How many NICE looking high end floor standing speaker are there at present

Sometimes when I dream, imagining of replacing my current 1997 Burmester 961 speakers, before maybe COVID19 is sending me to an early grave - I'm practically only stumbling on ugly often even like somehow crippled looking speaker creations.
Test will say, sounding fantastically gorgeous and - looking like 💩. 
This, or par tout looking like some or other children's coffin ⚰. 😥👻

Not for the life of it, can I imagine ever having some such 'creation' invading my daily living space. Ever.

Talking 'bout a BAD WAF situation, I say.

Some makers are trying to improve on this tragic situation with creations looking far too anatomical or something alien👾 fruit thing hanging off a tree... handle an' all. 

Is there no hope out there at all...? 🤔

So can one savely move on forgetting about a replacement, still in this here life, and saving the money 💰 ?

Well, the budget <= max 20k $ lets say, so I won't risk starving before the lockdown will end ever. 😱 

😘 M. 🇿🇦 
"Her burmesters are pretty cool looking... she should just keep them or get some other burmesters...  I’m more interested in what SHE looks like, lol.  A girl with that kind of taste in Audio gear 😍 prrrrowww..."

Now THAT sounds like some charming approach - best answer to date.
Though not sure turning the place into some sort of dating sight? 🤔 🙈 😉 👏 ❤️

Funny enough having looked up practically ALL the suggestions offered, and without any ambiguity, set aside - so now what do "I" like?

Turns out what I have... - it's what I, so far, yet learned again.
The right kind of size, finish, presentation, over all design including a bit of bling, (cute coffin with bling?😂) is still I seem to like best right now. 
But remember: it's the prerogative of a female to change her mind, eh?! 😉 

Having mentioned the Burmester B100 earlier on, and how it'd impressed me at the time, it sort of still does.
D'apolito carbon-kevlar mids, double ATM JET tweeters horn-loaded, double 8" side firing light cone woofers, hidden, and some delish understated bling. Some alu sparkle offset by some exotic Imbuia wood pieces... That designer had something going (for me) 
Looking at some of those freaky designs proposed, hunch backed, match sticked, extra terrestrial 👽, old fashioned as top hats, etc. quite different, yes! 

It's all I have now (of sorts...not the Imbuia) but not all double, including the size, and 220 pound for each one B100, a blessing when having to move!
They, B100, are too monumental by far, for my place, needs and pocket, yet had/have SOMETHING for me - as have a few more of Burmester items, though definately NOT ALL. 

After this tour de force in suggestions this theme only got reinforced - for lack of a better word. 😉

Love 😍 and 😙
Michélle 🇿🇦 
Demonstration once again why men build listening rooms. ;)

I have the best wife an Audiophile could have. When I proposed building the room, she said, and I quote,  "I don't care what you do. I don't care what you spend. " 

Now, she did want new furniture for the living room.  She got it. very nice furniture. I was happy  to do that for her. :)

Such a good man! 👏😍 

So long you wouldn't spend my household money, etc. regarding a woman additional needs - 💯 %😎 💅

Thank you for sharing this most superior approach to the subject at hand! 👍

This solves the issue of permanently parking coffin like contraptions in the living room, I might (closing my eyes shut) even enjoy the sounds from some or other weird hunch backed or alien 👾 👽 looking creations - As so many already brought up in this here thread. 

BTW - I've never, so far, doubted their musical prowess. Now haven't I, eh? 😊🤩

Michélle 🇿🇦 

One more I like to mention, got used to their looks somehow, clever design improvements on their old fugly Watt/Puppy design. 
Somehow less staid, have something - sort of Hightechy an' all. 😎

Talking about...: Wilson Audio Sasha DAW. 

Though we'd have to wait for yet another stock market revival, no? 🙄

Michélle 🇿🇦 
My wife likes my Meridian dsp 8000se, but I think my favorite looking are the Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Michelle, you are most courteous; it is appreciated. We audiophile men can be too cranky and protective of our systems, as we are tempted to think whatever we build in terms of a system is the best. 

It is very motivating for a man to dream of an environment where the aesthetics do not dictate the decision on gear. There is, as would be expected, a very strong "function follows form," relationship in speakers, and even grills impede the sound quality, so there is no getting away from the issue of diminished aesthetics in many instances when the sound quality is the primary goal. 

I suggest you consider searches for "lifestyle audiophile speakers", or speakers décor" or similar. You may find a surprising solution. Here it's mostly testosterone and the looks be damned; it must be exceptional performing. My guess is you have already done many searches and have been unfulfilled. 

