I need a recommendation on Class D amp

I'm looking for a good Class D power amp for 2 different subwoofers in my system and must have individual gain/volume controls for each channel.  Does this type of amp exist with separate gain controls?  I'm using RCA interconnects.  I've seen Class D power amps with separate gain controls in pro audio but they use balanced connectors which won't work for me.

Thank you for any advice and recommendation.




I used the Crown XLS 2502 to power a pair of Aerial Acoustics SW12 subs that I’ve converted for passive use, and the amp worked well. It has a high/low gain setting which helps get you in the right range then volume adjustment for each channel. It also has a useful crossover function designed toward subwoofer use. I happened to use the setup with a miniDSP 2x4 HD so I could add some EQ, but that isn’t necessary. The Crown has led indicators on the front and I never saw it get anywhere near clipping driving the pair of big subs.

Also, the amp sounds too darn good driving the mains in a 2-channel system for its low price.


In our studio at Deer Creek Audio we've had the opportunity to audition many fine amplifiers: Mark Levinson, Hegel, Krell, Rotel and others.  In our opinion the new Nilai 500 from Hypex Electronics competes favorably with the best of this group. These amplifiers are extremely powerful, quiet and most importantly natural sounding. 

Deer Creek Audio is an authorized Hypex dealer .


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The amp that you need that will be just as good for your purpose as anything mentioned  Fosi V3 or V3 monoblocks. 

The big Jeff Rowland Daemon integrated and some of their newer big products use special implemented Pascal modules as well and sound fantastic. 
I like them very much, even if I use extremely musical Kondo and Zanden tube gear, too.

I really enjoy my Marantz Model 30 integrated...  In addition, Bruno Putzey's is a highly regarded Class D audio engineer.

The most advanced class D amp currently in production is the Mola Mola Perca stereo amp.  It doesn't sound like it's a class D amp in any stereotypical way.  It just sounds like music, regardless of class of operation.  The advanced Trajectum module and the associated circuitry simply produce the finest sound anywhere near its asking price ($9,850).  There's a host of good reviews out there on the Perca.  The most recent review can be seen here:  


The Benchmark AHB2 isn't a Class D amp BUT, it gives you everything you want in a class D and more. I just bought two of them. Very impressive. Check it out!

Someone else already mentioned it & it was the first amp that came to mind after reading your post. Crown XLS Drivecore II. Single ended & Balanced. With pro connectors on the back of the amp they can be daisy chained to multiple amps. Can be bridged. Built in crossover is pretty cool..as well as the volume control type you are looking for. 

I've used them in the past, solid sub amps. Decent mains amp for low sensitivity hard to drive speakers or any speakers for folks on a budget. The amps were popular with home theater enthusiast's. Designed by Harmon & supposedly uses the same tech as one of the $20k Levinson amps..the 523 or 534.. something like that. Could just be urban legend though. Either way it is a solid amp for sub duty & can be found on the used market for even better deals. They can take a lickin' & keep on tickin'. 

Obviously as others have mentioned there are a wide assortment of amplifiers that can punish some subwoofers. The Crown is the one I have experience with

Aavik with their PASCAL Module type class D amps are very true to the sound of real music...Gato Amps are less costly and use the same Pascal module. Add an ANSUZZ Mains8 power conditioner with Tesla Coils and elevate ANY system to startling new heights in sound quality....The AGD is really on to "something here"

Parasound zonemasster 2350 is exactly  what you want with exactly the features you describe, and more.

You didnot say your budget 

Audio group Denmark

A forte series at retail $5500 dac,streamer and high current 100 wpc 

with their Tesla coil technologies

Aavic is their higher cost their 180 $7500 300,600 wpc and sound is very good vs any type of amp.

Thank you all for responding, very helpful info.  Ditusa this amp looks like it will work out well.  Thank you Yowser for the RCA XLR adapter info. 

There is a used sds470c from Class d Audio for sale on another site. It has rca inputs and adjustable gain for each channel. I’ve owned one in the past and it’s a great amp. Also second the Crown recommendation.