Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
Peterson does not deny climate change at all...Perhaps you must listen to before typing ? :)

I am certain that he knows very well the apocalyptic fact i speak about that is the insects decline for example...His point is : How can we unite humanity pragmatically speaking ? He says that directly confronting climate change is not so simple, easy or realist... He makes a point...And I think that the most important thing now is a way to create a more conscious unified humanity... A universal program to nourish and educate seems to me relatively easy to makes happen and low cost...

And by the way this classification of reality between right and left is total blindness except for historical understanding... Try other categories and concepts...Kindergarten thinking is not mandatory even in politics or in economics...Right winger and left winger are so stupid they look like brothers... Awaking is necessary, and letting go of binaries thinking...
You're starting to sound like a lobster mahgister, pre school thinking. Adios 
I am a lobster who like to read... :) Dont be so irritate, we only speak our ideas... My best to you... 
You’re starting to sound like a lobster

And you’re starting to sound like Cathy Griffin.
And we all know how that turned out. So clueless. So utterly clueless.
You got me! Priceless!
Peterson is an opportunistic scam artist, taking advantage of the gullible.
Granted, he’s a right smart psychologist and a leader in his field of personality traits, cited more than 10,000 time but not a peep after 2010.
Then he gets pissed off over addressing some people not by their birth gender pronouns and then he’s off to the races. That took until 2016 and he saw and took his chance.

Because of his notoriety, he earns about $80,000 a month thru his Patreon account and on YouTube. To quote him directly:
"I shouldn’t say this, but I’m going to, because it’s just so goddamn funny I can’t help but say it: I’ve figured out how to monetize social justice warriors,” Peterson told the podcast host Joe Rogan. “If they let me speak, then I get to speak, and then I make more money on Patreon ... if they protest me, then that goes up on YouTube, and my Patreon account goes WAY up.”
This guy has figured out how to milk his audience (of suckers) for all their worth. It’s worth noting though that the viewership on YouTube is not made up of SJWs but his boy toy rabid followers.

All the best,

Peterson is an opportunistic scam artist, taking advantage of the gullible.
Granted, he’s a right smart psychologist and a leader in his field of personality traits, cited more than 10,000 time but not a peep after 2010.
I dont want to say nothing else than citing your own words and called for a bit of thinking about that citation...Deep thinking..... :)

I am sorry , and I really dont want to offend you, nor Djones at all...But we must think before excommunicating people...

By the way the other affirmation of yours is totally false...I dare not to correct it, you must by yourself if you cares about truth...

Then he gets pissed off over addressing some people not by their birth gender pronouns and then he’s off to the races.

hint: Peterson oppose to law intervention in language.... WHY ?

second hint:  do you remember an important article of US constitution law?

Virtually every hour Peterson has talked in class or on stage is up for viewing for free on YouTube. When the Canadian government began consideration of Bill C-16 Peterson rightly was concerned and made a video which brought to light the fact this is the first time in history a western government has made a law compelling speech. Not banning, compelling. With criminal penalties. 

They passed it into law but Peterson was right. If any of your unhinged claims was actually true no one would have listened. Not then. Not now. Its because every word out of his mouth is true that people listen. He is now uncontestably the foremost intellectual on the world stage today. No one else even comes close.

millercarbon you are right...

I will only say that he is not stupid at least...

But the greatest thinker of this times cannot be very known, by definition his idea are not accessible to us poor brains... :)

Sorry I cannot resist to tease you with a grain of salt...
nonoise5,276 posts01-18-2020 4:40pm.......
Then he gets pissed off over addressing some people not by their birth gender pronouns.......

All the best,
Or more accurately, took exception to the Canadian government telling him he was required to address people by a specific pronoun. I'm not in favor of quashing free speech. It's one of our amendments immediately south of Canada.

So, the boy toy followers are offended. Will they look up the Joe Rogan segment and hear it for themselves. I highly doubt it.

