Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@arch2 Congrats on the new speakers it's always fun to test new gear out. I've never heard a Polk personally but they do have some ardent fans.
Thanks jond. They are power hungry though so anyone considering the L200 will need to keep that in mind. 4 ohm, 86 db. It’s going to take a little grunt to get them sounding there best. They did really well with my Primaluna dialogue premium HP with KT150’s. My PS Audio BHK 250 is positively iron fisted with them. Their pricing would suggest being used with lesser expensive amps or receivers but I don’t think you’re going to get anywhere near their potential with low current amps. Pretty speaker too in walnut. 
I only have one question for the older folks here (I am 73), who among you did not get the polio vaccine in The 50s and 60s?

The data clearly shows those now dying and on ventilators are predominantly unvaccinated.  
Has politics been such a driver you will risk your life?  You know the liberals are laughing at you as you help turn the demographics against your voting bloc by killing those on your side.
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I look forward to attending my local audio show when it starts up again because it’s in state where people seem to believe in actual science and most people are vaccinated. I’ll still be wearing a mask though, but a real one (KN95) not a surgical mask or worse.
It amazes me the amount of research people here will do about all topics audio, but when it comes to our very lives.... seems not so much.

I had a few (outdoor) dinners with a new friend who is a virologist for a prestigious hospital, and how refreshing it was to get actual information and answers from someone who truly understands how viruses work and how the various vaccine technologies work.
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@lhasaguy - I am not Covid "vaccinated", however as I am reasonably well traveled, and have visited third world countries, it was later in life I had my polio shot, as well as diphtheria, typhoid and pertussis and tetanus and hepatitis A and B if I recall correctly, just to go to Nepal and Thailand. I also took any shots required to enter the US as a permanent resident, that I hadn’t already taken, which I paid for out of pocket. I have traveled no less than 30 countries around the globe, quite a few were not Westernised.

It was because of doctors who questioned, and since the initial questions on both the contents and some emerging reactions that have over time had me weigh up on waiting to see before getting the nontraditional vaccine.
Obviously the definition has changed to include the newer ones, I was always under the impression that a vaccine was intended to invoke an immune response that resulted in a natural immunity?

To call me an anti-vaxxer would be inaccurate. However as I have caution and reservations in the swiftness and lack of empirical data over time on this relatively new injectable technology, I am cautious.

My wife is a dental hygienist, and is in a network with front line workers, we are talking about the highest risk of Covid infection here. These people who are personally involved, have reached out to others and are claiming heavy censorship. Doctors are claiming heavy censorship also, as a student of history it make me cautious and even concerned.

Patterns of human behavior and history do have a readable tell tale signature, and it’s easy to be oblivious to it. There are quite a few of us, that are seeing some red flags here, and have taken the time to write about it, in a thread that was started which directly is related to the Sars Cov 2 virus and it’s impact in current life, including audiophile related conferences etc.

Agoners don’t hold guns to forum members heads to read about vinyl if they’re into digital, or digital if they’re stricktly into vinyl - please feel free to not get involved in this discussion.

Just a reminder guys that the Capital Audiofest is a month away. Maybe the only audio show in the country now just bring your mask and vaccination card if you want to get in.
lancelock how does Capitol audio fest compare to a Axpona? I have zero experience with CAF.
@lhasaguy - I am not Covid "vaccinated", however as I am reasonably well traveled, and have visited third world countries, it was later in life I had my polio shot, as well as diphtheria, typhoid and pertussis and tetanus and hepatitis A and B if I recall correctly, just to go to Nepal and Thailand. I also took any shots required to enter the US as a permanent resident, that I hadn’t already taken, which I paid for out of pocket. I have traveled no less than 30 countries around the globe, quite a few were not Westernised.

It was because of doctors who questioned, and since the initial questions on both the contents and some emerging reactions that have over time had me weigh up on waiting to see before getting the nontraditional vaccine.
Obviously the definition has changed to include the newer ones, I was always under the impression that a vaccine was intended to invoke an immune response that resulted in a natural immunity?

To call me an anti-vaxxer would be inaccurate. However as I have caution and reservations in the swiftness and lack of empirical data over time on this relatively new injectable technology, I am cautious.

