Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!


Showing 10 responses by rocray

Today I treated the prongs on all my PC’s. I have about 2 hours on them. I’ll let them settle in for a couple of days. So far,I like what I’m hearing. 

I’m the robot from Christmas past. 

I have to admit,I am very intrigued by contact enhancers,or really, a lot of tweaks out there.  $350 worth of intrigue?  Not sure about that at this point in time.  But still intrigued!  I have a little background in racing. Cars,snowmobiles, motorcycles,so I grasp that a bunch of little improvements usually add up to big improvements. 
I have some on the way. I have, what I feel , is a pretty well balanced main system. ( This is where I will be using it first)  My system is not what I would call "high dollar".  It's modest,but I enjoy it very much. I have been upgrading cables a bit, and I do notice a difference with cables. I also have literally, a few thousand hours on this rig.  My ears are very well tuned to it. I will be posting my results after I give it some saddle time.  I have never used any kind of enhancers before.  I think this will be very interesting.  
   I received my NPS-1260 today. I treated the pins on the rca cables from pre to amp. A thin even coat.  Now it's time to sit back and hear what happens. 
One of the things that amazes me,is that this is not a high dollar system,yet I still yield great results.  And really,I shouldn't be that shocked,because when you start adding all the little things together,they add up to something much larger. No big secret there. 
I’m starting to hear what you folks are saying about things getting better. I had a good 4hrs of listening earlier,and one thing I noticed was focus. The instruments were better defined in the soundstage ,I guess you could say laser focused. Like when you turn the lenses on a pair of binoculars. Things are a little fuzzy,and then bingo,things are so well defined,it’s almost startling. 
Ok,so I applied a thin coat on the rca pins on cables from pre to amp. Input and output. I also applied a thin coat on speaker cables ,speaker ends.  I was going to wait a little longer,but I will give some thoughts now.  The soundstage is most definitely bigger. Deeper,  taller,wider than pre treatment. The instruments are better defined in their space. Everything has more "texture". These are things I crave in my system,and it is now delivering in spades. Now,to you nay sayers, remember,this is MY system,in my treated room, with my ears. I easily have 1000's of hours of saddle time on this system. My ears are very well tuned to it. I'm not an expert in most things,but when it comes to this rig,I am the Worlds foremost expert,no exceptions.  And let's face it,I am in this hobby to be selfish,and please only myself.   My wife could care less. So the only person on earth I built,build this for is me.  

    Maybe you won't have the same results,maybe you will. No matter how you slice it,if you don't try something,how can you be a critic?  For me, this product gets two "EARS UP". I will also post any additional thoughts in a few days if things settle in more.  

Ok,don’t punch me in the head,but I’m streaming via WiFi. No cable to treat.  I know,I suck!  
Okey dokey!  I've put probably 25 hours or more on my system since treating rca cables from pre to amp, and speaker cable bananas on speaker side.  The soundstage makes my tiny listening room easily 2-3 ft wider on each side. The depth has increased,and there are more layers,and more detail. Also,like I stated earlier, the instruments are firmly planted.  If this works this well on my modest system, I can only imagine how well it would work in a true hi end system.  I'm dumbfounded!   

     Now,I have absolutely no engineering background whatsoever,but if I was forced to guess what's in the formula,I would say it somehow alters the magnetics. Liquid magnets?  Whatever it is, I hear the benefits.  I'm sold! 
ozzy,make sure you report back! I’m still smiling from my experiment with the 1260.