Responses from mattw73
12au7 tube? I have a couple 12au7 type preamps. For nice clarity & sound or a step above the usual suspects of 12au7’s I think the Siemans with silver plates are a great tube. I also always seem to like anything Holland Amperex. I find that the much cheap... | |
R2R next? Don't like ESS Though not R2R i figured I would just ask in this thread first...Does anyone have any experience with the Fezz Audio Equinox tube dac.."Empowered by Lampizator"? Any Fezz Audio product users in this thread? | |
R2R next? Don't like ESS @hilde45 thanks for clarifying your point of view with me | |
R2R next? Don't like ESS @decooney thumbs up to that. I haven't been to an intimate or small club music show in a long time. I'll listen to any live music with actual musicians though. During the summers in my area I'm able to experience a usually different genre in an ... | |
R2R next? Don't like ESS @hilde45 I agree with you.. & perhaps I worded my thoughts poorly. I certainly wasn't implying that tubes or any type of topology was better or worse than another. As much as I like to switch things up I often find myself going back to the sho... | |
R2R next? Don't like ESS I've become more interested in trying a modern day R2R dac & have been exploring some tube dacs as well. Basically something outside the standard chip sets. I have a budget of $3k but think around $2k would give me the same results. The Lampi'... | |
Frank is gone. AVA lives on! Very sad news indeed. I consider him a big player in American audio history. Solid products without the boutique costs. I still have an assortment of Alstine/Dynaco preamps stashed away..I still use my AVA ST70 Ultra pretty regularly. Frank was a ... | |
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough? @hilde45 no problem...I was just babbling on about whatever was popping into my head. Your thread is a topic I've been thinking more about recently though. I always just assumed one needed speakers with just a high sensitivity like 98db plus to be... | |
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough? I forgot to add. To answer your original question I don't have any experience with low powered kits. But I'm interested in them. The one 8watt unit I heard was definitely good enough on speakers over 92db..4 & 8 ohm | |
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough? I've had really good experience & sound with Mellow Tone Kits. Easy builds & their build instructions are posted on YouTube videos. They also give you all the specs & measurements for their equipment. Now I've only built 2 of their pre... | |
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why. If you have the time & never done it before.. position your bookshelves so they criss cross past your outside shoulders. L speaker across rt outside shoulder, etc. | |
To Fritz, Quicksilver, and all the exceptional makers trying to get the word out @hilde45 yeah, for me I wouldn't characterize his speakers as "cheap" in price or budget. He did just have a cyber sale on US Audiomart...the Carbon 7 SE MKii for $2200. Which I watched a stellar review of them on the YouTube. Personally I don't c... | |
To Fritz, Quicksilver, and all the exceptional makers trying to get the word out I was unaware of Fritz speakers until pretty recently..maybe 3 or 4 months ago. There was not a ton of info or user reviews on the Internet but what I did come across was all positive. This forum had a lot of good words to say about them. It is t... | |
Large speakers plus EQ, what have you done? Not too long ago in my living room I had a pair of Polk R700's for streaming & stereo TV. I have a decent null at 50hz & a huge boost/peek at 42. Initially I was using an Arcam SA30 with its Dirac & SVS subs & their PEQ App. The A... | |
Wrapping power cords and interconnects with copper foil. I can't speak for cables or interconnects but I had a noise issue with a tube preamp that regular Tin foil cured. I had hooked up an older tube preamp in my living room about a year ago. Right next to the TV..a couple feet away from a modem &... |