Package sent to wrong address

I recently was selling 2 of the same Krell equalizers. The first one sold about 3 weeks ago and the second one was sold about a week later. Fast forward to Thursday night. I received a call from the buyer of the second purchaser saying that he never received the shipment yet and asked if I had the tracking number. I was very surprised and found the receipt and asked him if he was from Washington as the receipt said. He said no he was in NJ were I live. That shipment should have been there in 2 days. I was now extremely confused. I now looked up the shipping on his purchase and sure enough it said his name but his address was showing Washington. I then looked up the information from the first buyer and the address was the same as the second buyer. I texted a pic of both purchases from him and the first buyer and told him AG had the wrong address down for your shipping address. I explained to him that his address was the same address as the first purchaser. He also went to look it up on AG and sure enough they had the wrong shipping address for him as the same as the first purchaser. Now he then checked his account page and it had his NJ address but his shipping address was showing Washington. Same as the first buyer. I then immediately called up the first buyer and explained the situation and he denied ever getting the second shipment. Now the tracking was showing that it was delivered to him on 2/6 and left at his front door. And no I didn’t get a signature required but if there was one time I should’ve was then. He was a Chinese guy and did sound very nervous and it did sound like he was lying to me. We both wrote emails to AG and they are looking into this very odd situation. I truly believe that it was not my or the second purchasers fault in this transaction / shipping. Also both purchase invoices are not the same numbers. They were 2 different listings, 2 different listings purchasers / I also paid 2 different selling fees when they sold. Now the first purchaser has a second unit for free. I am very upset over this as my record / buyer and seller are perfect. I also feel very bad for the second person and hate that the first purchaser is lying about not getting it. If he was honest we would ship it back to me as I would of paid shipping. Once again AG is saying it’s very ODD and looking into the this. Will keep posted.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

This is a strange situation indeed it sounds like perhaps a glitch in the Audiogon system?


And embarrassingly I will admit a few years ago I was selling two different cables and shipped both packages on the same day and switched the buyers! Luckily they were both very nice guys and I paid to have them ship their packages to one another. First and last time I make a mistake like that one!  🤣

Hope it all works out.

It's a shame buyer #1 is a no integrity thief.

This could have been cleared up easily.

@thecarpathian Yes we are definitely keeping in touch with each other. Like I said we are not blaming one another.This is just a very odd and misfortune situation 

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@carlsbad2 If the shoe  was on the other foot meaning mine I would not look at it as it was the seller fault. We both talked on the phone and neither one of us is blaming the other. We both feel this was an AG glitch. And feel that they are responsible. That is also from the buyer as well as me.

@tattooedtrackman Ok.  So you're a "possession is 9/10 of the law guy".  You've got the money so you're going to keep it.  

I would not necessarily catch the wrong address either if the name was right.  The address would sound familiar but that would be normal.  

But I challenge anyone to tell me a story where they bought and paid for something, didn't get it, and didn't think the seller was responsible.


@carlsbad2  The second buyer was his right name but address of first buyer. And no it didn’t occur to me that I sent both to the same address because I also had packages going out from EBay plus it was a week later and no I didn’t remember the address from the first buyer. Plus I have been on AG a lot of years now buying and selling and have an impeccable record. If I made a mistake by sending it to wrong address I’d 💯 own up to it. But this is clearly not the case in this situation. Plus even PayPal would not side with him because that was the address that was on his PP invoice and it was delivered to that address. Also there is no way that this was a scam. What would be the point ?? I got paid by both. I was not out. Also this transaction was PP GS not FF. That being said even if the second buyer filed a claim against me he would not win. This is 💯 AG fault. They have money. They are definitely responsible. I do feel terrible about this but why should I be out ? I did everything right on my end. 

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I never asked for an address if I had one, listed, for any form of double-checking. But I always googled it to make sure the package was deliverable. I wouldn’t ship something expensive to an apartment building with 60 units without a front desk.

I don’t think it’s a scam because it would be a stupid scam.

I also think that taking delivery of a package not addressed to you is a felony (taking, opening, keeping).

@jea48 You described a private party, unassisted paypal transaction.

