Best rock song of all times

Only one answer please.
Not the best written or the best musical complexity but the one that represents the rock.

My choice: Satisfaction - Rolling Stones

- first notes are like the 5th of Beethoven (when you hear those notes, everybody pumps up the volume)
- still very up to date
- a mix of rock and blues rock and Motown sound
- lyrics talks about disatisfaction of young people vs life, politics, money and women (even B Dylan like that song)
- music is very basic as a good rock song should be
I'll go with "Highway Star". I can really feel the energy singing that on "Rock Band"!

"Girls Got Rhythm" is another possible AC/DC tune.
Hey we got some AC/DC fans out there. The latest album is pretty good - Black Ice. It may not be a new landmark from Angus and the crew but it has some great classic rock sound.

It was recorded here

Sounds like this.
Bigpond- I agree, Thunderstruck is awesome! Everytime I hear it I remember back to Thunder Dan Majerle (from the Phoenix Suns)in the playoffs(about 12 tears ago). Everytime he'd score they would play a bit of that. Thunder! Thunder! You've been....Thunderstruck! It is giving me chills right now remembering!
It's 1973: Deep Purple's "Highway Star" set at "11". 17 yrs old + '67 327 camarro rs + all the "trimmings". Blackmore's lead: priceless. Never re-created that one, although lots of attempts.
Highway To Hell- AC/DC
If I had to express to someone what Rock is with just one song, this would be it! It has everything that Rock is. Nasty string bending, witty lyrics with some "badness", snarly signing, raunchy guitar, and a driving beat! This is what I understand Rock to be (and I love it!!!). Not Metal, not Pop, not Rock and Roll, but Rock.
Gonna' throw it on now!
Bigpond--If you like "Do-Ya" by ELO, listen to the original version by the Move.
Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin, White Riot - The Clash, Street Fighting Man - Rolling Stones, Helter Skelter - The Beatles, Debaser - The Pixies, Scentless Apprentice - Nirvana, American Idiot - Green Day, Stay with me - Faces, Baba O'Riley - The Who, Don't Look Back in Anger - Oasis, Sweet Child o' Mine - Gun's N Roses
John11f: According to a major oldies radio station the most played song on the radio ever is You've Lost That Lovin Feeling by the Righteous Brothers.
Some that cometo mind:
"Psychotic reaction" by Count five
"Kick out the jams" by MC5
"See See rider" by The Animals
"I'm a man" by Spencer Davis Group
"Surfing Bird" by Trashmen
"Ballroom Blitz" by Sweet
"Wooly Booly" by Sam the Sham $ the Pharaohs
"Mississippi Queen" by Mountain
"Black is black" by Los Bravos
"You really got me" by Kinks
"My Sharona" by Knack
"Louie Louie" by Kingsmen
"Shakin' all over" by Chad $ the Expressions
"Green onions" by Booker T $ the MG's
"Paranoid" BY Black Sabbath
"Journey to the center of the mind" by Amboy Dukes
"I'm eighteen" by Alice Cooper
"Lies" by Knickerbockers
"Lazy" by Deep Purple
"96 Tears" question mark and the Mysterians
"Wipe out " by Surfaris
I also agree with Nerd65
Bob Dylan's "All along the watchtower" covered by Hendrix
Correction to my post above...

The name of the group is Metallium, not Metallia. Idiot me. I grabbed my CD and went "Oh crap".
Being a creature of the 70's, Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water" has always been near the top of my list, it being a true story and all. Recently, however, I came across a cover of it by a group called Metallia (spelling is correct...this is NOT Metallica) that just BLOWS AWAY the original. You can catch a snippet on the Mettalia website, or you can hear the whole thing on YouTube - just do a search for Metallica-Smoke on the water (yep, METALLICA). All this confusion stems from Metallia not being a well known group here in the U.S. and that they sound very much like Metallica. The CD is available. I got mine on EBay and although their style is 80's metal, this cover nevertheless, ranks way up on my list.
Howlin Wolf wrote "Little Red Rooster"...great song...I'll chime in and pick a Led Zep song...not sure of title but it kind of goes..."I got a woman stays drunk all the time"..."in the bars where the men play guitars"...just can't recall the title, but I could sing it for you!?!
"Little Red Rooster", by many artists. I was driving home from work one day listening to XM radio on Bluesville, and they had a marathon going, playing just that one song, but they were playing different renditions for 12 hours straight, with no repetition. With all of the various artists, and styles, it didn't get boring. The one that struck me hard was by Sugar Blue. He puts so much feeling into that harp that it brings tears to my eyes every time I listen to it. Did that just a few hours ago. Turn it up! Luv it!
Did you see that Bob Dylan just got a Pulitzer Prize for being the most influential rock n' roller of our times. First time ever that rock n' roll got a prize. His books titled "Chronicles" are considered one of the rare celebrity books that can be consider literature. Pretty cool! They are still trying to dissect his lyrics.
another vote for the who: won't get fooled again.

no rock band ever understood drama like the who, who effectively fused operatic drama with explosive teen angst into a wholly unique sound.

nothing ever like it.
The Twist, by Chubby Checkers. I remember this was one song that would get all the adults up and dancing. this was when adults didn't like rock and roll. (I was like ten or twelve at the time) They couldn't help themselves.
"rumble" by link wray...heard this when i was 11 yrs. old and went WHOA...didn't realize music could sound so dangerous
I think one that represents rock is "Come Together" by the Beatles. There are so many good rock songs that I can't pick one but this was a good start for me. I was 6 when my brother played it for me.
My stock answer to this question is always Johnny Be Goode, but lots of good choices here.

Some missing possibilities, each iconic in its own way:

I Fought The Law - Sonny Curtis/Bobby Fuller/Clash
Sweet Jane - Lou Reed
Volunteers - Jefferson Airplane
Clampdown - The Clash

I'm sure there's lots of other good calls, too.

Street Fighting Man-Rolling Stones & Funeral for a Friend-Elton John are 2 of the Best!!
Jdlepera got it right; Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode". This song may have directly or indirectly inspired all the others listed.
With lyrics with real life meaning for the average, and brrrrrrilliant music, Its gotta be 'WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN by 'THE WHO' (Moon/Ent/Dalt/Town), sung and played with all the verve, nerve, REAL anger, angst, deprivation, desperation that the yooth of the day suffered. AWESOME. Rock is Energy.
Compare 'THE WHO' verses 'The Rolling stones'. One band are slippers, pipe and armchair, the other is sheer 100% maniacal energy! IMHO, naturally.
Queensryche : Silent lucidity

Best "symphonic" rock song ever heard. Acoustically pleasing, kicks ass while still a ballad.