My wife is a dental hygienist, and is in a network with front line workers, we are talking about the highest risk of Covid infection here. These people who are personally involved, have reached out to others and are claiming heavy censorship. Doctors are claiming heavy censorship also, as a student of history it make me cautious and even concerned.

Patterns of human behavior and history do have a readable tell tale signature, and it’s easy to be oblivious to it. There are quite a few of us, that are seeing some red flags here, and have taken the time to write about it, in a thread that was started which directly is related to the Sars Cov 2 virus and it’s impact in current life, including audiophile related conferences etc.

Agoners don’t hold guns to forum members heads to read about vinyl if they’re into digital, or digital if they’re stricktly into vinyl - please feel free to not get involved in this discussion.
Refreshing sanity....

Thanks rix....
“please feel free to not get involved in this discussion”

I wish I had done so…but what’s done is done. Many more thoughtful contributes than I here. 

This will be the last post for me in any discussion for a long while…



CAF has been growing larger every year except in these Covid times. It is in no way the size of Axpona but I’ve heard more than one person say they liked it better because it’s not as crowded. A couple of years ago it was almost 90 rooms. You can expect 50 rooms of audio this year.
pretty clear the site moderator does not actively police these opinion boards.  They clearly allow inflammatory posts to stay up a long time.  And allow posts degrading others to stay up.  And allow posts filled with qanon garbage conspiracy theories to proliferate and be amplified.  

This is supposed to be an AUDIO site.  not a place for political activism.  

Yes, sometimes posts and threads get removed after enough complaints are sent to the moderator.  But clear there is no active observation and policing of comments.  

Audio folks!  or are you too brainwashed to remember that basic fact?
I ask censorship for insults ONLY.....

Any free speech articulated around any subject are welcome....

Audio is related to all others area of my life and i come here for friendship not only for audio precise information...Many come here for audio precise information ONLY, those are free to read or not any posts and quit... But i made some friends which are of very different opinions between themselves here and i WANT to read them NON CENSORED....

Is it clear?

Fanaticism of those who can skip a post they dont like but instead ask for his removal and complete moderation censorship appall me....I am not a sleepwalker in life....

Posts which are expression of whatever opinions if articulated are not hate graffitis which we must erase....

And blindness is not my full time job.....Keep this work for you....

ONLY THE USUAL "HARMLESS" FANATIC PLEAD CENSORSHIP AT ALL COST......I prefer free and wiser friend even and especially if they had complete other opinion than mine...I am a grown free man....

"There are some people who, if they don't already know, you can't tell 'em" Yogi Berra
Here you go. This should keep you guys busy for a while, and provide some more material for your latest theory.
Why pushing non verified facts or non scientifically explained one AS AN ARGUMENT to mock all other PROVEN accusation of malfaisance and conspiracy ? ( by the way the content of the vaxxes are not described nor explained and this is a FACT)

This only reveal your own gullability which is only a bit different from the one who will trust any unproven fact or any proven fact distorted from his context.....Because search for truth is not a " pro-vaxx at all cost" matter nor an " anti-vaxx at all cost" matter...

Why not becoming intelligent and search truth instead of pushing the buttons : "there is no conspiracy" or "the button all is conspiracy"...

Why not pushing the button : " here we think".....

lancelock, though it's a little longer drive for me than Axpona I may have to give it a shot. I would like to get out of my audio cocoon.

"Fanaticism of those who can skip a post they dont like but instead ask for his removal and complete moderation censorship appall me....I am not a sleepwalker in life...."

Many great lines, I especially liked that last one.

"I am not a sleepwalker in life"
twoleftears, the warnings about the truth are all out there within easy access. Those that don't want to know the truth, will in time when it's too late, believe me. I can find online where it say's the moon is made of cheese. That doesn't make it so.
@arch2 and @lancelock I have been to the last three Cap Audiofests and have quite enjoyed them. It's grown quite a bit since my first one in 2017. I have not gone to any other shows so nothing to compare it to but I highly recommend it. I will be there on Saturday this year if work doesn't interfere.
As far as Covid goes there is no information being censored and no truth out there other than many people have died and many unnecessarily. The vaccine is both safe and effective stop being selfish and take it.
As far as Covid goes there is no information being censored and no truth out there other than many people have died and many unnecessarily. The vaccine is both safe and effective stop being selfish and take it.
Wrote that to him and argue with him : Peter McCullough, MD, MPH speaks at the 78th Annual Meeting of AAPS on October 2, 2021.

