Did you know....?

Little known facts about music, musicians, and their work.

Did you know that Nora Jones was Ravi Shankar's daughter?
Stewart Copeland played polo against Prince Charles.

The funny disharmonious chord at the beginning of Roxanne was an accident when Sting leaned against the piano - they kept the take!

Phil Collins discovered the famous gated drum sound quite by accident.
The Beach Boys are pictured wearing Pendleton shirts on the cover of their 1st album, Surfin' Safari. The shirt was popular with surfers and surfer-wanna-be's at the time, which was a factor in them choosing that as their name.
Pendletons in Southern California? A little too warm, I would think.

...That David Bowie's first wife, Angela, claims the Stones' song Angie resulted from her catching Bowie & Jagger in bed together nude?
...that the Beach Boys were supposed to be called The Pendletones after the Pendletone woolen shirts that were fashionable at the time?  And that the only Beach Boy who actually surfed was Dennis Wilson?
....that Mick Jagger and Ron Wood used to collaborate on song writing way before he joined the band.  And furthermore, did you know Ronnie wrote most of the song "Its only rock and roll" and gave it to Mick to finish with Keith....
Mo Tucker of Velvet Underground Fame went on to be.... 

a greeter at Walmart. Ouch.

Good one! 

Did you know they both used ATC speakers for monitoring....
...that when The Rolling Stones were recording Blue and Lonesome just by coincidence Eric Clapton was also working on a new album at the same studio. They asked him to join them, which he did, for one song. 
 .....that The Band's The Shape I'm In was written by Robbie Robertson about Richard Manuel's bouts with depression and desperation and that it was originally mixed and engineered by Todd Rundgren; but later sent to Britain to be remixed by Glyn Johns?
Russell Crowe is a musician and good buddies with Alan Doyle of Canadian band Great Big Sea. They often play together with Russel joining the band. As a return favor Russel had Alan Doyle act in his movie Robin Hood.
Stewart Copeland's brother was nicknamed Leroy Coolbreeze when he served in Vietnam.

You remember well, my very first (12th b'day, 1964, baltimore, with my dear dad).  

Seems this adds credence to your version!

I recall from one of your past posts that you have actually been to a Beatles concert ? 

Have a look at Paul's port side elbow ... here

My money is on the Canadian story. :^) 
Stewart Copeland had 12 horses and once played Polo against Prince Charles and won.
Paul claims the name Sgt Pepper came from combining the words salt and pepper.  I tend to believe Paul about this.
Chris, there’s a new book out by Ed Ward, entitled The History of Rock & Roll (Volume One 1920-1963). There is a fair amount of information new to me about The Beatles very early days, and the pre-Elvis roots of R & R. Well worth anyone’s time to read. Volume Two is to follow sometime in the future. Ward is a pretty good writer, not a great one imo.
I’m surprised you didn't know Eric (bdp24). If I was on one of those millionaire dollar game shows, and it was a music question; had one life line left, a phone call....I would call you. 8^0

Well I’m Canadian and did not know either. It was the anniversary of the album and it was in the news here. According to the coverage, Sgt Pepper took the Beatles security duty seriously, even though he thought they were "ruffians and hooligans"

No Chris, but I do know that that album is one of, if not the, most over-rated albums in history. In my opinion, of course! Amongst The Beatles albums, I much prefer both Rubber Soul and Revolver.
Did you know that Sgt. Pepper, of "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band", was a Canadian Police officer assigned to the Beatles security when they were in Toronto for two concerts.

Waylon Jennings gave up his seat on the plane to The Big Bopper, the rest is history.
Steppenwolf releases "The Pusher" and "Snowblind Friend" were written by country singer/songwriter Hoyt Axton. His Mother Mae Boren Axton wrote many songs including "Heartbreak Hotel".
David Bowie's real name was David Jones but he didn't want to compete with Davey Jones of the Monkees.
Did you know that Nora Jones was Ravi Shankar's daughter?

Don't forget Anoushka Shankar, the famous sitar player. I have several of her albums. 
What a coincidence! Bill Gates was also a Harvard dropout and is rich. 
Graham Parsons' real name was Cecil Conner III, and he was a rich kid Harvard (one semester) dropout.
Speaking of Rick James...Charlie Murphy and he used to kick it back in the day until Rick went out of control and wrecked Eddie's couch!  
Neil Young and Rick James were in a band together, The Mynah Birds, in Canada in the 60's.

There are two bluesmen named Sonny Boy Williamson, both well-known. The first was really named Williamson, the second, even more well-known, took his name.
Mike Balzary and Keith Barry founded Silverlake Conservatory of Music (non-profit school). They raise money for the school regularly.
....it's funny what we notice about the people we listen to.  And how talent seems to run in the family DNA, but expresses itself differently...

I'll suppose that trait is typical for all of us, but sometimes you look about and go 'Huh?  So, what happened here?" *LOL*

Sorry, just a snide aside....;)
Strawberry Alarm Clock! Oh no!
The answer to Rita Coolidge/Bill Withers Is Booker T. Jones. He produced both of them and married Rita's sister.
Marcie Campbell (wife of Mike of Tom Petty and Heart Breakers) runs a charity for dogs and they have many rescue dogs on their Woodland Hills property and even Chinese chickens and pot belly pigs! Really nice people.
Warren Haynes (Allman Bros.,Gov't Mule) co-wrote the Garth Brooks hit song "Two of a Kind (Workin' on a Full House)".
@geoffkait   -  Is that John Voight the dentist or Jon Voight the actor?