Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 




@twoleftears ​​@jerryg123 well you are both right guys, except the performance is better in my $1000 cable than any factory can produce, hence $1000. It may not look like much, but audiofiles use their ears instead of mouths to listen.


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@nano-flo @theaudiotweak 


I would love to see the conductance data for both before and after application when you have a minute. Your word is good enough for me, I don't need to see scope screen grabs or printed reports. Thanks in advance!

Yep one of MC buddies no doubt.

Can get those cases at Harbor Freight for $25.00

Just a FYI, people, this is the same person who appears to be making and/or selling a PC for $1000 on ebay.  As you'll see in the photo, it has a molded plug and connector and gives every appearance of being mass-produced, with some very minor modifications.

The box it comes it might be most expensive part of it.


Its food Grade so its safe for the skin. No need for gloves.

@ghasley non secret, the $1000 cable is just a cable that now works better than new, plus it has some secret additions that further enhance audio. Guaranteed or 30 day money back, just don’t cut it open or you void the 10 year warranty too.


What absolute nonsense. This nano flo guy has no idea that his product is actually a TENG:

A triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is a novel technology with applications in many areas, including energy harvesting, self-powered sensing, medication, and electronics. The materials used as triboelectric layers are diverse and include polymers, metals, and inorganic materials. The most commonly used materials are dielectric polymers such as PTFE, FEP, PDMS, and Kapton. Green materials, such as cellulose-based materials, have recently gained increasing interest, and the performance of TENGs using cellulose materials has improved. The material choices are of great importance for TENGs since the triboelectric effects of the materials are fundamental for TENGs. To design a TENG for a particular application, several parameters need to be considered, such as power density, stability, flexibility, and sustainability. This critical review will summarize and evaluate the material choices for TENGs in different applications.

Read more here.


Used many enhancers in the past all removed with 90% alcohol and swabs. If the cleaning molecules are larger than than those of the enhancer then not all of the previous tracks will be erased.  None the less this product is highly beneficial..Keep in mind most other enhancers have tiny particles also but are measured in microns not nano and because of their larger size are less likely to increase the conductive surface area.

There is a change in character right away and continues over a few days.


@nano-flo can you describe the non-trade secret construction of your power cable? Are you making it in house or contracting it? What is the country of origin of the cable? How would you describe the improvements over cables “costing thousands of dollars more” per your website?


I also await answers to my previously posed questions.

@theaudiotweak thanks for your reply.


I have heard nano particles of silver gold and copper fills the voids even in and on a highly polished surface.

“Heard” as in heard from others or “heard” as in an audio system heard through your ears?


So far I have treated over a 100 conections that will never be under pressure or be compressed in any way.

Those connections performed and sounded better too.

Were these treated with Nano-Flo? Were they previously treated with something else? If so, what? How was the previous treatment removed and how would one be certain they removed it all?


I’m still curious by how much conductance was improved and how would someone know? Also curious about the two week break in improvement and are you experiencing this?

I have heard nano particles of silver gold and copper fills the voids even in and on a highly polished surface. So far I have treated over a 100 conections that will never be under pressure or be compressed in any way.Those connections performed and sounded better too.


@nano-flo since it improves over the following two weeks, what is happening? Is the gel evaporating or is it just the smashed nanomaterial breaking in? How much is conductance increased in mv or a percentage over baseline. Does it work equally as well with copper vs silver conductors? Does it close the conductance gap between copper and silver?


Can you please explain what 'pressure activation of nanomaterials' means.

The pressure points of any power or audio receptacle use metal on metal contact to hold the plug into the adjoining receptacle. This same pressure smashes the nanomaterial where it is needed most whereby increasing signal/electron flow, and flow (contact) has been shown to improve over the following two weeks. 



The anti-oxidant gel sticks to the contacts and protects them for years, while the metallic nanocomposite embeds with physical contact into any electrode its applied to. I am compiling all available comments of NanoFlo users for viewing on the website, so check this weekend. I was surprised that nobody testing it was unhappy, so for me, that's a great start. In the audio world the results need to be heard, and by only treating the power cord you hear cleaner, crisper audio. Isn't  that what everyone is after?



@nano-flo thanks for the reply. @theaudiotweak thanks for your reply as well. What is the electrical conductor that fills these microscopic “pits” by which contact area is increased? This is intriguing. I’m a sound first listener but since it is increasing conductance, in your testing how much is conductance increased? In another thread I seem to recall that the “gel” or “fluid” wears off in time. How often would one need to reapply?


Can you please explain what 'pressure activation of nanomaterials' means.

@ghasley What does the product do? How do you know it is doing it?

G, its an electrical contact enhancer that others here claimed what it did, and it was Audiogon members commenting on their own experiences with my enhancer. Everyone that tried it liked it and posted, until that thread was closed.

Here's exactly what it is: electrical and signal contact enhancer, lubricant, anti-oxidant in an insulative food grade gel. The gel draws 0 ohms but electrical contact enhances through pressure activation of the nanomaterials. I make something that's not for sale now, but I use it in NanoFlo. If some people get upset over NanoFlo, I understand why.


