Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
In summary, even as efforts should be made to encourage populations to get vaccinated it should be done so with humility and respect. Stigmatizing populations can do more harm than good. Importantly, other non-pharmacological prevention efforts (e.g., the importance of basic public health hygiene with regards to maintaining safe distance or handwashing, promoting better frequent and cheaper forms of testing) needs to be renewed in order to strike the balance of learning to live with COVID-19 in the same manner we continue to live a 100 years later with various seasonal alterations of the 1918 Influenza virus.
Great post thanks...
I found this one yesterday mahgister. 

“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which one it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it”
Mahgister, your audio posts were always ponderous but well meaning. Your vaccine posts are equally ponderous but now you are dangerous and serve only to promote self importance and mitigate your insecurity. Have you had a talk with your primary physician?
Someone already answered better than me to the first part of your post what i would have been answered...

But i cannot let unanswered your acusation....

15 months ago HERE i had an intense discussion here where the same accusation against me of killing people was claimed because i spoke about Didier Raoult and his hydroxychloroquine for low cost treatment...And i spoke about Dr Zelenko treatment inspired by Raoult... The debate was absolutely politicized in US and my opponont here defended the now proved poison remdesivir treatment and the injonction to wait till intubation and vaccines to comes because they are supposedly no treatments...The climate of fear was astonishing...And artificially entertained...

You perhaps know about remdesivir and faulty diagnostic about ventilators use ? If not read....

Then who was killing people by advice? Not me by repeating the instruction of 2 doctors who were treating already thousands and thousands of people successfully....Without falling in the fear...

I dont give a dam about my importance here, i am retired and needing friends i had some here tough... I discuss the audio subjects and others one with all here thats all...

Then keep your false accusations of killing by untruths in your pocket...Serve them for yourself with your MASS VACCINATION MANDATES...

And if you read my posts you surely have noted that i think a rational vaccination politic implicate always treatments, and the right for ANY doctors to do so FREELY without any interfering corporate or political or TECHNOCRATIC  power between the patient and the doctors... Treatments and vacccines must be chosen in relation between the needs and the different age of these different groups... Vaccination and treatments are the TWO NECESSARY TOOLS for answering to these different groups... Is it clear?

It is not lesson i take out of my pocket, i give reference to top epidemiologists for the sake of rational discussions between free citizens...Like Gert van den Bossche and Nobel Luc Montagnier one of the first to alert the world about fear and liers...

i am against stupidity not vaccination.... I am against the crime perpetrated by MANDATED MASS VACCINATION .... I want rational and informed vaccination with a benefits/risk analysis versus protocol low cost treatments tools ...

Read my posts before accusing me ....

Fauci kill people, Raoult in France and Mccullough in the States or Dr Kory or Dr Zelenko did not....

I apologize for my "ponderous " posts.... I never spoke english in my life and never read Shakespeare in english... I have read only english in badly redacted english science prose and heavy philosophy books with their limited abstracted lexicon all my life.... Then my english is heavy, limited and ponderous....Quebec is a french speaking city mainly and one the last "big" one....
Ponderous NOT, thoughtful YES.

One has to read and then REREAD as many times it TAKES to TRULY understand all people. 

And then times we still can’t fully understand…..
to the people accusing this study of having fake numbers.

#1. Chattahoochee County- Population that is fully vaccinated: 99.9% (26,567 fully vaccinated)
--- 162.9% higher vaccination rate than Georgia
- Population over 65 that is fully vaccinated: 99.9% (1,775 fully vaccinated)
--- 38.9% higher vaccination rate than Georgia
- Cumulative deaths per 100k: 156 (17 total deaths)
--- 23.5% less deaths per 100k residents than Georgia
- Cumulative cases per 100k: 44,109 (4,811 total cases)
--- 304.5% more cases per 100k residents than Georgia


"One has to read and then REREAD as many times it TAKES to TRULY understand all people.

And then times we still can’t fully understand….."

Language can be a very slippery communication tool, but it's the best one we have so far.

Anyway, how about a few words from Mike Yeadon, someone who probably knows more on this contentious subject than most of us here?

