Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!!

On another thread, we have a well known and well respected piece of gear ( and great sounding too, IME) that according to the member who is reviewing it, needs in excess of 1000 hours to fully break in!! 

While we have all heard of gear that needs immense amounts of 'break in' time to sound its best, usually gear that involves teflon caps, I question whether this very long break in time is the job for the consumer? Is it reasonable for a manufacturer of audio gear to expect the consumer to receive sub-par performance from his purchase for potentially several months ( years?) before the true sound of the gear in question can be enjoyed? Or, is it ( or should it be) perhaps the job of the manufacturer of this gear ( usually not low priced) to actually accomplish the 'break in' before releasing it from the factory? Thoughts...
Regarding the LHC, this is from Wikipedia.

Initial lower magnet currentsEdit

In both of its runs (2010 to 2012 and 2015), the LHC was initially run at energies below its planned operating energy, and ramped up to just 2 x 4 TeV energy on its first run and 2 x 6.5 TeV on its second run, below the design energy of 2 x 7 TeV. This is because massive superconducting magnets require considerable magnet training to handle the high currents involved without losing their superconducting ability, and the high currents are necessary to allow a high proton energy. The "training" process involves repeatedly running the magnets with lower currents to provoke any quenches or minute movements that may result. It also takes time to cool down magnets to their operating temperature of around 1.9 K (close to absolute zero). Over time the magnet "beds in" and ceases to quench at these lesser currents and can handle the full design current without quenching; CERN media describe the magnets as "shaking out" the unavoidable tiny manufacturing imperfections in their crystals and positions that had initially impaired their ability to handle their planned currents. The magnets, over time and with training, gradually become able to handle their full planned currents without quenching.[80][81]

The LHC is down for a major upgrade, when it comes back up it will be called the High Luminosity LHC. Sounds kinda like a god...

So yes, the LHC required a break in period, and yes, like us audiofools, the physicist at CERN have an insatiable urge to upgrade.
You can’t debunk something that’s not bunk.

You can’t cheat an honest man and never smarten up a chump. - old audiophile axiom 🤗
No debunking, just accurate reporting.
I just realize that you are not debunking anything...

I misread your post...

But by "accurate reporting" are you suggesting that the preparation of the hadron collider has nothing to do with the preparation of an amplifier by an "audiophile" ?

We often interpret things how we want them to be. That does not make it true.
This is very wise remark....

This hadron collider does not need to "break in" for sure...a collider is another beast than an amplifier... Or a cable...

Simple then, for the time to come, why do we not call "break in" the necessary preparation for a love affair between some chemical catalytic component and some neuron? This "illusion" or "audiophile" pleasurable sensation is like a rainbow after all....

And after all, "real truth" or "the" truth like you said,(Or isn’t me saying that?) dont need any interpretation and has nothing to do with this love affair, and the birthing of truth is like Athena birth, coming nude from the head of Zeus... Is’n it?

P.S. I just remember that Feynman said that if someone pretend to understand quantum mechanic he is lying...I think Feynman dont understand truth either.... Or do he?

I will let you decide all that... :) 

I will just give you a hint about my own opinion with only one word: "consciousness"...

Make of this word what you like it to be, a reality or an illusion, but beware of the consequences...
My post was a joke.... :)

But sure some debunk even joke if it is about "break in"....It is a serious subject matter... It is very important after all to debunk audiophile "crazy" impressions....

If you perceive rainbow dont say it is real, it is a subjective impression clothed in an objective one clearly... :)

An A.I. will not perceive it....Reality dont need impressions....;)

Wait ! I realize now that what I had just written is wrong...

An A.I. connected to a human brain will....

And will be more intelligent...

Able to debunk his own impressions and knowing why....

And no blind test needed...


I apologize for my joke or sarcasm.... We are not always wise....

I will go back to the shed where Newton observe light wrongly with his corpuscular theory, and i will read Goethe to complete it rightly...But wait is Goethe not a poet? Poet are more stupid than some "audiophile".... 

