I’ve been asked to evaluate/beta test some new fuses that will be coming out soon. I should have them as soon as this coming Saturday.

At this point:

1. I cannot reveal the name of the manufacturer of the fuses.
2. I do not know what the retail price will be.
3. I do not know what the name of the fuse will be.

For comparison purposes, I have a full complement of SR Orange fuses that can be used throughout the system. I have one QSA Yellow fuse now being used in my ARC-PH8 phono stage, with another one to arrive soon to be used in my ARC REF-75se.

I’ll be comparing the SR Orange fuses, and the QSA fuses, with the new prototype fuses. I’ll also be using the ears of three of my well-seasoned audiophile friends, as well as my own to make the evaluations. These guys are all truth-tellers that I have full confidence in.

According to the manufacturer, these new fuses are real game-changers, so stay tuned.


Showing 20 responses by millercarbon

Not coming out on top? Good one. I'm sure it had nothing to do with selling stickers that block morphic fields, a Teleportation Tweak, and charging a thousand bucks to fix your stereo over the phone. Hate to give they guy free advertising but can't resist the opportunity to disgrace anyone dumb enough to fall for his schtick by showing exactly what his schtick is!  

Regular readers will note the same people who attack Ted Denney for saying "Quantum" and me for using "Einstein" think it is all hunky dory when this clown does BOTH! 

Read it and weep. Or laugh. My hunch is enough of the folks who got ripped off finally complained. One thing for sure, the most sure-fire way of getting a post removed was to post a link to his site. Let's see how long this one lasts. Not coming out on top. Hilarious.
I'm tellin' ya Chuck, you've gotta hear it to believe it. Amazing.

I don't doubt it, not for a second. Wish you coulda made Chuxpona. Krissy says we have about the max, and she would know. All your comments about people's reactions, so true, and you woulda got quite the kick out of it. Maybe some day I will make it down there. Would be quite the experience, for sure.
Lord. That is more than my whole system! Plus the Gate. Plus all the other stuff. And now the fuses. Can hardly even imagine....
I love those things! When you told me about the speakers I thought that was nuts. They would have to work on the drivers, the magnet or something like that, and from so far away? But it worked. Just one. Ugly as hell though so....

Removed the drivers, cut some Mats up into strips, zip tied them along side the wires and around the driver magnets. Improvement? My wife who hardly pays any attention asked what made it sound so good? She doesn’t know one word of audiophile lingo but she knows when it sounds more like real natural music.

Then you told me about speaker cables. So I laid one Mat on each speaker cable. Sure enough. Now I know to cut em up, made em into tubes, they work so good that way!

I’m sure you remember Frank, this is for the others. Recently what with all the moving around for Chuxpona we wound up with some of these laying around and sometimes like last night I will put another one or two back on a wire somewhere. The tubes I made are different sizes so depending on what we are talking about could be anywhere from 1/3 of a Mat to 1/6 or sometimes even less. Even this small amount, still very easy to hear. To answer the question then no, it does not go bad over time.

@mllercarbon do you have a link to these stones? I have a Blackhawk Mk3.1 too. Have you compared the stones to MiG 2.0s? My Blackhawk is also on an SR Tranquility Basik. Thanks.
Never tried MiG.
Wow that is some story. My grandfather was a sharecropper. In the hierarchy of human misery sharecropper is one step up from slave. Brutal life, apparently too much for him, he ran off when my dad was still a child. Dad was so ashamed of being a sharecroppers son I never knew any of this until after he passed. Rural Florida, okay, it was a swamp. Last time down there grandma went out back and got a bullfrog for dinner with her slingshot. I couldn't even see what she was aiming at but she nailed it first try. Long time ago forget the details but pretty sure it wasn't frog legs Italian style.

Yeah they come 2 to a pack. So six all together. All 6 are on the Raven. Real smooth and natural, just like what you describe about your new fuses. The noise floor with all the stuff I have now is so low it is spooky the stuff you can hear.

oregonpapa (from 8 posts up and on the previous page, which is how far back you have to go to get past the people prone to rudely wrecking and sidetracking substantive discussions because they are too lazy to start their own  -

MC >>>

" Anyway, whatever it is and however it works the results are freaking fantastic. I put six of those little Stone things on my Raven last night and it was absofreakinglutely insane!"

See ... that’s what I mean. Just when we think we have it nailed, along comes another product to prove how wrong we were. That’s what the prototype fuses are doing here. 

On the "stones" --- I know they come in two packs and that there are three varieties. So, are you using all three varieties or all the same? Also, where are you placing them in order to get the best effects? 

Oh, and by the way, the question came up by another A’goner via phone call who wanted to know if I could see inside the prototype fuses. The answer is no. The glass is completely black and can’t be seen through. 

Thanks ...


One of each. Wrote it up on the QSA thread. Unlike the disruptors above I like to try and stick to the subject. Since you are the OP and asked about this, the way they are described on the site was sort of Red warm/bass, Blue midrange, Clear extension. My system is beautifully balanced so I figured one of each- and it worked out great! 

Haven't had them long enough to know where is best, but they are all on The Blackhawk now running in a line across the transformer cover. Transformers are great places for stuff like this (Mat, eCard, etc) probably because they are mostly fields anyway. 

Might try moving them around a little tonight. Then again maybe not. I am pretty good at finding places that work, but then when the results are so enjoyable it is hard for me to do anything but sit there and enjoy it, you know? 