In this case the seller used paypal via Audiogon and shipped via the paypal shipping linked to audiogon so the shipping address was imported from Audiogon.

He sold 2 items and somehow the same shiping address got imported for both items.  It isn't clear if the second item had the right name on it or not.  If not, then it kindo looks like he clicked on the "ship another package" button and shipped it by error to the guy he had already shipped to.


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……tatooedtrackman I have done business with you in the past and you were a stand up guy and would do business with you again. I agree with you to a degree that AG has some culpability in this error , however like my dad who was a carpenter used to say ; “ measure twice cut once “. How does that apply to you ? …I / you should of asked the buyer to send to you his confirmed and or current address . If the first buyer was honest which it seems he is should have it back to you and you reimburse him, but the responsibility is on you to verify the buyers address. I hope all works out but confirms that there is some dishonest people out there . Good luck and hope all works out …..

Need to expand the overly simplistic view of it’s only a two way contract between buyer and seller. Audiogon has a duty and charge a fee to execute same. Also, did seller use friends n family…or goods and services.


@knock1.  You have nothing to worry about.  but no seller has ever been sorry they sold to me.  and no buyer has ever been sorry they bought from me.  


Note to self. Never buy from @knock1 . If it doesn’t show up, and he doesn't feel it is his fault, he will leave you hanging.

@tattooedtrackman I am with you on this. I can not understand why this mess would be even considered to be your fault and be responsible for a refund.

Opinion only, I think that the buyer of the first and second units were the same person and gave the same Washington address to both Audiogon and PayPal so theoretically neither of them has done anything but correctly follow directions as set up on their respective systems.

Tat needs to contact PayPal and show proof of delivery of the second equalizer to the address, explain how both equalizers were sold to the same address on everyone's records, and not let PayPal claw back his payment.

I should have added in my initial post:

"Unless you think something fishy is going on."

I see it may be leaning that way...

@thecarpathian You can have any area code. My wife has a New York number and we live in Connecticut. I have many friends that have a different area code that is not in the same state that they live in!

@yogiboy ,

"If it is a cell phone you can have any phone number you choose. It makes no difference where you live!"

But it still has to have the proper area code, I believe. And that will tell you where he is.

FWIW, I recently used PayPal to purchase a tuner from a man in Connecticut. He had a very unusual name. He was a regular PayPal user. I plugged in his name & address and a Paypal screen popped up showing this individual (I thought) so I OK'd the payment. Seller contacted me when payment did not show up (my bank and Paypal notified me that the payment had been processed! 

I contacted PayPal and discovered that there was another registered person with this exact same name but with a totally different address. PayPal couldn't explain why they had sent payment to this individual but they did open a claim and 14 days later reversed the payment. All ended up good!

Call Paypal.

OP, are  the buyers new members? Do they have any feedback? Just curious!

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Google Earth the both addresses and see if they are a freight forwarding outfit or a rent an address place. Do the addresses have a STE or STA in them. 


Didn’t you think it was strange that you were sending an item to two different customers to the same address? It is unfortunate, but I do think that you are at fault in the end. That said, you are owed the money from Audiogon, because the initial mistake was theirs.


Sounds like you need to contact PayPal immediately.  PayPal requires  The package, item, must ship to the address provided PayPal. Period... PayPal is at fault. Sounds like they got scammed.

But how could PayPal have obtained the wrong address unless provided by second buyer?


If it is a cell phone you can have any phone number you choose.

Agree, but worth checking anyway.


@jetter " Is the phone number for the second, supposed NJ buyer, actually a NJ phone number?"

If it is a cell phone you can have any phone number you choose. It makes no difference where you live!

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Lots of questions but trying to be helpful.

I think @yogiboy is on the right track, I believe it is a scam. 

Are you sure that both buyers aren’t in cahoots together? It could be some kind if scam!

Are you sure both buyers are not the same person?  There are too many coincidences.  Are you able to establish that the second buyer actually has a physical presence and address in NJ?  Can you google or otherwise verify a house or apt. is there?  Often the last sale/purchaser of a house is listed on google or the town's grand list. 

