Has anyone considered rebuying a speaker you once owned??

I am curious if any one has ever considered buying a speaker previously owned and liked, but decided to either downsize or look for a "different" type of sound. 

I ask because I purchased a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios speakers about 5-6 years ago, and decided to downsize the system with a less heavy speaker that was easier to move around.  The Adagios were 80 lbs each.  I currently own a pair Golden Ear Technology model 7 speakers (purchased in 2014)  which are smaller and lighter at 37 lbs each. The Adagios are 50 inches tall, and the GET 7's are 40inches with a slimmer profile. 

I realize the Adagios  are almost three and a half times more expensive than GET 7's. which are $1395. They can sound very good, but I have come to realize they are not in the same league sound quality wise as AZ Adagios. and  may possibly be the best speaker I ever owned.   Of course, hindsight or hindsound is a wonderful thing.    Thanks,  SJ   



I would buy another pair of Infinity RS 1.5's in a heartbeat if they were in better condition than the pair I'm currently using. My pair is not perfect, and I would like to have perfect pair. But at what price? I paid $264 for mine a couple of years ago. I wouldn't sell them for double that unless I had another pair waiting in the wings.....

If my space was downsized and I need to go back to a small stand-mount monitor/bookshelf speaker, I would gladly own a pair of Reference 3A MM DeCapos again. Alas, the used prices have started to creep up to a level I'm not likely willing to pay....
Post removed 
Yes. The Swiss-made Pawel/Ensemble PA-1 Reference. Finally found a perfect pair in Italy after searching for over 20 years. Have had them now for 4 months and they're better than I remembered them to be.

Wilson WP7s. Ex-wife's friend took them and the rest of my equipment (Wilson Watch center, Cub II, Lexicon MC12B, ML 33h 3 of them, ML 436 2 of them, etc.) during our divorce and sold them on  USAudiomart. 
Gonna jump back in as I recently purchased a pair of Soliloquy 5.0 monitors with the dedicated stands. I already had a pair of the stands from the pair I owned years ago. They sound better than I remember. Thinking of getting a sub for them and calling it a day.
I once owned, and still own a black pair of Quad ESLs (57). Now I also own a bronze pair, in even better shape. So, yes!
Noromance is not alone---there are a number of multiple-time Quad ESL owners around. Hard to live with, hard to live without.

I want to thank everyone who has responded to this thread.  I have read more than half, and I think it was as much fun for the responders as it was for me to read about past speakers they cherished.

To whitetix.  Unless, I am suffering from speaker. nostalgia, I agree that Rectilinear 3's (high boys) were sublime.  They sounded like music and held your attention. The only other speaker of past years that exceeded their sound quality was IMF TLS 80's which occasionally show up on AG.

Thanks for the memories. S.J.

Rectilear III's (not the low boys).  I got them 40 years ago and sold them 30 years ago, but they were sublime.  
Another speaker I sort of let get away that I'd love to re-buy:

Waveform Mach Solo.

These were the smaller version of the mighty Mach 17s - famous for their egg-module head containing the midrange and tweeter - that John Otvos sold for only a short time before he closed his company.  Very, very few were made and sold.  I reviewed them at one point in my room and they were stunning, both in looks and sound.  But...didn't buy them at the time.

