How much are AR AR3's worth these days?

So I have these Acoustic Research AR3s that I found at an estate sale. The speakers were held hostage inside some nice walnut cabinet cabinets, and so the grills and dark walnut veneer never really saw (literally) the light of day. But Im having trouble pricing them accordingly.

The AR3s have been protected in there for years if not decad, based on the 1970s/1980s furniture design.. Both speakers worked OK, but now one speaker has petered out and is not working. First the midrange started going out, then the tweeter, and finally the woofer.

But its easy to replace the foam/rubber, drivers, pots, etc. Lots of DIY vids for vintage AR3s online.

Unfortunately, I have to move again and cannot take these AR3s with me. And I never got a chance to refurb them, but oh well.

An internet search showed that these go for $1200-2500. Most were in decent shape, but some looked like the dog had peed on them for years (or decades!). Cosmetically, my pair seems to be the best of the bunch for original AR3s. Some looked very good but had been refurbed.

So, what price would you sell them for?

I put an ad on Craigslist last night for $1000 and within 5-10 minutes, I had 4 offers to buy at my asking price.

I quickly took down the ad and told them I would be in touch.

What do you think??

oh, you can see the pics here on my Google doc page:


Oh man, I was trying to purchase a mtn bike last summer from someone 3 hours away. I was in continual contact with him for 3 days about buying the bike, full price. I was 15 minutes out when he called and said he just got an offer for $300 more. Gotta love Craigslist.

I feel like the O.P. was fishing for buyers with this thread. He could have checked to see what they have been selling for.

If he only paid $200 and backed out on selling them for $1000 because he thought he could squeeze out another $200 , that’s pretty awesome 👍

Thanks for laughs Rodman 😬
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Pretty sure he is asking how much he should list them for.  Think that got lost for all the people bad mouthing his intentions.

I agree you may want to either get them fixed or know what’s wrong with them. It will help you price them or at least let the buyer know what wrong to expedite a sale.
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" I put an ad on Craigslist last night for $1000 and within 5-10 minutes, I had 4 offers to buy at my asking price.’

I would bet that all 4 that responded to to the ad knew that he had under priced them and would have flipped them in a second. The OP has lots of good marketplace feedback on AudiogoN, some of his attackers have none. All he did was decide to go a different route, so what, he wants to maximize his investment. Get off his case, how many of you would have been one of the CL responders?

Sold listings:
More like $800 in very good shape, it’s a little deceptive on eBay since the ones listed currently have not sold and many have Make Offer option. Look at auctions of AR3s to see more realistic prices, plus many have zero bids. That’s kind of a tip-off. Hope springs eternal...

In decent shape they go for $2K and up.  Ebay would be the best place to sell them.  Overseas buyers from Japan seem to love them and most of them do a complete rebuild of the speakers anyway so foam surrounds, etc., are usually not an issue.  $1000 is a low offer IMO.

I’ve listed things on Craigslist and had multiple offers to purchase at the listed price and realized I could have priced the item higher, but the thought never occurred to me to pull the ad and try to get more. I’m not sure if I’m dumber than the OP or something else.

1graber2 - If you would have just asked how much people thought they were worth, you may have received some straight-forward answers. But you elaborated by saying:

1) You bought them at an Estate Sale - curious how much you paid $100 or $200 just guessing but none of my business?

2) You listed them on Craigslist at $1,000 and when some people were interested in buying them you pulled the add because you figured you could get more. Not satisfied with 5X or 10X profit?

I have no problem with people making money on audio gear or anything else. Believe me, I am a Capitalist and not a Socialist. But when you put a story up here professing your greed, you can expect some criticism.

List me three times, low-rent(1gobbler2). The less those of your ilk think of me, the better I feel. Some of us(realists) call the facts, as we see ’em!
I’m with those that think the OP is acting poorly re his Craigslist ad. It’s not an auction site. 
If they are in the condition you claim, don’t touch them, just put them up for bid on an auction site. Sell them as-is. If you try to improve them as as a hobbyist, you’ll reduce the value in the eyes of collectors who will pay top price for the chance to have them professionally refurbed.

BTW, the lpads in back are shot which is why the speakers stopped working. The speakers are almost certainly fine, although the woofers probably could use a refoam.
They have a great story, tell the story, and let people bid for them. Or just take the $1K you’ve been offered.
So four people honor your asking price and you pull the ad and leave them hanging so you can get more money.  To me that's one of the definitions of the "Craigslist Loser".
they are only worth anything to the right person.  I wouldnt pay that much for them even working . If you wanted them gone and someone honestly likes them you should have let them go. Likely to a better home that isnt going to blow them up . 
You price them. Get 4 offers for your asking price, then take them off. Pretty low rent. You should’ve sold them for a grand. Always do the research before setting your price. 
Why are people against making a profit on audio gear, especially, if a buyer is willing to pay ? OP, are you aware, you thanked someone, who referred to you, as Mr. Greedhead ?
I want to thank the members that actually interacted appropriately on this forum and were actually helpful. 
There were 4:

I don't want to thank the following haters, losers, envious and jealous miserable SOBs. Ppl like you are the cockroaches of these forums, predators waiting to pounce on unsuspecting members and force your delusional, paranoid, and malevolent opinions onto others. Go crawl back in your hole. 
You'll notice that @rodman99999 is listed twice, b/c he felt it necessary to prove to us how much of a miserable lowlife he is, not just once, but twice .... ;)

@j_stereo @j_stereo 

And finally, Thx for the humor @geoffkait, @tomcarr, @ebm,@mijostyn, @roberjerman, 
{That was humor, right?? :)
I 2nd, take the grand and run.....providing the buyer understands the reconditioning required on them.....
Sell them Mr. Greedhead. You already have full price offers you are not honoring.
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Well, A thousand bucks for a pair of non working AR3's is not bad .Because of condition of the boxes you could probably squeeze a few hundred more out of them.Good Luck
Give them to the Salvation Army sport!!Maybe they will be bought by a deaf Audiophile.
This is why I quit going to estate sales. They are full of bottom-feeders looking to get stuff for nothing and sell it for top $$$. They can't be satisfied with making 2X or 3X what they paid. They have to be greedy.
You already have bites on craigslist, for your non-functioning speakers, that you’re not honoring. If you want to go fishing here too, at least place a proper MARKETPLACE ad.
If you want top dollar for them, you must get them both working. They certainly look like they are worth fixing up and asking top dollar. I would pop the woofers out and clean the frequency pots with electronic cleaner and check the caps for leakage. I think you might get $2000.00 locally if both are working well or more if you ship.