Also for the people claiming numbers are fake in that study. Please learn to do better research. 

#1. McKinley County- Population that is fully vaccinated: 96.0% (68,537 fully vaccinated)
--- 57.6% higher vaccination rate than New Mexico
- Population over 65 that is fully vaccinated: 99.9% (11,539 fully vaccinated)
--- 13.0% higher vaccination rate than New Mexico
- Cumulative deaths per 100k: 685 (489 total deaths)
--- 214.2% more deaths per 100k residents than New Mexico
- Cumulative cases per 100k: 18,762 (13,390 total cases)
--- 65.0% more cases per 100k residents than New Mexico

These are the credentials of the authors.

1Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, Cambridge, MA USA2Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA USA3Turner Fenton Secondary School, Brampton, ON CanadaS. V. Subramanian, Email: ude.dravrah.hpsh@marbusvs.Corresponding author.
Whew...I'm glad we solved that!!!! 

Vaccinations, insurance and hedging one's circumstances. People will do whatever they are going to do. We utilize none, some or all of these tools or we choose not to. Its not that complicated. Trying to convince someone else firm in their position that their position is incorrect is where the problems arise and emotion kicks in.

Best wishes to everyone whichever way you have chosen.
Since hitting a higher vaccination number cases in McKinley Co have declined as have deaths:

"One thing that worked to the county's advantage in administering the vaccine is having a significant percentage of the county served by the Indian Health Service, he said. Nearly 80% of the county's residents are Native American, according to the U.S. Census.

"A lot of other counties in New Mexico are dependent on local health care systems and private physicians to vaccinate the bulk of their populations," he said. "We were fortunate in that aspect that we have a large presence of Indian Health Service facilities to help take care of that population, which allowed for vaccines to come in directly from the federal government to that site."

The Indian Health Service held drive-thru events at the Fire Rock Casino in Church Rock and did outreach to the Navajo Nation "to make it more convenient" to get the vaccine, Berry said.

The county has lately been focused on bringing people back for their second dose if needed, as well as vaccination efforts in those ages 12 to 16.

Since May 24, the county has reported only three COVID-19 deaths, and the seven-day average of new cases is three, down from a peak of 109 in mid-November, state data shows.

There's still a lot of mask-wearing, though life has started to "look a little more normal," Berry said. "We've come a long way in the last year."

There goes your narrative that vaccines don't work also your narrative that they cause deaths.
Calling truth narrative jond doesn’t make it false.

Truth is mounting it is only a question of people being able to find it and then being willing to confront and not hide from it.

But people once they believe a lie will hold to it like glue and do anything to avoid admitting they were duped. Why? I was duped. I bought into the whole narrative- for several weeks early in 2020. But I kept an open mind. When the sick and dead did not pile up anywhere near what we were told I was willing to confront this new reality.

That is a dirty word by the way, reality. Job One for the NWO is to replace reality with narrative. Whatever they say goes, even when it changes minute to minute.

From the time we first learned about germs spreading disease we have known about immunity. George Washington vaccinated his troops from small pox by rubbing the blisters of the sick with cloth and rubbing that on the skin of the healthy. For three hundred years that has been the definition of "vaccinated".

The literal CDC definition of "vaccine" is - sorry, WAS! - a weakened form of the pathogen that confers immunity. Just so people know, all these pathogens whether viral or whatever are all made of molecules. Your immune system recognizes these and triggers immune response. Your immune system does not respond to "a virus". It responds to some or all of the various molecular shapes that comprise the virus.

Sorry but this is the lowest level of technical knowledge I can think of that makes sense in understanding. It is critically important that you do understand this.

If your immune system learns to recognize just one molecule then it will respond weakly- and maybe not at all if the virus mutates and loses or changes that one part. If your immune system learns to recognize the whole thing the immune response will be robust, powerful, and fast even if the virus mutates.

Okay so remember the original definition: A vaccine is a weakened form of a pathogen that confers immunity. Now you can see exactly why that is. A Weakened form is just about the whole virus. Your body learns to recognize the whole thing.