A few years back I grabbed some second hand Waveform Mach MC monitors from audiogon - essentially just the egg module of the Mack 17/Mach Solo.  Whenever I set those up and listen I'm just taken aback at their incredible combination of neutrality, natural warmth of timbre, boxless soundstaging and liveliness.  Make me pine for the floor stander Mach Solos which had incredible bass.  But...they pretty much never appear on the used market.
Just repurchased a pair of Spendor 1/2e speakers and they are everything I remembered them to be when I sold them 7 years ago. I alternate listening to them with Quad ESL-57s.
I find the only solution to this dilemma is to own several pairs of speakers, and I've decided not to sell my favorite 2 pairs of Tannoys, and once I re-buy the Ascend speakers, they shall never leave my home either!
ctsooner, I used his ribbons, but the rebuilt was by TrueSoundWorks in Minden, Nevada. Well worth the money!
Did you go to the guy in Australia who bought the name?  Heard he does a great job in rebuilding them.  I used to love most of the line back in the late 90's.  We used to bi amp the full range panels and drive the heck out of them.  Wish the guy in Boston knew how to run the business as they were nice guys.  Got to go to the factory up there a few times.
 I have a pair of Apogee Duetta II's, bought new in 1987. I had them rebuilt in 2008. They sound great
I switched to Vandersteen after over 20 years with many Proac designs and have not looked back.. I am enjoying music so much more.  Not even close right now.
May be my ProAc D100 after I change them for Avalon Time.
What if I miss the ProAcs....
I would love to re-buy a brand new pair of Boston Acoustics A-400s. The BEST speaker BA ever created.
I bought a pair of Vandersteen Treo's over the JM Reynaud's.  Got to hear them in Amherst, MA and really liked them.  He did a great job at setting them up etc...  I did worry about such a small network and how long they'd be in the US in case of problems down the line.  I liked the Vandersteen's better though and went that route.  I upgraded to the Quatro two months ago and love them, but I'd have no problems going back to the Treo if I needed to for money's sake.    If I had to have a stand mounted speaker, I'd really give the JMR's another listen though.  I just figured that for the same footprint, I could have that last octave or two of bass.  JMHO.  

I often get to listen to speakers I used to love many years ago and honestly, today's speaker's overall are so much better, because of the newer technology available.  Takes nothing away from great sounding speakers of the past, but when those same designs are upgraded with the better parts available today, they sound that much better.  Just look at some of the speakers that are similar designs over 30 years, but built better today.  
Snell type A's, I owned them in the early 80's and when I moved I did not have the space for them. Moved on to a pair of vandersteen 2c's. There was a certain magic in those Snell's that I still remember very well. .
I've bought 3 pair of Aerial 10T's over the past 15 years! Now I have decided to just keep my current pair. I just put new tweeters in them yesterday and they sound better then ever! I do like to try new speakers! It's the fun part of the hobby for me! Currently looking for a pair of EgglestonWorks Andra II or the original Revel Ultima Salon! :) Good Times!

Now it has been several yrs,
But I sold my Kappa 9's to a good friend and I can go listen to them about anytime I want.I did a refoam and crossover upgrade for the cost of parts 4 yrs ago and he usually gets to borrow gear from me.

The Kappa's were the first speaker that I bought new in the day.

More than once for me. I've rebought Meadowlark Audio Kestrels 3 times as I missed their easy to listen to sound. 
Also bought a pair of Revel M20s when they first came out and sold them to "upgrade." I now have a pair again as my main speakers. They are the best monitor I have heard regardless of price, but I haven't heard them all.
Yep, me too. I convinced myself that with the music I mostly listen to I didn’t need the extra detail of the RAAL ribbon tweeter in the Ascend Sierra 2 and sold them. About 3 months later I contacted the buyer to see if he wanted to sell them back, no dice!

So I ordered a pair of the Sierra 1(I’m tight on cash these days), they are cheaper but are the exact same excellent cabinet as the Sierra 2 and Ascend sells the Sierra 2 upgrade kit. Next year I’ll buy it and be back where I started, with a pair of the Sierra 2.

They have such detailed imaging, even with my 80’s pop/rock it sounds better. On good tracks, the vocal is placed very accurately and you’d swear they were standing in the room exactly between the two speakers.
I just did sold a rare pair of RCA horns missed them so bought them back from gent I sold to.
I currently use a pair of JM Lab Daline 3.1. I sold my first pair about 20 years ago when I thought I was upgrading to the 6.1. The 6.1 created a bad resonance in my listening room that I could not seem to fix with acoustic treatment. 

I then played around for 5 years with B&W, Vandersteen's, Maggie's, Audio Physics etc.. 

