Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?

Looking for efficient speakers. I had the opportunity to listen to a Cornwall IV yesterday. It was run on nice tubes (Primaluna 400 EL34s) with a bluesound node streamer/dac.

QUESTION: I'm curious if anyone has compared CW IV with Volti Rival of Razz. Thoughts?

QUESTION 2: Anyone know what changed in the Volti Razz when it moved from v. 2 to v. 3?


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@silverfoxvtx1800 thanks for the history and all that you’ve worked through prior. I’m not looking for speakers for myself, yet helping a few friends looking at ideas from time to time. I have followed Gary/BorderPatrol and Greg/Volti some from the shows and reports. Also interested in optimization and improvements made through the various iterations of different designs through the generations. Appears you are really enjoying the new speakers and amplifiers, happy listening! yes Keep us posted as you listen more over time. Much appreciated.

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@silverfox I did. I'd like to seem him do a tear-down of a Volti for comparison.

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Looks like all of @silverfoxvtx1800 posts are gone, removed from this thread, and a few others too perhaps.  What's going on with forum posts lately. Is that self-removed or forum moderators, and if so maybe less effort is the way going forward if things just disappear for whatever reasons.  

He must have angered the administrators in some way. I see that they reached out to him about a problem with his virtual system on this thread. They might have had a private squabble. It'll be interesting to see if he reappears, and what he'll have to say. 

I just now have noticed what was mentioned above with all of @silverfoxtvx1800 posts in this thread being removed.  He was very "enthusiastic" and had PM'd me on a few of my experiences re the Razz and my visit to Greg's shop.  I noted in one of the PM's that the admin and removed specifics of his email address as he wanted me to reach out to him on his email- evidently not allowed.  This was the last I heard of him..... 

@norust "he wanted me to reach out to him on his email- evidently not allowed.  This was the last I heard of him..... "

That's probably it. Same here, received a message asking to engage and share more. Maybe too enthusiastic for this forum -or- favorable mention about a particular vendors product. Hard to say how/why posts get removed sometimes.  


The fact that he hasn't said anything so far makes it sound kind of permanent...

From what I understand, repeat offenders who solicit members' phone numbers or emails via PM several times get the boot after a few warnings. Not sure if this is what happened but is very likely.

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WHY did you erase the posts? They were part of a dialogue and now the thread makes far less sense.

Pretty weird.

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How is erasing everyone else fair?  If you care to repost your own insights that should work for me.

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So @silverfoxtv1800 makes another post and immediately deletes it. Bizarre behavior.


Who knows what is going on and what games are being played.  Perhaps he is "crazy as a fox," as they say.

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Well if he was banned, he couldn’t even log in and post. So why would moderators keep deleting every post within minutes instead of banning him? Makes no sense.

Very strange indeed I enjoyed Silverfox's posts well written informative and enthusiastic.

Not sure how efficient your looking for but i have done the Klipsch LaScala thing for years and was happy after some modifications i.e. damping of horns, upgrading the crossovers and drivers etc. 

The one speaker that gets overlooked here mostly due to being British is the Living Voice line up. I've had an earlier version of the Avatar 2 and was very impressed with the sound. They range from 94-95db at 8ohm, easy load for tube amps as they were designed and voiced off AudioNote Japan's Kondo amps.  highly recommend them if they are efficient enough.  Drove mine with 300b tube amps but they really like a little more power maybe 20-25wpc. 

@mrdecibel , interesting you say the latest Klipsch are no different.  I found earlier Klipsch models unlistenable but hear a significant difference in the latest model.   However, this is only in reference to only the Klipchorn.  Latest Klipschorn is great.  Earlier models of Klipschorn, not so much.  I thought they did some major alterations on the crossovers in the latest models?

I was close to buying a pair of Volti Rivals back in early 2022, but came across a great deal on a pair of KEF Reference 3’s.  Ended up buying a McIntosh 462 and it was an amazing pairing. Lived with that for 2.5 years (longer than I usually do before I move on).  Recently I wanted to go back to horns/tubes and I found a good deal on a used pair of Razz.  Tried several different amps, but I am in love with the sound I’m getting from my Art Audio PX-25 SET amp. I have two powered 15” subs and it all pairs wonderfully.  At some point I know I want to get a pair of Rivals, but I’m very happy for now.

I haven't been on Agon in a few weeks and come back to this thread. It's like a pimp beat down. What happened?

Hey everyone,

So, I’ve been wondering about Silverfox—remember him? The user who seemed to have an endless supply of enthusiasm about his speaker reports? His excitement was practically contagious! But then, poof—he vanished without a trace.

I can only come up with a couple of theories:

  1. AI Conspiracy: What if Silverfox was actually an AI bot designed to promote the company he was so ardently praising? Maybe he was too convincing, and now he's been deactivated for being too enthusiastic. “Mission accomplished, now shut down.”

  2. Home Drama: Or maybe, just maybe, his wife got fed up with his daily routine of sipping coffee and admiring his speakers. “Look, Silverfox, either you get a hobby or I’m tossing your speakers and computer out the window!” And thus, his computer—and his online presence—were no more.

But let’s not forget the third option:

  1. The Great Escape: Perhaps Silverfox has embarked on a grand adventure, escaping the confines of his audio chair and bass traps to explore the world. Maybe he’s found a new passion—like competitive duck herding or underwater basket weaving.

If anyone has any other wild theories or has seen any signs of Silverfox, let us know. Until then, keep your coffee close and your speakers closer!