Perfect Debute Albums

Which DEBUTE albums do you consider perfect?


This thread was MacDadTexas's idea and a good one at that!

Mine would be-

The Cars- The Cars
Norah Jones- Come Away With Me
Cheap Trick- Cheap Trick

I'll post more later....

Showing 4 responses by macdadtexas

Here are mine, and I actually got my idea when Bill (Audiofeil) brought it up on another thread.

The Beatles - Please, Please Me

Stone Temple Pilots - Core

Led Zeppelin

Sade - Diamond Life

Nora Jones - Come Away with Me

Steely Dan - Can't Buy a Thrill

Bad Co

Elvis Costello - My Aim is True'

Jet - Get Born (ahh so much promise, then nothing)

Let me add the Cars too, great idea SR!!
I'm adding a few great suggestions to mine here as well:

The Cars

SRV - Texas Flood, sublime

Van Halen

G n R - Appetite for Destruction

also a couple of corrections to the above:

The following are not Debut albums:

Spike - Elvis Costello

Welcome to my Nightmare - Alice Cooper

Candy-O - The Cars
SR, you need to re-read, I said Candy-O is not a debut album, along with the others listed.
SR - great call on Pat Benatar, what a voice. I need to look for that on vinyl again.