Considering simplifying my system... talk me down (or whatever)

I few weeks ago, I turned eighty.  I don't know how that happened to me, but it did, so I suppose I've officially entered Geezerhood.  Although I'm now ancient, I am anything but deaf.  I have been gifted with extraordinary hearing throughout my life and it continues to this day... I love music (my wife is a professional pianist), and I have enjoyed my current system for several years.

That said, I have been considering simplifying my system by selling my current line stage preamp, phono preamp, and power amplifier (Sonic Frontiers SFL-2, Sonic Frontiers SFP, and Audio Research VT-100, respectively), and replacing the three with a single integrated amp.  

To my ears, this system is extraordinary.  These pieces drive what may be among the best Klipschorns on the planet: 1972 K-horns, modified with Martinelli tractrix mid horns with TAD2001 drivers, JBL 2404 tweeters, and Al Klappenberger's extreme slope networks (20db/octave).  I'll be keeping these until I need some nursing home money (!)

The last time I visited the Klipsch factory (in Hope, Arkansas!), they were using a Cayin something-or-other in their listening room... it was glorious, I think one of those would do quite nicely for me.

Perhaps there is no logic at all to this "simplifying" idea.  I've just been thinking that sooner or later we will find ourselves in a different living situation and perhaps simpler might be better.  So, I'm leaving it  to the brain trust here to talk me down.

Have a nice weekend, y'all
pinkyboy (the OP)-

I have considered doing the same in terms of simplification, and I am also getting on in years, but still have great hearing. My system is tube-based with an Esoteric digital front end and Wilson speakers. I have thought about replacing the ARC amp/preamp with either an Esoteric F-07 integrated amplifier (less inexpensive) or as someone suggested, the new Accuphase E800 integrated (expensive).

The challenge is that my system sounds incredibly good, and could I just sell off everything at a loss, and, for example, listen to only streamed content with very good headphones? I do not think it is a good idea.

My recommendation is to keep your system until either hearing starts to fail and/or other life events change for you. Good luck!
I looked into my crystal ball...the message I continued to receive was it's not time for you to simplify your glorious system.
Enjoy the music...
Find yourself an old McIntosh integrated lure a good Denon integrated but if you got money to spend I will suggest you buy a pass lab integrated
Buy a PASS labs INT-250 integrated amp and a Schiit Mani (phone preamp, extremely small box).

You will be stunned by the sound that comes out of the PASS Labs amps.
Accuphase is releasing a new integrated in the next few months with the new E800, 50 watts pure class A 8 ohm, 100 watts 4 ohm and 1000 damping factor. 

Accuphase doubles power down to 1 ohm. 
Simplifying is the way to go!

Integrated tubes may be in your future. I suggest you try out:
  • Rogue
  • Audio Research
  • Luxman’s tube integrateds

On the solid state side:
  • Ayre
  • Luxman

Look at it this way- from what you have to something like say a Prima Luna integrated isn't really simplifying. Its really an upgrade.
You may have someone close that wants to pick up where you left off. They may even feel you around them when they listen to it . That is of course your system lives longer than you . 
Long may you ride 

If I make it to eighty with good ears nobody's changing nothing I listen to. Unless I upgrade.

If you're happy don't break up the band.
That said there's some truly amazing integrateds out there at all price points from Nad to Hegel to T&A to Soulution. Since you already have an Audio Research Amp maybe their new VSi75, although I don't believe it has a phono stage.
Well I wouldn't do it.But if you're determined,audition a few integrateds before you sell your current equipment.Consider something with a good headphone stage and inputs for a simpler source much later on.Happy Birthday!
Yeah I’m with others to resist the temptation to change since you love your system so much the way it is now.  There’s a very good chance you won’t like it quite as much if you downsize.  And, really, what are you actually getting by “downsizing?”  To save a square foot of space, a pair of interconnects, and maybe a few tubes?  Really? Is it really worth the risk just for that?

As for Cayin, you need to be careful there.  They get great reviews, but there was one model that literally had a fatal flaw until they redesigned it — can’t remember model but something to watch out for.  FWIW. 
Love the two things every audiophile has—phenomenal hearing and a great sounding system!
I would recommend simplifying and trying A few different types of tube integrateds over time. Maybe rolling tubes after you find something you really like.  Check out Leben integrateds.  
Congrats on a new phase sir.
Happy belated birthday! 
This might fit the bill nicely......
LTA is certainly showing it off a lot capital audio fest. And with some nice speakers! Doubtful your are near Maryland with the have a nice weekend y'all 😉

I retired a couple of years ago and have started building up my system, it's what I do with my spare time.  Maybe just changing the system will inspire you. 
Don't do it man, hang in there till your hand is forced and maybe just maybe that will never happen. Congrats on turning 80 and enjoy your time. Enjoy the music
I recently simplified (somewhat) my system.  I’m 62 and decided that simplifying was something that just made sense.  I’m still thrilled with the sound of my system and don’t regret my decision.