Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!


Showing 9 responses by boxer12

"I have not noticed a change when reapplied"

Nor have I. Remarkable stuff, really.

I would also suggest doing it in stages, for the reasons Pete mentions above. It is pretty remarkable listening to the improvements from just treating all power cables, all interconnects, etc.. I gave it about a week between "stages", but that is your call obviously. 
IME, once you get the room right, most any "upgrade" (good or bad) is easy to hear. BTW, Your results with this product are the same as mine. Also, as Ozzy stated, it only gets better. 
mapman said:
"Clean connections and contact enhancers are not a bad idea. Just does not cost $350 to do it well. Except for a handful of audiophiles."

Clean connections & contact enhancers are a great idea! I tried them (Deoxit products) on the battery posts of my transports remote that wasn't working... Still didn't work. I then put a small dot of this product on the posts & it now works. Not all contact enhancers are equal. 

No, I didn't buy the product for this particular application
No, this particular application didn't improve sound quality (it's the only time I've used the product where it did not however)