Is the phone number for the second, supposed NJ buyer, actually a NJ phone number?

Now the tracking was showing that it was delivered to him on 2/6 and left at his front door.

Agree with you, here's betting dollars to donuts he has the second unit.







You have to type an address into paypal unless it imports it from the sponsor of the shippng service, which I assume was Audiogon so audiogon put the address into paypal, assuming you didn't accidentally import the address from previous shipping.

To clarify, did the second shipment that had the address from the first shipment, have the name of the 2nd buyer or the name of the first buyer?  Usually the name would be stored in the same file as the address.


@carlsbad2 They was sold for $1100 ea. Also the same address was also on Pay Pal. The address where it was delivered too. 

Are you sure that both buyers aren’t in cahoots together? It could be some kind if scam! BTW, it is easy to change the shipping address on Paypal and Audiogon!

Sorry to hear of the problem but whenever I sell on AG,eBay or other platform I double check an address with the other party and try to make phone contact and exchange shipping tracking info.


 Also when buying I'll ask for a phone number and address. Fortunately the folks I've delt with have been very honest but to much info never hurt.


I got a email from AG and they asked what address was used on his PayPal for shipping. And it did show Washington. The same wrong address that was on AG. 

I know the screw up isn’t your fault, but the best way to handle this from a personal integrity/reputation standpoint is for you as the seller to square up with the buyer asap, then hash it out with AG. That's also the point I believe Jerry is making.

Let me add that I fully sympathize with you.  I had a package sent to me for me to repair, about a $500 item. Showed delivered but I never got it.  I asked them to wait a month for it to show up and then I would pay for thier loss.  Finally it showed up.

But sometimes we are at the mercy of the tracking systems.  

I'm just trying to help you see it from a simple contractual standpoint and I'm really not trying to be adversarial and I hope in the end everybody gets made whole.  It looks like it is about a $500 item so nobody is going to lose a lot of money.

I will add the mantra that I live by:  A man has only one reputation and once soiled, it can never be fully cleaned.  $500 is a cheap way to protect your reputation.


I agree, you have a claim with Audiogon. This is immaterial to the buyer. His contract is only with you. So you have to deliver and work out your issues with Audiogon.

If Amazon told you that their subcontractor put the wrong address on the package so it went to somebody in rural Idaho would you say "ok, that’s fine". Audiogon is your subcontractor in this case and you paid them well so they should fix this for you. You have to fix it with the guy who contracted with you to buy an equalizer.

I made the statement about the address as that would be the only case where it would be the responsibility of the buyer--if he gave you the wrong address.


@carlsbad2  Who is saying that the first buyer put in his address in the second buyer ??? No one said that AT all. And I’m not blaming the first buyer. Omg. 

@carlsbad2  I am paying AG a price to list it and a selling fee when it’s sold. They are the ones responsible to make sure all is right with information. They are the ones who owe the second buyer for THIER mistakes. 

There is no way the buyer put the address of your second buyer into his profile.  

I won't repeat myself and I'll just leave you to figure out what the right thing is to do.


@carlsbad2   If i ordered from Amazon or anywhere else and I had the wrong shipping information on my purchase how in the world is it amazons fault. Amazon is shipping it the right address as shown on order form / invoice. 

I'm not saying it is your fault.  but you failed to deliver. to the buyer all he got was an excuse.  you know what they say about excuses.  

Suppose you ordered something from Amazon, it didn't show up but they had a good excuse. Would you want your money back?  

Well in this case, you are amazon.

I've been selling a long time and I always reaize that until the package is safely delivered, it is my responsibility.  

I also use Auctane shipstation through paypal to create labels.  It verifies all addresses and it would have caught this.  Something to condier for next time.


@carlsbad2 How could this be possibly my fault when I shipped it to the RIGHT address as shown ???  Why just because I didnt double check or call him to verify like you did ? That’s just something extra u did on your own. And I’m sure when u double checked the address was CORRECT with AG. This once again is TOTALLY different situation. 

The seller is responible for safe delivery.  If audiogon screwed you, that is between you and audiogon.  Send him the money now.  Jerry