Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.
@ milpai,

Thanks for your reply, this conditioner seems to be a real winner!

@wig,I feel it made a big difference in my system. So I would say, yes, it it a winner. I have added 2 pics of this unit in my system.
@ milpai

You have been very helpful and your system and listening space looks amazing!

@wig ,Thank You for your kind words.I hope you get to try the Inakustik AC-3500p in your system. I have no doubt that it will enhance your excellent system.

Going to order one of these 3500P and hopefully it will be transformative in my system as well and maybe I will not need my basic SR Grounding Block.

Can't wait to hear in my system and I also went with the upgraded 2502F Power Cord.

@wig,This is awesome. I will DEFINITELY look forward to read your comments on this unit. Especially because you have experience with power conditioners before - I see the Shunyata Hydra and CPT 1200 in your system.You got me thinking into the 2502F power cord. Will look into it, since @bacardi also seems thrilled with it.
Here are a few conditioners I have owned in the last 8 years and hoping the AC 3500P will be the last:

- Torus CS-15
- Shunyata Hydra
- Audience Auricap Version
- Running Springs Jaco
- Core Power Technology 1200

See my system page on all the modification I completed on my CPT; easily 20% improvement across the board.

Well @wig, I am like a kindergartner when it comes to power conditioning. This is my first real serious power conditioning. I took a leap of faith, reading owner experiences here, online reviews and talking to Robert.You on the other hand are a college graduate. Hope my experience is still relevant in your system, especially after you have experienced so many power conditioners.As I said before; I will be eager to hear about your experience. Which of the above list of conditioners do you still own? Any comparisons will be fun to read.
From the looks of the design and from actual users, I think it's going to be an eye opener especially after 7-10 days of 24 hour burn-in.

See PM on my experience with CPT and it's what I am using now but highly tweaked and modified by me :)

Listening to Chris Jones Moonstruck album, and I am amazed by the musicality and clarity of the system. I wonder how the Inakustik power cord will improve on this. Ridiculous I say.
BTW, I am burning in the power  conditioner by running the dehumidifier off it, when I am not listening to the system. I believe, I have put about 100 hours on it.
Has anyone tried a subwoofer (s) through the 3500P? If so what were the differences from a dedicated line or separate outlet?
It is also really nice to see so many members liking this Conditioner. It is truly a work of art....
I am so excited about this AC 3500P, should arrive on Friday. Now the long burn-in process...


After a full week of burn-in, I can now report that the 3500P is superior in every way to my modded CPT 1200 Balance Power Conditioner; even quieter than the CPT with an SR Basic Grounding Block, lower floor noise, deeper/wider sound stage and a richer/more vibrant presentation.

I suspect more improvements as the unit accumulate more hours on the outlets and wiring.

Wow! the picture of the insides doesn’t look like much. How much does it cost?

Aniwolf. Thanks for the help.
Still looks empty inside compared to the size of the chassis.


@rja ,
I have the black color. Check out the pics on my system page.

@ozzy ,
Yes, the internals doesn't look like much. Same thing cane be said when you compare a 1960 computer to a desktop today. But it is the results that matter. Honestly, this power conditioner is something special. If you go back and read my older posts, I was really doubting the claims that @bacardi and @tenchi made. But once I got this unit in my system, it was easy to understand why. I know you have the AQ Niagara 7000 that you tweaked. I am not sure, if you get this unit, you would have anything to tweak. Why not try one in your system?
Try inside shots of the older inexpensive Ayre power conditioner, or even the Isotek Aquarius.  Many cases seem oversized wrt the internals.

It would be interesting to compare it to the Niagara 7000.


I agree, but it just seems like overkill to put it in such a large heavy chassis.

In order for them to fit the outlets they needed it to be that size. Take a look at a back image. If anything it looks compact to me. Buy one, test it out and report back?

@rja ,
Do let us know what your experience was. Do you have a power conditioner currently?
Was using a Bybee Stealth.
Recently purchased a used Akiko Corelli as well.
As always, we shall see.
So this week, I ordered a couple of products from Herbies audiolab for my preamp. I ordered the Ultrasonic SS tube dampers and Tall Tender feet. The tube dampers were exactly as I ordered and I I am happy with them. But the tall feet were too tall for the preamp.So I decided to try them under the power conditioner. I had not realized that, with the power conditioner on a shelf (taken from the Salamander rack) sitting on the floor, it was experiencing vibrations from the loudspeakers. Teh tall Tender foot were the necessary remedy to take off those vibrations resulting in a tight bass and imaging.
I’m joining the club, I just bought a 3500p. can you confirm this unit inverts the phase? (I saw the post above about the small triangle on the left side of each outlet).  Why would the do that. My wall outlet is not a schuko so I can’t turn the plug upside down. 
Do you think adding a schuko adapter to the wall socket might be ok soundwise?

I have to agree with ozzy. A power distributor could probably be used with a power conditioner in the same duplex to similar effect for far less money.
Reach out to user @worldwidewholesales, who is the NA dealer and ask him that question. He would have answers for you.
Most members here pat themselves on their back for their fine purchases.  I've tried many conditioners and in my system there are always warts....sometimes weeks of listening is required to hear them. 
I wish people would not respond on stuff they have not used before. And they continue to use the same rant year after year, on power conditioner threads.

@stringreen Your system is your problem not mine. No one can help if your system behaves differently than what they have. On my system, when I added Herbies Footers under 2 components, I was able to make out the difference in presentation. I know my system enough and don't need your validation. I was letting the forum members know about a  review on the product. Read it if you like or move on.
Milpal.......I wasn’t talking to you. Why are you taking such an attitude. Im only talking about my system.... and encouraging all to listen carefully at what any addition/correction sounds like. All too readily, through the years of playing around with this and that black box, I’ve had to put them in the garage never to use them again. I have an all Ayre system. Ayre themselves makes a power conditioner, so I suppose there is some value in them. In my system, I haven’t found one that doesn’t have a wart or two of which I would rather do without.
Re: Herbie....I put them under my Vandersteen's and they absolutely ruined the sound...turned the speakers to mud.  Under other speakers, they may be wonderful, but clearly Vandersteens in my house with my components should be spiked.
You posted immediately after my post. There was no way for me to know that you were NOT commenting on my post. I sincerely apologize if your post was not directed to me.
I agree that people should listen carefully. And in my system, this product did really "jaw dropping" changes. I was assuming that dedicated lines is an "end all be all" for audio system. This thing simply transformed my system for good. And when I put Herbies Tall Tender Footers under it, the imaging simply locked and focus became pretty tight. When I come across such a product, I am thrilled and would like to share that with fellow members here. I was super skeptical before purchasing this product. You can read my first response in this thread and you will know what I am saying.
Regarding Herbies products - I have multiple sets of tender footers under different components. The last component I used the Herbies under, was the preamp. And that tightened the way the loudspeakers imaged the soundstage. I am glad that things worked for me. But understand that I do have a dedicated listening space, by God’s grace, and it makes a difference.

My next upgrade would be the spikes under the loudspeakers, with the Isoacoustic Gaia IIs. @jperry has similar loudspeakers and replacing the spikes with Nordost footers made a major difference in his system. I have demoed the Gaias at AXPONA and heard what they can do. If they don’t work, I can always return them in the trial period. Unfortunately this will not happen so soon.
The Inakustik AC-3500P Power Station is a top notch unit that will subtly, yet incontrovertibly increase your musical enjoyment in any top- notch audiophile system. It’s design is quite unparalleled to other power stations.

When joined with Inakustik’s top of the line ‘reference’ LS-4004 loudspeaker cables, it brings forth a combined increase of musical enjoyment that is quite hard to forget!
Read our preview here:
Has anyone purchased the inakustik 3500 off eBay? There is a seller from Germany who claims to be a licensed seller confering 2 year warrantee, and he messaged me saying he has US models as well (this listed on eBay have euro style plugs). Price is attractive... thoughts?
Did anybody compare this with the revolutionary DR Accoustics Antigone?
  • Patent Pending Noise reduction technology
  •  MQCI Noise reduction technology (Micro Quartz Chamber Isolation System)
  •  ASSITS Vibrations Control Subsystem
  •  Individual phase filtration system
  •  Integrated anti resonance footer
  • Receptacles with Nano Crystal Formula (NCF)
  • Rhodium-plated Alpha pure copper receptacles
  • Multistage Point to point Wiring (No PCB)
  • Cryogenic internal Cabling
  • 4 AWG Ultra-pure Copper internal Wire
  • No current limiting fuse or breaker.

What conditioner do you currently own? Get both and return the one that did not work for you.
Just noticed this in fine print on inside back cover of user manual.

"This product is NOT intended for the United Sates of America or territories
that belong to the USA, and may not be used in these countries."

Huh? WTF does that mean? Kind of weird don’t yah think? I'm more than curious.
Mine has US outlets and was purchased from the Canadian importer and is currently in use.
If anyone has clarification please let me know.
@rja ,
I had a similar concern when I got this power conditioner and began using it. I had reached out to the dealer and he mentioned that the manual inside is a European manual and that statement does not apply to the US model.
Yeah, I wish they had printed a manual specifically for the US model.

Yes, milpai is correct (one manual for all versions/countries). I Have the Schuko version and have the same manual (which in my case, makes sense).

The Inakustik AC-3500 power station is not your ordinary run of the mill product. And their matching LS-4004 Air Technology Speaker Cables are to my amazement, something quite extraordinary! 
See preview:
Anyone considering the 3500P unit: they are having a $2400 free shipping special right now.

Mine arrived today and it shipped yesterday from Canada to me in Kentucky via DHL.

Thanks to you folks for sharing and I can't wait to hook it up. Kinda busy with work and the kitchen remodel!

Almost bought some Isotek devices but am glad I stumbled across this thread while googling for reviews. Thanks guys! I am sure it will everything you say it is.
@bugredmachine ,Welcome to the club. I see that you have 2 systems. Which one was the power conditioner for? Would definitely like to know what you think about the change in sound after introducing the unit in your system.
Forgot I had multiple systems here. I actually need to update the info as I moved to Kentucky and have a new system in a nice upstairs room. I put down mass loaded vinyl on the floor before the new laminate. It worked pretty well.

Still have the Sashas, Bricasti M1, Pass XP12, Jena labs, DCCA and Verastarr power cables, and now a Luxman M800A amp. I was plugging the amp into the 20 amp circuit and the dac and pre into a BPT balanced unit.

About 3 weeks ago I received the Shunyata Sigma USB cable. It was transformational: black background, delicacy and refinement of the soundstage, and a very nice tone to everything. Very nice.

So when the USB cable kicked everything up significantly I saw the power as the weak spot. When I looked for Isotek reviews I came across comparisons to the Inakustik unit and became intrigued. Pretty much everything you folks have mentioned is true. I hooked up everything to the Inakustik to go all in. 

Bass is cleaner. The clarity is amazing. Like adding another Sigma cable. I really like the real-ness of the instruments and voices. Almost scary. I think we all hope our systems can sound this good and we probably forget our speakers are capable of much more than we typically provide them. People knock Wilson speakers, and I've looked for alternatives recently, but the sound now is just phenomenal. Now I'm swinging back to what could be a weak link and that is the IC's.

Thanks again fellas!
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