It is only one of the top US doctor and scientist now not working for pharma contradicting totally your claim here....His credentials are over the roof, if a Nobel Prize winning french virologist like Luc Montagnier is not enough warning sign for an american....

Like i already said "think", no matter if you are being vaxx or not....

But if you could wrote that seriously, you are uninformed completely or in a suspended motion in a perpetual holiday, and you read the "news" like some read the bible....

As far as Covid goes there is no information being censored

Saying that is not a "pun" in a humor theater it seems but it is anyway a serious and completely ridiculous claim.... By youtube, facebook and tweeter OWN admission of HEAVY censorship on ANY scientist out of the order...

This is a FACT.....

I will repeat here my position for those who will claim that i am an antivaxx:

Vaccination are part of the solution YES for old people and those at very risk ONLY especially with a new non verified technology... Treatment protocol at the beginning are needed to for ALL people and they exist at low cost...Censorship about treatment is criminal in a pandemy....In India few weeks ago there is an indictment against one of the top health officer that lied about ivermectin .... Uttar Pradesh state eliminated covid with ivermectin, yes, the "horse dewormer" for some idiots who dont know what this substance is ....When will there be one official inquiry in US and Canada and australia?

Mass mandated vaccinations are at this stage borderline criminal and STUPID and anti democratic....

Thinking is allowed for us for the time being....Perhaps not allowed tomorrow....Totalitarian corporations will decide for us....Trust them if you want....I did not....

+1 mahgister, yes the evidence continues to grow in favor of your assessment, so long as you’re actually taking the time to listen to distinct sources from individuals, and not mass media propaganda.
All this crisis remind me about the same half-truths and ignorance but in audio thread....

When i dreamed about hi-fi 8 years ago.... Most thread posters wanted to sell me the last electronical piece of costly gear for the ONLY solution to Hi-FI experience....

I cannot afford ANY of it....

I decided to experiment with low cost simple solutions...With low cost very good basic gear....

After a few years of listening experiments, i discovered for myself the simple truth...

Hi-fi experience is possible at low cost modulo CONTROLS over the three working dimensions of an audio system: mechanical,electrical and especially acoustic...

I never read reviews of new products now because i dont need to...

And i never read official news to understand the actual health and world crisis for the same reason...

Most people fall for half truths...It is easier to live with them then working our own ass to discover the complete truth....

I have teach reading analysis for 35 years , it serves me well....
Part 7 says that Tucker Carlson is asking important questions about Covid. That’s all I need to know about that. Also this entire "thesis" is an extrapolation of 13 deaths out of 250 a laughably small sample size. I am not a scientist and can blow holes in this thing without trying if you believe that garbage it’s because you want to believe it. Also the author Dr Scott Mclachlan is a Dr alright, Dr of computer science not even a medical doctor or virologist.
First mentioning ANECDOTALLY a TV host is no reason to threw a science paper in a basket with a gesture of temper...( save for politically TV programmed mind)

Second The entire article is about this : " This report presented information derived from analysis of the first 250 COVID-19 vaccine related deaths" not 13 deaths....

In all these 250 deaths only 13 are from allergic reaction the other causes of deaths are in very high probabilities related to the vaccines...The article authors ask for a more complete analysis of all cases and will do....

Vaccines may kill by other means than immediate allergic dont know that?

Then your answer is a desesperate answer with falsification of the analysis truth to serve your political BIAS....

Anyway your brain is probably foggy because of the 6 authors about a statistical analysis report about vaccines adverse events it is mandatory to have among the writers at least ONE specialist in statistic and informatic...Then mentioning this fact about one writer, among the 6, against this analysis is stupidity or bad faith.... Pick the reason you wanted to....

It is more easy to pick holes in your posts than to pick fleas on a never washed dog....
I googled all 6 authors not a single one has any sort of background outside computer science and no medical or virology backgrounds either. How they were able to analyze 250 Covid deaths without any applicable scientific/medical background makes this "study" nonsense.
You are right about that....I apologize they are all statisticians but that does not invalidate their analysis...Sorry...

