
Discussions audioguy3107 has started

Is 74 dB too much gain for the Dynavector XX2mkII?29157
Older 90's highly rated bookshelf vs. newer technology38026
Capacitance settings on Manley phonostage85756
Balanced or single ended phono stage?1137723
REL subwoofer crossover question1886216
Pink Floyd in HI REZ......finally1091114
AXPONA 2011 Atlanta reports/thoughts?1157138
Avalon Eidolon Visions in the house1148620
Anyone heard new Avalon Transcendents???79147
See if you can "predict" a future ground loop hum?532911
Dedicated 20 amp/ground loop question38698
Tubes or S.S. for Thiel CS 2.4?1347818
Track gaps in SACD playback?28045
The Doors DCC Gold vs. remasters..opinions?48054
? about Led Zep remastered CDs16541