But then some years ago the definition changed! They dropped "weakened form" and "immunity". Now why would they do that? And now just within the last months the CDC has an even weaker definition. Go look it up if you can find it, with all the search engine censorship going on.

The truth is that by any honest scientifically based definition the so-called "vaccines" are not vaccines at all. They are not weakened forms of the virus. They are not weakened forms of anything. They are mRNA. Go do a little research, learn about mRNA. Messenger RNA is like a genetic program that tells the DNA in your cell nucleus to make something. In this case it is telling your cells to make a molecule that resembles covid.

This is why people are having all these bizarre reactions. This is why the vaccines do not confer immunity, the way a real legit vaccine would do. This is why we are seeing so many studies now such as the massive Israeli study that shows natural immunity is 7 to 30 times more protective than being "vaccinated". This is all very easily understandable- easy that is if you are willing and able to set aside all the incredible hate and physical oppression being applied against anyone these days with the temerity to think for themselves.
I don’t think you know how statistics work... plus you have a very hard time it seems to admit that you were wrong about something.
The researchers from "Harvard" looked at data from all around the world (data is cited) and came to the conclusion that deaths, hospitalizations and cases increased as a whole in conjunction with higher vaccine uptake.
Both counties saw an increase in cases, 304% and 65%
In one county deaths were up 214% and decreased by 23.5 in comparison to state averages.
They are two data points out of Thousands.

I am not going to respond to your posts again, I have no interest in arguing with you about peer reviewed published studies, where all the data is publicly available and cited.

Follow the science as they say :)

It seems that his thread has devolved into a game of who can post the most links or repeat their argument the most times.  I will not play that game, but rest assured, if I did, there are tens of thousands of readily available references documenting the effectiveness of the vaccine and its safety.  I have looked at all of the posted links in this thread and addressed some already, but it seems that most of them are now links to politically motivated right wing propaganda sites.  Sorry for the length, but I am not sitting here ready to reply to each and every post as it is made.   Posting the sources can help to elucidate the motivation.  For instance:


NOQreport is It is considered a far right low credibility, conspiracy theory site by:


Since September 2020 Rumble has been part-owned by none other than Dan Bongino a right wing political figure and host of Fox news “Unfiltered”.  I wonder what his motivations are?


Mahgister, your link:


seems to be in direct contradiction to your proposal that only the elderly and infirm should receive vaccines against CV-19.  The data analyzed in this paper in figure 7 shows VAERS reported deaths from 2017,18,19, and 2020 compared to this year’s data as of April 1 2021.  There is a large rise in VAERS 2021 death reports.  The data from Jan 2021 through April 2021 would in large part be represented by the over 75 age group, which were among the first to be approved for vaccinations in the US.  If the vaccine was responsible for this increase in VAERS death reports, maybe the old and infirm should be excluded from vaccinations?   But, alas, even the authors conclude that of the 250 of these 1600 deaths that they tried to find an actual clinical cause of death for, only 13 of these 250 cases (5%) implicated the vaccine as the most likely cause of death.  VAERS does not in any way claim that post vaccination death reports were in any way related to the vaccination.  To make that assumption is incorrect as detailed on the VAERS site itself.


And, last for today,  a medical paper written by a population health geographer (raise your hand if you knew there was such a profession?) and a high school student.


Almost the whole left end of their international data scatterplot is driven by 19 African countries with very low vax rates, but there are a host of reasons why the rates of Covid-19 infection are exceedingly low in Africa, among them are: early border closures, 55% rural, just 3% over the age of 65, open air ventilation in homes, very low median age of 19.7 years, lower expression of ACE-2 receptor which is the gateway for lung infection, and far fewer pre-existing conditions like diabetes, hypertension etc.  Without those dubious data points clustered to the lower left, the trendline would have the opposite and expected slope.  Here is a link that explains the reason for low Covid cases in Africa.