Wasn't Goethe stupid ? He wrote that there is no theory behind phenomena and that phenomena are the theory...

It is sure now, Goethe was an "audiophile"....

Wait a minute...

Is it not quantum theory that suppose that a photon cannot be called  a "phenomena" before being in the theater of consciousness, but only a probability wave?

I throw my hat to the wind...

I dont understand anything anymore...

Where is Feynman when we need it  ?

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Several years ago I recall reading the the Large Hadron Collider at CERN would only operate at 50% power for 1 year following startup to allow the magnets and other heavy electrical components settle in. I recall that the physicist mentioned that the crystal structures in some component needed time to align or de-stress. Maybe 1000 hours to break in some audio gear is not unheard of.
I am sure this news has been already debunked by some audio "scientist" here....Or James Randi...

What a waste of time because CERN dont consult the right "scientist" probably....

Me I know perfectly well that out of the box any electronic component is more than ready to use, no "tweaks" needed, no time to waste, we have proven it with measures.... :)
Several years ago I recall reading the the Large Hadron Collider at CERN would only operate at 50% power for 1 year following startup to allow the magnets and other heavy electrical components settle in. I recall that the physicist mentioned that the crystal structures in some component needed time to align or de-stress. Maybe 1000 hours to break in some audio gear is not unheard of. 
Any manufacture that says that a product needs to be broken in for weeks or months is just hoping that you grow to like it well before the return window is closed.
Shhhh....a successful marketing campaign ensures that the advertised "break-in" window exceeds the time required for confirmation bias to fully develop.
Cables? Somebody has been smokin to much weed.
Another manufacturing secret....
"Roll another one
Just like the other one"
Caps can be broken in on simple fixture consisting of a variable voltage supply modulated with an audio signal. There are plans out there to build them cheaply. You can gang lots of caps onto the same fixture and run it indefinitely.
Any manufacture that says that a product needs to be broken in for weeks or months is just hoping that you grow to like it well before the return window is closed.
Transducers such as cartridges do need a short break-in time as the suspension needs to loosen up a bit.
Cables? Somebody has been smokin to much weed.
ARC didn't state anything about the long break in time in the manual of the piece I am referring to ( I did not say they did, you somehow read that?) , but in a response to a review ...
What review was that?
I doubt any company mentions much about 'break in' time in their manual ...
ARC does. That's why I mentioned it.
@cleeds  ARC didn't state anything about the long break in time in the manual of the piece I am referring to ( I did not say they did, you somehow read that?) , but in a response to a review, this was recommended. I doubt any company mentions much about 'break in' time in their manual..particularly IF it is going to be lengthy.
The ARC preamp I mentioned, would have required a number of months or more...perhaps more than a year, to actually break in IF the user was not listening every week ( and for extended periods) ... ARC stated that their large Teflon caps needed 600+ hours to break in!
That's not at all what ARC states. Check your user manual.

If you don't actually own any ARC gear, you can "look it up," if you care. Many ARC user manuals are online.
@phd  Question is how many users that you were referencing leave their gear on all the time, or listen as often as it takes to actually break the gear in. The ARC preamp I mentioned, would have required a number of months or more...perhaps more than a year, to actually break in IF the user was not listening every week ( and for extended periods). That, plus one wouldn't really want to leave a tube preamp ( or any tube gear for that matter) on for weeks at an end. ARC stated that their large Teflon caps needed 600+ hours to break in! 
High quality gear does require an extensive break-in period, but for years, give me a break. Some manufacturers will break-in gear to some degree  before it is sold so that the buyer initially will enjoy a certain level of sound quality from the get-go. How many times have you read that some buyers sold their new purchase too soon only to find out later they did not allow the component the properly break in, thus they never really got to hear its capabilities.
Conversely there is some gear that require to be left on over-night just to sound their very best for critical listening. But I think you can take this break-in period too far, then you need to ask yourself what is really breaking in, you or the gear.
I'm still waiting for my RCA 19inch TV to break in. For some reason the picture still looks grayish, very drab colors. I'll give it to 2025 before I complain. 

