfet integrated amps but I’m sure those will come. I’ll be looking. The small size and weight of the Class D Audio model is a big reason I considered it after having gone to the Cambridge integrated prior.

Ah, right. I was checking out the Peachtree Carina and assumed there were more.

I was going to keep the Hovland Radia until it died or I could hear its sound being diminished by age. Then I found out that I could have Bob Hovland, the designer and manufacturer of the Hovland Radia, check it over and bring it up to spec. I couldn't pass up that chance, so its with its father for an overhaul.

I have a Linn LK 140 on loan. It's not terrible (except for the first few brittle hours), but I know why I love the Hovland. The Linn sounds as though the soundstage has been compressed. But in that compression everything else is compressed. Cymbals don't really decay. They more thud to a conclusion. Drums have a strong attack which I'm sure would please many listeners. "Great bass!" Except on the Hovland I heard the last vibrations which are missing with the Linn. It is as if the Linn is a rose bud and the Hovland Radia is a rose in its prime with all its glorious colors showing. 


Finding subjectively ideal sonics within budget can be daunting, sticking with the Sonics you like in your amp is a solid choice.

I have the person who designed and tuned the amp evaluating it. The sparkling reviews I read of it when it was new described attributes I like. I'm thinking if Hovland works on it, the amp will only get better. At least, that's the bet I'm making. Hovland made all tube amps until the Radia which has all the good attributes of tubes while adding deeper bass and sharper attacks of solid state. I will let you know.