As the health geographist’s medical paper continues, the premise of the US analysis seems to be akin to trying to learn how to raise cattle by studying ground beef.  Studying single time point case increases county by county in a situation where the case number profile has looked like 50 different roller coaster profiles at the state level, let alone county level has obvious limitations.  There are huge demographic variations in counties – population density, rural vs. urban, proximity to medical facility and case reporting, affordability for care, etc.  To chop the data into small pieces and not analyze these parameters seems extremely shortsighted.  But the author is a geographer, and as is often said “to a man with a hammer most things look like nails”.  The recent surge of the Delta variant has altered the curves, and increased infection rates.  The vaccination efficacy as well as natural immunity have been declining over time further muddying up this analysis.


VAERS is continually brought up.  VAERS data does NOT link the adverse effects or deaths as being CAUSED by vaccinations.  It says so on their site.  Any claims making this assumption are in error.  Finally, a link of my own from the Nebraska School of Medicine about this.


I will not likely participate further in this thread as it has become clear that no one will change their minds regarding vaccination.  It has certainly been an interesting exercise, but sadly little more than a pointless exercise. 

Congratulations on missing the point entirely if you take a county hard hit by Covid then give it vaccines and the Covid cases decline it will still look like cases are high in the county if you take them as a whole that is before and after vaccinations.  Also one of your authors appears to be a high school student.

One final set of comments.  “early in 2020….When the sick and dead did not pile up anywhere near what we were told..”  Oh, but they have far exceeded those early death and case rate estimates.


“It responds to some or all of the various molecular shapes that comprise the virus”.   The immune system responds to the proteins/macromolecules expressed on the surface of the viral envelope/coat.


I agree, native immunity is likely better than vaccinated immunity, but to achieve it, you need to risk your life and become infected.


“But then some years ago the definition changed!”  No, science advanced to the point where we can readily synthesize proteins and macromolecules to use as an antigens.  We no longer need to risk patients lives by using attenuated viruses.  We no longer need to be limited to roots and plant extracts for medications since we can synthesize specific drug compounds to use as drugs also.  The original polio vaccine production and usage were temporarily halted when children were killed by improperly attenuation in one of the production facilities that manufactured the vaccine in the 1950s.


“The truth is that by any honest scientifically based definition the so-called "vaccines" are not vaccines at all”.   Not sure how you come up with that truth, so I will assume it belongs to you and you alone.  Everyone else in the entire whole world agrees and refers to the mRNA vaccines as vaccines.  We discussed this before, and I am surprised you keep bringing it up.


“Go do a little research, learn about mRNA. Messenger RNA is like a genetic program that tells the DNA in your cell nucleus to make something. In this case it is telling your cells to make a molecule that resembles covid.”   Again, not correct at all.  Under normal circumstances our the DNA in our nuclei codes for and synthesizes specific human mRNAs in the nucleus.  The mRNA is then transported out of the nucleus into the cytosol where your protein synthesis apparatus begins to make human protein off of the instructions of the mRNA strand.  The resulting protein is used inside the cell or shipped outside of the cell for use elsewhere as necessary.  In the case of the mRNA vaccine, the mRNA vaccine coding for the Covid spike protein is injected and the lipid vesicle mRNA “package” allows the mRNA to penetrate the lipid cell membranes of human cells.  The mRNA directly enters the cytoplasm of a human cell and utilizes the human cell protein synthesis machinery to make spike protein which is shipped out into the extracellular space/bloodstream, where your immune system recognizes it and mounts an immune response to the Covid spike protein.  The mRNA never enters you nuclei, and never alters your DNA in any way.   Your nucleus and your DNA simply is not involved in this process.  The mRNA is so labile that it gets degraded by your cells within hours.

@jond   Thank you for a breath--a gust--of fresh air in this often stifling thread.  It's reaffirming to discover there are some level-headed people out there.
The spike protein is toxic and dont stay in the arm....

Nobody knows the long term effect of this new technology which is not what we called a vaccines in the past...

You seems to know that this technology is safe BEFORE any long term experiments...Are you God or Dr.Fauci? I prefer to listen to Dr. Robert malone cautiousness who is against forceful mass vaccination...He created this technology and guess what? Perhaps he knows better than your conformist and preaching rant behing corporate interests...

The truth is nobody KNOWS....Save God....

