Questionable Tweak

Someone on Audiogon mentioned using an air purifier to improve the sound of their system. I dragged my wife's purifier into my listening area, cranked it up, and.......,no change at all. They said it removes dust particles,to improve the sound. Has anyone ever heard of this?Is there any science to back this up?


I swear my system sounds quicker & more agile w/ my cats in the room, my full bodied w/better lower midrange w/my dogs, more fluid w/ my fish & downright scary w/ my snakes..........

Well in all honesty, I have a central air filter, UV purifier and four large air purifiers around the house… maybe that is why my system sounds so good.

@tkhill if the beans from the can, then better not to fart and go straight to the tub no matter whether they're red or black.

'I saw 2 pairs of them (different occasions) @ the Goodwill across from Live Cheetah's in East Hollywood"

Dekay- Yup, anytime I'm in the area, I take a look. Never know what can show up at the right time.

About 5 years ago, I took them out of mothballs, replaced the torn passive radiators, gave them a good cleaning(came out looking close to new) and gave them a final blast of period appropriate Smiths, Joy Division and others thru my Prima Luna. 

Very listenable-with a little tilt towards warm. IMO, they would be a great DIY resto project. Maybe with some Xover experimentation, they could be tuned to one's ears. A little much for a room, if not S.O. approved or in a man cave.

Since I couldn't give them away, I put them out on the curb, and they were quickly scooped up.

"My favorite part of Rodney's show was him trying to remember the songs that he had just played (we would applaud if he got them all).

Rodney's show was always entertaining especially when a guest dropped in. My brothers then teenaged step daughter has a creepy "Rodney tried to pick me up" story from the 80's.

Changing times-that station is DREADFUL for even a minutes listen.

I'm old now, the Mac MR71 dial doesn't go past the NPR stations on the left.

Couldn’t resist. Don’t forget the stuffed animal on top of the speakers. Or, the batteries taped to the wires. I needed a good laugh today.

Excessive flatulence and nose protuberance both interfere with oncoming sound waves. Think about it!


For those of us with older ears....

Hold your nose and breathe out to pressure your ears.  You will find your HF hearing acuity improves massively.  Really.   Any doctor hear know why?

Problem is it's a bit uncomfortable and fatiguing.

Drag your wife into the listening room instead.  You may find a big sound improvement.

This is the best tweak of them all:

Also trim your ear hairs. They each have their individual osscillation frequency and when excited by air vibrations they distort the sound. wonder the shop system sounds great when we've had a spell of sanding wood all day with the doors closed, the ac on, and everything turns a lighter shade of pale brown....

Yes, The Band pun intended, but hard on the lungs.  Even dust masks start to look fuzzy....


Post removed 


Yes, and I saw 2 pairs of them (different occasions) @ the Goodwill across from Live Cheetah's in East Hollywood (pre-Covid, so maybe in 2018/2019).

I would have picked up a pair (think they were around $60) but knew that our cats would kill them as soon as I fell asleep.

My favorite part of Rodney's show was him trying to remember the songs that he had just played (we would applaud if he got them all).






Look up a thread titled; "The greatest tweak ever?"

and you'll see where that nonsense started.

There's very little science to back up anything in the audiophile world. Everybody's favorite album guy, Fremer, once called objectivists, "science based no-nothings." That should tell you all you need to know. 

Close your mouth when listening. Sound going up the eustachian tube gets into the ears. 

Bayliner - Can you hear the difference between red beans and black beans?



Do you remember the RSL Speedscreen? $750/pair. Bought them to go with the Technics rack-my 1st Cee Dee player and linear turntable-BIG AUDIO DYNAMITE!

This is just a random pic of them. Not my setup.

I found that spider webs on my corners REALLY improve the sound. Therefore I have them even across speaker cones, between components and between shelves.


Rodney Bingenheimer turned me onto the cat fur/dander tweak in the late 70’s, while we were dining at Danny’s Oki Dog (no public Internet then).

He said it made his Rogers Sound Lab 3600’s sound like Tympani 1B’s.



I tried an ionization based portable air filter in the 80's and found that it quickly caused a thin buildup of difficult to remove residue on everything in the room (including the walls/ceiling/windows). 

After going through a few gallons of TSP I gave it away.


We have open windows whenever the temp's drop to 70, or below.

Being located 11 miles from the ocean (West Hollywood) there is also a nice subdued marine layer most evenings.

This said, what's emptied out of the vacuum canister is a bit frightening.



I moved my floorstander HEPA filter into my living/listening room (not for improved audio reasons) and heard popping noises coming from the speakers. I was playing CDs and as long as the device was in the listening area, I heard the popping sound. There was no weird sound when  the filter was behind the speakers.

D-K 😁

Whatever the auditory case may be, it doesn't hurt to clean the air every now & then!


I've found the opposite to be true.

The more cat fur/dander floating around here - the better the system sounds.

When I vacuum with our Purple Dyson (designed for furry pet households) the SQ drops for a day or two.

Don't believe everything you read.



Yes… I don’t think it is a thing. After fifty years pursuing high end audio I have unquestionably experienced great benefit from interconnects, cables, power cords, vibration control, and some other stuff. Air quality… nope, at this point someone is pulling your leg.