Need speaker cable

Hello everyone,

I am a regular reader of forum, but it’s my first post. I use odyssey cyclops integrated amp and Maggie 1.7i speakers. So far I have been using a Basic 12 gauge speaker wire. I am looking at buying a speaker cable and my budget is around $500. Please let me know your suggestions.
Hello.. I have a new 12ft pair of Acoustic Zen Satori cables for you price range ....+++  have a look Ebay
+1 on the Kimber Kable 8TC. I went from Blue Jeans Cable to this on my Magnepan 1.7s, and the soundstage got bigger, and there was more air between instruments.
Analysis plus oval 9’s can be had for your budget and they are pretty sweet.
1.  Buy used if you can.  Speaker wire doesn't degrade. You'll likely want to upgrade again so buy a well known brand with good resale value.  

Here are some of the best within your budget. 

AudioQuest Rocket 11
AudioQuest Type 8  "No Frills" (it comes in a plastic bag)
Kimber Kable 8TC - most expensive of the bunch but compatible with the best of the best
Kimber Kable 4TC 

First , try different  speakercables and compare. Let your ears speak.
in some equipment, silver can be to shrill. For me, the best way is a copper 99,99%, in your situation..
Long shot but try Robertson Audio Cables from Australia.You can't go wrong. GREAT CABLES LITTLE BUCKS.
Tony Osicka
From Oz
I would recommend QED SIGNATURE Genesis Silver Spiral. They are a little expensive when new, but you could get them for about $600 used for a pair.

just did some research on the Canare 4S11.   Looks in nearly every detail to be a Japanese knock off of Audioquest type 4.   I'd pay the extra for Audioquest.  quality control unbeatable.

73 posts
05-30-2020 5:14am
"just did some research on the Canare 4S11.   Looks in nearly every detail to be a Japanese knock off of Audioquest type 4...."

Two very different cables.... Canare 4S11 = 4x14AWG, AQ Type 4 = 2x17AWG + 2x20AWG.
Gentlemen - in my experience and I have a lot experience as an audiophile - I'm old :-( 
For what it's worth, I'm also an chemical engineer.
First - a system has to be set up properly. MOST systems are not set up properly. Even most dealership showrooms are not set up well.
Second - the quality of a system has to be at a level that is capable of revealing the differences in recordings (in addition to being set up properly).
Third - cables make a drastic difference.
I'm not going to explain the technical issues - I attempted to explain things a while ago and got criticized by many individuals. Rather than oppose those commenting, I apologized for creating the controversy and dismissed myself from the post.
I'm also not going to make statements about a $1,000 amplifier and $500 in cables - each case is unique in many ways (equipment design, electrical power, equipment matching, etc).
We have Pass XA-200.5's with Sasha I's and Meridian 800 digital components.
I live in the central NJ area, anyone is welcome to visit and listen for themselves. Bring your cables - interconnects are long balanced runs but power cables and speaker cables are very significant as well.
I would kindly ask that you post your experience so everyone would get your unbiased feedback.
Two very different cables.... Canare 4S11 = 4x14AWG,
AQ Type 4 = 2x17AWG + 2x20AWG.

Yes, Canare is completely different. In addition to the above specs, it is made up of 4 stranded copper conductors, AQ uses solid conductors.
Two very different sounding cables. 

Canare seems to be a bit like Home Depot wire repackaged as speaker cables if I am not mistaken.  In some way, the same goes for Blue Jean cables.
@andy2 ,

Sorry, you are mistaken.  Canare is a Japanese made cable that almost every recording studio in the world uses to connect to the studio monitors.  Blue Jean uses the Canare cables with a pretty sheath over them to dress them up and they cold weld their terminations.  I bought mine from Ram Labs for half the price of the Blue Jeans that uses pure copper ferrules  crimped on (sounds better so they say) to high quality locking Banana Plugs. 
I used to have Blue Jeans cable and interconnects and for the price I was generally satisfied.  I then I bought some fairly basic QED cables for not that much more than what I paid for Blue Jeans, and there was a marked improvement in transparency and bass response.