An analysis of a statistical report needs more of statisticians than doctors....

The number of deaths associated to this new vaxx technology is there to be seen by analysis... You cannot infer from correlations to causation here without a statistical analysis .....

The suppression of treatment by censorship campaign for promoting only vaxx is a fact...

read that:

No relation bewtween covid increase and vaccination?

Are these many thousands doctors across the world totally deluded?

Are there no CENSORSHIP ordered by big corporations?
@mahgister - In a news document I just read, As Adverse Reactions to Covid ‘Vaccines’ Reach 400,000, the Truth Must Be Spread Widely.

One comment that I read,
321 million vaccinated in the US, 6985 deaths from vaccine reactions. We are now losing 2000 a day from Covid19.
Anyone really struggling with which is best?

I must admit if these statistics are even remotely accurate, or even close to the whole story, the comment in favor of vaccines despite deaths caused by them is an interesting gamble.

Of course, natural immunity changes drastically such a gamble, especially if natural immunity is indeed significantly superior to mRNA Vaccines.
I’m still not eager to take the jab.
Cap Audiofest - thanks, that's great news.
Of the many states of the US I've visited, Maryland (Cumberland) was very pretty in Autumn.

Good to hear the state (according to the website for CAP) as of July 1st is open.
One comment that I read, 321 million vaccinated in the US, 6985 deaths from vaccine reactions. We are now losing 2000 a day from Covid19.
Anyone really struggling with which is best?

I must admit if these statistics are even remotely accurate, or even close to the whole story, the comment in favor of vaccines despite deaths caused by them is an interesting gamble.

First these number of deaths is not acurate ....An havard study about vaers proved that only a small% of deaths caused by vaxx are reported...

Second no one is against the Vaxx benefits...Save idiots anti vaxxers by principle and i am not one...

The problem is an INSANE mass vaccination POLITICAL AND CORPORATE mandates instead of a targetted groups vaccinations...With the heavy censorship of low cost treatment...

And you forgot here the impact of simple treatment in prevention and in cure ( vitamins, ivermectin etc ) for the grops which are not at risk, which are the majority of people... The censorship of these existing treatment is a crime against humanity...For example the correlation between vitamin D deficiency and high rate covid deaths....

Natural immunity is an innate system recognizing ALL the general physionomy of the virus .... Vaccines make visible only one characteristic of the virus physionomy the spike protein....Then the immunity is short lived and dont nullify the transmission at all....And probably the vaxx compete with the natural immune system then it is better to recommend the vaxx to the immune compromised groups like older people not to ALL....

Common sense solution is simple:

vaxx for at risk minority groups with an already compromised immune system, various prevention treatments for the others in good health....Is it chinese?

Scientific epidemiology teach that massive vaccination in the midst of a pandemy push the viruses to mutate in the worst direction for us... Simple no?

It is a nobel prize winner in virology and medecine who say that and a belgian top epidemiologist not me...

But it is easy to understand even for me....

A last but not the least important fact: NOBODY KNOWS THE IMPACT OF THE mRNA vaccination on humans long term.... NO ONE....This fact only is the reason why i refused the vaxx being myself healthy and probably naturally immune on some level ... I probably suffer covid in november 2020.....
Vaccines may kill by other means than immediate allergic dont know that?

That's true, but very hard to prove according to a pathologist that did an autopsy on someone that died after given the vaccine. 
That’s true, but very hard to prove according to a pathologist that did an autopsy on someone that died after given the vaccine.
Difficult to prove without statiscal serious analysis yes...One thing is sure it is not the corporations or Dr Fauci who will wanted to pay for that analysis...

Anyway with the help of statistical analysis we can infer from all correlations a highly probable causation or disprove it....It is called science...

Difficult to prove on one or few autopsies.... Not difficult if we take many autopsies, the number being function of a precise statistical number needed for the task....Why do you think systematic autopsies had not been ordered with a new technology at play?