Think about it before you're in too deep to pull back. He's a leading expert on personality traits and therefore, knows how to manipulate anyone who won't look past the veneer. He strokes and soothes you because he knows it's not your fault, it's the women who want equal rights, it's the immigrant who wants your job, it's that gender whatever person threatening your manhood, it's big government wanting to control you. 

How many of his kind have come before him and flourished? How many of them have you followed, worshiped and adored, only to be discarded for a better version? He's not one of the greatest thinkers of our time. He's a huckster. 

I remember when Glenn Beck was so worshipped and followed and he openly said in an interview "I'm a rodeo clown". This is not the first rodeo, folks.

All the best,
Nonoise you totally simplified or caricature his sayings worse, you make him say something he never said nor wanted to say... What can we say?

Have you ever read his books and listen to his course?

But you are right, I dont think that he is the greatest thinker, by a long shot, but I read his book 10 years ago by the way, and he is a smart thinker... My best to you, I like your posts anyway because you are interesting and you are polite...I wish you the best...
What's with the name calling, nonoise? It doesn't add anything to your argument. The last video of Peterson's that I looked at was over a year ago, and I stumbled on the one I linked when it popped up in my climate change search. I'll admit I like him, and I'd say that his critical thinking is right up there. Just my opinion. You disagree? Swell. Comparing him to Glenn Beck is a non-starter to anyone serious. Who's next, Bill O'Reilly?
I gotta say, if there's anyone more intolerant than the tolerant left, I've yet to see them.
The name calling is because the man is dangerous. As to comparing him to Beck, or even O'Reilly is easy as it's all on the same spectrum, and those making the most noise about Peterson are no more than a generation removed from those who followed Beck.

The water has been tainted for so long that it now tastes normal to the undiscerning. 

All the best,
If someone want to think, he must forget the labelling game, and the binary thinking... I am sorry ….

It is evident you never study his writings...

Ok why do we forget all that stuff about this guy and comes back to the snow effect....Indeed I think that snowing add something to my joy, listening music to this "white noise" ...
In a nutshell Peterson is not a Global Warming denier, he sees no solution to the problem, that’s all. Which might actually be true.
I think the same... The better will not be to work mainly against climate change so much than against ourself, to go in the same direction... Nourishment of humanity, and education, are the only keys to survival...And paradoxically the best way to batlle against climate change...The best way is not always to face directly a treat...

Sometimes simple solution are good for the spirit but not necessarily complete "solution" in a pragmatical way...There is no simple solution, but sometimes there exist exception, for example it is possible to clean the ocean, and I hope we will do it... It is possible to plant trees and I hope we will do it.... All these simple solutions are less the solutions for climate change in itself than solutions to unite humanity... And this is the most important...

If I think about that, you comes from the future and it is normal that you already know that... Me I must imagine all that from the past....   :) think that all of this came forth from the OP (remember him?) registering a simple praise of the 'quieting' effect of a snowfall and it's lovely appearance...
...which has melted down into this morass of mud-slinging, 'bad vibes', and exchanges that would have triggered one hell of a bar fracas.

What's next?

Waterboarding chickens to get to the bottom of 'who came first?"
At this point, does it matter?  (That resolved itself long before the chicken, anyway....they're as clueless as we are....)

168+ what passes for 'normal, rational adults' (sic)...and no closer to a simple sort of consensus on Any of the 'topics' that have cropped up and been trampled.  Or still in the process of...

And our elected (or 'subjected to') governments aren't any closer to a 'global consensus' either....*sigh*  Surprising?   No.

Oh, well.

I'll say it now (because I may not be in the mood 'later', when the 'fan' gets feces'd to obliteration...

It's been kinda nice chatting with y'all...mostly...;)

Hey!   Let's return to crappy 'X's speakers are, and why they should try....

@asvjerry The OP initiated the change of topic a few comments in. Quite a lively conversation. 
noromance, *L*  Yeah, I noticed...;)

Although, 'lively' is being generous and very diplomatic...*G*

I post late at night/morning when the 'verbal btu's have subsided a tad...

