Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
"Do you see the lunatic world we have created here?" 
Ah, yes, I see. Does the giant brain care to share any more of his HIPAA protected information on the audio forum?
Post removed 
Instead of being pissed off and grumpy why don’t you show some F’ing gratitude that you either survived:  1. Covid. A disease thats taken almost 400,000 lives in this country. Or 2. Community acquired pneumonia, which still is around the number 8 cause of death in this country.
It’s a novel disease, FFS. Treatments are evolving as are the tests for it. Just be grateful your alive and healthy and stop lashing out.
Geez, miller.
That’s the longest answer to a simple yes so no question I’ve ever seen.
Did you ever get around to answering? I fell asleep.


Hang in there and good luck with your next procedure and speedy recovery. 

"They repeated the test and the second time got the result they wanted, positive. This result for some reason they believe. Not the first one."

If you are really interested in learning about this, I will try to explain. Just ask.
To make the thread dreamy again, I am taking orders for fourth round. Just to know how much money I have to bring.

Everyone is invited.
Unless I spaced out (reading this thread) I missed the Dinner menu.

Got the drinks down (3 fingers of Wild Turkey 81 for me - thanks in advance Glupson), but...

What's for dinner?

@jperry - "I would be happy to have a Colonel Taylor with you. Let’s see if they have a bottle of single barrel."

You my friend I'll be hanging out with. Nice, nice bottle.

Thanks everyone for the responses. The only thing I find truly disappointing with this is waiting so long to meet you all. 
Post removed 
"Unless I spaced out (reading this thread) I missed the Dinner menu."

There is no dinner menu. Bar opens at 10 am, I think.

"Got the drinks down (3 fingers of Wild Turkey 81 for me..."

I am sorry, but 3 does not go well with 81. Esthetics first. It will have to be 6.
Can they legally serve Shirley Temples at 10am??!
What sort of hedonistic Devil's Den is Illinois, anyway??

Glupson- “There is no dinner menu. Bar opens at 10 am, I think.“

Pre-party starts at 9:00.
Wow...enlightening indeed. Teo  is obviously either insane or mentally challenged.  MC is something else altogether...pseudo intellectual comes to mind.  Anyway...someone said meet me at the bar?  I’m in...right after my DNA altering vaccinations kick in!

My education and professional background allow me to make the above comments with a satisfactory degree of confidence.
Taking into consideration prices of equipment that would be exhibited, is it fair to ask for them to be demoed at the bar?
"Can they legally serve Shirley Temples at 10am??!"

I do not think that serving drinks legally has been a custom in Chicago ever since Al Capone.
We mutation enabled intelligent monkeys, existing between inhospitable epochs, have much to celebrate, for a very brief time.  Relax, imbibe and listen 👂 
glupson, an invite ought to do it to the ’preferred invitees’ Stuff... ;) ’borrowing’ with a couple of hand trucks....

Now, I don’t want to start the endless dis-cuss-ion of ’what’, ’how’, ’whatever, as long as it’s placed Away from the bar....*sigh* ;)

@ dave_b the sunset against the walls....*s*
jond4 ... But what if she is correct? I’ll pass on a covid 19 vaccination...

Pfizer’s corrupt past...

The appointment of Dr. Bernard Prigent, vice-president and medical director of Pfizer Canada, to the Governing Council of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, outraged many Canadian health researchers. Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards. The $2.3-billion settlement in September 2009 – a month before Dr. Prigent’s appointment – set a new record for both criminal fines and total penalties. A link with Pfizer might well advance the commercialization of Canadian research – unhindered by law or morality. Is that now the only mandate, Dr. Beaudet?
Always interesting to see how seemingly intelligent people can find a way downtown to Batshit Crazy Avenue!
Ok mapman...I’ll watch it again!  I mean, uhumm, I’ll watch it out of courtesy to you. It’s not like I’ve seen it before or several times over and over again or anything 😅 
Always interesting to see how seemingly intelligent people can find a way downtown to Batshit Crazy Avenue!


Practice makes perfect.

mapman18,293 posts01-13-2021 9:37am

Seemed like a good thread to share this.

Even lockdowns have their bright spots.


Make that a double.. Wow.. My kind of neighbor..

No Regard, pure LUST... I’m in...:-)

Now Regard that...

