I need a recommendation on Class D amp

I'm looking for a good Class D power amp for 2 different subwoofers in my system and must have individual gain/volume controls for each channel.  Does this type of amp exist with separate gain controls?  I'm using RCA interconnects.  I've seen Class D power amps with separate gain controls in pro audio but they use balanced connectors which won't work for me.

Thank you for any advice and recommendation.




Showing 1 response by ddgtt

The most advanced class D amp currently in production is the Mola Mola Perca stereo amp.  It doesn't sound like it's a class D amp in any stereotypical way.  It just sounds like music, regardless of class of operation.  The advanced Trajectum module and the associated circuitry simply produce the finest sound anywhere near its asking price ($9,850).  There's a host of good reviews out there on the Perca.  The most recent review can be seen here: