Do prefer a black or silver faceplate?

I have owned very few pieces of black faced audio gear in my time.
When I have the option I tend to lean towards the silver model.
How bout you? Do you have a preference or does it even matter?
Silver because it's kinder and gentler. When everything is just right it looks like a thousand points of light.
When I got my first full size system, I chose all-black components and loved them. These days, I prefer silver faceplates so my tastes have changed over time.
I only knew Michael Jackson who did similar and never went back...-)
Depends on the gear, my high end 2 channel rig? I like silver.

For HT I prefer black as it is visually less likely to stand out during a film.
I've owned black and silver. Preferred black for many years but my latest purchases have been silver. One thing I don't like is mixed, some silver and some black.
Silver face plates work for me. Most of my gear have silver face plates with touches of black. I really like brushed silver face plates.
When I have silver, I like silver.
When I have black, I like black.

All the best,
Black. But probably that's influenced by my prior system being silver, for the most part.

Although whenever I see Jolida components in silver, I wonder if I'd go silver if I ever bought Jolida.
It never made a difference to me. As a matter of fact I have mixed gear in both black and silver.
Silver has the nice horizontal grain just faintly visible with the super clean silk screening you just don't get to appreciate in the black finish.
I feel the same way when it's comes to my choice of a wood finish. Never ever black.
Silver, I find black components dull and drab looking. Wood panels done
tastefully is my first choice. Wood has a beauty and natural warmth that
just isn't possible with metals.
I mostly prefer black, but with gold, gold/brown combinations, or other colors mixed in for contrast/visual diversity. I would find everything the same color to be visually boring.

-- Al
In regards to Fender original 60's amplifiers, I prefer the blackface.
They look better AND sound better.
I've always really liked the gold/champagne finish, but almost no one does it anymore. I also adore gear that has wood panels or accents, but alas, that is no longer in vogue either.

Most of my current gear is black.
I tend to prefer black. I've found too much variance among "silver" between the manufacturers. That being said, I have a Line Magnetic 518IA (gold/copper) and a Manley Chinook (blue/purple) so I guess when I vote with my dollar, it's neither.