Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!

I removed the TC long before using the 1260.

I coated the complete ends of the fuses including the end sides. Didn’t take much of the solution to do it. The power cords were coating about a 1/3 of the way down on all sides including ground.

So, you are saying to remove the top of the Sorcer? Interesting, you may have something there, I will try it once I get another QSA fuse.

Thanks for your input ozzy. Did you put any 1260 on your PSA fuses and if so was it about a week like the SR fuse? Did you coat all or most of fuse end? Also on the power cords were they the same too? It is hard for me to admit but i tried and now find it hard to live without the QSA red and black fuse in my Sorcer. I justified it by spreading it between my birthday and christmas gift to myself. For a complete picture I need to tell that i ordered a plastic top for Sorcer. So as i was testing back and forth changing fuses i noticed a big difference by leaving top off than on even with the plastic top. The harmonics seem to dramatically increase and improve with top off. 
    My girlfriend plays an electric keyboard in the next room to my stereo and it greatly improved with top off and QSA fuse installed.She and i heard it almost immediately. The harmonics  I will mention the only fuse in my stereo is in the Sorcer, so not sure if that is a factor as to outsized difference the QSA fuse had. Just count me a happy and satisfied music lover!
For those who used Total Contact and now
favor 1260: did you remove TC first or simply
add a layer of 1260 on top of it?
willgolf  I used it on 2A3 pins and small signal pins. It made a huge difference. Small signal pin treatment seems to improve the focus and soundstage and power tube pins seem to improve authority and slam. Don't forget to also treat the power cords.
Has anyone used it on 300B tube pins?  I know it is a light coat but I don't want to gunk up the tube sockets.  I have 16 of them.  I have already applied to cords and cables.  If you paste the pins, do you just paste the tip?
Congrats! Spooky product, but it works very well indeed.

What ever happened to the OP?

Okey dokey!  I've put probably 25 hours or more on my system since treating rca cables from pre to amp, and speaker cable bananas on speaker side.  The soundstage makes my tiny listening room easily 2-3 ft wider on each side. The depth has increased,and there are more layers,and more detail. Also,like I stated earlier, the instruments are firmly planted.  If this works this well on my modest system, I can only imagine how well it would work in a true hi end system.  I'm dumbfounded!   

     Now,I have absolutely no engineering background whatsoever,but if I was forced to guess what's in the formula,I would say it somehow alters the magnetics. Liquid magnets?  Whatever it is, I hear the benefits.  I'm sold! 
Thanks for the kind words.
The 1260 takes about a week to show its stuff even true on the QSA fuses. At this time, I only have a SR orange fuse on my Sorcer X4, glory also recommended using the QSA fuse on it.
Darn looks like I will have to get another QSA for mine. What QSA fuse are you using?

I have a collage of different power cords that I think highlights the components they are powering. But, I did add the 1260 to all the prong ends.

 Hey ozzy, i just ordered the NPS-1260 and noted you spoke about a  QSA fuse. I recently put a QSA fuse in my  ADD-POWR Sorcer X2 which in itself was a game changer for me. The QSA fuse, unexpected  from my earspective, more than doubled the wondrous effect of the Sorcer which was a shocker. Did you hear a positive difference right away or what when you put NPS-1260 on the QSA fuse? Also same question on power cables and effect. I have enjoyed your previous comments thru the years and appreciate any observations you have made, thanks marc
I actually think the 1260 is better than adding a yellow QSA fuse.
Of course adding both adds even more realism, depth, enjoyment...

Thanks Ozzy! Ahhhh… I think I know who that George is. The anti-fuse guy if I am not mistaken? 
ozzy5,088 posts08-08-2021 6:28pmthyname,
1) I think George is the resident naysayer about tweaks, cables etc.
2) Yes, the stuff can be wiped off with Isopropyl alcohol.

If you unplug and replug cables a lot, you may need to retreat the cables or power cords. Coating over a coat does not hurt, it will take longer to sound good.
I’ve just tried it and it works. So far I’m using it on my interconnects (server/DAC to tube line stage to tube monoblocks) and on the power cords feeding my server and an etherRegen. Four days in, improvements across the board in terms of bass (leaner, more overtones) and sound staging. Music sounds “brighter” overall.  With my system, vocals used to be far too prominent, almost masking the rest of the mix.  The nps has solved that issue— everything sounds more integrated and in its proper place. The sound stage isn’t any bigger (yet) but I do have has lost the congealed quality it often used to have. It’s easy now to follow the lines,of individual instruments. I haven’t finished treating my entire system yet, and full break-in likely to be a few more weeks. But so far, I’m very impressed and looking forward to the journey. 
1) I think George is the resident naysayer about tweaks, cables etc.
2) Yes, the stuff can be wiped off with Isopropyl alcohol.