You could opt for the outrageous and get the Voyla No Limits, which has the appearance of an enormous driver. Perhaps the Firebird would appeal, it's pretty. Maybe some lovely stands and the egg shaped Firebird would be a winner. Now, if you don't think that's NICE, I'm at the end of my pretty speaker suggestions.  :) 


Oh, mein lieber Herr Schröder, 
do I detect some major tongue in cheek suggestions, like... if she gets to demanding fork her off to some lifestyle products...? 🤔 
💐 🌷 🎉🌺🍽️🍴🎂🍰💅💅💅💅🤩

If THAT won't quieten her down... 
maybe a nice dinner for two, and some Broadway tickest for the broad! 🙈 

"Got to have them speakers, she's got no idea how BEAUTIFUL they sound, looks? What looks dear, you don't have to go to bed witj them, no?" 😊 

The small differences, will they always have to play up and interfere? 🤔 

In any case, you're the lucky one with that sound man-cave, and so is your partner you say, and so am I, as dreams are free - at least so far 😍🤗 and that is all that counts right now (for me). 

I have to say it again, I've really enjoyed the learning exercise of this enquiry - including those off the wall life-style suggestions. 
And now I should do my nails 💅 for great peace of mind 😌🙏
Michélle 🇿🇦 
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it also depends on the setting and placement. My ZuDef4s in gloss black are perfect for my space, but they might look out of place in a more traditional home. That said, there is no excuse for an ugly speaker. All speakers must be designed. Cabinets do not design themselves. 

Yes dear, I can agree with you sentiment. 

It brings back that memory when I listened to my, B 961s and also those early Watt/Puppy's.

Those 961 demo speakers where jet-black piano polished. I had them for a while in my appartment (in Munich) - quite differently set about than what's my 'Auberge' now. 

However, as they where stunning - yet they had the effect of having all the sudden a baby grand piona in the room. Kind of 'jimped' at you. 
I got more relaxed once those where returned and replaced with those I'd bought, the silver (alu) structured laminat ones, shown in my system picture. 
I never really looked back, and as it turns out this far, not even after this thread's lenghty discourse. 😊

It's always nice to learn of a happy owner! 😄
Michélle 🇿🇦 
To answer the original question, none, since Jadis quit making the Eurythmie. 
Why does it matter, at all, what they look like? What they sound like to your tastes is the only thing that should matter. 
Thank you for your plain, straight shooting honesty. 
This is perfectly fine when hiding 'contraptions' like e.g. Eurythmies, either too suggestive of human organs or other unpleasant situations, like say a wake ⚰️ , in a man-cave ⛺. 

Insisting to install such items in a general living area, can bring about frictions, resentment, stomach cramps (not caused by the more usual monthly occurrences) etc. 

Unless training oneself to ignore ones surroundings, which will then also include other folk present.
There is a psychological element at work in ongoinly ignoring unpleasant impressions. I'm surely not saying anything groundbreakingly new. 🙄

I have a suspicion that the most soothing sounds emanating from such items will be insufficient balm to overcome the negtive vibes 😖. 
Food for thought 💭 
M. 🇿🇦 
the wife and I both love the Vandersteen line.  

Owned Treo's and now Quatro's.  Our's are the painted version in Audi Havana Black (you can chose any color you want).  They are stunning and we even put LED 4" drops above them to show off the high metallic finish)

The Keto is a similar sized and shaped cabinet.  The painted 7's are also stunning to many of us with nice lines.

Most speakers to me are strange looking in most rooms.  That's why my wife wanted a speaker that could go up against the wall and I needed a speaker that sounded great for the money.  We were able to get both with the 11 band bass EQ able to dial in the best bass and the speaker was designed to be put close to the back wall while not being too tall in our room (we have a loft space and the back wall is 48" tall or so).  
Just had my response dumped again. 
Fed-up to redo. Sorry. Low battery to boot. 
M. 🇿🇦 
Ok, take two, @headphonedreams 
Those Bøneke speakers have something, maybe that less US balls-to-the-walls, more understated design approach?
Yeah I'm sure. 
They're 'integratable' into a living space with less intrusive presentation, in my take. 

Why do I now think I've seen this all before? 🤔 
Audio Physic's various midrange designs e.g. AVANTI and such, I'd seen and heard some a few year ago. In a living room environment. 

