

Discussions mwatsme has started

Is there a list of full-range speakers (20-20kHz) somewhere on the internet?1063416
Unusual Designs/Marketing and Laughable Websites11061
NAD C-388 w/BluOS2i WiFi Connectivity888118
Emerald Physics history and model progression387012
Economical full-range floor-standing speaker options?286928
Wanting to test my system's (and room) ability to recreate bells - any suggestions?13839
Recommendations for Blu-ray Player382422
Greater knowledge of Agon community for streamer/pre-amp solution17879
Step-up from Node2i for native AmazonHD streaming?260820
Elac Adante AS-61?21640
Who knows something about Tri-channel 3-channel stereo for music (not HT)?29519
Help find multi-channel amp for LXmini - Nuforce amps any good?28531
Is there any streamer/integrated competitor to NAD C-388 w/BluOS2i MDC?1371217
Bookshelf to replace Martin Logan Source503318
Looking for a feature-rich 2-channel integrated that can drive 2-ohm loads 22407