I’ve been asked to evaluate/beta test some new fuses that will be coming out soon. I should have them as soon as this coming Saturday.

At this point:

1. I cannot reveal the name of the manufacturer of the fuses.
2. I do not know what the retail price will be.
3. I do not know what the name of the fuse will be.

For comparison purposes, I have a full complement of SR Orange fuses that can be used throughout the system. I have one QSA Yellow fuse now being used in my ARC-PH8 phono stage, with another one to arrive soon to be used in my ARC REF-75se.

I’ll be comparing the SR Orange fuses, and the QSA fuses, with the new prototype fuses. I’ll also be using the ears of three of my well-seasoned audiophile friends, as well as my own to make the evaluations. These guys are all truth-tellers that I have full confidence in.

According to the manufacturer, these new fuses are real game-changers, so stay tuned.


Showing 46 responses by oregonpapa

"Living the life, eh, Frank?"

If things were to get any better, Chuck, I'd think the deck was stacked. :-)
georgehifi ...

Let’s see who wears out first ... you with posting your nonsense and insults, or me reporting you to the Mods. I’d bet on me outlasting you because I know what my level of endurance is.


jetter2,302 posts

Do you have any actual evidence that the QSA fuses improve sound quality, or do you just know it does?

The proof is in the listening. Come on over and hear it for yourself. a/b fuse comparisons are easy to do on my rig. 


The new prototype fuses arrived in yesterday’s mail. For last night’s listening session, I replaced the SR Orange fuse in the line stage with one of the new prototypes. The results? ... It killed the SR Orange fuse in every respect. There was a BIG improvement in overall clarity from top to bottom. And the midrange ... the midrange ... Zowie!

I’m looking forward to tonight’s listening session. I will be replacing the QSA Yellow fuse in the phono stage with one of these new prototypes. If what I heard on the line stage last night is any indication, I think the midrange abnormality I talked about previously with the QSA Yellow fuse will most likely be further evidenced.

Stay tuned ...

millercarbon ...

Thanks for your vote of confidence. I'm trying my best to report what I'm hearing as accurately as possible. My only goal here is to tweak my system to the Nth degree possible and then to share the results with the rest of the members here.

For the naysayers, there is no monetary reward. The reward comes at the end when the system sitting in my living room becomes transformed into this incredible magic music machine like it did tonight. I had a friend over, someone who knows my system very well, and the guy was flabbergasted by what he heard. Me too. 

"I re-fuse to care about any of this nonsense." 
I'm refusing and things are improving dramatically.  :=)

millercarbon ...

I spoke with the manufacturer yesterday about how good the prototypes sounded right out of the box. His response was ... "they continue improving as they break-in."


Busted. :=)

slaw ...

  • "Are any of your previous fuse findings based on pasting with PPT?"

The QSA Yellow fuse that is/was in the phono stage was evaluated both ways ... with Total Contact and without. Putting TC on the endcaps seemed to calm the midrange down a bit and put a little more meat on the bones. Both ways, the QSA Yellow fuse sounded dynamic, transparent, went deep in the bass, but I still can’t get around that thin (for lack of a better word) midrange.

So for tonight’s listening session, I replaced the QSA Yellow fuse in the phone stage for one of the prototype fuses. The result? ... The midrange is back in spades. The sound stage is huge and the musicality is really something special.

So at this point, I have an SR Orange fuse in the amp, a prototype fuse in both the line and phono stage. Things are sounding amazing.

Tomorrow, I will replace the SR Orange fuse in the Amp for one of the prototype fuses. That will put prototype fuses in all three pieces of the electronics. We’ll see what happens.

I received another QSA Yellow fuse in today’s mail. So, after tomorrow’s listening session, I will replace the two prototype fuses that will be in the line stage and amp with the QSA Yellow fuses. Stay tuned.


jafant ...

"I would be interested in reading about a Fuse-Shootout involving your ARC cd player."
I wish I could tell you. The CD-7se had a laser failure and I haven't used it in over a year. I'm using a modified Pioneer Elite DV-59AVi DVD player that I found in almost new condition. I had Grover Huffman do the modifications, and I have to say, I think it runs circles around the ARC unit. Grover is THE man. 

mijostyn ...

  • "Frank, how many mushrooms did you swallow?"

Was it my "Magic Music Machine" comment that gave it away? 

I put the final new prototype fuse in the amp this morning. So now the amp, preamp, and phono stage all have the new prototype fuses in them. I'll report back on the results later.