Did I like then what I heard? 🤔 

Not quite, not really, so why?
Most delicately detailed, bordering on the analytical - a general tendency of German and more North-European offerings,yet again. 

Being hooked up to a Lyngdorf amp (class D ?!?) plus Roomperfect® (digital room correction) using an Electrocompaniet CDP didn't help the presentation in my mind either. 

So now what will those Bøneke sound like?! 😉 
After all, acceptable looks is one thing, if the sound is too sterile we have still the wrong mix. Just to make sure. 

In closing, now to be extra picky, these cabinets, as also those Audio Physiks, are at least by ¼—⅓ to narrow and subsequently a bit to deep, to then achieve the correct volume.
This idea is a slight over-exaggeration about maximum reduced baffel width, in order to make the cabinets audibly vanish. 
Slightly wider would look more 'right' IMO, but then chamfering or rounding off the front panels/baffels.

Just sharing, as like nothing is perfect, eh? 
Michélle 🇿🇦
Ok, closing time for me. 
Thanks for all the positive contributions! 
Boenicke is actually the opposite of sterile, go and listen to them if you can. Or read a few reviews. Good luck anyway!
Another pretty cabinet are the Sonus Faber's.  Most Italian designs are usually pretty.  I'm not going on sound, just designs that are nice looking 
jkf011: "Why does it matter, at all, what they look like? What they sound like to your tastes is the only thing that should matter."

No. Not even close. 
Discover "Precision in Sound"
Distributor in the USA:

German male inventor, German female CEO.
Greetings from the biased Swiss designer.
@roxy54 , +1 

lol, can’t we accept defeat with this and move on.  She has the speakers that fit her needs.  
Michelle, buy another piece of equipment or some tweaks.  Your speakers are beautiful and more importantly, you love them.  My goodness girl 🤷🏼‍♂️
Thank you dear! 😘 

Righto! 🤩 

Humph! 🙈 

Ta, ta 👋
Michélle 🇿🇦 

To clarify some possible misconception, did I EVER, AT ALL, mention I's in the state of purchasing a replacement... ? At all?
No, didn't? Scheming/dreaming, yeah, well... 
Women, eh? Eh, eh... 😕

Women think, dream and scheme about plenty of things, without going hardcore follow up, NOW HAVING TO PURCHASE!!! , what ever we THINK about. Ever anyone went along purfume shopping? Puleeese! 🙄

No need to get huffy, as this was at least for myself, a useful enquiry of what the 'market' presently has on offer. This, by getting some feedback from the experts, yes?

My learing right now?
No need to change my 'old' speakers (as yet) given what was suggested. Done. 
This being so, as all this stuff happens to be a most personal, most opinionated decision, always, or? Yes, is! 

No need to act like a bunch of disappointed salesmen. Maybe I'd omitted the emoji for "just browsing" 🤟👀?

Then all please accept my sincere apologies. 🙏 🥴
Michélle 🇿🇦 
I see, so 8 inches should be more than just enough, yes? 🤔 

Michélle 🇿🇦 
For something different looking and, arguably, better (IMO)  sounding than your very worthy 961s, how about the Vivid Audio G series? Here is a taste of what they look like. The performance is excellent and the pricing ruinous -- but we're just speculating--right? Regards

123 posts
05-28-2020 8:08am@gosta
I see, so 8 inches should be more than just enough, yes? 🤔

Michélle 🇿🇦
Hopefully so, lol.  I honestly have enjoyed this thread as it's not about what sounds best.  Heck, that's so individual too, and we all swear by what we own.  Visual is just as subjective and it's fun to see how folks purchase.  I'm as die hard an audiophile as anyone and folks know how opinionated I can be (can easily be swayed by great sound though).  That said, I must have a speaker that fits my rooms decor or it's a non starter.  I have a really nice home and don't want ugly in the home!  many don't care, but even as a kid I always needed the eye candy with the sound.  Plenty of great options to get both in all price ranges.  That's why I love the fact that many speakers are not longer boxes as they were back in the 70's, lol.  

Oh... right, yes well, even made in my present country of residence, they are. At least they were. 

They sure do have a reputation for marvelous sound reproduction. As an aside, so it must have been worth it, to change from custom surfboards to these items. 😉
Still made in Durban, methinks. 