Perhaps an annoying habit, does when one can.

Good morning, least, here in NC
It is snowingly beautiful here, much more, since I dont work anymore and do not need to go hurrying against the wind....I can see that with children’s eye now...The sound is better for the ears because the eyes are clearer...Whiteness all around...Silence is white even in the blackness of the night....
Anyone dense enough to compare Peterson to Beck or O’Reilly has truly removed all doubt.
Anyone dense enough to not see that Peterson is right there with Beck, O’Reilly, Limpball and the rest of the alt-right dregs of society is really lost. This moron claims we should " enforce monogamy " that women want to be dominated and that all the poor disaffected white man’s problems are because of feminists, immigrants of color and everyone but the poor disaffected white man. He just spouts his  bile with a better vocabulary  and accent but it's  the same manure.  He rakes in his $80k a month from his deplorables so I guess he found his niche. must have too much soy in your diet if you’re afraid of Jordan Peterson.
Not him but the looney tunes who follow him. The ones who send death threats to those that stand up to his rhetoric of incitement. His cult followers are the ones that are dangerous, like others of his ilk he likes to hide on the sidelines claiming his innocence when the s__t hits the fan not unlike a familiar small handed guy with orange hair. 
Hating is only blinders at least... And hating makes impossible the thinking process...Nevermind, left or right, hating hides itself behind all narrow distinctions, and promotes them...Forget Peterson, who cares ?...We can read something else...But we must thinks without hate.... My best to you and all...
It's okay, he's gone now. The bad man has been erased from the playground, it's safe to come out.

djones, I'm not sure you should be talking about anyone spouting bile, your posts have been dripping with it. But hey, mission accomplished. I'm not interested in sticking around, it's pointless.

And to the bulk of you, take care.
Yeah, I  know the routine...there's  good people on both sides.....As Popper said
 " In order for a society to maintain tolerance , it must be intolerant of intolerance. " I  admit  I am intolerant of these demagogues who preach intolerance.
Maybe once in a while try something original instead of pasting stuff other people said? I know its harder, having to come up with your own brilliance is hard work. But at least its your own.

Peterson is an intellectual tour de force, courageous beyond belief in his willingness to ferret out the truth and speak it unapologetically. He’s been traveling the world for over a year now giving talks, none of which are planned. He has a book out, 12 Rules For Life, and he has talked about that at some of them but its not a book tour, most of his talks are completely unplanned, he just walks on stage, continues thinking deeply about whatever it is he’s been thinking deeply about, and tells you all about it. You have to see it to believe it. And it ain’t cheap. Cost as much as tickets to the Eagle’s. But Peterson is bigger star power than Henley. Bigger than Carl Sagan, another one I was glad to have had the chance to meet. Carl was equally erudite but nowhere near as defiant a truth seeker as Peterson. Take it to the bank.

Which is what triggers liberals and why they hate him so. If there’s one thing liberals can’t stand its liberal thought. Thou Shalt Comply With Our PC Dogma is their one and only Commandment. Peterson shatters it. That is the one and the only reason he is hated on the left. He’s none of the things the liars, excuse me liberals, accuse him of, not one negative thing posted above has any merit to it whatsoever. Its just like I said before, when you can’t argue the facts you argue the man. The man in this case is so great you can’t even argue the man. So you lie.

His 12 part series of talks on the Bible stories packed them in every night and now another 5 million or so have seen it on-line.
Try watching a few minutes and see if you can stop. His approach is so far removed from "religion" he not only won’t say if he believes in God, he doesn’t even like the question!

There’s literally hundreds of hours of Peterson on-line. Who knows maybe thousands. If Peterson harbored anything like the crap he’s accused of there’d be evidence of it. Hate the man if you like, but do it secure in the knowledge its pure unadulterated irrational hatred, without a shred of justification. Other than his not following the Liberals One Commandment.
@mahgister....*S*  I love it when the poet in one reveals itself, and quietly revels in the Now.....