A couple of questions please:

1) Who is George? Someone of AmirM or Ethan Winer fame I am guessing? Pardon my ignorance on the audio gurus

2) Once you apply this thing, can it be wiped off? In case I want to sell that particular cable later on. I doubt anyone will buy cables with darkish stuff on it

Thank you
We all think we have a balanced system. Some may cost more or less.

So far I am reading few improvements from feedbacks including wider, taller, deeper stage, more dynamic, more details, more defined images.

Curious to know in a well balanced system with good transparency, will these improvement make the system sounds analytical/digital-ish?

Ok,don’t punch me in the head,but I’m streaming via WiFi. No cable to treat.  I know,I suck!  
rocray, The closer you use it to the origin of the music the more focused it will get. If you stream music I suggest you also treat cat 5 cable connections, Wifi power cords, etc. It will keep improving over the next several weeks. This stuff is so good, it is scary. 
I’m starting to hear what you folks are saying about things getting better. I had a good 4hrs of listening earlier,and one thing I noticed was focus. The instruments were better defined in the soundstage ,I guess you could say laser focused. Like when you turn the lenses on a pair of binoculars. Things are a little fuzzy,and then bingo,things are so well defined,it’s almost startling. 
IME, once you get the room right, most any "upgrade" (good or bad) is easy to hear. BTW, Your results with this product are the same as mine. Also, as Ozzy stated, it only gets better. 
One of the things that amazes me,is that this is not a high dollar system,yet I still yield great results.  And really,I shouldn't be that shocked,because when you start adding all the little things together,they add up to something much larger. No big secret there. 
It improves even more with time. Great review and looking forward to your additional results.

Ok,so I applied a thin coat on the rca pins on cables from pre to amp. Input and output. I also applied a thin coat on speaker cables ,speaker ends.  I was going to wait a little longer,but I will give some thoughts now.  The soundstage is most definitely bigger. Deeper,  taller,wider than pre treatment. The instruments are better defined in their space. Everything has more "texture". These are things I crave in my system,and it is now delivering in spades. Now,to you nay sayers, remember,this is MY system,in my treated room, with my ears. I easily have 1000's of hours of saddle time on this system. My ears are very well tuned to it. I'm not an expert in most things,but when it comes to this rig,I am the Worlds foremost expert,no exceptions.  And let's face it,I am in this hobby to be selfish,and please only myself.   My wife could care less. So the only person on earth I built,build this for is me.  

    Maybe you won't have the same results,maybe you will. No matter how you slice it,if you don't try something,how can you be a critic?  For me, this product gets two "EARS UP". I will also post any additional thoughts in a few days if things settle in more.  

Apply it to your speaker cables too!
It may take a few days for the full effect, but you will know, believe me.

   I received my NPS-1260 today. I treated the pins on the rca cables from pre to amp. A thin even coat.  Now it's time to sit back and hear what happens. 
If it is a liquid substance, then wouldn't it evaporate after awhile?  And what is left would be the residue - like powder?  Or maybe a over-coat much like applying shellac on wood?  But then the residue, or whatever that is, after a long period would act to impede the flow of electrons?

I am trying to understand the mechanism of how it affects the sound.
To those of you that use this product;
I read the review and noticed he mentioned the soundstage came closer after initial application. In the long run, is that true? I’m totally a ‘you are there’ guy, so having the performer(s) get closer and stay closer would be a deal breaker for me.
Oh yeah, another question:  Does the 1260 require burn in or does it cure over time without playing your system?

I have used NPS 1260, and its great. I tried it just on my speaker cable speaker end first. If i did not like it i wanted to be able to remove it. Less than 2 days later i was doing the other end of my speaker cables. My speaker cables are Transparent Reference. I have applied it to all my power cords and XLR interconnects,  speaker jumper wires. It just got better  sound across the board.
Try a solid thin coat first you can always go back and add more. The thicker the coat the longer the break in was for me. I did go back and make it a little thicker coat with time.
Stir it well before applying, wipe off all  your connection first before applying.
Good luck
I have some on the way. I have, what I feel , is a pretty well balanced main system. ( This is where I will be using it first)  My system is not what I would call "high dollar".  It's modest,but I enjoy it very much. I have been upgrading cables a bit, and I do notice a difference with cables. I also have literally, a few thousand hours on this rig.  My ears are very well tuned to it. I will be posting my results after I give it some saddle time.  I have never used any kind of enhancers before.  I think this will be very interesting.  
Show me the data.Show me the benefits and features.Prove to me this works.

I’m wondering how anybody can make such a comment and still consider himself an audiophile.

