Responses from audio-b-dog
What can beat Wilson XVX for less money? I'm not a huge fan of Wilsons. I find them a bit cold and analytical. I would rather have any decent speaker that is warmer, not "smearier" though. I helped a friend of mine purchase a pair of Wilson Sophias about twenty years ago. He loved them. ... | |
Totally overwhelmed (speakers under $5k) I too recently had the problem of finding a mid-range speaker, under $5,000. My electronics are an ARC Reference 2 Mk.II preamp, ARC PH7 phono preamp, McCormack DNA-1 amp souped up by Steve McCormack, VPI Prime Signature turntable with Sumiko Star... | |
What is the most important component to consider while building a new system? For me, the preamp is of ultimate importance. Everything goes through the preamp and each sound is shaped by its character. The preamp is the "first watt" that creates the overall sound of voices and instruments and creates the soundstage's width ... | |
New Speakers $10K -$20K I have no idea why nobody has mentioned Goldenear's Triton line. Maybe I'll be accused of being a neo-audiophile just for bringing it up. Their reference speaker is $10,000. So they're at the bottom of your price list, but damn I think they are wo... | |
Speaker suggestions under 4k I have a pair of Goldenear Triton 2+, which now run just under 4K. They keep going up in price. I think last I heard they were $3695. As all the reviewers will tell you, they're damned good. Very relaxed. They don't feel like they're trying to be ... |