

Responses from ddgtt

???YOUR Personal Favorite???Why???
The Vivid Audio Kaya S12 with their stands are absolutely mesmerizing. Technological marvels that are 3D, focused, musical, dynamic, and have great, neutral bass response. Really special.  I use them with a Mola Mola Kula integrated amplifier.  Gr... 
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid
Let me offer up another thought.  The fellow who designed many of the best technologies and speakers at B&W is Laurence Dickie.  After leaving B&W he continued to develop and improve upon many of the technologies he had pioneered at B&... 
New speakers for 15*12 room powered by Lamm 1.2s?
Coming from Thiels, which I'm very familiar with, I would opt for one of the two top models in the Vivid Audio Kay range (K90 or K45), or any of the speakers in their Giya range (G4s2, G3s2, G2s2, G1 Spirit). Also, YG Acoustics' more affordable of... 
High end bookshelf speakers for Small room
You should hear a pair of Vivid Audio Kaya S12 with their matching stands ($7,700 + $2,000).  So amazing!  
DAC options to consider for Innuos streamer
I'd go with the Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC. Simply unbeatable.    
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do?
I was pleasantly surprised to see so much good advice hear.  Many analogies have been made, but at the risk of repetition, let me revisit one. Are you an enthusiast or do you have casual interest in audio? How much do you love and value music?  If... 
Finding a Bookshelf for Luxman C900U/M900U
Vivid Audio Kaya S12.  Articulate bass, perfectly tonality, great presence!  Created by the former B&W designer known for the Nautilus speaker and matrix enclosures.  Very advanced technology!  Check out the many videos of these speakers.  
Preamp suggestions for Atma-Sphere Class D Monoblocks
The best pre-amp I've heard for use with the Atma-Sphere class D monoblocks or any class D amplifier is the Mola Mola Makua.  You can get it as just a line-stage type preamp or you can get with a built-in DAC (same as the famous Tambaqui) and/or a... 
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?
I can see you have received a great many recommendations for speakers that would fit your needs.  At the risk of adding yet another recommendation let me offer this.  You would like speakers that are non-fatiguing.  Yet I assume that you would sti... 
I need a recommendation on Class D amp
The most advanced class D amp currently in production is the Mola Mola Perca stereo amp.  It doesn't sound like it's a class D amp in any stereotypical way.  It just sounds like music, regardless of class of operation.  The advanced Trajectum modu... 
Best DAC’S $5k to $15k
This one's easy for me.  The Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC is the best under $20K that I've ever heard.  The myriads of reviews out there are unanimous in their praise. Super transparent, smooth up top, excellent bass slam and articulation, and very 3D. ... 
Could Class D really be that good?
As has been mentioned before, Class D continues to evolve.  But the company that brought the NCore module to the market (Hypex) has continued to refine and engineer the technology to impressive new levels.  With the introduction of the Mola Mola P... 
15k USD Speakers for Classical and Pop Extended Listening, Near setup, Low volume
If you want the best sound under $15K the Vivid Audio K25 is the best I've heard ($12,300). If by chance you are persuaded to go a bit above the $15K mark, I'd go for the Vivid K45 ($21,000).  I've had more fun with these speakers. Besides being n... 
DAC Help : Please Weight In - Down to 5
The Mola Mola Tambaqui all the way.  Nothing touches it at anywhere near its price.  
To loom or not to loom?
Understanding that it may not always work out to use 1 loom of cable in your system, it's certainly something to shoot for.  The ideal is to have the same model from the same brand or perhaps at least the same geometry and materials within the sam...