It is the morally correct thing for A'gon "shadow endorsers" to disclose any actual or potential financial relationship with the product manufacturers even more than the full blown manufacturers and retailers whose self interests are clear.
I’ve been asked to evaluate/beta test some new fuses that will be coming out soon. I should have them as soon as this coming Saturday.
At this point:
1. I cannot reveal the name of the manufacturer of the fuses.
2. I do not know what the retail price will be.
3. I do not know what the name of the fuse will be.
For comparison purposes, I have a full complement of SR Orange fuses that can be used throughout the system. I have one QSA Yellow fuse now being used in my ARC-PH8 phono stage, with another one to arrive soon to be used in my ARC REF-75se.
I’ll be comparing the SR Orange fuses, and the QSA fuses, with the new prototype fuses. I’ll also be using the ears of three of my well-seasoned audiophile friends, as well as my own to make the evaluations. These guys are all truth-tellers that I have full confidence in.
According to the manufacturer, these new fuses are real game-changers, so stay tuned.
At this point:
1. I cannot reveal the name of the manufacturer of the fuses.
2. I do not know what the retail price will be.
3. I do not know what the name of the fuse will be.
For comparison purposes, I have a full complement of SR Orange fuses that can be used throughout the system. I have one QSA Yellow fuse now being used in my ARC-PH8 phono stage, with another one to arrive soon to be used in my ARC REF-75se.
I’ll be comparing the SR Orange fuses, and the QSA fuses, with the new prototype fuses. I’ll also be using the ears of three of my well-seasoned audiophile friends, as well as my own to make the evaluations. These guys are all truth-tellers that I have full confidence in.
According to the manufacturer, these new fuses are real game-changers, so stay tuned.
Showing 13 responses by jetter
I’m with ebm on this one. I am also getting 6 to put in a presentation case as these being "first batch" are destined to become collectors items and appreciate markedly. I will place them right next to my SR "first batch" unused red, black, orange, and blue fuses and my collection of QSA black,blue, yellow, purple,and red fuses. You folks that are actually using them are ruining their collectors value. |
It’s a little ironic. The mantra used to be that the improvment in sound from the addition of audiophile fuses was the equivalent of buying a new component. By the time people are on their third or fourth round of buying new fuses they will probably have spent as much or more than the cost of some new components. |
O’papa For many or at least some, for whatever reasons good or bad, the equipment noise floor is not such a concern or noticeable problem as it seems for you. With all the revelatory reductions in noise floor over the years, with multiple fuses and other tweaks, is there a chance that the actual ambient noises of the recording studios or live performance halls are what is being reduced? |
o’papa Don’t leave us in suspense, are there any prototype stones coming out soon that you will be beta testing? Perhaps testing the sonic impact of different meteorites that have struck the earth and placed on electronics and perhaps speakers. It will likely take some special rocks with some special treatments to beat the QSA offering. |
cue: Quantum Tunneling.Of course, so brief yet so informative. Quantum definition: a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents. It is obvious these guys who are making and selling wire and fuses in warehouses are employing the most modern sophisticated equipment to give those little ole fuses a good tunneling in the old quantum. I wonder why neither QSA or the Frank prototype don’t mention anything quantum? What can be better than quantum? Is quantum that was everything not long ago now so yesterday? The pace of fuse development is so exhilarating, just breathtaking. |
@tommylion jetter,tommy, actually my name is George also. It may come of a surprise for you to know that I am using a good number of e mats and e cards in my system. They stay in my rig because I think they are working great, but that is my subjective opinion, because with them it isn't on or off, it takes time for them to reach full speed. That's all that I wish to say because I do not believe in many of the things you do. Regarding Frank, I know he is and always will be a dyed in the wool salesperson, just as I am and have been a Certified Public Accountant for ions. He sells, I ask questions, it's in our blood. |
@georgehifi You’ve got to be kidding, more like the new real deal geoffkiat George is correct that geoffkait was eccentric, and that the products he sold from his company Machina Dynamica were for the most part even more so. However, many, if not a huge majority of us always looked forward to geoffkait’s posts. His intelligence was undeniable and he was always interesting and entertaining and the range of topics he brought forth, many only tangentially related to audio, were among the most interesting on this website. By the way, if you were gullible enough to buy some of his totally off the wall products, then you are among the more gullible on the planet. He also sold down to earth items such as springs. Found this on geoff, not sure its source: Geoff Kait -- Aerospace Engineering (theoretical fluid dynamics and propulsion, statistical thermodynamics, nuclear physics, indeterminate structures). Undergrad thesis: Preliminary design of low-thrust engine for interplanetary travel utilizing momentum transfer mechanisms in highly magnetic metal crystal bombarded by high-energy ions. Work experience: satellite operations; radar data analysis; aerodynamics of high-performance aircraft; reentry vehicle dynamics; radio communications; satellite communications; spread spectrum communications. He’s gone, and no one has filled the void. |
A number of people are buying stones like they are a new innovation to audio. Geoff's company Machina Dynamica has been selling them for years. Geoff's just don't have the layer of "Magic Goop"
painted on at a warehouse
that must add some quantum effect, whatever that means. However, you can see that Geoff's stones are smarter or they would not be called "Brilliant Pebbles". From the Machina Dynamica Website, and I am not recommending anyone buy them. What the heck is it? Brilliant Pebbles is a unique and comprehensive system for tuning the room and audio system. See Machina Dynamica's "white paper" on Brilliant Pebbles POWER TO THE PEBBLE See Customer Comments for Brilliant Pebbles at CUSTOMER COMMENTS Brilliant Pebbles Sizes: Large Brilliant Pebbles Price $99 each. Mini Brilliant Pebbles Price $59 each. Mikro Brilliant Pebbles $29 each. New Size! - Extra Large Brilliant Pebbles $129each. |
@orgeonpapa What happened to him? Does anyone know?I have always assumed that your new best friend here complained about geoffkait to the mods enough to have him booted. He has written that he is not shy about making complaints and has encouraged other members to do so also. At the time your friend was arguing with geoffkait and not coming out on top. This is of course just SPECULATION based on assumptions, there could have been something completely different to cause his getting booted. |
einstein, RE: geoffkait Read it and weep. Or laugh. My hunch is enough of the folks who got ripped off finally complained.Apparently you haven't viewed his excellent Machina Dynamica customer feedback here on Audiogon. geoffkait Profile | Audiogon |