It is of no interest for corporate and political lobbies... No interest for them to do so at all....One +one =2

But wait a minute, is the MANDATORY systematic autopsies of suspected death of vaccinated people MUST NOT BE a rational part and a NECESSARY part of any scientific study of vaccines?

Asking the question is answering it...

Then if the vaccination is mandatory for all why not mandatory autopsies for some deaths?

Asking the question is "almost" answering it...

I dont claim this is a conspiracy here....Not at all, i claim that this is stupidity+greed....

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I have today learnt that a vaccine for malaria is gaining some traction.

This probably won't make much impact with the mainstream news, despite about 400,000 people dying from malaria each year.

Project whistleblower doctors and nurses are saying vaccine deaths are not being tracked, and are being swept under the rug. Injuries are in the millions. I personally know 5 people that have been injured..2 of them severely. Also know of 2 people that have had suspected vaccine induced fatal heart attacks. This is just anecdotal evidence from my circle of people.
Taking this vaccine at this point is like playing Russian Roulette.
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

This study that just got published is saying some crazy stuff
Death and Hospitalization rates increased in the vaccinated, and cases increased in places that are more vaccinated than in places where the uptake is less.

"the CDC reported an increase from 0.01 to 9% and 0 to 15.1% (between January to May 2021) in the rates of hospitalizations and deaths, respectively, amongst the fully vaccinated [10]."

At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.

Across the US counties too, the median new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in the last 7 days is largely similar across the categories of percent population fully vaccinated (Fig. 2). Notably there is also substantial county variation in new COVID-19 cases within categories of percentage population fully vaccinated. There also appears to be no significant signaling of COVID-19 cases decreasing with higher percentages of population fully vaccinated (Fig. 3).

Of the top 5 counties that have the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 4 of them as “High” Transmission counties. Chattahoochee (Georgia), McKinley (New Mexico), and Arecibo (Puerto Rico) counties have above 90% of their population fully vaccinated with all three being classified as “High” transmission. Conversely, of the 57 counties that have been classified as “low” transmission counties by the CDC, 26.3% (15) have percentage of population fully vaccinated below 20%.

Since full immunity from the vaccine is believed to take about 2 weeks after the second dose, we conducted sensitivity analyses by using a 1-month lag on the percentage population fully vaccinated for countries and US counties. The above findings of no discernable association between COVID-19 cases and levels of fully vaccinated was also observed when we considered a 1-month lag on the levels of fully vaccinated (Supplementary Figure 1, Supplementary Figure 2).

We should note that the COVID-19 case data is of confirmed cases, which is a function of both supply (e.g., variation in testing capacities or reporting practices) and demand-side (e.g., variation in people’s decision on when to get tested) factors.

The sole reliance on vaccination as a primary strategy to mitigate COVID-19 and its adverse consequences needs to be re-examined, especially considering the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant and the likelihood of future variants. Other pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions may need to be put in place alongside increasing vaccination rates. Such course correction, especially with regards to the policy narrative, becomes paramount with emerging scientific evidence on real world effectiveness of the vaccines.

For instance, in a report released from the Ministry of Health in Israel, the effectiveness of 2 doses of the BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine against preventing COVID-19 infection was reported to be 39% [6], substantially lower than the trial efficacy of 96% [7]. It is also emerging that immunity derived from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine may not be as strong as immunity acquired through recovery from the COVID-19 virus [8]. A substantial decline in immunity from mRNA vaccines 6-months post immunization has also been reported [9]. Even though vaccinations offers protection to individuals against severe hospitalization and death, the CDC reported an increase from 0.01 to 9% and 0 to 15.1% (between January to May 2021) in the rates of hospitalizations and deaths, respectively, amongst the fully vaccinated [10].

In summary, even as efforts should be made to encourage populations to get vaccinated it should be done so with humility and respect. Stigmatizing populations can do more harm than good. Importantly, other non-pharmacological prevention efforts (e.g., the importance of basic public health hygiene with regards to maintaining safe distance or handwashing, promoting better frequent and cheaper forms of testing) needs to be renewed in order to strike the balance of learning to live with COVID-19 in the same manner we continue to live a 100 years later with various seasonal alterations of the 1918 Influenza virus.