The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. All the data in the world means nothing if you cannot hear an improvement, and the lack of data mean equally little if you do hear an improvement.

You are free to try something or not try it. We are under no obligation to have to prove our observations to you. If you cannot trust your ears, you are on the wrong forum.

I am blown away by Nps-1260 3-d. The more I apply the better it sounds. The result is absolutely Glorious.  This result is what I have been looking for since 1982. The good news is that it keeps improving over time. My biggest problem now is dragging myself away from my system since I have other responsibilities too. Going to bed on time and being able to fall asleep are two other factors to work around. I want to Thank Rick for this wonderful invention. He has changed my life. I know that it sounds too good to be true but it is actually much better than that. 
Myself and several of my friends have been using the Hifidelity cable 1260 3D 
enhancer put in on Everything including tube pins to AC blades and cables 
it takes a solid 2-3 weeks to settle in  but very noticeable .
we tried removing completely ,one item at a time ,and other tests not knowing what was being done within 90%+ accuracy within a group of 6.
the stuff works well , if you don’t want to try  its your choice ,your loss..
I am not trying to convince anyone. If you value sound quality and can spare the money, try it. If not don’t. Simple as that.
Is it a simple formula that is overpriced? Again, I don’t know. But the results speak for themselves to these old tired ears...

Alas, true snake oil. If only it didn’t cost so much to get bitten.

All very serious jokes aside, it reminds me very much of Arctic Silver and other such fully necessary thermal compounds required to install a CPU properly. Various claims are made and even supposedly independent testing results vary according to the design of the cooler, it’s method of mechanical cooling (air,water nitrogen oxide) as well as the design of the case, fans, PS rating and of course the model number and make of the CPU. But in all cases, when applied properly (different schools of thought exist on this parameter-spreading, pea, X, grid etc.) the undeniable truth is: the results can be measured and regardless of any faults in the above mentioned parameters, the CPU performs better and runs cooler. While it’s quite logical to look at the mating surfaces of the CPU and the cooler’s backing plate and assume the tolerances are so high that there couldn’t possibly exist any sort of deviation that would add up to the inability of the said surfaces to perform their job properly, but you’d be wrong. Maybe at idle, things are OK, but take a high end CPU like an AMD 5950x and put it through its paces via a stress test and the system is likely to shut down completely or throttle itself to snail mode until it’s been acknowledged by the user that the thermal load need attention. I can’t help but wonder if all our less than perfect systems are doing the same? Not thermally, but sonically? Are the little audible  shortcomings we notice here and there equivalent to the OS telling us temps on the SB or NB are getting in the way of overall performance? Just makes too much sense to me that CPUs manufactured with the same surface mating tolerances as the enterprise solution big brothers to Threadripper or Xeon (by AMD and Intel) are on an even or even higher plane of tolerances than something manufactured to reproduce music. After all, the entire economy of the world is not riding on a SET. 
@ozzy Ozzy you would never have to worry about me setting foot in your store if you can not sell me on the benefits and features. Provide solid selling points as to why I should buy this product. Or at least be able to demonstrate it.
I will be picking this stuff up on Tuesday and we will see.

Show me the data.Show me the benefits and features.Prove to me this works.

101 stuff.

If you were a customer, I would kick you out of the store for wasting my time...

Yes, it is true, I did not like the PPT paste. This stuff is different. Reading the review it talks about magnetism and such, so different approaches. I hope you have a chance to try it.

I did have it on the SR orange fuse before the QSA yellow. Never tried it on a el cheapo fuse. Never tried it on cheap cables for that matter. I’m sure it would improve on the cheapo sound though. However, in this hobby everything matters.
P.S. I don’t think Radio Shack exists anymore.


" Looking back through my notes, I first started applying it on 6-6-21. The last application was on 7-16-21 on the yellow QSA fuse."

Have you ever tried it on regular "radio shack" fuses or only on the good stuff?
I am saying that unless the connections on your system cabling are extremely oxidized, dirty, or loose what you will hear will be far more placebo effect than miracle audio tweak

Not true. It will work best with clean contacts.

Any electrical plug and receptacle combination has more area of air gap than actual metal to metal contact. That is just plain physics. A product that is more conductive than air that replaces the airgap will improve the contact. 

This product is not meant to compensate for tarnish on contacts. It's designed to address airgaps between contacts. 

Having used the PPT products in the past, I'm a believer in this type of technology.  My question is for those who have experience with the PPT products and have tried this product -is there a difference?  Ozzy, I think I remember you removing the PPT paste early after application.  I didn't experience loss of the high end with the Total Contact and have been pleased with the results.  I'm open to the ideal that improvement may be had with a similar, but different product. Are there added benefits to this product over the Total Contact?  Thanks.