I knew Robert Fripp ( the guy on the left playing guitar if you look carefully) was revered,  very cool, cerebral, legendary guitar player, helped invent prog rock, always cutting edge, legend in general already, etc., but never guessed.....

This cements his legacy for sure!
"I am taking orders for fourth round. Just to know how much money I have to bring."

Glupson, "one word...plastics"

I considered that, and may have to use it if enough people show up, but I am old school. I prefer paying cash and bartenders rarely complain about cash tips. In short, no worries, fourth round will be covered one way or another. Everybody is welcome.
How did Pfizer’s legal woes end up in this thread?

Crazy crazy crazy

Sure an Ear opening, Eye catching pair, for sure... They we're very good in my opinion. I can see just fine too.

When I see jewels like that, I KNOW I can still learn a trick or two.. If not just to pay better attention. Yup..


Another point

I have my Sars - Cov apt tomorrow # 1.

I swear I been stuck 100 times in the last 6 months..

Mercy, I felt like I'm goin' back to the Congo to work. I hate vaccination shots.  They can get you real sore.. Safe or Sorry.... SAFE for me and mine.

Be of good cheer one and all.. if not well F......... never mind.. and fill in the blank.. :-)

It seems that, for many, second dose is less comfortable than the first one. Do not be surprised. Good luck.

Ever thought of writing your autobiography?
No joke, I'm certain it would make fascinating reading.
@aolmrd1241  If you don't trust Pfizer what about Moderna? I mean come on the FDA here and counterparts in other countries have approved and tested the vaccine. You can look at any giant corporation and find fines etc. What matters is does the vaccine work? Your "expert" has no expertise in infections disease whatsoever. Her opinions are meaningless and contradict professional medical opinion.

I understand the need to find someone who sounds like they know what they're talking about that gives your own opinions validations. It doesn't mean you should and it certainly doesn't mean you or she are correct.
Personally, I’m going for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine when possible.
Fascinating stuff...
You all should have faith in the Pfizer vaccine. Don’t forget they make Viagra....if they can raise the dead, they can sure save the living 😂
"I mean come on the FDA here and counterparts in other countries have approved and tested the vaccine."

To be correct, FDA has not approved any Coronavirus vaccine and all the tests have been done (or have been organized) by manufacturers.
I have complete faith in the Pfizer vaccine. I simply assess the J&J vaccine as a superior product.
As for Viagra, don't get one stuck in your throat.
I had a stiff neck for four hours...
So it is Johnson & Johnson vs. Pfizer & Pfizer cocktail.

(any use of words Johnson and cocktail in this discussion is purely coincidental)
The vaccines are perfectly safe. According to the corporate email I got only 2% of our employees to get the vaccine have required ED treatment, and only half of those wound up in ICU. None of our 5500 have died, that we know of, but that was a couple weeks ago.  

There's multiple hospitals in CA where more than half the staff are refusing the vaccine. For some reason they aren't doing much of a job of informing the general public of the ten times normal incidence of problems nor the thousand times greater than normal amount of health care professionals refusing to be guinea pigs, er I mean receive the vaccine.  

But hey, you got to break a few eggs to make a Viagra joke, or however the saying goes.
"...only 2% of our employees to get the vaccine have required ED treatment, and only half of those wound up in ICU."

Only women ended up in ICU?
jond4... I never claimed that Cahill was an expert and certainly neither am I. There is always two sides to a coin.. What  I do know and live by no one and assume nothing. With a track record like Pfizer’s..can you really trust the motives behind that company’s past and present lack of integrity with the demons they harbor within their own company’s business culture? If people chose to use their product..well have at it..but for me I will take a pass..until I have been enlightened contrary to what the powers that be seem seem to want.. which is a quick fix for a very complicated disease.....Stay safe!
" what the powers that be seem seem to want.. which is a quick fix for a very complicated disease..."

I want that too.
"...the motives behind that company’s past and present lack of integrity..."

If you care to share examples of present lack of integrity with public. A number of regulatory bodies, health, financial, etc., might be interested.
"I knew Robert Fripp ( the guy on the left playing guitar if you look carefully) was revered, very cool, cerebral, legendary guitar player, helped invent prog rock, always cutting edge, legend in general already, etc., but never guessed.....

This cements his legacy for sure! "
Got to talk to Robert on several occasions. Great guy although extremely weird. Glad to see he finally found a good woman. Nice video but I much prefer this one: skip to 1:20 for the famous Robert Fripp Death Stare.