Did you know....?

Little known facts about music, musicians, and their work.

Did you know that Nora Jones was Ravi Shankar's daughter?

Showing 4 responses by bdp24

The Beach Boys are pictured wearing Pendleton shirts on the cover of their 1st album, Surfin' Safari. The shirt was popular with surfers and surfer-wanna-be's at the time, which was a factor in them choosing that as their name.
Chris, there’s a new book out by Ed Ward, entitled The History of Rock & Roll (Volume One 1920-1963). There is a fair amount of information new to me about The Beatles very early days, and the pre-Elvis roots of R & R. Well worth anyone’s time to read. Volume Two is to follow sometime in the future. Ward is a pretty good writer, not a great one imo.
No Chris, but I do know that that album is one of, if not the, most over-rated albums in history. In my opinion, of course! Amongst The Beatles albums, I much prefer both Rubber Soul and Revolver.
Yeah yeah, reubent! Chip and Carrie also have a couple of studio albums, good stuff.