I have Mister Golden Ears coming over tomorrow to take a listen. Besides myself, he's the person most familiar with the system. He's a very critical listener. So, what I have planned is a listening session where we start out with all prototype fuses in place, then changing out the fuses in the preamp and amp for the QSA Yellow fuses. That should be a fair comparison. 

Stay  tuned ... 

jetter ... I have a collection of investment quality Reds, Blacks, and Blues I would sell you at a good price if you're interested. Let me know if you want the PPT "Total Contact" left on or not.

 I'll be keeping the Orange ones to use as spares. 

Now I know why electronic music drenched in artificial digital reverb is so popular around these parts. 

With a full complement of the prototype fuses in use now, the system is sounding better than ever. It is hard to believe that a home stereo in an average-sized living room could perform like this. It is truly mind-boggling.

Mister Golden Ears is scheduled to arrive at nine in the morning for a listening session. He knows the system almost as well as I do. We'll see what he has to say. Plus, at some point, we will be replacing two of the prototype fuses with the QSA Yellow fuses to compare.

By the way, I haven't told Mister Golden Ears anything about the prototype fuses. As far as he knows, the system is still outfitted with a full complement of SR Orange fuses.

 The last time he was over, I was just breaking in the first QSA Yellow fuse in the line stage. He heard the abnormalities in the midrange too, so we swapped out the fuse with the SR Orange fuse that was previously in the line stage ... and the music came back into focus like before. And yes, I did try the QSA Yellow fuse in both directions, so that wasn't the problem.

Stay tuned ... 

Latest update >>>

Well, Mister Golden Ears and I had an interesting two-hour listening session this morning. We started out with the full complement of the prototype fuses. I thought the sound was spectacular. Then we changed out the prototypes for two QSA Yellow fuses, one in the line stage and one in the amp. We did an a/b/a/b/a comparison. The sound was also spectacular, however different. We both heard the same things.

We played both CDs and LPs.

The prototypes, in my opinion, are overall a better musical experience, in that the tonal balance is more accurate, and instruments actually sound more real. There is a more realistic sound space as well.

Mister Golden Ears thought the prototypes sounded a bit "dryer" than the QSA Yellow fuse. I didn’t hear that at all. I heard more separation of instruments, more individual voices fleshed out in choir music and a little more tube-like lushness throughout. I like that.

This is not meant to take anything away from the QSA Yellow fuses at all. They have their strong points.

My final analysis from today is this ... If you like the sound of neutral tube electronics like modern ARC gear, I believe you are going to like the prototype fuses better than the QSA Yellow fuses. If you are a Krell kind of a guy who likes modern solid-state gear, then maybe the QSA fuses would be more your cup of tea. That’s not my preference, so I will be sticking with the prototype fuses.

Either way, the SR Orange fuses that were in the system before all of this started, will be relegated to the spare fuse box. The prototype fuses walk all over the SR Orange fuses.

I have another friend coming up next Sunday, I believe. He’s using a QSA Yellow fuse in his system. He tells me that he is experiencing the same midrange anomaly that I am. I will be doing a/b/a/b/a experiments with him as I did with Mister Golden Ears this morning.

Also, as a side note, I received a PM from another A’gon member who is using the QSA Yellow fuse, and he is having the same midrange experience as the two of us.

Yer money, yer choice.

willgolf ...

As I said in my above post ... the prototype is more tube-like in the midrange in a very good way than the QSA Yellow fuse. I’m not knocking the QSA Yellow fuse. It’s just a matter of preference. Midrange ... human voice, cello, violas, tenor sax ... etc.

Keep in mind that all of this could be system-dependent. Plus, there is probably more break-in time needed to fully evaluate the fuses. I’ll know more when my third regular audiophile friend comes up next Sunday.

As a side note, this evening I was playing the Bud Shank flute & Koto album. I’ve never heard it sound like this before. Amazing.

Stay tuned.

rsf507 ... 

I think I described what I have heard pretty well in my above posts. So, you have my input, and that of others as well. Not too much to understand, is there? 

georgehifi ... 

Oh, crapola, you got me on those "kickbacks." You wouldn't believe the amount of money I have pouring into my bank account at this point. Hey man, I'm getting plane fare for a trip to Tahiti today. Think of it George ... dancing girls, Mai Tais galore, white sandy beaches, and azure blue waters ... all while contemplating the joy of reporting yet another one of your insulting, personal attacking posts to the Mods. 