No, science advanced to the point where we can readily synthesize proteins and macromolecules to use as an antigens. We no longer need to risk patients lives by using attenuated viruses.
Science new drugs are in no way able to replace the illimited numbers of new molecules in nature....

My point all along has never been political , i live in quebec not US...And in quebec also forced vaccination is the insane "politic"...I cannot buy ivermectin here also nor look for a doctor able to prescribe me a treatment because they are ALL in fear to loose their permit to works... Do you know that?

My point is the FORCEFUL MANDATE TO MASS VACCINATION is stupid and irrational....Especially when treatment exist for most of us which are not in the risks groups : young people and people under 70, or those with an healthy immune system...

Treatments were censored....This is a FACT....

Then promoting mass vaccination like you did is unqualified irrationality or programmed politically...

The only rational solutions are using vaxx for at risk people and low cost treatments for the others...

Using fears and force and pressure to use ONLY vaxx is CRIMINAL and pure stupidity....

Your discourse about the " all powerful" new science cannot replace reason and common sense...

You can mimic reason with untruth like vaxx are safe , but you cannot replace it...We dont know yet if these vaxx are safe sorry....

Then in a pandemy we must use these vaxx with cautions for the  groups at  risk, never ever MASSIVELY....Treatments exist why erasing them ? 

Between you and me the politically driven one is you.... Trump boast to have created these vaxx and Biden force everyone to be jab.... The 2 are complete lunatics....
I am going to say this for the last time, and then gonna take my leave. The study I presented is a statistical analysis of publicly available and verifiable data. The researchers took data put out by world Governments, and the CDC, and plotted it on a graph.
It is not some esoteric experiment that the lay person cannot repeat, or a controlled study where the parameters or control groups can be manipulated.
It is PUBLICLY AVAILABLE VERIFIABLE DATA, that you can gather on your own, that is coming straight from the authorities themselves.

This study is not open to interpretation, so unless you are saying that these numbers are fraudulent, this "IS" the correlation between vaccine uptake and...Deaths, Cases and Hospitalizations. All have gone up in places with higher vaccine uptake, tooooo many data points are present to be skewed by individual or regional irregularities.

The truth is nobody KNOWS....Save God....

She isn't weighing in on this topic unfortunately, but she is rather focused on the outcomes of this weekend's college football games. Based on the interviews of the coaches and players leading in to the contests anyway. So, at least we have that right?

God certainly understands the dead, so many of them for just a “ hoax “……
This study is not open to interpretation, so unless you are saying that these numbers are fraudulent, this "IS" the correlation between vaccine uptake and...Deaths, Cases and Hospitalizations.
You are right thanks...

But a lunatic is blind to reason...

All is black or white for him,like some poster illustrate it...

They cannot imagine that in a pandemy vaxx and treatment could be necessary and work together,the 2 of them...

They say UNTRUTH fact without remorse like vaxx are completely safe , speaking of a new technology with long term effects nobody knows about...( i will not debate the adverse events numbers)

Why not using vaxx cautiously with a transparent record of information and promoting existing treatment without censoring them at the same time?

Ask yourself the question why?

Why fears were used like a tool at a massive scale in all medias?

Why debates in science are censored now? A french canadian journalist was in the obligation to retire from Radio Canada after being reprimanded because he speak with a world famous virologist who was treating people with HQC Didier Raoult....

Why tweeter and youtube and others corporation can decide now by themselves if a scientist like Malone the creator of the mRMA vaxx. or Montagnier Nobel winner must be gagged?

If you have minimal common sense you must ask these questions...

Repeating that MRNA vaccines are so safe that for example even young children could be vaccinated is CORPORATE PROPAGANDA not science...

@mahgister They keep defending untested experimental vaccines made by some of the most corrupt Pharmaceutical companies on the face of the planet. Pfizer, J&J are repeat offenders and have been convicted of all kinds of fraud.
It’s not a question of evidence anymore, they have made this a political issue, and it’s about owning the "Trumptards", and they will sacrifice their own kids to prove the point.
It’s a cult.

Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards.

Straight from the NIH.
God certainly understands the dead, so many of them for just a “ hoax “……
The covid disease is not a hoax.... Suggesting that anybody here has say that is despicable sorry...

