Disappointing On Mcintosh......help

 3 Months ago  I went to NYC and stopped by the WOM  and auditioned several MCintosh gear...........and left a bit disappointed or not impressed...then I told myself   " lets give a second shot"  and went today to a  HIFI store and again Good room accoustics10K speakers , MC Preamp , MC Amplifier........ and again  the same disappointment I felt 3 month earlier.

Is that the "warm" sound people reffer to about Mcintosh?  
The sound is ample, base is powerfull  but the the sound is simply  not to clear, the hights are not too "crisp"  It sounds like the treble is set at 3 and needs to be adjusted at 9 or 10.
It seems like  the sound is  coming through a thin layer of paper ...that is the way I describe that sound.  

Then 20 minutes later I auditioned a Parasound A21+ and a JC5 and the sound was more clear and the highs were crispier

Whats your take on my experience?  or That is the MC "warm sound? 

Showing 13 responses by stereo5


There are two kinds of people in this world, those that love McIntosh, and those that can’t afford it. I used that back in the 70’s when we sold McIntosh. I would say it if the customer was on the fence and got them every time.

Seriously, McIntosh is great equipment.  The people that don't like it may have not gotten a very good audition with mismatched components.  Audio stores used lots of tricks back in the day, like putting a particular set of speakers out of phase on purpose so we could sell other brands with more profit margin.  Don't worry what the others think. you can't go wrong with that brand.  I love all my Mac gear and anyone who tells me my system isn't resolving enough only has to come over and listen.  You will have to pick your jaw off the floor though before you leave.
The McIntosh haters can all convene in my living room and upstairs room and listen to my 2 McIntosh based systems.  When listening to my living room system, wear a diaper as you may soil yourself.  You will also need to pick your jaw off the floor before leaving. Nuff said. 

I have a similar story and ended up with a McIntosh C2500 and MC302.  I am extremely satisfied and I love the generous amount of inputs and outputs, adjusting Moving Coil impedance on the fly by remote, bass and treble controls...I could go on and on.  The amp sounds so effortless, plenty of power for my speakers.  
I see the McIntosh haters are out in full force tonight.  I have 2 Mac systems and very seldom have to use the tone controls but if the recording needs a boost then I use them.  I have never heard dull or shrill sound from my systems.  I had a couple of guys over 2 weeks ago, one of them is an Audiogoner and both loved my 2 systems.  My Audiogon friend has Pass Electronics and Magnepan 3.7i and VPI table.  He loved the sound of my system, and no, he wasn't being polite.

Don't diss Mac because of a bad demo.  It is well made, lifetime lasting, excellent sounding equipment.  Everyone here may not like the brand, but they sell a lot and I am glad I bought from a big company who can take care of my equipment for years to come.  A distant friend just had them make a new glass front for his 1971 tuner.  How many other companies can or will do that?

Funny you should mention that, McIntosh as of late has gotten rave reviews in Tone Audio, TAS, Stereophile,  plus many online reviewing  sites.  Are you saying the reviewers are lying or that they and I are deaf?  Have you ever owned McIntosh?  That was quite a broad statement to make without backing it up.

It is amazing how much detail a Mac has without being overly clinical. You have echoed my sentiments exactly.  +5
Lots of McIntosh haters posting in this thread. For the record, I hate overly detailed sound.   I can do without that extra brightness that is all the rage now.   The manufacturers do it on purpose to have too much detail. That way, you will never be satisfied with the sound and will constantly be spending more and more money.  
As the supporters of this hobby get older and die, manufacturers need to come up with new ways to keep us spending.  Overly detailed sound is one way for them to get more money. 
I have a MA6600 in my secondary system and it’s the best integrated I have yet heard in my system.  It has great synergy driving a pair of GE Triton Ones. Previously I had a Parasound Halo Integrated and a Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated and it was no contest. 

Excellent score on the C2500.  I paid $4100.00 for mine, used from Audio Classics.  If you think it sounds good with the McIntosh branded tubes (JJ), try a pair of the Gold Lion 12AX7 tubes in the line stage.  It will take the preamp to another level while retaining the wonderful McIntosh sound.
As an owner of many McIntosh components, I take umbrage in saying it is a popular brand of the maga crowd. I am not nor would ever be associated with those type of people.


I believe that some of the Magnolia stores inside Best Buy sell McIntosh, but just the less expensive ones.  The regular Best Buy doesn't sell McIntosh to my knowledge.