"Power Cords-More Recent"

Have a two old PS Audio power cords in my stereo system that I purchased used in 1999 when I lived in Dublin Ohio (don't remember the model) for about $400 each. One is connected from my CD player directly to a Panamax 6 Protection Path,  and the other is connected from my integrated Amp directly to a Panamax AC 5510 AC Regenerator. My ACRegenerator is connected to the Panamax 6 with an MIT Z Cord II power cord which is plugged into the wall. My question is does anyone know whether current power cords are significantly improved in sound quality to justify replacing my current power cords with new ones? I don't intend to break the bank so $400 each is as much as I want to spend. I am using Kimber speaker cables, digital and interconnects throughout my system so in addition to Kimber I plan to  look at power cords from Audio quest, Morrow and Wireworld. Also, Should I just connect both power cables into the ACRegenerator and stop using the Panamax 6? Your thoughts please.
Hi joscow,

IF you have ALREADY addressed dedicated lines to your room and upgraded wall outlets, you might consider swapping out the connectors to your cables and any hardwired gear as a highly cost effective approach.  I've had terrific results with authentic Furutech Products; well made, performance based products.  They are easy to install...drop the noise floor and up musicality.  Bon chance & More Peace!  Pin
The short answer is no. The longer answer is that by experimenting, if you want to, you might take things up a notch. After a certain level of build and materials, and amount of materials, more money does not equal better sound. It might yield some different characteristics that you notice, and might diminish other aspects that you like but might not initially notice were gone or less. The only way to know is to live with the changes for a while and then decide if it's a net gain, or just trading one micro-difference for another. Is your audio room optimal? That is a place where you really can get huge gains in sound quality for not much money.
Having had a vast array of different cords over the years in varying configurations my take is that having the biggest gauge of OCC copper tends to sound best: think Acoustic Revive and Nordost Valhalla; many of the multi-litz cables suffer from timing related mushiness.
Have been down the power cord rabbit hole... not like some on here but have had a few from PS Audio & Audioquest. On a buddies recommendation I bought a couple of Audience, "Power Chords" and have never looked back. Really only tried to talk myself into believing the others made a noticeable difference. The Audience Chords for some reason really sounded different and improved my system in a positive way. Bought them 15yrs ago and they weren't cheap but, if you can come across one or more of these in the used market I strongly recommend them. Just my opinion and everybody has their own favorites, but these work famously for me. 
Have no experience with Audioquest or Morrow in my system, but Audioquest has sounded very good in dealer systems also.
Most of the power cords in my system are Cardas, Acoustic Zen, or Wireworld. At the $400-$500 range, they are almost equivalent in my system. I would recommend Wireworld from your list.
Do you have a dedicated 20 amp circuit for your listening room with hospital or better grade outlets? If not before you do or buy anything we would suggest you invest in one. Some people think power conditioners have a negative affect on there equipment it is easy to determine if that is true just listen to it with it in the system and then without it, then determine which sounds best to you. Personally we think power conditioners with surge protection is cheap insurance against your equipment getting destroyed or even better and cheaper unplug everything when you are done. As far as changing power cables, after you get a dedicated circuit installed go to used cable.com they have many selections in power cables at usually half the price of retail but more important they have a 30 day return policy. In your case you can try a cable that was originally $800.00 and if you don't like it return it or get another one to listen to, you can't beat that kind of service it is certainly better than getting stuck with thousands and thousands of dollars of cables that you or your system don't like. We think you have some pretty good cables already but there is better, the trick is finding the right one. 
I think changing power cables provides the biggest bang for the buck (as opposed to interconnects/speaker cables) AFTER you do the fuse upgrade suggested earlier in the thread. (The QSA Light Blue fuses are amazing in terms of improvement per dollar spent everywhere I’ve tried them.)

I have a PS Audio power cord from that era and in my experience, it sounds worse than a good Chinese power cable that came with a PC that I probably bought 10 years ago, every time I’ve tried a comparison. (Try one or two that you have laying around, you never know.) I really don’t think that the amount of money spent is always equivalent with the audible benefits of any given cable in a given system.

That said, I would suggest looking at used Shunyata Research, Audioquest, or Nordost power cables of relatively recent vintage. I went with Shunyata and Nordost Frey 2 ultimately, but I use Nordost Heimdall 2 cables that are very good as well and should come close to your price objectives on the used market. I find that I like the Frey 2 with my solid state system and my low/mid-end Shunyata Viper power cables with the tube amp system. The Frey 2 helped even a $400 NAD D3020 sound really, really good with high-quality speakers that would realistically never be in the same system with that amp. (Not the normal set-up, but I was having fun when I first tried the Nordost cable and the amp was available, so…)

The nice thing is that mostly these cables seem to trade for more or less what you pay for them if you purchase them used and don’t like them in your system. The key is to only buy them with all of the original packaging and sell them the same way, because people are worried about counterfeits (and rightfully so, particularly with Nordost cables).