Though talking of looks,... can't recall many, if any, mentionings other than more nice descriptions of weird. (fruit hanging from a Kwazulu-Natal Avo tree?)... 😉 


Many thanks I say, for your charming response, not given to everyone around this here place. 
Yes, of course music, great sounding music MATTERS, no question - but so does presentation of the equipment involved, at least to some, and for sure to me also. 
It's a question of balance - as far as a listening- livining-rooms goes. 
Man-caves / dens / studios etc. I'm not taking about  and can go as way out as can be, they don't qualify as LIVING ROOMS/AREAS as far as I go.
Wanna do stone ugly, freaking weird, etc. to serve some sound ideal, go there, by all means.
But please note, many do not have such luxury, neither do I, neither have most central European folk (were I hail from) either. Most are living in appartments, not out in the country. 

Maybe my bad, not having this all spread out from the onset. 

Michélle 🇩🇪 - >  🇿🇦 ✔️
I am Chris with Böerne Akustik.  We build loudspeakers for those looking for a more classic look (1960's), with customizable details.  Cabinets are comprised of up to 260 layers of veneer.  We customize the grill cloth with our library of images, or with your own creation.  We use a variety of loudspeaker drivers to match the needs of our discerning clients. 
  The more popular choice is our "bookshelf" loudspeaker.  The midbass driver is quasi-open baffle with a horn loaded tweeter, a sealed enclosure with an 8 inch cast frame, carbon fiber subwoofer mounted on the back. The overall loudspeaker dimensions are 14.75 inches tall, 9 inches wide, and 14.5 inches deep. It is designed to work with the minidsp SHD Power.  It also comes with two 250 watt at 8 ohm power amplifiers that are the same 8.5 inch width as the minidsp.  It's a full audio system for around 5K.  You can add other components to your liking.
No need to explain, Michelle!  You’re opening statement was “sometimes when I dream...”. Makes me like you even more that you dream about audio gear 😁

These are what I dream about...

Anywho, it’s fun looking at high end stuff.  No need to apologize.  We all enjoyed giving you our recommendations.  
And, your system is awesome so Kudos on picking out some really cool gear 👍
🤩 MBL the Berlin "Klang-Schmiede" for "Biegewellenwandler" ja now fine, as we say around here. 
And so why not, eh? 
I've to admit I never had the opportunity being invited to a listening session of those.
They're so 'high-endig' including their other offerings like ½ tone mono-blocks, I've seen in real life in Munich, and ~¼ tone CDPs etc. (at the time) you might add reinforced flooring in your dreams. 😉
In Germany that is strictly pro high-society, kind of going with a chauffeur-driven Maibach and the like. 👋😃
But, you also have to like the idea of  'Omnidirektionale Rundumstrahler' ha, - the German version of surround-sound, methinks. 

There are very 'Deutsche Diskussionen' on the pros and cons of these, and it's my suspicion few discussing it, have never really heard these in real life, and are purely involved in the theory. Sehr deutsch aus das 😃

Of course Burmester GmbH (Gemeinschaft mit beschränkter Haftpflicht) is also in Berlin 'angesiedelt' and they're in a sort of subdued competition with MBL. (We do not discuss each others product merits, OTON MBL Vertrieb). Very good, ja. 😊 

Well, and who knows, sometimes dreams can come true. For you. 

Michélle 🇩🇪... 🇿🇦 

LoL, I like the emoji’s; shows spunk and character. I really don’t think she’s a boomer either.

MBL’s are incredible. My favorite! I’ve “only“ heard the 101E mkii though, never the X-Tremes. I heard that there is a gentleman that has 6 Xtremes in his home in new york, set up all around the listening position 😵. Now thats a surround sound set-up that would be engulfing to say the least.

Alsyvox was pretty dang impressive too but my mansion in heaven is MBL all the way through. They are astonishing. I’ve been lucky enough to listen to them for a few hours on two different occasions. The husband / wife distributors for MBL are out of New York and they are awesome! I would have asked their names but everyone is too busy listening to music. I friggin love it. Other rooms at audio shows always have 2 old dudes sitting right behind me talking about what the ate for lunch, clankin’ together their lanyards. The MBL room, everyone is just sitting there dead silent in aww. It probably doesn’t hurt that you couldn’t hear a dang word anyone would say; probably why people shut up and just listen.

Hm, got any life experiences to share - in terms of emoji help? 🤔 😣 

Can always consider eating loads of chocolate (Lindt PLEASE!) to create sufficient constipation to keep them emotions all in. 
Not to sure of the health benefits though? 

No idea how you'd do it ?!?

BTW, blogs like this one here, ARE after all are social media - not... academic theses postings for peer reviews.
Ever, at all, noticed there's a minor difference here? At all? 