I think for affordable mid-fi, Canare or Blue Jean may be OK, but for proper hi-fi, I think you probably have to look for something else better.  OP specifies a budget of $500, so I guess his system probably closer to hi-fi than mid-fi.
I'll give you the benefit of my journey over the last 12 months.  
Note that I am using low power SET power amps and high efficiency horn speakers.  Here was my journey:
- Bluejeans Cable 
- Wireworld Mini Eclipse 8
- Wireworld Equinox 8
- Audioquest Rocket 44
- Cardas Clear Cygnus
- Audience Ohno III
- Nordost Red Dawn
- Blackcat Coppertone
- Blackcat 3232
- Grover Cable SX
- Tempo Electric Pure Silver

So here are my thoughts.  (1) at the <$600 price level there isn't much difference in sound between the different companies / technologies / materials... with a couple exceptions.  (2) at <$1000 there are definite differences that are easy to tell.  (3) The cables that worked best in my system and were head and shoulders above the others were in order:
1) Grover Cable SX
2) Audience Ohno III
3) Tempo Electric Pure Silver

I ended up keeping both the Grover SX and Tempo Pure Silvers.  Hope this helps in some way. 
There’s a pair of Acoustic Zen Hologram II speaker cables in classifieds now. Within your price range. These should work great and you can continue growing your system around these cables.
Please let me know how your premium cables compare to your standard 12 gauge wire.  BTW-is your 12 gauge stranded, or solid core?

The new Synergistic Research Foundation series get huge David Weinhart.  
I second the Knuconceptz speaker cable rec.  I have a pair in my exercise room audio system and they sound great.  Much better than the Canare speaker cables they replaced tha sounded rolled off on the top end.
Didn't see a mention anywhere, but also for reasonably priced good sounding cables (wire) I got to give a shout out for AntiCables solid high quality cable in there various offerings. I'm running the basic 2.1 with bananas with very good result. A number of reviews out there. Definitely worth a look and right in the OP's price range. 
I bought a pair of speaker cables from a guy Bill on this site that makes them. Can’t recall his moniker but they’re nicely terminated and sound great. They’re not as transparent as the Nordost Frey 2 that they replaced but they were like $300. I’m more in the 20% of cost camp.
FWIW, Audio Envy has a new speaker cable out, the SP-9. I have a pair on the way and will compare it to my Canare 4S11, which I am very happy with.
I don't understand all the hate for low-cost speaker cables such as Canare. I replaced my $2500 Purist with Canare 4S11 and music has a better sense of realism.
Maybe the naysayers haven't played through the very long break-in period. Mostly I think they've never heard them.
Hi Sudharl,

Blue Jeans Cable for value and dependability.  " Ultrasonically-Welded Connections on Terminated Speaker Cables." 
Happy tunes and keep your stick flat on the ice.
More Peace, Pin
Im hoping you will get back to me, concerning your upgrade on speaker cables.  I’m not a member of the exotic speaker cable club.
I am selling a 10' pair of JW Audio cables for $49. They are like anticables but better. I'm not going to post an ad here because it's already too cheap. If anyone's interested...
I am using 12 gauge solid copper core cables.and really enjoying them.  They're only 3' long, so that may come into play, as they are connected to two monoblocks very close to the speakers.Equipment used on backend:  Krell EV 600 monoblocks and Wilson Maxx II's.  I'm also not a member of the camp that believes speaker wire is directional.  I'm sure I will get many negative remarks about these opinions.  I always enjoy hearing other people's opinions.  If you can actually hear a positive difference, then go for it.  That's what it's all about.
Another vote for Morrow. I’ve had AQ Bedrock, Nordost Heimdall and Acoustic Zen Sartori speaker cables and to my ears Morrow SP5s bested then both for much less. They were all very good, but value for money goes to Morrow. Second place to Acoustic Zen. 
The latest Morrow cables were dramically upgraded since late spring 2019, rather then use stranded wire like most which create microarching between strands and eddy currents ,well documented ,morrow uses individually coated strands on the sp6 768then Litz twisted and Aaron cotton wrap and a nylon jacket .
Cardas,Kimber, ad Wireworld have proven ,that’s why they don’t use stranded, breakin time is a solid 300 hours. 8 have the sp6 in one of my systems with their ma7 interconnects a very musical 
presentation with a bit of added natural warmth not enemic like many , I would buy them again .
Thanks Everyone for the posts! I ended up trying Raven, AQ (multiple of them) and couple of others and finally ended up buying BEL S12. Found that to be very musical to my ears and gelling well with my system.