In the meantime, the system is better than ever. 

"It would nice if oregonpapa had the Red/Black fuses (from QSA) to compare to"

I believe that the next one up in the line is the Violet fuse. I'd love to try it, but at $710 it is beyond me. I know of one A'gon member who has one on order, so maybe he will chime in on this thread. I hope so, anyway.

ieales ...

"Not sure what power provider you have ..."

The provider is Southern California Edison. The AC power here is extremely dirty and affects sound quality in a very significant negative way. This is why I and many other A’gon members have concentrated on cleaning up that power as it enters our listening environments. This is what the Perfect Path Technologies products were all about. Until you have used these products, you have no idea of what your system is capable of. When using these products, the system becomes a much more reliable source for testing other products such as was done with the fuses that are the topic of this thread.

And by the way jeales, I was the person who introduced PPT products to this venue ... and I took a lot of heat from many of the same actors that always try to demean others on this forum. Do some research on past threads that deal with PPT products. It is interesting reading.

The final proof is in the listening, jeales, and if you’re ever in the neighborhood, you are welcome to come over for a listening session. The low distortion and quiet background that the music and performers emanate from is really quite something, mainly due to cleaning up the AC power. The price of admission is one bottle of Glenfarclas Single Malt, my favorite. :-)

Measuring devices?? Ears.

^^^ Thanks, MC. I have given an open invitation to anyone who wants to hear what I have going at my place. Even Georgiehifi if he can find his way out of that police state he lives in. 

Looking forward to your assessment of the Violet fuse. 

leicachamp >>>

"Why the secret on its rrp? Marketing Ploy?"

Actually, it is a grand conspiracy designed to elicit really, really dumb responses from camera buffs. 


And in the meantime, and back on topic ... as the prototype fuses continue their break-in process, the audio system continues to improve.

Last night’s listening session was spectacular. I was listening to some jazz played on a Hammond B3 Organ. Incredible tubey midrange in a very good way.

Another LP I played last night was a gift from Mister Golden Ears ... a Japanese import of a guitarist playing Japanese folk music in the style of a Koto. It was fantastic and in the room. I find the unique rhythm patterns of Japanese music played on Kotos to be beautifully fascinating. I can’t tell you anything about the album because the cover and liner notes are all in Japanese, and I don’t speak the language.

So, that led me to take out the Bud Shank/Koto album. It was the best I’ve ever heard this album sound. Lots of air and three-dimensionality. It was as though the Koto player was sitting just behind and to the left of the left speaker. Superb playing by both Bud Shank on flute and by Kimio Eto the Koto player.


PS: I listened until 1:30 in the morning, and believe it or not, nothing caught on fire. :-)


4,300 posts "Improvement over improvement over improvement over improvement over.... One begins to wonder where the system started out from to allow for so much...."

For me, the trip down the stereo road all started out with a Nikko receiver, a Micro Seiki turntable, and a pair of Sonab 400 speakers way back in, I think, 1972. I thought it was great. Then, I discovered tubes. It has been a quest for better sound ever since.

Millercarbon ...

You are exactly correct. It is all about the love of music. I remember as a little kid back in the early 1940s during WWII ... I must have been only three or four years old. My parents hung out at the beach a lot. There was a dance hall right there on the boardwalk. I used to wander off and sit right at the front door and listen to music. Little did I know at the time that I was listening to some of the best big bands of the era. Orchestras like Tommy Dorsey, Glen Gray, and Glenn Miller come to mind.

I’ve carried the love of music with me all of my life. I’ve traveled through the Doo Wop and Rythem and Blues era. Through the BeBop jazz era. Through the Big Bill Broonzy blues era. I protested the Elvis and Beatles era and refused to listen to them because I believed they were making a fortune off of the backs of the great Black artists who came before them. Then, I settled in on West Coast jazz with the likes of Brubeck, Tjader, and Howard Rumsey’s Light House All-Stars. Then, other music-loving friends introduced me to classical music and opera. I wonder how many posters here own any Rita Streich albums, let alone ever heard of her?

So, that brings me around to my present-day stereo system, and all of the tweaks done to it. The only reason ... and I mean the ONLY reason I go through all of this is to GET ME CLOSER TO THE MUSIC, THE ARTISTS PLAYING IT, AND THE INSTRUMENTS THEY ARE USING TO PLAY IT.

At this point, I have collected well over 5000 LPs and several thousand CDs.

