Kate and Anna McGarrigle-Self Titled Warren Zevon-Self Titled Dire Straits-Self Titled Elvis Costello-My Aim is True Bob Dylan-Self Titled Jackson Browne-Self Titled Steely Dan-Can't Buy a Thrill Bad Company-Self Titled Doors-Self Titled R.E.M.-Murmur
Many good choices above! How can we forget Pretenders, Pretenders?? That is one well recorded album--I recently picked up a mint first pressing and it sounds amazing.
Man, what a tasty list of music so far, I have a few to add :
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood
Springsteen - Greeting from Asbury Park NJ
U2 - Boy
Aerosmith - Aerosmith
All of these bands went on to put out some great music but I always go back to the early stuff to get their raw, honest sound. Aerosmith - what happened to them? Good lord ... I wouldn’t be surprised if the next release is elevator music. I believe Zep was probably the best example … Nothing ever sounded like Zeppelin I to me. Sure, there were glimmers but I can play some of the blues tracks like “I can’t quit you baby” or “Babe I’m gonna leave you” and hear real blues power with a hard rock edge. Man, it was brilliant work. I live for the day the Zeppelin box set comes out. I hope the people from Mobile Fidelity are reading this …
de·but /deɪˈbyu, dɪ-, ˈdeɪbyu, ˈdɛbyu/ Show Spelled [dey-byoo, di-, dey-byoo, deb-yoo] Show IPA
–noun 1. a first public appearance on a stage, on television, etc. 2. the first appearance of something, as a new product. 3. (of a young woman) a formal introduction and entrance into society, as at an annual ball. 4. the beginning of a profession, career, etc. –verb (used without object) 5. to make a debut, as in society or in a performing art: She decided to debut with several other violinists. 6. to appear for the first time, as on the market: A new product will debut next month. –verb (used with object) 7. to perform (something) for the first time before an audience: He didn't know when the orchestra would debut his new symphony. 8. to place on the market for the first time; introduce. –adjective 9. of, pertaining to, or constituting a first appearance: a debut performance; a debut record album.
Jaybo's pics plus "Television", "The Remains" and Neil Young's ST'd first solo effort, which all pale in comparison to George Gobel's Las Vegas Sands LP.
Jimi Hendrix, "Are you experienced" King Crimson, "In the court of the crimson king" Led Zeppelin (eponymous) Van Halen I Mr.Bungle (eponymous)[not for the faint of heart,but brilliant debut] Robert Plant Allison Krause "Raising Sand" Not sure if debut as solo artist counts but; Alice Cooper "Welcome to my nightmare" Elvis Costello "Spike"
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