Room Treatment suppliers

I know about GIK and ATS. I stumbled across another supplier on here that had some really well done art panel and diffusers but can't remember who it was.  What are some of the other supplier besides aforementioned?


The bass traps I got from Real Traps worked much, much better than what I had from GIK or ATS. 


@hilde45  Tell me more.  I find the GIK Soffit traps to be about the only things that work below 60 Hz.  Did you find better solutions there?

I use some ACDA panels from Acoustic Fields and some diy stuff)....The ACDA panels are an eye/ear opener if it is in your budget, Fair warning: it is a lot more expensive than GIK, ATS, etc.

Vicoustics! that was the one I was thinking.  Thanks for all the responses.


I have a room with a very low ceiling; I could not get bass to even out.

Here’s what I did:

I went around the room with low-band pink noise playing and, using a db meter, I measured all the places that I was getting very high reading. I called @ethan_winer and we discussed room dimensions and the places in my room where I mapped bass collecting. He suggested two larger and two smaller traps. I purchased them.

In the meantime, I also acquired other bass traps -- corner traps and the taller rectangular ones -- from GIK. These were gifts but I already ordered the Real Traps.

I experimented extensively with placement -- of various traps. The Real Traps were (a) most effective and (b) all I needed. The other traps were not nearly as good.

Real Traps are simply better.

@hilde45  Thanks for that.  I've had very good luck with the GIK soffit traps.  I'll have to check out Real Traps when I'm looking again.

I found a great video on making DIY sound panels. I haven't done this yet but I'm going to make a few when I move into our new house in several months.

How To Make High Performance Acoustic Panels for $5

@8th-note I looked at that video back when I was looking to do DIY acoustic panels. Dismissed his idea of going to thrift stores for used towels. On a cost analysis, I found going to your local insulation distributor and getting a case(12, 4’~8’)703, Owens Corning, rigid fiberglass panels, Along with some colored burlap from Joannes fabric, And some fir strips for framing. Was going to be less expensive than running around town. Looking for used towels. I don’t know if it’s me, but it’s kind of creepy. Thinking about somebody else’s used towels on my walls. 

I used Vicaoustics and am very pleased with the results.  OP, if you're interested, DM me and I'll send some pics.  Good luck and cheers.

@gkelly That's a good idea and would be easier than securing the towels in the frame as the video shows. In my case we have a bunch of old towels that I was going to use so I wouldn't even have to go to a thrift store but the 703 material is quite convenient.

I recently got a pair of Acoustic Sciences Corp TubeTraps. Nice thing about them is that they have one half of the trap that is absorbative and the other half is has a diffractive surface so they can be tuned to clean up the bass while preserving some liveliness in the room. I have used RealTraps and TubeTraps and both do a nice job but I prefer the ASC TubeTraps, although they are more expensive. I am actually using both with TubeTraps in front corners and RealTraps in rear, but hope to switch them to TubeTraps eventually. Also my wife prefers the looks of the TubeTraps. I do have an attic with a bunch of RealTraps that I will need to do figure out what to do with some day. 

I have Seven Audio treatments (from Poland).  Excellent quality and workmanship.  Also, less expensive than GIK and Vicoustic.

I imported a whole pallet of treatments for my room.  I also have my old trusty ASC tube traps.

Do yourself a favor and consider Seven Audio.  I was concerned about importation to Florida and it was painless.  Delivered straight to my garage.

Lukasz is a craftsman.  He calculated the needs for my room and his suggestions were similar to Vicoustic.  GIK suggested 4 times more bass traps.


Or.... only by creativity....

I’ve got a link to some thicker stuff.....but the thicker it gets, the harder to cut/shape....

We had to buy a cordless ’hot knife’ cutter to cope with cutting poly small dia. cording on a big project last year...

Slick lil’ thang.....*G*👍 With some patience I’ve been able to form cones out of 4" thick blocks....

Why? ’Trade secret’....;)

I’d have to ’lobot’ with a chopstick in a dark alley....*grrr* LOL*

I got a free room analysis from GIK and they recommended soffit traps floor to ceiling in my room as a start. They also gave me recommendations for incremental additions since i did not want to go all in to start. After having the soffit traps for a few months and experimenting with placement, I have found that moving the traps  six inches out for the corners and side walls resulted in a much more satisfying level of clear, defined bass as well as improving the midrange and soundstage. I would recommend the folks at GIK highly.

I have ordered from this company several times over many years.  They have consistently delivered well constructed and nicely finished products and have exhibited superb customer service when panels have arrived damaged (rare occurrence).