And trying to provoke some politicized  idiots here that will claim that the virus does not exist is useless ...

Say somethning wise or stay mute....Dont play with provocation...

I dont like "vaxx all  at all cost " people and "anti vaxx at all cost"  people...

AND All vaxx are not made the same and dont come from the same bag, sorry...

A polio virus is not a coronavirus...Vaxx here dont play the same game...

I like reason...
This has been the best seat in the house for days…..

Better than the SWEET SPOT for sure, that gets a little stale from time to time.

I’m sorry, I had to
Post removed 
Sigh, treatments that were as you say censored, hydrochloroquine and imervectin do nothing to fight Coivd and have dangerous side effects. Imervectin not only sent a bunch of folks to the hospital but had the terrible effect of killing a bunch of cattle and pigs because their deworming drug was not available.
I will not answer...

Your post is pure stupidity...

No Medecine drug exist,save aspirin, that has been more prescribed than these 2...They had been prescribed many billion times at least...
They are among the least level of toxicity among all drugs and for sure like any drug caution is a rule...The truth is they are safer than most existing drugs... But each individual is different then it is better if a doctor prescribe them...

Guess why no doctor in America could no more easily prescribed them if you are not a Bot and able to think?

But your bullshit claim is only that a bullshit claim....

Are you a BOT?

Because your information level is the level of a bot.... ZERO....

I had answered....


@mahgister  Way to go in keeping a civil level of discourse!

How do you spell h,y,p,o,c,r,i,s,y?
I understand that some nefarious individuals may be suppressing the data on the effects of hosting a seance vs vaccination vs non-vaccination.

I also think the data should be analyzed as well with the subsets of individuals who utilized "thoughts and prayers being with them" vs those utilizing prayer only. Additionally, the effects of the seance have not been released to the public on its efficacy as a treatment by those who have unfortunately contracted Covid vs other proven treatments with the same "thoughts and prayers" modifiers.

I want answers and others should too!

(Ok, totally a tongue-in-cheek post for those who might mistake it for a serious post) Best to all.
@mahgister Way to go in keeping a civil level of discourse!

How do you spell h,y,p,o,c,r,i,s,y?
I can recognize to be too passion driven and i could retire the word "stupid"...You are right about that.... I am even glad to say that you are right...Anyway my post have been deleted and i approve it...

But for the " hypocrisy" you eat the same meal than me what you criticize me for...You put "aluminium tin hat " on the head you chose for very easily in the past....
I also think the data should be analyzed as well with the subsets of individuals who utilized "thoughts and prayers being with them" vs those utilizing prayer only. Additionally, the effects of the seance have not been released to the public on its efficacy as a treatment by those who have unfortunately contracted Covid vs other proven treatments with the same "thoughts and prayers" modifiers.
Sarcasm dont replace reason...But thanks it was a good post to read...
Sigh, treatments that were as you say censored, hydrochloroquine and imervectin do nothing to fight Coivd and have dangerous side effects.
This is false statements so easy to debunk that i will not say anything else....

These 2 drugs are the most prescribed in the world and all their toxic adverse effects are TOTALLY known and are among the least that ever exist among all drugs...Very easy to verify....

Propaganda is not reason...

You are correct, sarcasm doesn't replace reason. As you and I have cordially shared, I am merely pointing out through sarcasm that you/me/our fellow audio brethren are unlikely to change their minds, regardless of which side of the issue they happen to represent.

I respect your right to decide for you without the need or right to know why or to understand why. Peace.
@mahgister Leave it be... these people are  well past the point of talking to, They have taken the vaccines themselves, and no matter  what new information comes out, they  will not change their minds unless they experience these side effects for themselves. 
winter is coming, it's best to take this time to prepare yourself and your family for the chaos that is now inevitable. 
Prepare....Stock foods, provisions, ammo, whatever else you think you might need. 
Arguing on comment boards at this point is a fool's errand. 
Take care of yourself, and your loved ones. 
The very important point this crisis reveal is this one:

Is medecine will be in the future a free human relation between a human doctor and a patient OR a controlled artificially driven prescription coming from the corporate global dictatorship?

