
Responses from hdm

Qutest LPS upgrade
No Qutest here but I have a Weiliang 15W 5V linear power supply here (also sold on Aliexpress) which is very similar to the LHY mentioned by lanx0003 in the above post. I also have a couple of Sengterbelle 50W 5V R-Core power supplies here and the... 
Aliexpress Marketplace practices, be for warned.
20-25 transactions on Aliexpress over the past 3-4 years and never a problem. Quite happy with all the purchases. Just made another order yesterday for some tubes. Different strokes for different folks I guess.......  
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
My Art Series 12AU7 arrived about a week ago and I have about 25-30 hours on it in my Triode 25.  Was a bit steely and forward out of the box which was to be expected but even with zero hours it was apparent that this tube offered quite a differe... 
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
Audioquest4life: Very curious to hear your thoughts on the ART series vs Horizon 12AU7. Please let us know how it works out.   
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
Just ordered an Art Series 12Au7 to try out in my Unison Research Triode 25. I felt that the Art Series might be a better choice for me than the new Horizon series based on my subjective listening preferences. Not looking forward to the burn in p... 
Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
Google is your friend:   https://verafiaudiollc.com/products/vibration-black-hole   Which Ali-E vibration control devices were you using tweak1?    
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
Alightronics:   How would you describe the difference(s) between the EL 34 UK (currently using) and the new Horizon EL 34's? Thanks in advance.   
ABX testing with AQ Dragon power cords
Quite the wild thread here. Lots of armchair quarterbacks and experts. Telling the OP he can't hear, his system is junk, it's set up improperly, etc. etc.  Don't get me wrong here: I am definitely not in the "cables make no difference" camp. Quit... 
Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
Nasaman:  Just be honest about what they are and sell them on. It would be no different than selling an imitation watch or handbag. Just clearly identify what they actually are.  
Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
Thyname:   https://www.underwoodhifi.com/products/valiant   vs.    https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002703438580.html?algo_pvid=50339fa4-c047-49f7-96f9-1887b596a6ce&algo_exp_id=50339fa4-c047-49f7-96f9-1887b596a6ce-7&pdp_npi=4%40di... 
Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
@westcoastaudiophile   Both the Viborg and "Accuphase" Chinese power cables I have in use here have very high construction quality relative to other non-Chinese brands I've used. Both use screw down connections at male and IEC end and, as I cryo t... 
MONO Cartridge Stylus Shape: WHAT? WHEN?
Put your modified AT on. I am confident that you'll be very pleased and its performance will be exemplary on almost all your mono records.  I had Steve put a Namiki boron cantilever with MR stylus on an AT 33 Mono a few years ago-it is a fabulous... 
This e-mail has been cryogenically treated
I've been cryogenically treating pretty much all my cables, receptacles, etc. for about 20 years at Bayson Heat Treating in London, Canada. Take Five Audio used to have all their stuff done there (they acquired their own unit a number of years ago... 
Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
Yes, Odin Gold IC's are really quite good-can only imagine someone being disappointed with them if they have an overly warm system to start off with. I sold off much more expensive IC's (as in 7X-8X more expensive) and also preferred them to real ... 
I mentioned upthread that I had an Accuphase 40th Anniversary coming from Aliexpress a few months ago and now can comment on that cable. I ended up ordering one initially which I put on a subwoofer and a CD transport to good effect.    Ended up ...