Disappointing On Mcintosh......help

 3 Months ago  I went to NYC and stopped by the WOM  and auditioned several MCintosh gear...........and left a bit disappointed or not impressed...then I told myself   " lets give a second shot"  and went today to a  HIFI store and again Good room accoustics10K speakers , MC Preamp , MC Amplifier........ and again  the same disappointment I felt 3 month earlier.

Is that the "warm" sound people reffer to about Mcintosh?  
The sound is ample, base is powerfull  but the the sound is simply  not to clear, the hights are not too "crisp"  It sounds like the treble is set at 3 and needs to be adjusted at 9 or 10.
It seems like  the sound is  coming through a thin layer of paper ...that is the way I describe that sound.  

Then 20 minutes later I auditioned a Parasound A21+ and a JC5 and the sound was more clear and the highs were crispier

Whats your take on my experience?  or That is the MC "warm sound? 


I believe that some of the Magnolia stores inside Best Buy sell McIntosh, but just the less expensive ones.  The regular Best Buy doesn't sell McIntosh to my knowledge.

Depending on preferences, room acoustics, cables  and choice of

speakers, McIntosh is well made and easy to like/listen too.  Eventually you may hear the slightest of veils over the sound but it will not be offensive.  If the overall mix of equipment is leaner, then it may go unnoticed.  In total?  Great stuff.  I’ve owned many brands and technologies…for me, Class A Krell sounds best to me.  Many wonderful choices are available today…listen and enjoy 😊 

This thread is the poster child child for applying one’s own filter when digesting audio forum comments, especially empassioned ones. Some posts will ridicule other’s strong preferences and then follow up with absolutist statements of their own...

Not a Mc Fan here either, just never could like them no matter how much i tried too. They do have good resale value which i feel this is a plus bonus point.

Their Glory days were back in history---The brand image is so strong people will over look SQ for Meters, dials and resale value.

As people have mentioned a great sounding system relies on system synergy. 

I have heard Mac source and amplification sound uninspiring and even atrocious paired with GoldenEar and Sonus Faber speakers.  

I have also heard it sound about as good as sound can get with Magico speakers.  Also really nice with B&W diamond series speakers.  A to die for system with their recent cook top hybrid integrated amps and Klipsch heritage, especially the Fortes.  

Also their amplifiers can sound better when matched with non Mac preamps.  

Again, best of the best when matched up correctly- and they eliminate something that many reasonably priced solid state amplifiers struggle with- grain and sibilance.  The Macs have zero of either.    

In the current market Mcintosh is a bargain. The Mc611’s really brought my KEF Blades to life 

Mc (601s) with SF (Amati) is a brilliant combination—dynamic and smooth as hell. I have a separate system with an A21 and Tekton speakers that does not hold a candle to my Mc system. The A21 is dull in comparison with a flat sound stage. Wait, they are in different rooms. A +1 to the synergy comments—so much is in play. Before calling out a brand as good as bad, consider your room and all your components. Take it a step at a time and find what suits you.

+1 @steve59 

My 611s with my KEF R1 Metas are magical. The bass/mid-bass would have you believe I am running a sub. 

For me at least it is not about being a Mc hater.  When I got reinvigorated in chasing great sound, I went through lots of equipment.  PS Audio, Stellar, sent it back for BHK, sold it.  Tried Audionet Preamp and loved it.  Tried Parasound JC1+'s, but fell in love with Audionet MAX amps.  Got a nice Tube Mc preamp (new) in for home demo.  I wanted to LOVE it!  I did!  It was dull and flat sounding compared to Audionet.  Not over etched or harsh.  Just great resolution and more life in the music.  Now I have top of the line Audionet amps and preamp and oh my so good.  Not about hating, about choosing.  Resolving SS gear needs to be special to not be fatiguing. 

Just received a McIntosh MC312 power amplifier (latest generation, 300 WPC). 

Running it through its paces now and there is nothing to be critical of here- except the size and weight of the carton !  more later.........

My amplifiers are Pass Labs and First Watt but in 1972 my wife and I bought a McIntosh MX110 preamp/tuner and MC2105 power amp.  The 2105 has never been serviced but here over a half century later it is still playing music in the basement party room at my son's house.  Reliability counts.

My Chevy will kick your Ford or Chrysler to the curb!

Oh wait. I switched to Toyota over 30 years ago and haven't look back. Buy what you like and what sounds good to you. Your good may not be my good. Quality and reliability count. Hard to listen to your gear while it's in the shop.. .