Never knew emojis use was a 'Baby Boomer' thing, must be caused by post-ware trauma maybe?

Gotta Google now for 'Psychology of Emoji usage'. 
More food for 💭 hum. 

PS: Castel(s) in the sky equipped with "Biegewellenwandler" interesting idea, might even improve on life Aeolian harp 'Frohlocken' performance. 😇 LOL. 

 Count what? Life experiences? 🤔 
PS: do the complainants ever use e.g. WhatsApp? Just makes me wonder. 
What y'all think them things are for then?
Not to use any, or y'all can't find them on yer keyboard... 😉😘🤗 🌈 💥 🌟 💫 LMAO. 
As others have mentioned, Salk Sound has a large collection of custom built "classic" looking speakers. I've been very happy with my Songtowers. Currently looking at the Song 3 Encores.
It’s interesting comparing what audiophiles think is acceptable or even “nice” looking to my wife’s opinion - pretty much everything mentioned in this thread gets a “HELL NO” from her. 😂 An exception is Audiovector - she said “this is ok” and I even convinced her to let me put a pair of the big SR 6 ($25k) in our living room. The SR 3 ($10k) is much more compact and even more manageable in terms of WAF. Boenicke is another one that a dealer told me is one of the few he can get spouses to accept, though my wife wasn’t crazy about it. Some Sonus Faber is ok too though too Italian bling for her tastes. Pretty much everything else gets labeled “coffins,” “ugly boxes,” “killer robots” or “DEAR GOD who came up with that” from her.
I saw them mentioned in someone’s earlier post, but I will throw our name in this hat, which is the Paradigm Persona’s. The 5F starting at $17k/pr (price depends on customization) is the model in my room (see profile pic) and you can get them in a wide array of colors and with, or without grill covers.

Our Design Studio allows you to customize the speaker much like how you would build a car on any automotive website. You may choose cabinet color, driver color, metal work and lens covers, and three different choices of grill cloth colors which can be added if you don’t like seeing the drivers - and there is a slide allowing you to see the grill on or off of the speaker.

If you don’t see a color you like, for an additional charge, pick a color and supply us the paint code and we’ll match it for the cabinet. I will also mention, the performance exceeds the look. The cabinet colors are illustrations and if you saw a color you think you’d be interested in, we can send the actual color sample to the dealer, if they don’t already have one, so that you can confirm it’s the color you want.

It’s fun to play around and create different looks. Here’s a quick link to build a 5F if you’re curious:

Our Dealer Locator will allow you to find your closest Dealer if you’re interested in pursuing it further:

Good luck in your search and please feel free to reach out if you have further questions. Thank you for your time and any consideration!

Metoo, it's funny as I'm into personal audio too and am close friends with many IEM designers as well as DAP designers.  Most are in Asia and Europe for those reasons you stated above.  I can't go without my custom in ear monitors when traveling.  I love as you can customize the face plates etc...  Looks are always important to most as are real world speakers.  It's a big reason my wife said the Vandersteen's work great since they are designed to go up against the wall and aren't boxy and can be painted or in beautiful wood.  

That's why I call them win win speakers.  Even my server is getting a new cool cabinet.  I get to pick the color of anodizing or car paint.  It's often fun to play with the looks of the gear if you can.
Thank you for your bringing up your wife's notions and responses, it's like her words on many items mentioned, taken out of MY mouth!
Please say hello, someone else is seconding her take away this stuff. 😏 
Michélle 🇿🇦 

Nope, Kef blades don't pass my filter. Sorry 🙏 🤗 
Michélle 🇿🇦 
I told a violin player I met about the Lawrence Audio Violins. If I played the violin and I was an audiophile, they would be awesome to have in my living room. 

     I really like the looks of my old Snell Type B's. They're unique because they have a rear firing tweeter on the fifth side of the cabinet that is aimed into the center of the soundstage. I'm not aware of any other speakers that do this. This adds significantly to the depth of the sound field.
                      It's already been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. To add to that; Once a gorgeous sound is heard emulating from ANY speaker (or person), that speaker takes on new life in terms of visual perception. I'll definitely be checking out a pair of Tektons when time permits. Joe


Yes, your Personas are 'workable' suggestions.
Any greater improvement on B961?!?...

😎 Indeed - may just be, though front firing 6½" woofers, not quite my favourite, neither are dome tweeters really, and of course, I only read some reviews - and pray, who can trust these those days?
But they have something, I dare say. 👍 
