Never Use HiFi-Exquis - Worst Merchant Ever!

I made a purchase from Hifi-Exquis in China for a Muzishare 845 integrated amp.

I paid for Fedex shipping and the total cost was about $2400.

They sent it DHL in retail box without the second box and padding that comes with it from the factory. It weighs 100lbs. When it arrived the entire front plate with the controls and meter was broken off and the mounting screws sheared off.

It has been weeks now trying to get a refund but they refuse. They keep jerking me around asking me to fix it. The screws need to be drilled out and there is other internal damage to the selector switch and I would expect many tubes may have been damaged. They never mention there may be 1000V inside if I start poking around!

DHL will not open a claim for me. They say the merchant has to send a return shipping label. But they refuse.

Paypal says I have to ship it back to get a refund because that is their policy??? Since when? The merchant is responsible to pay for the return of damaged items.

So now it is with American Express to reverse the payment to Paypal (and thereby the merchant).

These guys are the absolute worst dealer I have ever encountered in buying anything in my over 50 years on this planet.

Yes I am a very stupid person for buying anything from a merchant in China. Learn from my mistakes.

I feel that some of the anger for the Chinese government, while justified to some extent, is misplaced. They’re doing what’s best for their country and people. While we focus on human rights and trade violations, we completely ignore the millions of Chinese who have been uplifted from abject poverty to middle class status. No other country has turned around its fortunes so spectacularly in such a short amount of time.

I wish our government, politicians, and corporations in the US can show even 10% of the resolve and long term vision as the Chinese government. I mean no one put a gun to our heads and made us shift manufacturing and pretty much everything to China. We did it to ourselves! And we continue to dig that hole deeper.
China ya  , you should know better ..A man with your stechen.   Also anything from China the  Chinese government pays for shipping one way out of Red China.   Its another way to keep China manufacturing price low  or  
 just another way to keep 
china toys down in price 


It was the lame "Keep posting boys..." BS rallying cry that really brought me to tears with laughter.

What are the odds, with all the orders that are leaving China, that one person, who clearly has a hate on for China, would receive two DOA orders, one after another? And after bashing China in the first thread, would go on to order a second time right after?

Here's the thing. If someone clearly has such huge issues with China, why are they ordering in the first place? 

First off, I don't believe there are orders to begin with. Secondly, if, and I mean if, these orders were place, given the clear outlook the OP had towards China prior to ordering, the OP clearly does not have any strong convictions or morals around this subject. Just ordering to save $$$'s

Now, there is the ever so slight chance that the two orders were placed, and they got messed up. And the OP was so upset and incensed  by this that it was time to launch a one person social media war agains the biggest economic power on earth. The OP was going to show the world what China was all about, and was going to rally a group of Audiophiles from around the world to join him on his crusade.

"As for COVID and China politicians - the world cannot let them slide. This could have mutated and taken out half the world population. It may still. Crush China for their evil."  

I cringe every time I read something like this.  The OP just lost all credibility with me.  

And there we have it

OP ulterior motive

So, prior to your two supposed bad experiences with orders from China, you had no issue with them. It was fine shopping for audio gear from their producers/merchants.

But, after they wronged you personally, so badly, you have had your eyes opened wide, and you can now see them for the evil empire they are?


I do not keep buying from China. I had two bad experiences in a row and that completely changed my attitude towards mainland China merchants.

Keep this thread going guys - you continue to destroy their business by keeping this discussion active....maybe I will go on Youtube and Facebook too!

As for COVID and China politicians - the world cannot let them slide. This could have mutated and taken out half the world population. It may still. Crush China for their evil.

Keep posting boys....let's keep this thread going!

All of my stuff comes from the US...Ayre, Vandersteen, VPI.....I always try to buy everything I get, hifi or not.   Very hard to do.  China is too much an adversary
Since you disdain China so much why do you keep buying their products? Am I missin' somethin'?
"We will eventually put China back in third world status once the rest of the west wakes up...."

Nice attitude



Racist much?

After your previous experience, you order again? And you have another problem?

Kinda have to call BS on both your stories.
@perkri  Looks like the Chinese doing damage control now....I wonder how much lost sales? We will eventually put China back in third world status once the rest of the west wakes up....

