D-sonic amps. which pre-amp are you using? | jorgeparrapuppy | 2234 | 1 | |
Pioneer PD-65 & Parasound z-dac | dla405j | 4138 | 12 | |
find anything good at estate sales lately?? | | 1979 | 0 | |
Oldie but goody. B&W DM302. | tuong9906 | 3350 | 3 | |
Infinity model 5000 vintage speakers | leatherneck1111 | 11175 | 6 | |
You know you have "it" bad when................... | trelja | 4198 | 14 | |
Genesis APM-1 to AV123 Strata Mini. Upgrade or | jorgeparrapuppy | 4085 | 3 | |
Genesis plate amp repair in Los Angeles | | 1505 | 0 | |
preamp jumper cables | jorgeparrapuppy | 3708 | 4 | |
anyone use the parasound jc2 with primaluna monos? | jorgeparrapuppy | 2918 | 6 | |
anyone else notice the meridian speakers in...... | frederick21 | 2641 | 6 | |
Bauhaus on 180g vinyl? | jorgeparrapuppy | 2259 | 6 | |
Funniest agon screen names | timrhu | 3754 | 14 | |
Oppo983H--unmodificationalizationalized | jorgeparrapuppy | 2669 | 4 | |
Great systems in butt-ugly rooms | tonywinsc | 18338 | 71 | |