
Discussions jorgeparrapuppy has started

D-sonic amps. which pre-amp are you using?22341
Pioneer PD-65 & Parasound z-dac413812
find anything good at estate sales lately??19790
Oldie but goody. B&W DM302.33503
Infinity model 5000 vintage speakers111756
You know you have "it" bad when...................419814
Genesis APM-1 to AV123 Strata Mini. Upgrade or40853
Genesis plate amp repair in Los Angeles15050
preamp jumper cables37084
anyone use the parasound jc2 with primaluna monos?29186
anyone else notice the meridian speakers in......26416
Bauhaus on 180g vinyl?22596
Funniest agon screen names375414
Great systems in butt-ugly rooms1833871