Besides, that's what I have you for! You gave me the speaker idea, speaker cable idea, and now the fuse, there are a few tricks in the old dog yet, eh?
I think there's at least two different things going on Frank. The Gate and a lot of Krissy's stuff I think of as more of a sink than a filter. Can't be a filter in the normal sense because nothing goes through it. It is not in the circuit, at least not in the normal way we understand a circuit. She will probably have a heart attack but I have explained this a few times and it is so alien to our understanding of electricity I have total confidence in being able to explain it clear as day and yet no one gets it. The Gate is an open circuit. A lot of this stuff is. Shouldn't even work. But it does.   

Then there is your Mat, your QSA Stones (which I just tried last night) and other stuff that is even less of a circuit. This is stuff that just lays there sort of close and therefore can only act via field control. Everything electrical has a magnetic field which is why it is called an electromagnetic field the one goes with the other they are one and the same we just like to divide stuff up even when it is the same thing.  

This brings us to the fuse. How's the fuse gonna filter anything? It could be made of materials used in the first two situations. Something like used in the Stones or Mat - or TC or NPS for that matter. This is in fact what we do when we dab some TC or NPS on the fuse. Nobody ever said it can be only one thing. We can do it all.   

But the main thing I think is going on with the fuse is a massive improvement in power transfer speed.   

You probably already know the way faster hexfred diodes improve detail, image depth and liquidity. Same for higher quality power supply caps. I think the fuse is working the same way. Not filtering, but simply allowing power to flow so much smoother and faster that the resulting sound is clean and free of artifacts. It sounds as if it is filtered even though it is not.  

Anyway, whatever it is and however it works the results are freaking fantastic. I put six of those little Stone things on my Raven last night and it was absofreakinglutely insane! Yes a big part is Claire Marlo and Michael Ruff are superbly recorded. But, come on, man!  🤣🤣😍😍 The improvement, to mix metaphors, was yuge! 🤣🤣 Bigly!😁😍
"Frank, I actually think these prototypes are doing as much for the system as your Perfect Path Technologies "Gate."
It has been so long I can no longer remember who it was but back in grade school there was this kid who got so petulant at losing he took all his toys and went home. This always puzzled me. Why did he think anyone wanted to play with him in the first place?

I majored in business with a minor in risk management and insurance. Erisch is of course correct.

Improvement over improvement over improvement over improvement over.... One begins to wonder where the system started out from to allow for so much....

Doesn’t matter. The fact of the matter is the very best anyone can do today is still laughably far from replicating reality. When we gush about how something is so much better, more real and lifelike and whatnot, this all stems from a love of music. Only when we really love something, deep and strong, does anyone care when it is made a little bit better. For those of us who care any improvement however small is important and worth the effort.

Of course we know not everyone does care. Plenty of people studiously maintain an air of impartial aloofness making a show of not caring while at the same time calling themselves audiophiles. It is sad, and we do feel sorry for you. But it would help a lot if since you really don’t care you would be consistent and not care enough to be rubbing your not care in our faces all the time. Go not care somewhere else. Leave the listening to those of us who do.

Yes I have Violet and Yellow coming. Stones this week, fuses hopefully next week. Then if Frank will be kind enough to hook me up I will love to compare with these new ones.....!    

For anyone with an open mind willing to learn let me just say Frank is the real deal. It was Frank who was early on the scene with PPT, one of the first with The Gate, and probably the best at recognizing and describing the sound. When I started picking up on it Frank was the one to give me the idea of trying the PPT Mats on speaker cables and around speakers.    

Look at my system. The tubes around cables, the black stuff wrapped around caps, the way my whole crossover is built on a Mat and more, I took it next level but those ideas all came from Frank.  

The nature of the improvement is to my ears plain as day. It is however different enough that some otherwise decent listeners are oblivious. This in my book is reason to start a discussion about how it is we learn to hear completely new and novel sounds. Which I did. Several times.   

Seems the haters and doubters and stuck in the past unwilling to learners are more outspoken here than those of us willing to do the hard work of expanding the envelope. Frank is one, for sure he is doing the hard work.   

I should at this point probably say anyone wants to hear what I'm talking about come to Redmond and bring a bottle of Angel's Envy Finished Rye. But to be honest I will be happy if you will just leave your damn cell phone at the door.  ;)  Seriously though, Finished Rye. It'll be a fair trade, trust me.

The primary effects of psychedelics like mushrooms and LSD are visual and breaking down the illusion of the ego. They do not for the most part affect the perception of sound. Not directly, anyway. You still hear everything as usual. It is more like you don't care as much, realizing you are the universe and all.
Mighty impressive Frank especially in light of the prototype being new while QSA and SR have lots of hours. 
Of course it did, that was going to be a given
There’s ulterior rewards to say it did, and nothing to reap if it didn’t.

Total fail. The only "reward" is credibility. If Frank does a good job describing what he hears then others will hear it too and over time Frank will gain credibility. But if Frank gets it wrong then it is only a matter of time before others figure this out and there goes his reputation. No one will care what he has to say one way or the other. This includes the manufacturer. Who in their right mind is gonna give expensive stuff away to someone with zero credibility? They only do this when you are credible. With people like Frank. 

If Frank does his job well then it is the manufacturer who takes all the risk. Frank can say good or bad, he wins either way when everyone finds out he was true and honest.  

This is where we separate the men from the boys. Blather all you want boys, while Frank steps up and shows us the way.   

Once you understand what is really going on then it also is plain as day it does not matter whether Frank got this stuff for free, or paid dearly, or anywhere in between. Doesn't even matter what he paid for any of it. All that matters is he accurately evaluate the differences between the choices. So we know how one performs relative to another. All that matters.  

In other words then not only are the criticism and name-calling undeserved, they show a deep misunderstanding of what it is to evaluate, or review, and indeed what it is to make choices. We all must make choices of one kind or another in building our systems. If one cannot understand even this much, what chance do they have?   

Somewhere between slim, and none.