I guess continuity isn't continuity anymore....

Odd, everything else seems to work just dandy without mystic greeze.....

*munching popcorn, popped @ the nanosite....*

Serious query....Does the fluid have an odor?

What do nano level odors consist of?

If I snort a line of it, will it make me slicker?

If I put it on my fingertips (I don't play guitars, or any other instrument for that matter...), will I able to play the piano?

Prefer an ARP, but have to start Somewhere....;)

I believe the maker stated his product containes particles of between  4 and 10 nano meters. With particles that small they would fill in surface voids, increase surface area, increase conductivity and reduce friction and shear wave interference because of a smoother highway surface.  Make order of a microscopically disordered surface.. Tom

I support my claims in the original post and can see how this product or maybe some others like it could have more than 1 benefit or application.  Tom

Thanks Tom for the heads up on this stuff. This nanoflo product, not the poster, has had a very weird showing up and disappearing act. I am looking forward to knowing a little more about this product. And for nanflo the poster, we are a good group here. No one is being critical, we just like knowing things, especially if something makes our stereo systems sound a little better. So thanks for what your bringing here, so try to enjoy us so we can do the same with you. 


making the instrument easier to play and probably with a cleaner sound. 

It should sound better.  I have never tried this.

Grow a brain


No, no…thank you for starting the thread. Please don’t get offended. I really am interested in how this work and for what purpose. It seems though that no one knows what it does or whether it accomplishes the claim.


I can see how the casual observer might think that there is something amiss. 


Maybe it makes the signal slide into the speakers smoother.

The $1500 cables are now $1000 and it will suppress RFI better that $3500 power cables, guaranteed.

What $3500 power cable are you explicitly meaning?
How was it measured, was it with an oscilloscope?

I wish I hadn't made a reply or even started this thread. I will stop being observant and sharing information and experiences . Grow a brain .


I am very confused. Who is Chris, Tom, Krissy? One and the same person? What does this have to do with High Fidelity Cables and Rick? Or is Rick the same human being as the three ? 


As I understand the materials are of low a shear velocity as is the carrier base contained as a friction reducer along with the elements. If the whole string vibrates, then treat the entire string. It would reduce friction and interference on or within the wound string. It should sound better.  I have never tried this.

I know from other methods I and others have applied to cello and violin which reduce energy returning thru the endpin or end button to the bridge and then to the strings. Makes for better and cleaner sound and if you use a bow there is less force needed to make sound. Should have a similar effect to this material applied directly to the strings. Stick-slip vibration mode apply. Apply to any conductive wire either stationary or in motion. Tom



Easier to play? As in it is presently too arduous to pluck a guitar string? Do you treat the whole string? Does it enhance the sound or detract? How do you know?


What might the typical home audio enthusiast treat on their system and to what effect?

This product would reduce shear wave interference on and in the string creating less resistance to force making the instrument easier to play and probably with a cleaner sound.  I stated before this thread was started either to the distributor or the maker of this product. Tom

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I wonder this how they take down old hemmy. I just want thank everyone for supportive email and flower. It bring tear to my eye to be part of such community.


@tubemuffer When do you get back from Asia?

Putting some nanotube on the nose of the plane might speed it up and save fuel?



I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying the application is for guitar strings? Does it increase or decrease the finger to string friction and what does it mean for the sound? Is it for steel strings, nylon, gut or all of the above.

I hope a couple guitar players were lucky to get in on testing NanoFlo, if so try this. On the finger tips that glide through chords making that whirring sound, as the finger print ridges slid across the fine cabled string, smear the smallest amount where the finger tips make contact on the strings, and post your feelings please. The product is 100% safe for any animal or human, so give it a try. One application is good for a couple sessions.


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This just gets weirder and weirder.

PC with molded plug and connector, some kind of small choke device and labels.  Price slashed from $1500 to $1000.  What a bargain!!!!

Seller has 100% positive feedback, as far as I can see mainly selling coins.


I'm working on a new video that will make sense to everyone here, and I will finish it in about 7 days. (so don't throw me under the bus just yet)

It's called "Secrets of the power Cable" and most EE's simply ignore these issues as impossible to fix, and their answer is to increase conductor gauge. If you ignore everything else about me, you just might love this info or at least say WTF.




Ok then, thanks. So, what does your product do for audio systems? How long have you served the audio industry? You mentioned you were a gemologist, please share with us how you ended up serving the audio community. Do you have any objective third parties who use your product in audio?

I’m here to answer product questions only, and thanks for having me here.

Should have said that in your first post instead of, you know, saying what you said.


are you sure you intended to post on an audio forum to advertise your products?

No, I mentioned it to show I stopped selling retail, until now.

The only retail products are now in Audio, and soon to be available direct through Audiogon. I suggest all members NOT get anything I offer through ebay or amazon (when it shows up there) and only Audiogon, and I will not take any orders directly. I’m here to answer product questions only, and thanks for having me here.




Looked on your website and apparently your products are intended to provide a specilized type of lubrication?

Maybe it makes the signal slide into the speakers smoother.

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