You are the idiot perki - enjoy your bowl of rice.
Sorry for the headache.

Never bought anything from them, but have ordered stuff from Jay’s Audio. They, have amazing service!

And yeah, why is it the same dummies always drag their dumb assed thoughts and beliefs about the pandemic into what is a business issue.

And no, some people THINK the virus escaped from a lab. Do not include me in your "Everybody know’s" statement which is based on nothing, other than its what some people think. Thoughts, are not facts.

If everyone on the planet thought 2+2=5, would that make it true?

One thing for sure, since the internet has proliferated our lives, the are a LOT more medical experts in the world.
@vladtheimpala The virus escaped from the Wuhan lab where they were experimenting with it. Everyone knows that. The Chinese government let their people travel internationally to infect other countries while they were locking down their own province.

The politicians in China should be tried and executed as war criminals.
1. It remains unknown where the pandemic started, but there is physical evidence of Covid-19 in Spain, collected from sewage in Barcelona in March of 2019.
2. The Chinese government hid nothing. Local authorities in Wuhan attempted to suppress information but not the central government, which shared dozens of academic papers and even the virus' genetic sequence with the world, which would have been unthinkable a few of short decades ago.
Thanks for the update Calieng!

Kudos to American Express customer service for backing up their customer. We often forget how evil most banks are and in my experience AMEX always have your back. And no, I'm not an Amex employee. 
AMEX reversed the payment and Paypal closed the claim. It still shows under review but looks like AMEX saved the day.

Lesson learned.

If you want to try Muzishare or Willsenton then I would suggest buying thru Amazon as they carry several of them now. You will be buying from TubeAmplifierStore which is China Hifi but you will have Amazon protection. And the owner of China Hifi did recently email me to apologize for past issues so I guess at least they are learning about the customer service that is expected in the west.

I bear no ill will to Chinese people. Their government is evil. but not the people. Having said that support your local business whenever you can and thank you for your comments.

I believe some Chinese products can be ok but personally I try my best to avoid them and buy USA made mostly to support our own County. There are many great US companies one I've supported is Bricasti. Yes maybe some parts are made overseas but that's unavoidable. Just my 3 cents worth.
In my experience AMEX should have your back. Best credit card company in the U. S. In my opinion.

As far as ordering directly from China - I got burnt once with shipping back a DAC I bought directly from China. I had to pay return shipping and fill up numerous custom forms and wait 4-6 weeks for a refund. The item wasn't that expensive, but I learned my lesson. 

If it's an item manufactured in China, I will only buy it from a wholesaler in the U. S. 
I try to avoid Chinese when possible. Glad audio is still available from other sources!
".....blaming the Chinese for the pandemic without citing any credible proof is just wrong."                          Cranial-Rectal Inversion (obviously)!
I don't want to derail this thread because I think the OP has a valid complaint.  He got cheated.  But blaming the Chinese for the pandemic without citing any credible proof is just wrong.  Believe what you will.

What does the pandemic and where it started have to do with this?
Hmm? I'm sorry. Apparently you have not had enough cheap junk from China, including a pandemic which they hid & still will not allow us to pursue its origins. I'm just the kind of guy that prefers not to deal with the man who burns down my house. But, that's just me. 
AMEX should have your back.   Don’t get me started on banks, and I stopped taking cards.  You should be fine.  
I know someone who bought a Line Magnetic amp directly from China without going through the US distributor and had a similar experience. Damaged during shipping with basically no recourse. The prices they give on the websites to buy directly from China are so tempting but its just not worth the risk in my opinion. 
I feel bad for you i do not even want to think about how many times this will happen now that the internet sales have taken off and the dealers are dying off.
Maybe you  dumbasses should learn not to deal with products and merchants from China, are you people like stupid, it's a communist country,give your heads a shake and learn from your stupidity. Don't deal with merchants in China!!!
@artemus_5  What does the pandemic and where it started have to do with this?
WHY did you get you’re feeling hurt? Are you a cheating, lying dealer that lives in China? For all we know he could be Irish/Sioux/African/Yiddish like me..