Some may find this 'polyannish', but if one can't stop to 'smell the roses' what's the point of raising them?

Have a pleasant day, y'all...
His approach is religion , all cults are religious in nature. I have watched , I have read but I never was much of one for cults. Peterson's claims are nought but sound and fury, told by an idiot, signifying  nothing.
He wanted to buy a church at one time perhaps he was channeling  Elmer Gantry. 
Thanks for your kind words and wise observation indeed... My best to you you asvjerry ...

I think the center of a rose is always the center of some heart, and perhaps the center of a snowflake is the center of a universe....

I apologize for observing in a poetic manner, that a water molecule, perfectly mirror the entire universe, and perhaps it is the reason why water is associated with life mysteries... :)

We know not much about water, nor about snowflake... And like you know poet know nothing, except for the first time or at the first look... But after all metaphor are way more deep than some equations, except for sure Riemann dzeta function that encompasses them all,  but  this encompassing,is it like a rose? Or like a snowflake? This is the question indeed... :)

My best to you from poetry land...
When Pertson compares humans to lobsters he's fallen of the deep end and clearly  knows nothing of evolutionary biology. Lobsters are invertebrates humans are vertebrates why not use something closer like a bonobo, if your going to ignore the evolutionary  timeline heck why not use bacteria they show cooperation or male sea horses who are natural caregivers and nurture  their young maybe human males should quit work and raise the kids. This guy uses pseudoscience to make outlandish claims and he is called out on it , you know in the "biased" liberal media. 
Humans aren’t like lobsters, that’s silly. They’re like cattle. 🤗
Mahgister , You’re probably right. I remember my mother used to tell me I was born an old man, to serious, questioning everything. I always assumed  that's why I was always so liberal, not progressive , I never  liked that say what you are.
When Pertson compares humans to lobsters he’s fallen of the deep end and clearly knows nothing of evolutionary biology.

Oh, really?
Clearly you know nothing of evolutionary biology. Nothing. Please.

See this is what happens when you rely too long on other people doing your thinking for you. Its like a muscle, use it or lose it.
Oh, brother! A rather odd argument, at best. Break us a give!

“Hanson is a supporter of Donald Trump, authoring a 2019 book The Case for Trump.[20] Trump praised the book.[20] In the book, Hanson defends Trump’s insults and vile language as "uncouth authenticity", and praises Trump for "an uncanny ability to troll and create hysteria among his media and political critics."[20] According to Washington Post book critic Carlos Lozada, the book "focuses less on the case for Trump than on the case against everyone else," in particular attacking Hillary Clinton.[20] According to Lozada, Hanson indulges "in casual sexism, criticizing Clinton’s “shrill” voice and her “signature off-putting laugh,” and inexplicably suggesting that while “Trump’s bulk fueled a monstrous energy; Hillary’s girth sapped her strength.”"[20] Hanson praises the Trump administration for its "inspired" and "impressive" Cabinet members.[20] In the book, Hanson blamed Barack Obama for "deliberately [whipping up]" "much of the current division in the country", while ignoring Trump’s birtherism or attacks on Muslims.[20] The book likens Trump to a hero of ancient literature, sacrificing himself for the greater good.[20] Hanson expressed support for Trump’s proposed border wall on the Southern border, saying that walls around houses deter criminals.[20]
Of course there’s a common ancestor but if you’re going to use something to compare human behavior with at least stick with a vertebrate by going back half a billion years to a common ancestor, wait a minute you do know the earth is more than 6000 years old and evolution is real? If you do then I congratulate you you’re one up on most of the deplorables. If not then praise Jebus. 
fa·nat·ic/fəˈnadik/Learn to pronouncenoun
  1. a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.

zeal·ot/ˈzelət/Learn to pronouncenoun
  1. a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals
Those who'd describe someone as something akin to the second coming should be given a wide berth, psychoanalysis, and possibly medication. The analogy of Elmer Gantry was spot on.

All the best,
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