I’ve been asked to evaluate/beta test some new fuses that will be coming out soon. I should have them as soon as this coming Saturday.

At this point:

1. I cannot reveal the name of the manufacturer of the fuses.
2. I do not know what the retail price will be.
3. I do not know what the name of the fuse will be.

For comparison purposes, I have a full complement of SR Orange fuses that can be used throughout the system. I have one QSA Yellow fuse now being used in my ARC-PH8 phono stage, with another one to arrive soon to be used in my ARC REF-75se.

I’ll be comparing the SR Orange fuses, and the QSA fuses, with the new prototype fuses. I’ll also be using the ears of three of my well-seasoned audiophile friends, as well as my own to make the evaluations. These guys are all truth-tellers that I have full confidence in.

According to the manufacturer, these new fuses are real game-changers, so stay tuned.

I've got the SET 120 Control amp - have mixed feelings about it - nice air and separation, but not as fun as some of my other gear.

I do want to get his new M225 mono blocks soon.

Fuse came today, will try and post some impressions in a week or two.
cd45123 >>>

Which Van Alstine amp do you have? Years ago, I had Frank put his circuits inside of a mint Dyna Stereo 120 that I bought at a garage sale for four-bucks. Whatever VA did with that amp turned it into a little killer. Talk about bass control! 

Please post your impressions on the new SR Purple fuse when it breaks in. Thanks ...

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Waiting patiently for my new Purple fuse to show up in the mail.......

OK, well......not so patiently.
:0 are lucky that you components require the same fuse.  My components are all wildly different.  I have QSA yellow in every component which is better than SR orange imo.  I look forward to your honest appraisal.  
I’ve got one that will hopefully be shipping out this week to try with my Van Alstine amp. Yellow QSA is in there now, it is good, but doesn’t get as transparent as the Violet one. 

I’m very interested to begin testing out SR Purple on a few different components over the coming weeks.
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Good to see this Tread back on-line. Tammy is the best!

Happy Listening!
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Thanks to Tammy for reopening this thread. :-)

Now that the new SR Purple fuses are shipping, we can get input from those members who have taken the plunge and want to report their results here. 

My fuses have completely broken in at this point, and things are sounding mighty fine.


It’s quite unfortunate that it has come down to this! Sadly @admin has allowed georgehifi sadistic behavior to continue on several threads. He doesn’t know when to QUIT…you can’t carry a civil discussion with someone who always try to one-up you. 
Not too late if he is banned !This guy reads every post of every fuse threads for years now insulting people that don’t think like him, and repeating the same thing again and again.

Imagine the time he consumes for that, it’s crazy.  

I am bored to have mail alerts for a new message in a thread that is interesting me and when I open the link this is a bad message from him and often already deleted.
This from the very same guy and lasting for years. I’m happy he is banned from the Audiogon, and for sure I am not the only one.

“You’ve been ask and ask and ask to stop costing people money and calling anyone that disagrees with you, names. You WON’T stop after being ask by several people to STOP the harassment on SEVERAL threads.”

You cannot expect mature behavior from the immature. Hopefully Tammy will do us a solid and ban him off Audiogon for good.

Nobody will miss him, that’s for sure.   
Ok George I accept your gift, I’m electronically gullible. Is there any thing else you want to add to the gift, or do you want to keep reminding me of what a gullible person I AM. Being gullible is still self inflicted.

Do you remind every handicapped person you meet about their handicap?

How many times do you punish your kids for the same offence? If you’re trying to mentor or teach someone, you have a strange way of doing it..

There is ONLY so many bits at the apple, then you hit the CORE.. I’ll add you’ve chewed this tree off at the stump.. No more apples, no more trees, no more learning, no more patience.

You’ve been ask and ask and ask to stop costing people money and calling anyone that disagrees with you, names. You WON’T stop after being ask by several people to STOP the harassment on SEVERAL threads.

It seems you can’t make a post as of late without some reference to "snake oil", or gullible, or ripped off, or close. We would have to LOOK for the contribution VS retribution in more than half of your post.

The sad part is with over 1/2 of the post being deleted, you still don’t understand. QUIT KICKING the dog George, Quit beating EVERYONE up George, QUIT, QUIT, QUIT, STOP, STOP, STOP.

It’s not cute, it’s not welcome, it’s not needed. It is PURE harassment.
There is nothing borderline, it has been OVER the line for a long long time.

AGon at what point are LOWER sales on Agon going to be attributed to this kind of harassment? When there are NONE? When no one will renew THEIR membership here?

Agon the people that are complaining are the ones that purchased the fused that made Agon money.. This guy is taking the SOUP right off your own table.. From 20 pages of selling adds to just a few these days..

Agon Admin at what point is LOSING revenue, good business sense? ONE man’s campaign, to willfully ruin another businessmen’s reputation or impune a whole company as "a fraud", is standard now..

I’d use good common sense at this point as a business person and wonder "is ONE person’s behavior going to dictate whether we at AGon get a raise anytime soon or NOT"..