Want to get your feeling hurt get them hurt for the right reasons, ay.. No wilting flowers, Daisie, or Huckleberries, here.. Pick a side for the right reason not your reason..

BTW I am an army of ONE..

Okaayyyyyy so.... maybe I should just shut down my Audiogon profile. Clearly, I’m in the wrong audiophile social media channel. Bye—it’s been nice knowing all of you. 
Thanks for the advice. Waiting on American Express to make its decision on the claim.

Just wanted to warn everyone. There are a lot of reviews on Youtube of these Chinese integrated tube amps and some of it is pretty decent but the mainland China dealers are liars and despicable. 

I have a Muzishare X7 and it is a nice amp for the money but I bought that thru Amazon.
Customs won’t red flag anyone for  one incident too much politics
i tried this  when I was a audio dealer if there is a history of bad practices and complaints then customs will step in .
file with American Express, they should give you credit back to your account, then this horrible China plague company can send you a label to get their junk returned .there are some very good Chinese companies Denafrips , Holo springs, Cayin , Vincent ,
and others Parasound is  very respectable made in for now democratic Taiwan, until China invades them Boycott China !!
@artemus_5  What does the pandemic and where it started have to do with this?
They are not worse than Fosi, just equivalent.
However when I dealt with these creeps, PayPal issued a full refund, no return necessary.
Anybody need a one channel stereo amp?
Oh Oh I forgot about the Mcintosh MX110 and 2 C20s that got stuck on a docks just as Katrina hit.. You got it.. It went under water on the dock.

WHO PAYS... Act of God according to EVERYONE.. 3K down the Bayou, c’est la vie. 6 weeks later they show up with brackish water and crawdads still dripping out of the ruined gear, just ruined.. LOL I got a sense of humor, thank God... The seller lost his house and business...

Post removed 
OP I went through an experience much like yours but in Perth AU. It took 2 months to arrive and then was damaged, BOTH amps were packed one on top of the other.. LOL ON TOP OF EACH OTHER.. 

You got it..

I contacted EBay, My CC company, Pay Pal.. 

EBay 10 day or some such BS, for a dispute (took 2.2 months to get to me)

Pay Pal had been paid WAY back so the had no horse in the race. 
I was stuck with the CC company.. 90 day for a grievance..

I'm 2 weeks from getting burned for 2800.00 plus shipping from AU.. 400.00 more dollars..

TIME is not your friend.. BE careful. 

It didn't work out for me, I got BURNED.. SO delays in delivery times are for one reason, to screw YOU, in the eyes of the money lenders. Oh and BTW, I quit using EBays BS a long time ago.. I use them, they don't use me ANY more.. Straight to the CC company then to Pay pal THEN to EBay.  Certainly not as a courtesy, only a necessity.

EBay is for one thing EBay.. What a monster in our midst.. :-)
I made a purchase from Hifi-Exquis in China

In China? Hmm. During a pandemic which started in......Hmmm. 
Education is most often expensive. Hopefully, AE will be able to recoup your $$$.
Like I said before. Dump PayPal and just use a cc only. Don't use a debit card either because your bank won't do anything.  One call to your cc company should reverse the funds and then the Chinese company will be begging you to send it back.  So then the only hope is they collect from the shipper, which the shipper isn't responsible because it was packed by a scum bag. 
Just take a copy of this portion of the website and send it to your local government customs agency. I am sure they will not be amused and will red flag them

2, Import duties:Taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges.These charges are the buyer's responsibility. ### Often we declare value further less than real price ###, if you need, please contact us by message or email to discuss about the Customs declaration.

Your first clue should have been them basically threatening you about negative feedback and how ***you*** must behave:

Article-5, Delivery. (Damaged, wrong product, sound is bad, no tracking information, package lost, apparence problem, shipping delay, etc) Any problem or dissatisfaction after received product, you must contact us in first before to give a negatif feedback or open a dispute. You can open dispute only when we can't give your a satisfied solution!



Article-6, Feedback is extremely important. If you are satisfied, please leave 4-5 stars positive feedback. Else you must contact us to resolve the problem with us.(HIFI EXQUIS)