This is the question.....

Is doctors are free in america ? Or not anymore?

 I am flabbergasted by the fact that people who want like Biden to Vaxx ANYBODY dont want to speak about the treatments that exist....

And here the Vaxx  faction and anti VAXX faction oppose one against the other....

 Where is reason?  Guess where it is?

Here is a quick question, are the recommended kinds of food, stockpiles and ammo consistent regardless of whichever camp someone happens to be in? For instance, is one camp or the other recommended to stockpile more or less than another camp?
Almost the whole left end of their international data scatterplot is driven by 19 African countries with very low vax rates, but there are a host of reasons why the rates of Covid-19 infection are exceedingly low in Africa, among them are: early border closures, 55% rural, just 3% over the age of 65, open air ventilation in homes, very low median age of 19.7 years, lower expression of ACE-2 receptor which is the gateway for lung infection, and far fewer pre-existing conditions like diabetes, hypertension etc.  Without those dubious data points clustered to the lower left, the trendline would have the opposite and expected slope.  Here is a link that explains the reason for low Covid cases in Africa.

Then why do these African countries seem to get almost every virus besides COVID-19.
@ghasley Ask Pfizer. That is your master now, you have no choice... if Master says 3 boosters, you get in line. If Master says 8, you’d better roll up them sleeves no questions asked.
Pfizer knows all.  It is omnipotent.
Post removed 
@invalid the increases are counted week over week, of the same county vs same county, same country over same country. It is not an Africa vs US situation, it is an Africa vs Africa data set.
Year over Year, Covid cases and Deaths in August are up 300%, despite vaccinations being administered to well over half the population, and the most vulnerable population being almost completely vaccinated.
The vaccine has failed by any and all abject measures. (AND THAT IS  WHY BOOSTETRS ARE BEING MANDATED)

P.S. Read the methodology used in the study


We used COVID-19 data provided by the Our World in Data for cross-country analysis, available as of September 3, 2021 (Supplementary Table 1) [4]. We included 68 countries that met the following criteria: had second dose vaccine data available; had COVID-19 case data available; had population data available; and the last update of data was within 3 days prior to or on September 3, 2021. For the 7 days preceding September 3, 2021 we computed the COVID-19 cases per 1 million people for each country as well as the percentage of population that is fully vaccinated.

For the county-level analysis in the US, we utilized the White House COVID-19 Team data [5], available as of September 2, 2021 (Supplementary Table 2). We excluded counties that did not report fully vaccinated population percentage data yielding 2947 counties for the analysis. We computed the number and percentages of counties that experienced an increase in COVID-19 cases by levels of the percentage of people fully vaccinated in each county. The percentage increase in COVID-19 cases was calculated based on the difference in cases from the last 7 days and the 7 days preceding them. For example, Los Angeles county in California had 18,171 cases in the last 7 days (August 26 to September 1) and 31,616 cases in the previous 7 days (August 19–25), so this county did not experience an increase of cases in our dataset. We provide a dashboard of the metrics used in this analysis that is updated automatically as new data is made available by the White House COVID-19 Team (

Should we stockpile audio gear as well or do you think it will still be available for purchase this winter and beyond? If we are all fortunate to survive the winter do we donate the excess supplies to a local food bank or should we stay fully stocked and consume it first on the shelf, first consumed?

You seem to assume Im taking a stance on something pro or con…Im unconcerned whether you do or dont.

If you reference the clinical trials indicated as ongoing by accessing the link, you will see that 22 have been completed to date over the globe. You can also see what other research is underway and keep tabs on it.
I. just don’t want people to get hurt. To put this in context it was posted in response to a post advocating its use which has subsequently been deleted.

If you reference the clinical trials indicated as ongoing by accessing the link, you will see that 22 have been completed to date over the globe. You can also see what other research is underway and keep tabs on it.
Even a non doctor like me reading this could understand what is behind this piece of art in propaganda....With a horse on the photo for sure....

Ivermectin is not mainly a horse dewormer...Contrary to what this text falsely is also antiviral...not only antiparasitic...