Remind me, how do you get paid? From sales on Agon or NOT selling on AGon?

I’m going to save this post to remind ME what and how a business works.. I’ll remind AGon’s posters as often as they need to be reminded.

It’s a business, AND a place to share.

Regards Admin and the rest of the Agon community..
@oregonpapa "I’ll know more when my third regular audiophile friend comes up next Sunday".

You mean you need another person to tell you what to hear? If you don't know then this is all a joke!

Not just a joke rsf, but a very well organized way taking advantage of the electronically gullible here.

Cheers George

My guess has always been the replacement for the SR orange.  But then again, it is just a guess.
@oregonpapa "I’ll know more when my third regular audiophile friend comes up next Sunday".

You mean you need another person to tell you what to hear? If you don't know then this is all a joke!

Not just a joke rsf, but a very well organized way taking advantage of the electronically gullible here.

Cheers George

A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member.
To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference.
I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Kind of just says it all doesn't it?

To those non technical thinking of purchasing these $$$ fuses. Just save your $150+ and do this instead.

A fuse:
1: two end caps
2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all she wrote).

To those "non technical" members that are interested in "maybe" wasting their money, do not listen to the non-technical, listen to the technicians of this industry that design the audio products you have and listen to. AND YOU WON"T SEE THEM ON THREADS LIKE THIS AGREEING WITH WHAT SAID HERE ABOUT THE SOUND IMPROVMENT DETAILS AND AC FUSE PLACEMENT DIRECTION, EVER!!!
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. (even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George

@oregonpapa "I’ll know more when my third regular audiophile friend comes up next Sunday".

You mean you need another person to tell you what to hear? If you don't know then this is all a joke!

Not just a joke rsf, but a very well organized way taking advantage of the electronically gullible here.

Cheers George

I rarely post anything here. I did so this time because I had direct experience on the topic and reported it in a factual and non judgmental fashion. My reward was to be called a lier by one member and told I was in the wrong hobby by another ( I have been in this hobby for 49 years ). I am and always have been in this hobby for the enjoyment of music. I once got into a discussion with Geof Kait on the directionality of fuses and realized

You/we are lucky GK has disappeared (or been banned) he was a real comic piece of work but fitted in well in these types of threads, and his website is really out there best one is the pebbles.

As for your Maggies I had quite a bit to do with them owning the big Tympanies also, before going on to big ESL’s.

cerberus79A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member. To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference. I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference.

As you stated no difference in sound whether 10cent Bussman fuses were in or $150 SR Orange were in, to yourself or when the guys were around to do the A/B with.

Has the purpose of a fuse been lost ? How it is designed to work ? By design there is no directionality in a fuse. it is simply designed to open in an overcurrent situation. If it was directional in relation to the current passing through it would be a diode

Same thing I say to them, if it’s directional then it’s trying to be a diode, and that NOT good in either direction!

But I can tell your Maggies will sound a touch better with just a piece of copper wire soldered lightly outside of the fuse clamps and no fuses. This makes them vulnerable to an amp blowing and going dc, as you know having electronic knowledge background, but no more so than any other speaker would have no dc protection either.

You could try one of these if you want to retain the protection soldered to the fuse clamps.

Cheers George
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That's the biggest laugh in Audiogon!!!!!!🤣

Yes, everyone on Audiogon is laughing … at you

There are 10-20 people on Audiogon who will endorse Geoff’s products. Not a single person will endorse what you sell. Not one.

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There are at least 10 - 20 people on Audiogon today who will endorse Kait’s products.
And your probably one of them🤦‍♂️
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legitimate products.
That's the biggest laugh in Audiogon!!!!!!🤣
Soooo, the people who are happy with their purchases are the ones being ripped off? Ah, thank you. It all makes perfect sense now.👍
They are the ones that feel like they have to save face because they have no idea about what they're hearing so they take it on the chin. 
The two hand full that keep the "snake oil" fires burning here are so obviously on the shysters product payroll. Does that makes perfect sense now? of course it does 🤦‍♂️
Old georgie sure is sore. Nobody buys the junk he tries to peddle so now he tries to discredit those who sell legitimate products. 

Sour grapes …

It’s been said many many times, you either don’t want to see it or can’t fathom it out😵
Even if 50% decide to return a 10c item that sold to them for $200+, the shyster manufacture/retailer is still way out in front profit wise on the other 50%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤦‍♂️
Soooo, the people who are happy with their purchases are the ones being ripped off? Ah, thank you. It all makes perfect sense now.👍
and lacking transparency we are free to assume motivation as we feel appropriate 
rsf507 ... 

  •  "And if the OP was truthful he'd tell you how many mats were "given" to him."

What I paid, or didn't pay, or partially paid, should be of no concern to you, or anyone else on this forum. What should be of concern to you, is how to make your system sound better tomorrow than it sounded today. Go back and research all of my threads, follow the lead, and you'll be amazed at how good your system will sound. 