Hello Davey… Sure, the next phase of the Rowland Daemon evaluation protocol will come soon.


It will consist of Daemon’s DAC + preamplifier subsystems feeding into the Rowland M925 monoblocks using Cardas Clear Reflection XLR balanced ICs.


I conjecture that having rested unplugged for about one month and a half, M925 and Cardas ICs might come back to full potential in a couple of days of grinding a signal.


Conversely, this will be the first time I exercise the balanced XLR outputs of Daemon’s linestage subsection.  Thus, I have no idea whether or not these outputs will show any signs of needing any additional dedicated burn-in time…


I’ll scribble soon again about my project's goings on at:  


Regards, Guido

G, Now I see what you are getting at with the stereo amps bridged for mono. That would have been an interesting experiment. 
Meanwhile, do post back in your thread when you have had a chance to AB vs the 925's.

Hello @DaveyF, you are correct, I would not want ever to evaluate a strict monoblock amp by breaking-in each chassis on split timelines... Evaluating mono operation chassis by chassis is a pointless exercise.


The Rowland M535 I was talking about is instead a bridgeable pair... In that a single M535 chassis can be deployed as a stereo amp, or two of them can be advantageously used in bridged mode as a mono pair.


When I received the M535 pair I deployed them as a bridged/m mono pair from the get go, and crossed sonic/musical stabilization around the 800 hours mark


What I should have done instead is:


Break-in the bridged pair for the first 24 or 48 hours.

* Split the pair; put chassis 1 aside; reconfigure chassis 1 and 2 for stereo operation and continue break-in of chassis 2.


At some fixed checkpoints, e.g. 100 hours mark, 200 hours, 350 hours, 500 hours, 650 hours, and 800 hours mark, compare the stereo performance of chassis 2 with chassis 1 which would have been still a juvenile. Any differences? Document each checkpoint with copious notes.


At the end, set aside chassis 2, and complete break-in of chassis 1 in stereo mode to 800 hours.


Reconfigure the two units for bridged operation. Reconnect the whole and play for a few days. Take notes and document tonal/resolution/etc... differences of bridged pair from single chassis in stereo mode.


You still with me after all this time? No worries, the fun is not over...


Power down and disconnect from the wall outlet. Disconnect speaker wires from the bridged output terminal of each chassis. Slip the optional external networks onto the mono terminals of each unit. Reconnect speaker wires. Plug the units into the AC, and play music.... You might notice a further positive delta, which to my experience continued to open up further, plateauing after about 100 hours.


BTW, the slip-on networks are free for the asking from the factory... Yes, I know, it would be nice if they were inside the machines... No, not possible, because the designer thought of enhancement about one year after release... No he could not retrofit the design, would have required a semimajor chassis machining / board / wiring change.


PS, Do not slip the networks on a M535 unit in stereo mode, nor try them on any device that is not an M535... You would slag the device with a nice Pop! Possible sparkles, pretty curls of blue smoke, and cute scent of singed electronics... And you'd void any warranty to boot. Yes, Rowland includes a card warning against improper networks use with these add-ons.

Saluti, G.

G. Thank you for explaining in detail your reviewing protocol.

I think what you stated makes a lot of sense, and I suspect that there are a lot of professional reviewers who do NOT go to such lengths...

As to your thought about breaking in a mono block in a separate timeline, to that I would I think the result of what you suggest would be ’flawed’ at best.

I concur with @almarg, @hilde45, and @zavato… Control of independent variables is of the utmost importance in the review process, and should be implemented as much as possible to achieve reasonably meaningful findings.


In a perfect world, twin copies of the target component or cable should be used for periodic comparisons of performance throughout the break-in process… One copy being the full break-in target, and the second one as a control with “low mileage”. Now suddenly, I hit myself, because I just realized that I had a perfect opportunity to do that when I examined the Rowland M535 bridged a spell ago… I should have started in stereo mode, and used one of the two units as a low mileage control, instead of breaking-in the pair as a bridged set. Oh well, next time I evaluate a bridgeable amp, I’ll apply this technique for sure.


