Responses from chadnliz
Luxman E-200 phono stage Hey, im having trouble contacting you about Ortofon Cadenza cart A fellow member in chagrin falls may reach out but you are more than welcome to come inspect it. Cheers | |
Cable Box Digital 5.1 converted to Digital Stereo I did this before with TW Music Choice, it does not improve quality to any degree worth worrying about. | |
Lexicon Mc-8 calibration - no original microphone Lexicon MC8 units did not come with microphones, I do not think any old mic will work. I had a MC8 for over 10yrs | |
REM by MTV I enjoyed it too but how can you say they were surprised when Michael said "Radio doesn't deserve me" in his early days, later in his career he drops that attitude and admits "its just pop music. | |
Does JBL get a bad rap? Many may roll their eyes at this but I replaced my VMPS FF3 SRE powered by Classe amps with JBL PRX735 powered speakers about a month ago and really like most everything about them. For $2000 for powered speakers they are fantastic. I use a Lexico... | |
anyone try powered Mackie Hd1531 for home use? No regrets on the JBL PRX735's I like most everything about them, they don't image like normal audiophile speakers but that's not really what gets me. I get great bass, no fatigue, unlimited volume in a cheap package. Solid state works better than... | |
Your last concert was to see who and when? Govt Mule a month ago 4th row, great as always. | |
Rockwell: audiophile term "just like a pedophile" I stopped buying ported speakers to avoid temptation. | |
Have you heard pro studio monitors ? M Audio 8 inch monitors are pretty amazing IMO. I just threw out the rule book and installed JBL PRX735 speakers in my main listening room and really like them. | |
How important for surrounds to match fronts? If you are focused on non matched speakers during a movie then turn it off.....its a bad movie. Speakers within reason will be fine. | |
anyone try powered Mackie Hd1531 for home use? I'm still evaluating them, bass is plenty strong with no need for solid state pre mates better than my tube unit. The midrange and treble really sound good, I think the weakness is of course cabinet bracing but these are intended to be po... | |
anyone try powered Mackie Hd1531 for home use? Ha! That would be fun.....wish I had them now. | |
anyone try powered Mackie Hd1531 for home use? Oops sorry I bought the JBL Pro PRX735 Speakers. | |
anyone try powered Mackie Hd1531 for home use? Black Mountain "Wucan" auto corrected | |
anyone try powered Mackie Hd1531 for home use? I put down deposit today...grabbing them Monday. They sounded great with Tom Petty's Mojo....Black Mountains track Duncan.....The Melvin's Revolver...even compressed Slacker Radio sounded good on my Galaxy Note 3. My VMPS FF3 SRE speakers have a i... |