It is an incremental journey for sure, but some of the latest innovations like these new fuses ... and other things I cannot talk about in public, have worked to get me there in giant steps. Kudos to the designers for allowing that to happen.

Mega Kudos to the sweet lady in New Hampshire.

pauly ...

Thanks for the questions.

1. Yes, they are in the same performance range as the QSA Yellow fuses. I now have three of the prototype fuses to play with, and two of the QSA Yellow fuses as well. Overall, I’d say that both fuses are a revelation in the fused world, but overall, I am preferring the prototype fuses by quite a margin.

2. When I say tube-like, I’m not referring to that old-time tube gear sound. I’m talking about the more neutral sound of modern tube gear like Audio Research. It just seems more life-like in the area of a three-dimensional presentation like tubes do. The QSA does a nice job of fleshing out the details as good solid-state gear does. But the prototype fuses are no slouch in the detail department either ... just in a more relaxed way.

I took a date to a musical at the Dorothy Chandler Pavillion in Los Angeles one evening. We were early. There was a jazz quartet playing in the foyer. Bass, drums, keyboard, and soprano sax. We had about 45 minutes to listen before we had to enter the auditorium. What struck me the most was how relaxed that live, unamplified jazz combo sounded. I kept closing my eyes and comparing what I was hearing to my stereo rig at home. No contest. Real, live music is relaxed. It is detailed, has beautiful tonal structures, and is again relaxed. THAT is what I am getting from these prototype fuses. Not so much from the QSA Yellows.

3. Which fuse is better for tube or solid-state gear? I’d say it would be a matter of taste. As you can see from the above ... I’ve made my choice.

4. On price >>> I’ve made my humble opinion known to the manufacturer on a couple of occasions. If they stick to that, they will be VERY competitively priced. Once the word gets out, I think they will sell like hotcakes. What audiophile in his/her right mind wouldn’t want this?

On a side note, one of my audiophile friends came over last night for another listen. He’s the one that I did the first a/b/a/b/a/b comparisons of the two fuses with. His comment last night was ... "Frank, I actually think these prototypes are doing as much for the system as your Perfect Path Technologies "Gate."

So, I can’t say it any better than that. Take care ...

Wolfie sez >>>

"Weird...sort of like believing that fuses can influence the tone of sound reproduction devices."

I don't think the fuses are influencing the sound. I think they are getting out of the way of the sound. In other words, they allow for lower noise saturation throughout the system. Like everything else that has lowered noise in the system, more of what is on the recording is heard at the speaker end. This may sound weird, but most of the tweaks I've talked about in this forum over the past five years or so have done exactly that. The PPT Gate, mats, TC, etc., all have had their influence by lowering the noise floor. All of the aftermarket fuses I've tried over the years have done the same thing. With these latest fuses, both the QSA Yellow and the new prototypes, the noise is lowered even further.


jetter >>>

"... is there a chance that the actual ambient noises of the recording studios or live performance halls are what is being reduced?"

Not a chance. What is being reduced is electronic hash/noise from the AC entering the system. What that does is allow one to listen in to the recording more. Last night I was listening to a live Fleetwood Mac recording and was really taken by how present the venue was. I also played a studio recording of a jazz combo, and again, the recording venue was clearly defined.  In an earlier post, I mentioned a Bud Shank flute/Koto recording where it was like the Koto player was sitting on the floor to the rear and left of the left speaker. As I said, these tweaks, including the new prototype fuses are all working to get me closer to the music, the musicians, and the instruments they play. 


rsf507 >>>

It is appalling how dirty the AC power entering our homes really is. Every time I try one of these noise-lowering tweaks, I think there's no more noise to be removed. The PPT  "GATE" was extremely effective in lowering noise. At that point, I thought I had the noise issue solved for sure. Little did I know how much further the system could be taken. Again, after installing more tweaks and devices to lower noise, I thought I had the noise issue solved. Then, along comes the prototype fuses. Zowie. They are really good. 

As a side note, I got the word this morning that the introduction date will be mid-October. No word on price yet. 

Stay tuned ...

MC >>>

" Anyway, whatever it is and however it works the results are freaking fantastic. I put six of those little Stone things on my Raven last night and it was absofreakinglutely insane!"

See ... that’s what I mean. Just when we think we have it nailed, along comes another product to prove how wrong we were. That’s what the prototype fuses are doing here.

On the "stones" --- I know they come in two packs and that there are three varieties. So, are you using all three varieties or all the same? Also, where are you placing them in order to get the best effects?