Would be nice to track voltages, air temperature, and humidity… Next time I am born I’ll make sure I stay fully sighted, so I can read measuring equipment… Oh well *Grins!*


On the other hand, I do control the test environment as much as possible, as follows:


  • I maintain system configuration to be invariant during each individual evaluation phase. This means that all components remain the same; cabling remains the same; usage of AC outlets remains the same; no equipment has moved around stands; layout of cabling on the floor remains the same; no furniture has been moved, orientation of window treatments remains the same.

  • All ancillary equipment is already well stabilized: In my case, all equipment has been with me between two years (cabling) and 14 years (CD transport)… I was forgetting equipment support benches (60 years).

  • Break-in process continues 24/7, except for power-off time during thunderstorms and for discharging capacitors (did this twice). Did any critical listening at least several hours after the last power-up… More typically, days or weeks after.

  • I make consistent use of review material… A test CD contains the same sampling of music tracks that I have used for evaluating equipment at home, at shows, and at stores for the last 15 years… In addition, I use several other CDs representative of music genres of interest to me.

  • While I listen to entire CDs during critical listening, I do concentrate on particular passages that I have known to expose possible flaws or merits in a review target: harshness from intermodulative artifacts, pillowing/unspecific bass, harmonic exposure changes in broad treble to bass arpeggios, transient clarity vs opaqueness, decay complexity, staging/imaging changes, very low level information, ambient noises, performers’ subvocalizations.

  • I document observations in contemporaneous notes also logging dates and break-in hours, which when cleaned up form the basis for diary posts, and in an ancient past, I have integrated into published reviews.

  • Use a break-in tracker spreadsheet… This maintains break-in status for each day, hours of operation each day, start time, power down time, total hours count since beginning of project, and completion date projections.

  •       At the end of each project phase, for instance use of an integrated as a complete integrated, I make minimal changes to start the next phase, which might be for example feeding the linelevel signal from the linestage of the integrated into my reference monoblocks… I will use for this the same pair of well broken in XLR ICs that I have been using for the last two years from my reference DAC to the monos.

  •   I will run this configuration for at least a couple days before any new critical listening, and will use the same tracks and passages that I used on the integrated. I will probably need to go back and forth between full integrated and its linestage subsystem into the monos to derive a reasonable assessment of the difference. Yes I know, the reintroduction of an IC will somewhat smear the results.

  • * I would then use the same XLR ICS when I test the output of my reference DAC into the integrated linestage + amplification subsystem.  


As you might imagine, I can’t examine dozens or even a handful of components a year this way: It is a very time-consuming process. Never the less, it is for me a happy labor of love which I enjoy sharing with fellow lovers of music and sound… Others may feel otherwise.


Regards, G.

Don't forget what's on the other side of "break-in" -- it is break-down. At some point the performance of any device starts deteriorating.

For the neurotic, that means there will be only one day in the life of a device in which it performs at its optimum level. And it is impossible to expect that day for any one component to line up with the optimum day for any of the other components in a system!

For myself, I recognize that I am the biggest variable in my system. The differences I hear are often more likely due to my mental and physical state than anything to do with my system.
Present configuration consists of SS electronics from one manufacturer, left on 24/7/365. Believe leaving on SS does make a difference. Took the preamp longer to break in (circa 400 hours).
All I have to do is slip in a CD and turn up the volume. No discernible need to "break in" anything. Speakers took about three weeks of listening.
Reviewers are the worst. always changing things, speakers, cables, turntables, CD players. The system never, ever fully breaks in. The whole review process is broken.