And you forgot here the impact of simple treatment in prevention and in cure
Honestly, I am aware of the acclaimed 85% of deaths that could have been prevented, starting long before the vaccines even saw the light of day. Using protocols already safe and effective, that were buried and ignored by most media.
I've been following Dr Peter McCullough for some time now, for example.

Are we all still running with the original story that someone foolishly may have eaten an under cooked bat soup in a fish market, down the road from a research facility doing gain of function research on bat respiratory diseases?
It's the bat soup story, right?

Flu vaccine changes each year.
How can science determine long term consequences of any drug? 
Have their been any studies on short term consequences of the horse dewormer on humans? Of course not, and some advocate its use. 
Ridiculous in the extreme.
The vaccine appears to lose some of its preventive properties due the virulence of the Delta variant. So therefore do not get vaccinated so another variant can mutate. 
More ridiculousness. 
Mahgister, your audio posts were always ponderous but well meaning. Your vaccine posts are equally ponderous but now you are dangerous and serve only to promote self importance and mitigate your insecurity. Have you had a talk with your primary physician? 
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

Crazy is right! 

This publication appears to be being used to relate a narrative that vaccines are less important than hygiene and so on.  The information lacks important context in its presentation, i.e. data indicating like comparisons of vaccinated countries and counties in comparison to those vaccinated.  An important omission when coming to conclusions about vaccine effectiveness, to say the least.
Additionally, it fails to acknowledge (in the US at least) there are states and counties who do not fully report data regularly or accurately.  I live in one such county. 

All-in-all, what is presented as a white paper is riddled with flaws that even a lay person, such as myself, would find suspect.
Flu vaccine changes each year.
How can science determine long term consequences of any drug?
Have their been any studies on short term consequences of the horse dewormer on humans? Of course not, and some advocate its use.
Ridiculous in the extreme.

Let me explain why the irony of that last sentence is extraordinarily deep.

Flu vaccines are based on technologies that have been used for many decades, and they all went through years of trials to test for longer term adverse effects. The mRNA vaccines have never previously been used on broad populations (let alone billions of people), and were given "emergency use authorizations" without having undergone anything like the usual safety testing that other vaccines undergo.

In other words, the two are not remotely comparable, in terms of understanding their long-terms effects, and possible dangers.

Ivermectin is not only approved for human use, but over three and a half billion doses have been used by ~300 million people over 30 years, and with an exceptionally good safety record. In 2015, one half of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura for “their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites” – aka Ivermectin.

In summary, please try not to regurgitate "news" that you find in echo-chambers that are rife with propaganda. Instead, take some time and do some serious research, as it will help you to avoid embarrassing yourself in the future.
I can not help but reinsert myself one last time in this discussion.

Whom here has contracted the virus, worked along side others (in close proximity) that have been infected, has had extended family members, and gone through chemotherapy throughout this ordeal. I’m not alone, I’m not special and I’m certain I’ve left info out. Those who are alike please chime in….

My wife, a teacher, had no choice, one of my daughters had no other choice if she desired to return on campus, my sons choice was completely on him as he is the oldest and my other beautiful daughter who is 13, not vaccinated.

Science and collecting of data is the most major contributor to our evolution. But to live ones life on science alone, no thanks…..

Yes, the virus will kick your teeth in but if you’re healthy it’ll be defeated with OR without vaccination. As I’ve also said, I DO NOT take this matter lightly and respect others wishes in light of disagreement.

Those of you are likely questioning the fool who has claimed eating dirt and dried dog food as the way to SALVATION.

I love you ALL
It’s easy to say vaccines don’t work....when you just lie. From your bogus study:

Of the top 5 counties that have the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 4 of them as “High” Transmission counties. Chattahoochee (Georgia), McKinley (New Mexico), and Arecibo (Puerto Rico) counties have above 90% of their population fully vaccinated with all three being classified as “High” transmission. Conversely, of the 57 counties that have been classified as “low” transmission counties by the CDC, 26.3% (15) have percentage of population fully vaccinated below 20%.

The actual vaccination rate in Chattahooche Co Georgia is 15.52% as of the very latest data nowhere near 84.3-99.9 %. McKinley Co New Mexico’s vaccination rate is 59.18%. These are pretty easy numbers to find and that "study" is absolute BS.