Oh, and by the way, the question came up by another A’goner via phone call who wanted to know if I could see inside the prototype fuses. The answer is no. The glass is completely black and can’t be seen through.

Thanks ...


millercarbon ...

"... there are a few tricks in the old dog yet, eh?"
I’m finding that old age isn’t what it is cracked up to be, Chuck. I now know why so many old people are grumpy and yell at kids to get the hell off of their lawns.

The audio system and my music are one of the things that keep me going. In addition to audio, I also have a terrific collection of books to occupy my mind. Not much fiction, just a lot of great wordsmiths and a lot of history. It is important in the latter days of life to maintain one’s interest in new things. It keeps the mind active and sharp, even if the body is falling apart.

Modern technology is really amazing. When I was a kid, I thought Dick Tracy’s two-way watch was totally far-fetched. Now look ... two years ago, at the age of 81, I had some DNA testing done and discovered that I had an entire family living 3000 miles away in Pennslyvania. My father, who was killed when I was seven, had been married before he met my mother. All of these years, I had no idea at all. I was shocked to learn that I had two half brothers and a half-sister. My eldest daughter, her husband and I, flew to Pennsylvania to meet everyone. The brothers and sister had already passed on. I missed my second half brother by only six months. There were tons of nieces, nephews and cousins to meet though. So, though all of these years, I had a huge Italian family back east and had no clue. The food they prepared for us each evening was spectacular. All homemade Italian cuisine made by total experts ... my nieces and nephews.

Because of the Internet, and particularly because of this site, I have Internet friends all across the country who I keep in contact with via texts and phone calls. Who knew? I used to think that flying a kite on a windy day was high-tech. Now we carry high-powered computers in our shirt pockets and call them "phones."

With all of this in mind, I have to laugh at the fuse/tweak naysayers who disbelieve those of us who know the score. They are still in awe of Dick Tracy watches.

Excuse me for rambling. Those stones sound interesting. I thought they came in two packs. Are you using only three stones, or are you using six? :-)


lemonhaze >>>

"The moral of this story is to perhaps treat with a little caution this gentleman's gushing effusive praise."

I'm sorry you didn't get much out of the PPT products. You are one of the very few that were disappointed that I know of. Everyone else raved about the products and they still are by the way. I noticed that you haven't listed your system in your profile. Are you using any Bybee products? Are you using any magnets in the system ... anywhere? 

jafant ...

  • "Yes! the Pioneer Elite 59-AVi is a very fine player. Will you trade out any Fuse(s) in that spinner ?"

I took the lid off and there is no fuse that can be removed. Before I sent the player to Grover, I compared it to my Grover-modified Pioneer Elite DV-05. The DV-05 was better by a large margin. When I got the 59-AVi back from Grover ... Wow! It walked all over the DV-05 ... and also my tube ARC-CD7se. 
Grover Huffman is the man!

vgmbpty >>>

  • "I'm 55, and hope to someday reach your age, still enjoying this hobby and having the clarity of mind you do Sir."


One thing I'm really thankful for is that the hearing is still really good. My granddaughter is a speech pathologist, and she has checked me out. She says that she's astounded at how well I hear for my age. The mind is still sharp, the hearing is still good, but the body is going in the crapola. Some things that help: I read challenging books, do a lot of crosswords, listen to a lot of music, fool with my record collection a lot ... AND all of my friends are 20-30 years younger than I. That makes a difference. 

We live in an age where people my age become invisible to the younger set. It's too bad because they could learn a lot from older folks. We not only know history, but we have also lived it. Unfortunately, some of that history is doing a U-turn and is about to bite us in the ass. Most young people are oblivious to it. Too bad for them. They will be paying dearly.

Take care ... 

lemonhaze ... 

Hm ... that's strange. I have several tubes of TC left. I used it a little bit about a month ago and it is still viable. I haven't put it into the freezer as Tim suggested though. I've kept it at room temperature. Based upon what you wrote above, it appears that you never tried the TC. Is that correct?

So Krissy sent you four mats to compensate, and you heard no difference in the system while using the mats? I don't know what to say. The mats certainly work at my place, and in other systems, I know about. On the other hand, I know Ozzy put a couple of mats up for sale. Maybe he had the same experience as you. 

The reason I asked about magnets, is that I have a friend who has magnets everywhere, including in his speaker cables, his ICs, and his PCs. He's taken all of the PPT stuff out of his system because he claims they aren't compatible with magnets. 