Second any drug in big enough dose is toxic...Then saying that ivermectin could be dangerous in big dose is saying nothing...The truth is the complete opposite it is one of the less toxic drug on all counts...This is a fact nowhere in this text...

And finally many clinical patient studies with many doctors who work with ivermectin all around the world is enough proof for me...

Takes only this one with this Doctor in the US:

Is this guy look to a "snake oiler" to you?
this is what they say about him :

"He is Chief of Critical Care Services at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas, is Professor of Medicine, Surgery and Emergency Medicine at several National and International Universities, and has been with his patients almost continuously for 500 days. affected by Covid: in the hospital where Dr. Joseph Varonout of 1,293 hospitalized patients, 86 deaths were recorded, resulting in a mortality rate of 6.7%, half the US CDC average estimate, and one-third the national and international rate."

If you think it is a snake oiler why the FDA dont arrest him on the spot?

They wanted to do it for sure but so powerful they are , freedom of treatment is not completely taken out of the hand of doctors for the time being...

Your FDA is no more a scientific institution .... Everyone in the world with a brain know that....Dont you see this evidence in the bad faith used here in this text itself?

For side effects read what wikipedia said....And wiki is not in favor of ivermectin with covid at all:


Side effects, although uncommon, include fever, itching, and skin rash when taken by mouth,[6] and red eyes, dry skin, and burning skin when used topically for head lice.[46] It is unclear if the drug is safe for use during pregnancy, but it is probably acceptable for use during breastfeeding.[47]

Ivermectin is considered relatively free of toxicity in standard doses (around 300 µg/kg).[48][49] Based on the data drug safety sheet for ivermectin,[a] side effects are uncommon.»

Post removed 
Did you read what paper said. Because doctors won’t prescribe it, people are taking the animal grade shit in wildly inaccurate dosages and getting SICK. WAKE UP!
WAKE UP yourself!

Did you know why people buy this horse ivermectin?

Because this proven treatment used all around the world is FORBIDDEN here in Canada and USA, the word ivermectin  is even censored on all medias algorithm  and it is impossible to buy this easy to make low cost product.....

Who is sleepwalking here?

By the way almost no one using this horse ivermectin encounter any problem at all....

Do you listen only your TV set ?

wake up....

By the way learn how to read a text:
what is the title of this propaganda piece from FDA ?

Is it:

" Why You Should Not Use HORSE Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19"

OR is it:

" Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19"

use your brain to understand a text implicit meaning

If the MATH1 protocol works, great, get it out there. But it involves two treatments and should be medically administered..
Wake up....

Guess how many doctors and pharmacist afraid and under control of the corporation REFUSE to sell or use this treatment?

The majority of pharmacist and doctors...

Now ask yourself this:

what remains of the freedom of treatment and care of doctors if they cannot think for themselves and could use ONLY the remdesivir, the ventilator and the mRNA vaxx like in the past 18 months ?

Wake up ....

There is no more conspiracy about corporate power and the destruction of science like many years ago....This is now a fact the evident reality for all of us to see...

The only rational ethical behaviour in a pandemy is using ALL tools not ONLY the one MANDATED  by force over the head of ALL doctors.....

If it is actually effective and it works it will not be suppressed. Eventually enough smart people will make enough noise that it can’t. I don’t have such an Orwellian outlook.
If it is actually effective and it works it will not be suppressed. Eventually enough smart people will make enough noise that it can’t. I don’t have such an Orwellian outlook.
Dont hide your ignorance by accusing me of Orwellian paranoia...

Use your brain to make a simple calculus...

If all hospitals and doctors have been free to use ALL available treatment in the US in the last 18 months, how many people could have been saved? Instead of intubing them and using remdesivir waiting for their deaths following Dr. Fauci orders......

I will help you it is simple...

Compare the number of death in US with all others countries especially UTTAR Pradesh state for example in India with his 200 millions people...

Wake up.....

In audio my motto is:

Dont upgrade BEFORE embedding your system rightfully....

In this crisis my motto is:

Dont VAXX ALL people before  and instead  of treating them also...

 The same blindness in audio and in life it seems...