  • "Whenever he has a response to a post here, he is always civil, sharing, gracious with a touch of humor, and never negative, Bravo! I believe you Oregon (big) papa."

Thank you for the kind words. They are very much appreciated. 


Still waiting on your response as to how someone gets ripped off when they buy something with a full money back guarantee

It's been said many many times, you either don't want to see it or can't fathom it out😵
Even if 50% decide to return a 10c item that sold to them for $200+, the shyster manufacture/retailer is still way out in front profit wise on the other 50%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤦‍♂️
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Still waiting on your response as to how someone gets ripped off when they buy something with a full money back guarantee and practically nothing for shipping.
And what kind of person can't resist an opportunity to disgrace anyone??!!
And what kind of person can't resist an opportunity to get the gullible ripped off
Not coming out on top? Good one. I’m sure it had nothing to do with selling stickers that block morphic fields, a Teleportation Tweak, and charging a thousand bucks to fix your stereo over the phone. Hate to give they guy free advertising but can’t resist the opportunity to disgrace anyone dumb enough to fall for his schtick by showing exactly what his schtick is!
How do you know they don’t work, ever try a single one? No?
Then what right do you have to declare they don’t?
Hint; It’s the same as zero.
See, it’s hypocritical blather like this from people who are the first to jump at "an opportunity to disgrace anyone dumb enough" to try something he has not, yet also be the first one to jump all over anyone doing the same thing.
And what kind of person can’t resist an opportunity to disgrace someone??!!
Speaks loudly of the person behind the post.....

@oregonpapa "I’ll know more when my third regular audiophile friend comes up next Sunday".

You mean you need another person to tell you what to hear? If you don't know then this is all a joke!

Not just a joke rsf, but a very well organized way taking advantage of the electronically gullible here.

Cheers George

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The OP Frank,

When ever he has a response to a post here, he is always civil, sharing, gracious with a touch of humor and never negative, Bravo! I believe you oregon(big)papa, 

I put a light blue in a $150 dollar receiver and another light blue in a $6000 dollar amp and heard the magic in both!

And now OP, as in oregonpapa is sharing with us the chance to get a new and better fuse than let's say the yellow, at an affordable price?

You can either 'buy just one' and try it, or don't. 
einstein, RE: geoffkait
Read it and weep. Or laugh. My hunch is enough of the folks who got ripped off finally complained.
Apparently you haven't viewed his excellent Machina Dynamica customer feedback here on Audiogon.

geoffkait Profile | Audiogon
Nope even the plus mats retailed at $600. And if the OP was truthful he'd tell you how many mats were "given" to him. 
oldhvymec...said...“600.00 EACH no way..“

I believe the plus mats retailed for $800.00 each. Yup!

Not coming out on top? Good one. I'm sure it had nothing to do with selling stickers that block morphic fields, a Teleportation Tweak, and charging a thousand bucks to fix your stereo over the phone. Hate to give they guy free advertising but can't resist the opportunity to disgrace anyone dumb enough to fall for his schtick by showing exactly what his schtick is!  

Regular readers will note the same people who attack Ted Denney for saying "Quantum" and me for using "Einstein" think it is all hunky dory when this clown does BOTH! 

Read it and weep. Or laugh. My hunch is enough of the folks who got ripped off finally complained. One thing for sure, the most sure-fire way of getting a post removed was to post a link to his site. Let's see how long this one lasts. Not coming out on top. Hilarious.
@oregonpapa "I’ll know more when my third regular audiophile friend comes up next Sunday".

You mean you need another person to tell you what to hear? If you don't know then this is all a joke!

Not just a joke rsf, but a very well organized way taking advantage of the electronically gullible here.

Cheers George

34 mats at around $600 each = over $20,000..."unless you got them free"


600.00 EACH no way..

I’m listening to my 1100.00 system right now. I did pay 120 dollars for the speakers and they came with Infinity surrounds and two tweeter ribbon kits. The guy just wanted to see them fixed. They were his first speakers.. RS4b. So I bought them fixed them and made a video and sent him a copy..

The SQ is close to a lot of systems I’ve heard with a lot more STUFF.

There is a point where you do need to go see the doctor.. The above statement if it’s true is about 30 matts late. :-)

IF a tweak is 100.00 that is a BIG push for me.

BTW There is not a single soul on AG that has the power to get someone booted off. Not a one.. BAD behavior though and repeated warning will..

Usually the party make the choice by compliance or defiance.. AG usually provides a choice. one or the other.

There has been a WILD child or two. I’ve ask more than one if they really wanted a handbag at 10 paces, kinda mud slinging, THING. I can be a girly man, no lipstick though. I put a brick in mine .. No pebbles :-)

Time to feed the chickens..

Almost time to throw the hat on the FLOOR.. It’s Friday..

I’m looking for a job. :-) Eatin' sawdust and crappin' 2 x 4s.

5 dollar 2 x 4s yesterday..

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