If you are within driving distance, you're welcome to come over for a listening session. You'll discover that there's been no hyperbole coming from my keyboard. The system really does sound as good as described. 

Take care ...

  • "Sheer Gall Stones mayhap ;)"

Now, now ... be nice. *lol*

No prototype stones at this time. However, you never know what the future holds, 


PS: I love your word usage of "mayhap." Are you an H.L.Mencken fan perchance? :-)
lemonhaze ...

  • "process of elimination I have to assume its the TC responsible or out of date TC"

The TC was an interesting product. Upon application, it seemed to go through phases. For example, I put a ton of the stuff into my power conditioner. I used almost an entire tube to do the job. I even did the entire inside of the lid. The result? I entirely lost the mid-bass. I called Tim at the time and told him about it. He said just wait and let it cure. Well, it was pretty bad for about three weeks, at which time, everything came back into focus and was better than ever. I’ve described the whole scenario in one of the TC threads. At no time did I ever detect a "brash, unlistenable upper mid-range" as you suggest. I’m at a loss in trying to figure out what happened in your case ... unless you didn’t leave the TC on long enough to allow it to cure.

I’m curious ... was the TC in your tube hard (set up)? Or, did it come out a silver color instead of the normal dark grey color?

So you have eight mats and are only using three? Try taking the one out from under the computer, and get some clear packing tape, and tape two mats onto the back of each speaker right in line with the drivers. See what that does, if anything. Mats taped to the speakers have done good things for me.

jetter ...

  • Regarding Frank, I know he is and always will be a dyed-in-the-wool salesperson, just as I am and have been a Certified Public Accountant for ions. He sells, I ask questions, it’s in our blood.

I couldn’t have said it any better myself, jetter. :-)

Do you remember the comments I’ve made in the past on the basic personality types? That is definitely in play here, for sure.

Just a little correction ... I have seventeen mats on EACH speaker. I know I'm nutz ... you don't have to tell me. 

willgolf ...

  • Question - Do the PPT Emats lose their potency or go bad over time?
I was one of the first to get them, and I have a ton of them. They seem to still be doing the job for me. At this point, I have seventeen PPT E-Plus Mats covering my floor-standing speakers. I wouldn't think of taking them off. Yes, they look really weird, but then, I don't look at the speakers, I listen to them. Putting the mats on the speakers really improved the SQ by a large margin. I know others did the same to perhaps a lesser degree and reported good results from doing so. 

kingbarbuda ...

  • When are we going to learn who the fuse manufacturer is, and how to acquire these fuses if we want to? Thanks.

Just as soon as I'm given the go-ahead I'll post the information. I do know, however, that they are shooting for a release date next month in mid-October. I still don't know what the price will be though. I'm hoping that they will be priced competitively so that more audio hobbyists can enjoy what they do.

MC ... 

  • "Lord. That is more than my whole system! Plus the Gate. Plus all the other stuff. And now the fuses. Can hardly even imagine...."

I'm tellin' ya Chuck, you've gotta hear it to believe it. Amazing. 

 Report this
  • I miss geoff. His site is brilliant in some literary ways. I always found him both curious and entertaining. He could also be helpful if in the mood.
Same here. I thought he was a really intelligent, entertaining guy. 

What happened to him? Does anyone know? 



Where ya goin'? 
rsf507 ... 

  •  "And if the OP was truthful he'd tell you how many mats were "given" to him."

What I paid, or didn't pay, or partially paid, should be of no concern to you, or anyone else on this forum. What should be of concern to you, is how to make your system sound better tomorrow than it sounded today. Go back and research all of my threads, follow the lead, and you'll be amazed at how good your system will sound. 


  • "Whenever he has a response to a post here, he is always civil, sharing, gracious with a touch of humor, and never negative, Bravo! I believe you Oregon (big) papa."

Thank you for the kind words. They are very much appreciated. 


Thanks to Tammy for reopening this thread. :-)

Now that the new SR Purple fuses are shipping, we can get input from those members who have taken the plunge and want to report their results here. 

My fuses have completely broken in at this point, and things are sounding mighty fine.

cd45123 >>>

Which Van Alstine amp do you have? Years ago, I had Frank put his circuits inside of a mint Dyna Stereo 120 that I bought at a garage sale for four-bucks. Whatever VA did with that amp turned it into a little killer. Talk about bass control! 

Please post your impressions on the new SR Purple fuse when it breaks in. Thanks ...