I then put an wanted add in Agon and found someone who was selling a pair of 3.1. That's what I have been listening to for the last 15 years. 
I did just that with a pair of Alon 1's. Sold my original pair to a friend and upgraded to the Alon Lotus SE mk ll. Missed the Alon 1's so much bought a used pair and sadly they sit in storage as I have no room for them. My original pair sound amazing in my friends HT system and I'm going to give him my pair for back up but there is an abundance of music memories with the Alon 1's that to some extent I'm still chasing today. Carl hit it out of the park with original Alon 1.
Speakers I currently own and have replaced from my past: Quad 57's (two pairs), DCM Time Windows, Infinity Monitor 1A, KLH 6's, Klipsch Heresy's, AR 4's, AR M2's. Variety is the spice of life! I wish I had more space so I could set up more than two pairs at a time!

original rogers ls3/5a for 1970s.  great imaging when run with el34 tubes (almost any brand). i think i paid 495 for them new. 
Thank you to all who participated in this thread. It was enjoyable to hear about speakers from the past, and newer  speakers cherished by members.   S.J.

Yes. I nearly replaced the Focal Micro Utopia Bes’ that I was forced to sell 5 years ago when I was unemployed for 6 months. But I purchased a pair of JM Reynaud Bliss Silvers instead because they were a better all-round speaker at less than half the cost of the Micros’ on the pre-owned market.

The sad part is that there are only 6 JM Reynaud dealers in the US and 1 distributor in Canada. And if you don’t live in one of those states, well....you have no idea what you’re missing. So get on the road to discovery and seek them out, Grasshopper... you will be richly rewarded.

Nonoise loved his Tonians so much he couldn't even spell the manufacturer correctly. 
Nope, I never give anything up.  I just get them out of storage and hook them up. :-)  Currently loving my B&W Nautlius 805's and Thiel CS .5's. 
I had a pair of VonSchweikert DB-99 serial# 001. I kinda wish I had them back.
I sold my Infinite Slope model 1.8 speakers in the mid 90s. Just picked up a pair of model 2.0s.  They're sound strikes a bullseye on my auditory G spot. 
Jim, if you mean a predecessor to the .7 itself, no, there wasn’t---there was no Magnepan MG .6. But there were predecessors to the 1.7 and the 3.7, those being the 1.6 and the 3.6. Both of those had xovers that allowed them to be bi-amped. The series xovers in the 1.7 and 3.7 do not allow bi-amping. At it’s price, bi-amping the MG .7 seems out of balance, expenditure-wise.

To bpd24,   I did not know  there was a predecessor to Maggie  .7.

I never seen one advertised on Audiogon. Though, there always  several 1.6 and 1.7. on sale 

Supposedly, there is a new 1.7 called the one point 1.7i 

P.S. I wish Magneplanar would stop using those half-ass speaker connector, or is there a adapter for them to accommodate banana plugs and spade lugs,     Thanks, SJ 

I'm thinking of re-buying for secondary system JBL4333 or similar L-300 for my MAC 1900 receiver based secondary system.


That's interesting. I preferred the SP100 overall, but I don't know exactly why. Between the two, I would say bass control was the same. The 9/1 has to be the most beautiful speaker they ever built though.

One real good reason for getting the .6 version of any of the MG series Maggies is that their crossovers allow them to be bi-amped; the crossovers in the .7 versions do not.

Having relaminated my magnepan 1.4s I would buy a pair in need of repair if the price was right. Once you do the repairs once the intimidation factor is gone and the results are fantastic speakers with years of use left.

Normansizemore, how much power would you recommend for the EPI 350?  I have a pair, but I've never driven them with more than 80 watts.

Roxy54, I never had any experience with the SP100, only the S100.  I prefer the 9/1 over the S100.  The bass is much better controlled.
I thought I was alone. Did most of mine. I still have four sets of reruns in my room. Thank goodness they're all stand mounts!
dunlavy sc-V.... well first i found a pair of SC-IV As then later ran into the true rebuy of the SC-V's.   I still play around an usually have one other pair of high end speakers around, but always go back to the dunlavy