Broken cutters, broken saws,
Broken buckles, broken laws,
Broken bodies, broken bones,
Broken voices on broken phones
Take a deep breath, feel like you're chokin',
Everything is broken

Every time you leave and go off someplace
Things fall to pieces in my face
Broken hands on broken ploughs,
Broken treaties, broken vows,
Broken pipes, broken tools,
People bending broken rules
Hound dog howling, bull frog croaking,
Everything is broken

1000 hr to break in? Nah- 1000 hrs for the reviewer to get used to the sound? Possible 
+1almarg. No reason to doubt the person. What's interesting to me is to understand how the evaluation process was done. To know the amp was changing after that much time, it would also be necessary to know that nothing else in the complex system (cables, etc.) is changing and yet being attributed to the object of analysis. (I assume the other components are all stable, i.e., "burned in"?). And the room and other contributing environmental conditions (including power) are being controlled, too? Then there's the question of memory and linguistic description. Are notes being kept? Are the terms used in the notes precise? Etc.

What makes these kinds of issues tricky for me is that there is the sound of a precise, scientific approach, but there's either an irregular process or one that is not carefully documented. I've got nothing against shootin' the sh*t, but when it sounds like it's something else, I lose interest.

TRT teflons in crossovers, 200-300 hours. Bigger the cap longer the time. The guy used clusters to reduce breakin time.  Timing issues, sound came from everywhere, crazy sound.

I had a Brooks saddle that was still not broken in at 1,000 miles.
Unfortunately, Brooks did not believe it was their job to send me the saddle already broken in.
That really chapped my ass!  🚲
Bob Crump got a little bit upset 😤 with the speaker dude in his and Curl’s system at CES when Bob found him soldering the connections for the new version of the tweeters.
There once was a speaker vendor who claimed that the poor performance / review of his speaker was because inadequate time was given to break in the wire in the speaker, and it was very special wire that took >200 hours to break in.

The vendor of that wire said the speaker vendors claims were poppy-cock.

That wire vendor: George Cardas.

>>>Sadly, perhaps, he’s not the only well-known manufacturer who is a couple paradigm shifts behind the power curve. We see this all the time. Amplifier manufacturers are probably the worst. c’est la vie, as they say in Brooklyn.
The sound early on tends to be a bit grainy and etched. This has the effect of making it seem a bit more detailed and exciting. 
I prefer the "not yet broken-in" sound of certain things, and thus can never actually use those for fear of them breaking-in.
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according to the member who is reviewing it, needs in excess of 1000 hours to fully break in!!
That's actually long enough that if a tube unit, it might have had to have tubes replaced already (although that would be a short period for a tube).

This still strains credulity- I'm not buying it- I suspect something else is afoot.
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So, can we put all those rumors of fancy Duelund capacitors taking 500 hours to break in to rest? By the way at the shows, at CES it would take every bit of three days and three nights before the system sounded like it was almost broken in. You know, for the rooms that believed in that sort of thing. 
I believe there is a little break in time with every new or changed component in a system but please let us not discout the aclimation to the new our own selves go through.
Davey, good one!  :)

Perhaps you would enjoy my serious take on the subject. Go to and read my article ;  Audiophile Law: Thou Shalt Not Overemphasize Burn In.

McCormack amps take about 48 hrs to laser beam their magic into my ears,
my speakers took about 250-300 hrs to loosen up and get tight, and amazing.

There is a difference.

Before a serious,listen, I will power up, leave on for 30-40 hrs before a good listen, same with preamp and CD player.

1000 hrs seems a stretch, who claims such a break in?

 I have been break g in a pair of Odyssey Kismets for many weeks now,and yes big difference from day one til now!

i would think 400 or so hours on any capacitor, circuit board, would be sufficient for a good break in.

1000 hours seems odd to me.

I like Douglas Schroeder's claim. Re-enforces my idea of buying used.  
Well, I am a cheapo also, but don't tell anyone.
@guidocorona   Does what you state in your prior post apply to the piece of gear in question that you started another thread on?
@geoffkait How often are you re-breaking in cables? I have never done that, IME once they are broken in..they seem to stay that way.

If you don't like my thread, please feel free to ignore.