Mytek Brooklyn - A dangerous pre!

So I ran into a weird issue with my Brooklyn DAC. 

I'm in heavily air conditioned environment with a carpet. If I accidentally spark the volume knob, the remote control setting goes nuts. If I attempt to change the volume via the remote the Mytek will automatically go to maximum possible volume! Good thing my tweets can take power. :) 

The only way to fix it after this is to unplug the power, wait 30 seconds, and reset the remote settings. 

Really not an ideal situation. 
I also remove one of my shoes, during winter dry season, before touching my head shell turntable
I have had some static issues in my room in the winter months. I use a product called "Static Guard" from time to time, and I no longer have any static issued whatsoever.  Static Guard is an inexpensive spray designed to remove the static cling from your clothes. I spray it directly to the carpet every so often, and it has been working quite well for my circumstances.
I had a similar issue with the a brand new Brooklyn+ bought from an NYC dealer (I'll leave that anonymous for the time being).  The thing would play fine for a short time, and sooner or later loud static and pops would come through.  At times, ear piercing volume spikes would occur.  

The unit was basically inoperable, and I took it back to the store and they found no issues with it.  I tried the device with multiple amps, in multiple rooms, on multiple speakers. 

Fast forward several months, still no refund.  At the time of purchase in March, I also got a Mytek Clef...though that has never arrived. 

For pricey enough equipment, this is unacceptable.  The patriarch at Mytek has plenty to improve on.  
You have a faulty unit, probably from the early production run. This fault could have activated after some time. I had the same problem and Mytek exchanged
mine for a new one.
I’ve found simply taking off my shoes cured the static electricity problem.
For some reason, being in stocking feet grounds you.
The idea with using fabric softener mixed with water is interesting.  I was IT in a small office at one time and we had a serious problem with static from the office carpet/rug.  We used Heavy Duty Staticide to treat the carpet and it seemed to help reduce static a lot.  It is more expensive (about $44 for gallon, $12 for quart), but it is definitely effective.
There is more to fear than "not being grounded."I recently read a thread to where an individual paid for a Mytek and has not received it even after 2 months have elapsed. No response via email or letter. That was enough to make me turn around and never look back.. There is no excuse for that to happen outside of pure neglect.. And to be truthful i was still somewhat ambivalent about buying either the Mytelk or Callia, (well maybe the Hugo 2 as well). That info made it an easy choice, the next day i brought the Callia and i am now tracking its progress to my home, I do not regret it "AT ALL." 
I always touch my metal equipment rack. It does the job of grounding. I also use a PS Audio line conditioner. It keeps things like stray voltages at bay. Joe
82% humidity in Carlsbad this AM
you could always move !!!!!
static ground pads work somewhat....
Post removed 
Look online for a grounding pad. I found a 4” by 6” inch grounding pad which connects to the screw on the outlet cover.  I touch the pad first (you should see the sparks fly!) which is on top of my rack, then the preamp. Works like a charm.  
Hey @pops - 

Not really. I'm surprised static causes digital devices issues, still. It has been a long time since I saw equipment glitch from static. I thought this got solved in the 20th century. :)


Surprised you have static in the summer?  I fried the right channel on my Classe amp last winter with SE.  I only listen with bare feet in the winter - the only way I can be static electricity.
An anti-static mat might work placed on the floor in front of your equipment. The mat itself is grounded at the wall and in theory dissipates any charge. I don't have personal experience with them but found them when I did some research for a computer room setup.
True! I just don’t have a nearby exposed ground. I’ll just stick to the remote until that changes.

Honestly this caught me by surprise because it has been AGES since I had a static sensitive piece of gear.