Fair warning: I found that I adding Frey 2 speaker cables and interconnects made everything “even more better” with my solid state equipment. Even at used prices, that can run into some $$. Ignorance may be bliss. But most importantly, have fun!
”We could look at it scientifically. All the power cable needs to do is supply a constant voltage at a single frequency.”

this is the engineering view to assume that this is all that is involved (per the memorized formulas).
The scientific view would take into account repeatable observational effects that are not yet accounted for by memorized formulas and engineering dogma.
AudioQuest Storm Series is the best power cord I have tried.  Using Hurricanes throughout my system.  I think two things stand out with the AQ cords.  They have a very low impedance and they are dead quiet.  Great at reducing background noise and creating a very black background.  I am also using a PS Audio P20 which is an amazing AC regenerator.  The combination takes all of my components to another level of performance.  Very large detailed sound stage, great imaging, no compression on complex or loud passages.  I have tried numerous power cords over the years and found very little difference if any until I tried the Storm Series cords.  
" Most amps (if not all) only use only a rectifier stage and use output capacitor to try to keep the voltage as constant as possible."

You should stay away from talking technical issues. Really far away. SMH
@avitacom, @stereo5,

his ‘opinions’ are in most instances knee-jerk utterances without any personal experience on the equipment or issues in question: utterly useless.
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If you look at a power amplifier power supply design, they don't use regulator therefore it is much more susceptible to voltage change and variation.  Most amps (if not all) only use only a rectifier stage and use output capacitor to try to keep the voltage as constant as possible.  Because of this power cords are very important to a power amp.

On the other hand most pre-amp (if not all) use regular (with feedback and all that), so it is not as susceptible to voltage variation so therefore not as sensitive to power cord.  
If your power cords are sheilded, keep them. It seems to me, sheilding is the big thing for improving things. There are very reasonably priced Chinese cords avilable on Amazon. They're woking well for me. Keep Listening to great music!
Keep the PS Audio power cords and save up for a Puritan PSM136 power conditioner. This is the only thing you will need. I hope you can find a dealer in your area that will let you take it home to demo. You will want the PSM136. If you live near the Chicagoland area this store lets you try stuff before you buy it. Which is the way it should be. https://holmaudio.com/
I know you have $800 to spend. They do have a D104 with four plugs for $1000 Believe me you will want the better unit. 
Just because Jason Bourne doesn’t agree with the majority here, it doesn’t make his opinion any less invaluable. 
With respect to posts by Jason Bourne, in my opinion, it is “healthy,” to publish more than one point of view in this forum.
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I probably have the same PS Audio power cords that OP has. They are in my system for 20 plus year until I changed to the top line of pc from Cullen. I was surprised how much improvement they made on my amps. I ended up add a more expensive pc to my power generator and again, the improvement was a big eye opener.
Yes there are newer that are better, even for the same money. I have some myself, both the older and the newer. I would not however recommend doing it that way. $400 will get you several QSA Light Blue fuses, or two Synergistic Purple fuses, either of which will be far better than any improvement you can possibly find from a lateral power cord upgrade like you are considering now.  
We could look at it scientifically. All the power cable needs to do is supply a constant voltage at a single frequency.

The only possible benefit of using high end power cables is when shielding is employed to reduce EMI emanating close to equipment, which is absolutely worthwhile and indeed crucial.

Interconnects are entirely different as all frequencies need to travel at the same speed at widely varying voltages with high speed voltage changes. As with power cables, adequate shielding is critical but it needs to be connected to a central earthing point rather than introduced to one side of the signal, especially when unbalanced (not doing so is relying on antiquated inadequate techniques). Get that right and you are on the way to a fantastic system.
Yet another ***** post from our Jason Bourne friend who cannot help but post in all cables forums although has zero interest in trying any cables. May I suggest finding another hobby? This is very unhealthy for you dude

jasonbourne52There is no scientific/engineering proof that AC cords differ sonically. Ditto for power conditioners 
OP I would be careful using MIT with it's filters and then plugging into further filtering or a Regen with filters. I use as little shielding as I can get away with. I would feed the regen with a beefy unshielded cable and come out of it with the proper size for the component without shielding..

IF the component is prone to noise, or you have RFI, EFI issues in your area, add shielding to your power cables, otherwise it can sure dummy down the sound.

I use simple weaves for noise reduction on every cable I use, NOW.
The back ground is dead silent... I might spend 400-600.00 total on ALL the cables in a system NOW.. Speaker, ICs and PC..

I did just spend 14.00 dollars on a new SCAT 8 cable that whipped the pants off my 220.00 fancy (gift) CAT 5. :-)  Thing do change..

Power cords do not get old. Don’t waste your money on newer ones. There are better ways to spend your hard earned $$$
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not familiar with the regenerator, but I have a Panamax 6 and did not like it at all in stereo system, not worth expensive cords if going into that...the 5510 might have been good 20 years ago...I would at least try both components plugged directly into the wall just to see how it sounds...